Chapter Fifty-Eight: Mission: Mission Creek High
Luna's Pov
After a few days dad had managed to build a new and improved lab.
We still don't know what it looks like since he wouldn't let us look at it until it was completely finished.
Right now we're in the tunnels and dad would not stop grinning.
"I got a new lab, I got a new lab. I got a new lab" Dad sang but Bree stopped him.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you mean, we got a new lab" Bree corrected him and I nodded.
"Excuse me. Did we pay to rebuild it?" Dad asked.
"Do you sleep in a glass box?" Bree asked while crossing her arms.
Dad thought about it for a second before he grinned once again.
"We got a new lab, we got a new lab" Dad sang as he started dancing, causing the others to laugh and dance along with him.
"And here it is" Dad said with a smile.
The doors to the new lab opened and my eyes widened along with everyone else's.
Everything was so different, like amazingly different and there were so many new upgrades.
We all walked in the new lab as we continued staring at it in awe.
"Guys, look at all these upgrades. Mr. Davenport, this place is amazing" Chase said and I nodded.
"Of course it is. I designed it" Dad said.
Leo glared at him as he coughed really loudly.
"Ahem" Leo said, causing dad to groan and roll his eyes.
"Fine. WE designed it. We, we!" Dad yelled in annoyance while Le grinned.
"Upgraded capsules, bam! Quantum processing supercomputer, bam! Four-dimensional combat simulator, bam!" Dad grinned as he did a few poses then and there.
"This, my friends, is what a multi-million dollar makeover looks like" Dad grinned.
"Is there a mini fridge?" Adam asked.
"No" Dad deadpanned.
"I bet our real dad's lab has a mini fridge" Adam scoffed and I hit him on his shoulder.
"Hey, Leo, where's your work station?" Bree asked.
Leo grinned as he took the tablet from dad.
"This way, children" Leo said as he walked away with us following behind him.
We walked over to a nearby corner since that's where Leo stopped, then he pressed a few buttons on the tablet and soon his work station desk appeared from the ground.
"Whoa!" all of us said as we grinned.
"The floor in the lab is compartmentalized, meaning we can store things in it" Leo grinned before looking at dad.
"May I?" Leo asked and dad nodded.
"Bam!" Leo said as he did a weird pose.
We all laughed when Chase turned around and let out a gasp.
"Is that a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer??" Chase asked and dad nodded.
"Ahh!" Chase yelled in excitement as he ran over to it.
"I've never seen one in person before. It's so beautiful" Chase said in awe.
I crossed my arms and gave him a blank stare.
"Should we leave you two alone?" I asked.
He looked up at me and quickly cleared his throat and walked away from the thing as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.
"Mr. Davenport, how did you afford all this?" Bree asked.
"Well, I used some of the money from the jet wing stunt, but the rest of it I got from a huge government contract I just signed" Dad said.
He walked over to the new and improved cyberdesk of his and we followed behind him.
He types in some things before he showed us the rocket.
"I am developing a rocket system to protect the earth from rogue asteroids. Thanks to this little baby, I'm on my way back up Rich Man Mountain, and, WHOO, the air smells better up here! Huh? Whoa" Dad explained while grinning.
"Oh, wait, there's one more thing I forgot to show you" Dad said, making Adam gasp.
"Mini fridge?" Adam asked.
Dad gritted his teeth in annoyance as he looked at Adam.
"There's no mini fridge" Dad said through gritted teeth.
Soon we turned around as we heard noises and my smile grew when I saw Eddy appear.
"But there is me!" Eddy said.
Everyone, minus me and dad, groaned in annoyance.
"Hello, friends, and I use the term friends loosely because you're not my friends, and I hate you. Except for Luna of course" Eddy said.
"Hey Edds, so good to have you back" I said with a smile.
"Good to be back Luna" Eddy said.
"Did you really have to bring Eddy back?" Bree asked in annoyance.
"Yeah, I don't know that I'm okay with that" Chase said as he crossed his arms.
"Well, then you definitely won't be okay with this" Eddy said.
Then the floor opens from above Chase as he fall to the ground while screaming.
My eyes widened as I ran over to whole, along with the others, who were just laughing.
Except dad.
"Bam!" Eddy yelled, causing everyone once again to laugh.
I sighed and just rolled my eyes at them.
