Chapter Eighty-Two: First Day Of Bionic Academy
Luna's Pov
Today was the day we're going to the new academy me and dad came up with together and helped build together.
Me, the trio and Leo were all packed and ready to head to the academy.
I was a bit sad because I'm going to miss my home, I'm going to miss this house.
I've made some great memories in this house and it's going to be sad to leave it.
Yeah I can come and visit anytime since Tasha is still going to be living here but it still makes me sad.
But what I am happy about is not going back to school anymore and finally leaving Mission Creek High school.
The best part of all of this is not seeing Principal Perry.
Out of everything that's gotta be the best thing that's ever happened to me and the others.
But anyways, I'm in the shower so I can be clean and get changed so we can leave.
I was underneath the water as I ran my hands through my hair and had my eyes closed as the water flowed down my body.
This is nice, just being underneath the hot water and enjoying it.
I then felt a hand on my shoulder, I flinched just a but but calmed down when I realized that is none other than my amazing boyfriend Chase.
I smiled as I turned around and reopened my eyes to see Chase smiling softly at me.
"Good morning bubba" I smiled.
"Good morning sweetheart" Chase smiled as he moved closer to me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped one arm around the back of neck.
He leaned down to my neck and started planting kisses as I threw my head back and closed my eyes while taking a gentle grip on his hair.
After a few seconds he pulled away as I reopened my eyes and placed my hands on his shoulder.
"What brought this on?" I asked with a small smile.
He chuckled and shook his head as he looked down at me with a smile.
"I missed you, I really missed you. Especially after you got home from the hospital 3 days ago" Chase said.
He started placing kisses all over my face, making me smile and giggle.
"Were you really that worried about me?" I asked.
"Of course I was. You got badly injured by Krane and I wasn't there to save you" Chase said.
He stopped with the kisses as he pulled me closer to his body and hugged me tightly as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"I don't know think I could continue living if you hadn't woken up, if you had died" Chase whispered in my ear.
I shivered at his voice as I ran my hands through his hair and started playing with it.
"I love you Luna. I love you so much. I can't live without you, without you by my side I'm just nothing" Chase whispered.
I let out a small smile as I softly sighed and pulled away from the hug.
I smiled softly at him as I leaned up and kissed him on the forehead.
"I love you too Chase. God I love you so much. You mean so much to me that I can't live without you either. I promise that I'm here and I'm not leaving anytime soon" I whispered.
He looked down at me and gently caressed my cheek and I leaned into his touch.
"Promise?" Chase softly asked.
"Cross my heart" I softly said.
He smiled at me and nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
The hot water flowed down both of our bodies as we continued kissing.
This kiss was just like all our other kisses, it was soft but filled with passion and love.
We pulled away from the kiss and wrapped our arms around each other as the water continued flowing down our bodies.
"Just be with me. Stay in my arms and don't let go" Chase whispered in my ear.
I moved my head to the side and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear.
"Of course bubba, always" I whispered back as I held onto him tighter.
We stayed in each others arms for 3 minutes, enjoying the comfortable silence and the noises of the water still running.
We then pulled away from the hug and pressed our lips back against each others.
It started getting more heated and more passionate as I ran my hands through his hair and tugged on it, earning a moan from him.
He rans both hands up and down my back as he pulled me closer to his body as I cupped his face with my hands.
We then started walking backward and I shivered just a bit when my back hit the cold wall.
He pulled away from the kiss and went down to my neck and started kissing and biting as I let out moans and closed my eyes.
He continued biting on my neck as I let out moans and I knew that I would have more than one hickey this time.
He pulled away from my neck as we stared into each others eyes.
He gently caressed my cheek and placed a kiss to my forehead.
"Do you want me to continue?" Chase asked.
"Yes. You can keep going. Just be with me, stay with me and love me" I whispered back.
"Of course" Chase whispered as he pressed his lips back onto mine and I gladly kissed him back.
His hands went down to my thighs as he lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me up against the wall.
We stared into each others eyes and smiled as we pressed our foreheads against each others while rubbing our noses together.
"I love you" Chase smiled.
"I love you too" I smiled before we pressed our lips back against each others.
At The Academy
We were all on the hydraloop, heading to the academy where dad was alreadt waiting for us.
I'm sitting on Chase's lap with his arms around me while playing with his hair, both of us having smiles on our faces.
Especially after out little moment in the shower together.
The hydraloop came to a stop as we all got up and stepped out when the doors opened.
The trio and Leo's eyes widened as they all gasped while I giggled and shook my head.
Dad walked over to us with a huge smile on his face as he held out his arms.
"Welcome to the Davenport WalkerBionic Academy" Dad smiled as I smiled and nodded.
"Whoa, cool!" Bree gasped while looking around.
"Ooh, a window!" Adam gasped as he walked over to the big window nearby.
"Wow, the hydraloop is amazing! We just went from the mainland to the middle of the ocean in less than 30 seconds!" Chase smiled as he held onto my hand.
"Yep, and my lunch just went from my stomach to the floor in less than three" Leo groaned as he held onto his stomach, trying his best not to throw up.
I cringed in disgust before shaking my head and looking at the others.
"So, what do you think?" I asked.
"Beautiful view, tons of space" Bree smiled as she gave me a side hug, making me hug her back.
We pulled away as she turned to dad and crossed her arms.
"I'm assuming we'll be living in the basement again?" Bree asked in annoyance.
Dad glared at her while rolling his eyes and scoffing.
"No. Here, we call it 'below sea level'" Dad smiled, making the trio glare at him while I rolled my eyes.