The Next Day
At School
Me, the trio and Leo were all walking to school when some weirdo was driving their car around the parking lot.
It was honestly fucking annoying.
"That jerk has been doing doughnuts in the school parking lot all morning" Bree said in annoyance.
"I know. Finally, a good reason to come to school" Adam grinned and I rolled my eyes at him.
I heard the sound of squealing tires and my eyes widened when I saw the car coming straight at us.
"Guys, look out!" Chase yelled as he quickly pushed us out of the way.
The car bumped into two trashcans but finally stopped.
Soon we saw Principal Perry sticking her head out of the window.
'I should've known' I thought in annoyance.
She then stuck her foot out the window as she tried getting out but it didn't work as her head was leaning on the car wheel, making it honk a few times.
Finally she gets out the normal way and smiles at us.
"What's up?" Principal Perry asked.
"What are you doing?" Leo asked.
"Pushin' the envelope on this little baby's rollover specs" Principal Perry said.
"How did you afford this?" Adam asked.
"Your daddy gave me my first payment for keeping your little bionic secret. So naturally, I went out and bought my dream car, a barrel of pudding, and a lifetime supply of kitty litter. The fancy kind that clumps!" Principal Perry explained while grinning.
"I think we have different definitions of fancy" Bree said and I nodded.
Then we all entered the school with Principal Perry following behind us.
"So you guys are bionic. How's that work? Can you recharge my cell phone? Do you have vacuum attachments? Can you turn into wolves?" Principal Perry asked.
I swear she's getting on my nerves, along with the others.
"Not yet, but I did put that in the suggestion box" Adam grinned while I scoffed.
"Come on, there's gotta be more you're not telling me. Spill!" Principal Perry whined.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme" Principal Perry said as she started poking Adam in the arm.
Honestly it was fucking annoying.
"If she doesn't shut up I will beat her ass" I warned the others.
"Nobody is stopping you from doing it" Adam said in annoyance as the others nodded.
"She's not gonna stop, is she?" Bree asked.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme" Principal Perry continued.
"What do you think?" Leo questioned.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme" Principal Perry continued and I was this close to strangling her.
Soon Adam snapped as he answered her.
"Okay, okay! We use our bionics to go on missions" Adam said.
"Missions! I would be so good on missions" Principal Perry gasped.
"I can see it now" Principal Perry grinned.
She then looked up at the ceiling and we all looked up with her together, for some unknown reason.
After about like a minute we were annoyed as Leo had both hands on his head.
"Please make it stop!" Leo begged.
Soon the bell rang and I sighed in relief.
"So when do we go on our first mission? Do I get nunchucks? I want nunchucks. I want nunchucks, I want nunchucks" Principal Perry said as she followed me and the trio.
If she continues this I won't be afraid to strangle her.
Back At Home
I wanted to die.
I wanted to curl up in a ball and just die.
Principal Perry was bugging me and the trio all day about our bionics.
I've been trying to get her off my trail by just telling her that although I may be bionic I don't go on missions.
But even after all that she continues to annoy me with multiple stupid questions.
Most of them are about my bionics but the other questions are about me and Chase's relationship.
Questions like.
Are you and Chase still together?
Why are you dating someone like Chase?
Is he a good boyfriend?
And some other shit.
First, me and Chase will forever be together because I've said it over and over that me and Chase will never break up.
I'm dating Chase because I love him and nothing will ever change that.
Obviously he's a good boyfriend, he's amazing.
Finally after a long ass day of school we made it back home.
"Man, I'm exhausted. Perry's been nagging me all day about going on a mission. Ooh, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme" Chase said in annoyance.
"Tell me about it" I groaned.
Then all of a sudeen Principal Perry walks in.
"What's up, mission buds?" Principal Perry grinned.
Why is the universe against us today?
"What are you doing here? How did you get in our house?" Bree asked.
"I used the doggie door" Principal Perry shrugged but we gave her confused looks.
"We don't have a doggie door" I said.
"You do now" Principal Perry said and my eyes widened when she held up a saw.
"So, when are we going on our mission?" Principal Perry asked.
"It's not like these things just happen every day" Bree said and I nodded.
"That's cool. I'll wait" Principal Perry said.
"Oh no, no, no, no. You can't stay here" I said.
"Au contraire, Cinderfrella. I can do whatever I want. And if that means waiting here for six months until a mission comes up, so be it" Principal Perry said.
I glared at her as she sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V.
"Delete all recordings? Yes! Might as well get comfortable" Principal Perry grinned.
My eyes widened in shock and anger when I saw that she deleted my favorite show episode recordings.
And I was planning on watching those today.
"You little bitch!" I growled at her.
I tried lunging at her but Chase grabbed me from behind and carried me to the kitchen, with Bree and Adam following behind us.
"This ends now" Bree said and I nodded.
"Well, what are we supposed to do? It's not like we can take her on a real mission" Chase said.
"Then let's take her on a fake one. We'll blindfold her, say we're at some remote site, and just take her down to the lab" Bree suggested.
"No. No! You know Mr. Davenport's rules. No outsiders in the lab ever" Chase said.
"Who wants to help me with my hard-to-reach spots?" Principal Perry asked.
"And I'm in" Chase nodded.
"Good choice" I said, still glaring at Principal Perry.
At School
After the trio got changed into their mission suits we blindfolded Principal Perry and took her down to the lab.
"Alright, here we are" Adam said.
Bree and Chase were helping Principal Perry walk in.
"Whoa, we got to the mission site fast" Principal Perry grinned.
"Uh, yeah, that's 'cause we took a hyperloop. It moves at the speed of sound" Chase said.
"I know. This isn't my first teen spy mission" Principal Perry said.
"Why am I blindfolded?" Principal Perry asked.
"Cause we're bionic. Your human eyes can't take the radiation of the hyperloop" Chase said.
"What about the rest of my body?" Principal Perry asked.
"You're on your own with that" I scoffed.
Chase then took off her blindfold and when she opened her eyes she gasped in shock as she looked around.
"Where are we? Are we in space?" Principal Perry asked.
"Uh, we're at an enemy base on the other side of--" Chase started to explain but he snapped his fingers in front of her to get her attention.
"We're at an enemy base on the other side of the world. We have to access their computers, and download sensitive information" Chase explained.
"Oh" Principal Perry nodded before looking at the trio's uniform and smiling.
"Where's my uniform?" Principal Perry asked.
"Uh, you don't get one. The tailor says science hasn't caught up to that yet" Adam said, causing me to snort.
"Wait, why is Walker here? I thought she doesn't go on missions" Principal Perry asked.
"I don't go on missions, not yet at least. But I'm only here for moral support" I said with a small smile.
She nodded before walking over to the cyberdesk and picking up a weapon.
"Okay, so what do I do? If a bad guy shows up, I call dibs on wastin' him" Principal Perry said.
"No, no, no, no. We don't waste people" Bree yelled as she took the weapon from her and placed it back down.
Chase walked over and dragged her away.
"Just stand guard" Chase said and she started groaning like a baby.
She shoved Chase away from her and nodded.
"Got it. Don't worry, when they see me, they'll run" Principal Perry said.
Me and the others laughed, "I don't doubt that" I said.
She rolled her eyes before walking to a nearby desk and started touching things which just got Chase annoyed.
"Look, look, just sit-- Stop, sit down, and stop touching stuff" Chase slightly snapped at her.
"Hey, I'm on a mission now, too. I don't have to take any--" Principal Perry started but we cut her off.
"Sit down!" we all yelled at her.
"Fine!" Principal Perry yells in annoyance as she sat down on the chair and put her head on the table.
We all sighed and walked away.
"This woman is honestly annoying" I said as I rested my head on Chase's shoulder.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my temple.
Then we heard a noise and spun around to see Principal Perry getting up from the chair as she walked away from the desk as we see the console is covered in juice.
"What did you do?! That's a brand-new console" Chase said as we ran over to the desk.
"So what? It's not yours. What do you care?" Principal Perry asked.
"Because If we leave the place a mess, we're no better than they are" Chase defended and I nodded.
She rolled her eyes before walking away while the rest of us grabbed some towels to clean up the console.
"Oh, ooh! Live satellite feed. Let's pull up the school. I wanna see if the sheriffs are still sniffin' around for me" Principal Perry said.
"I really would like to know how that women is still principal" I said in annoyance.
"You and me both" Bree nodded.
Then all of a sudden we hear an alarm as we quickly spun around.
"What was that?" Bree asked.
"I didn't do it" Principal Perry said as she walked away from the monitor with her hands up in surrender position.
We quickly ran over to the monitor to see what she did.
Chase was the first one to see it and his eyes widened in shock and fear.
"Guys, she just activated Mr. Davenport's defense program and fired a rocket at Mission Creek High" Chase explained.
My eyes widened as Adam let out a small laugh.
"Hey, what a coincidence. We go there" Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"This is really bad. That rocket's gonna hit the school, and the place is packed. Tonight is the state championship" Chase explained.
"Plus, Leo's there on a date with Janelle" I said.
"Oh, two disasters in one night. Poor Leo" Adam said and I smacked him upside the head.
Principal Perry then looked at us with a confused look on her face.
"Okay, what's really goin' on here?" Principal Perry asked.
We all sighed as me and Bree walked over to her.
"Principal Perry, we're not at an enemy base. We're actually in our lab, which is in the basement of our house" Bree explained and I nodded.
"Oh, you tricked me? I hate being tricked. Do you know how many magicians I've made disappear?" Principal Perry asked in annoyance.
Soon Eddy appeared.
"Hey, what's the deal with señorita sausage paws?" Eddy asked.
"What is that?" Principal Perry asked.
"I'm Eddy, your smart home security system" Eddy said.
"I'm Terry Perry, their principal, moral compass, and 1984 log-splitting champion of a Alberta, Canada, men's division" Principal Perry said while flexing her arms.
"I thought I recognized the beard" Eddy laughed.
"It was a 'stache!" Principal Perry yelled as she tried lunging towards him but me and Bree held her back.
"Principal Perry, focus, focus. There is a rocket headed toward our school, and we have to stop it" I said, causing her to gasp.
"No, not the school. All my wrestling equipment is in there" Principal Perry said.
"Along with the people in the school that are there watching the basketball game" I said.
"Yeah them too" Principal Perry said while rolling her eyes.
"Guys, we only have four minutes until this thing hits. Mr. Davenport redesigned everything about this lab. I can't figure out how to stop it" Chase explained.
"This is the kind of crisis that calls for a chilled beverage" Adam sighed.
We all looked at him before his eyes slightly widened.
"Oh, wait" Adam said and we all rolled our eyes at him.
Chase ignored him as he started typing on the monitor, then all of a sudden an alarm went off and the doors to the lab were being closed.
"What was that? What just happened?" Bree asked.
"Your mission leader just put you on lockdown. Now no one can get in or out" Eddy said.
"Well, except me. Later, losers. Bye Luna" Eddy said before he disappeared.
Did he forget that I can geo-leap?
"We've gotta call Leo and tell everyone to get out of there" Bree said as she took out her phone.
She tried calling Leo but her eyes widened as she started lightly shaking it.
"There's no service!" Bree yelled.
"The lockdown must be blocking our cell phone signal. Sweetheart, try geo-leaping to the school so you can warn Leo" Chase said.
"Got it" I nodded.
I then tried geo-leaping out of here, but nothing happened.
I tried again but nothing, I was still in the lab.
"'s not working. Why isn't it working?" I asked.
"The lockdown must be blocking your bionics, you won't be able to use them unless we take down the lockdown" Chase explained.
"Meaning we might not be able to use ours either" Bree said.
I sighed in frustration as I ran my hands through my hair.
"Multi-million dollar makeover, and he couldn't install a land line? Or allow us to still use our bionics" Adam said in annoyance.
"Genius, my butt" Adam said, making me nod.
"Man, I'm gonna miss that school" Adam sighed.
"Pfft, I'm not" I scoffed.
"Well, I should get to bed, it's a school night" Adam said as he walked away to get to his capsule.
Then we heard banging coming from outside the lab.
"What's going on in there?" I heard dad ask.
Our eyes widened and smiles appeared on our faces.
"Finally! Mr. Davenport's here" Bree grinned as we all tried running towards the doors but Adam stopped us.
"Wait! It could be a trap" Adam said.
"It's not" I sighed as we ran over to the lab doors.
"Hey, Mr. Davenport. Don't worry. Everything is fine" Chase nervously said.
"Of course it is. That's why I got an alert on my phone that the lab is on lockdown!" Dad yelled.
"What's going on?" Dad asked, causing all of us to look at each other nervously.
"Well, remember your rocket program?" Chase asked.
"Yes!" Dad yelled.
"Perry may have accidentally--" I started as Bree continued for me.
"Sent one to hit our high school" Bree said.
"Perry?!" Dad yelled in shock and anger.
"Hi, Don" Principal Perry said in a nervous tone as she looked at us in annoyance while throwing her hands up.
"Nobody touch anything. I'm gonna try and hack my way into my own security program" Dad said.
I could hear him roughly typing into his tablet.
"It's not accepting my override command. Why did I have to design it so perfectly?" Dad asked in annoyance.
All of us rolled our eyes as I scoffed.
"Wow, even in a crisis, that ego does not quit" I said, causing everyone to nod.
"Adam, would you mind using your strength to destroy my brand-new lab doors?" Dad asked.
Just before Adam could even do anything Principal Perry walked over to the doors with a weapon in her hands.
"Back up, jumbo. I got this" Principal Perry grinned.
"No!" me, Bree and Chase yelled.
"Yes!" Adam yelled in excitement.
Perry soon blasts the door, but she's soon flung backwards and falls on the console.
Her hands had pressed a few buttons when she fell on the console, thus opening the lab doors.
We all grinned and slightly laughed as dad rushed in.
"Yes! Wow, she opened it. Maybe we should add her to the team" Adam grinned.
We just rolled our eyes at him as we made our way over to dad.
We got Principal Perry an icepack for her head since she did hit it pretty hard.
Right now we were surrounding dad as he was typing things onto the monitor to try and stop the rocket from being launched to the school.
"I should be able to shut down the rocket remotely from here. I just have to switch everything to the satellite feed" Dad explained.
We all nodded while Principal Perry started laughing for some reason.
"Satellite feed" Principal Perry laughed.
"You okay?" Bree asked.
"Yeah, you look weird-- der than normal" I said.
She scoffed as she took off her icepack and placed it on type of the cyberdesk.
"Course, I'm okay" Principal Perry nodded.
Then she looked over at dad and gasped.
"Mr. Whiskers. Come to mama" Principal Perry said in a baby voice.
She then walked over to dad and started hugging him in a way, more like petting him, and it's fair to say that dad was annoyed and uncomfortable.
"Get her off me. Get her off me! How could you let her down here? She's shedding" Dad said as he shoved her off of him.
"You are all grounded forever! Times three times pi" Dad said as he continued typing onto the monitor.
"The rocket's too close to its target. I can't stop it from here" Dad sighed.
"Chase, can't you slow it down with your molecular kinesis?" Bree asked.
"Not something that big traveling that fast" Chase said, making her sigh.
"It's only three minutes from its target. We have to evacuate that school. Adam, Bree, go!" Dad said.
Bree nodded while Adam gave him an annoyed look.
"Is too much to ask for a please?" Adam asked.
"Go!!" Dad yelled.
"Come on" Bree said.
She then grabbed Adam and superspeeded them out of the lab, just leaving me, dad, Chase and Principal Perry.
"You think they can do it?" I asked.
"They're our only hope" Dad said and Chase nodded.
"Mr. Whiskers, time for a rubby-rub-rub on your tummy-tum-tum" Principal Perry said.
Dad's eyes widened in fear as she walked over to him and tried petting him but dad quickly moved away from her.
He then ran away but to no avail because she followed him.
"Mr. Whiskers! Mr. Whiskers!" Principal Perry yelled as she continued chasing after dad who was still running.
Me and Chase looked at each other before we burst out laughing.
I then walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head.
A Few Minutes Later
Soon Principal Perry started to feel better and was no longer chasing dad.
We were all by the monitor to see what was going on with the rocket.
We all stood next to each other as me and Chase held hands.
Then all of a sudden we see some red thing coming into the view.
"Huh. That looks like my new car" Principal Perry said in confusion.
Then her eyes widened as she pushed dad out of the way to get a closer look at the monitor screen.
"That is my new car!" Principal Perry yelled.
Soon the car started flying towards the rocket then before we knew it the rocket exploded the car and soon was destroyed as well.
"Yes!" all three of us yelled in excitement.
"No!" Principal Perry yelled.
Dad and Chase grinned as they high-fived each other.
Then Chase turned to me and lifted me off my feet and hugged me.
I giggled and hugged him back.
Soon he put me down and kissed me on the cheek, making me smile.
Thank goodness they were able to get rid of the rocket.
I was scared of what would've happened if that rocket had hit the school.
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