"By the way, the hydraloop will take you anywhere you want to go on the island at any time" I smiled as dad nodded.
We then walked over to a nearby table with a bunch of chairs huddled around it.
"This is one of the main classroom areas and here" Dad smiled as we followed him into the training area.
When we got inside the trio and Leo's eyes widened in shock and awe.
"Is the training area where we'll develop the kid's skills and teach them to become bionic heroes" Dad said.
"If you couldn't teach Chase how to be one, what chance do they have?" Adam asked.
This made Chase glare at him as I smacked him upside the head while dad gave him a stern look.
"Guys, this is serious. You have important roles as mentors" Dad said and I nodded.
Leo smiled as he walked over to me and dad and wrapped both his arms arouns our shoulders.
"Don't worry, Big D, Luna. We got this. Now, what exactly will I be teaching?" Leo asked with a smirk.
Me and dad looked at him weirdly as I snorted and pulled away from him.
"Nothing" I said while crossing my arms as dad nodded.
"Yeah Leo, you're a student" Dad said.
This made Leo's eyes widened in shock as he stared at us in disbelief.
"A what? But you gave me a mission suit. You said I was part of the team!" Leo yelled while looking at dad.
I opened my mouth to say something but Bree walked over to us and spoke before I could get the chance.
"Mm, yeah, he says a lot of things. By the way, still waiting on that sweet sixteen party" Bree deadpanned as she walked away.
Chase kissed me on the lips before walking away with Bree.
I sighed and walked over to Leo and gently patted his back.
"Leo, bro, you are a part of the team, but you've only had your bionic arm for six months. You still have a lot more to learn" I said with a small smile.
Leo turned to look at me and sent a glare my way.
"Well, that's the last time I save your life" Leo growled.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head, making sure to use some of my superstrength.
"Oww!" Leo yelled as he held onto the back of his head in pain.
"You rude midget" I muttered under my breath in annoyance as I crossed my arms.
Leo let go of his head and sighed as he turned to look at dad and Adam.
"Come on, Big D, I am ready! Adam, tell him" Leo said while looking at Adam for some support.
"Leo, were you not listening? I'm a teacher now. It's Mr. Adam for you" Adam said while giving him a stern look.
I laughed along with dad while Leo glared at him and rolled his eyes.
"Well you peasants have fun, I'm going to go see my room. Later" I said as I gave dad a kiss on the cheek before walking away.
I walked down the halls before spotting my door, I knew it was mine because well me and dad did help built and design this place.
That and I also made sure to pick one of the biggest rooms on this academy.
I opened the door and closed it before taking a look at my new room and a huge smile appeared on my face.
It was absolutely beautiful, so fucking amazing.
I smiled and let out a small squeal and ran towards my new bed and flopped down, sighing as I made contact with the most comfortable matress ever.
Yeah, I'm certainly going to like it here.
The Next Day
Today was the first day of the bionic academy and can I just say that I'm really excited.
I can't wait to teach my siblings how to control their bionics and use them for good so they can become heroes just like me, the trio and Leo.
Since me and the trio were mentors we were given uniform.
And can I just say that I really love them.
We wore white and black sweaters, with some matching pants and wore leather boots.
I love them so damn much.
And damn does Chase look amazing in his uniform.
As for my siblings, since they were students they were wearing all black clothes.
Black shirts, black pants and black boots.
All the students were either walking around or they were in their own groups talking to each other.
I was standing next to Chase with his arm wrapped around my waist as I leaned more into him.
Dad then walked over to us with Adam following behind him with a smile on his face as he turned to Leo.
"Hey Leo" Dad smiled, but Leo just turned to glare at him.
"Don't 'Hey, Leo' me. I look like a bionic bumblebee" Leo scoffed in annoyance.
"You're being dramatic" I scoffed while rolling my eyes at him.
The others laughed as Bree started looking around at the other students as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"Hey, so what do all the different colors mean?" Bree asked.
"Dad and I assessed each of the kids bionics, and the colors represent their level of mastery" I said.
I took out dad's tablet as the others huddled around me and pulled up the chart so that they could see what the colors represent.
"You see, red for expert and it goes all the way down to yellow for beginner" I said.
The others all smiled and nodded while Leo looked at me with wide eyes.
"I'm a beginner?" Leo asked in shock.
Soon a boy around the age of either 12 or 13 walked over to us and smiled at Leo.
"Don't worry. I am, too" the boy reassured him with a smile.
Leo then turned to look at him as the boy smiled at him and did a small wave at him.
"I'm on the same level as him?" Leo asked as me and dad nodded.
"He's tiny" Leo deadpanned.
This made me, dad and the boy glare at him as the boy put his hand down.
"I'm young, what's your excuse?" the boy asked in annoyance before walking away.
Leo's eyes widened along with the rest of us as I let out a loud bark of laughter.
"I like that kid already" I smirked while crossing my arms.
Then another kid that was around the same age as the other one walked over to us.
"Hi" the boy smiled at us before turning to Bree and then his smile turned into a smirk.
"Ooh. 'Sup little, mama" the boy smirked.
I leaned my head on Chase's shoulder and started giggling, causing Chase to chuckle as he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head.
"Can we help you?" Bree asked, slightly weirded out.
"Yeah, I have a little problem with my, uh, uniform. How can I put this? I need a little bit more room in the, cargo area" the both said while gesturing the his backside.
"Uh, are you sure about that? Because tight is where it's at, right guys?" Dad asked with a smirk.
He then started dancing while the rest of us were giving him weird looks but he still kept on dancing.
We then heard a ripping noise and when we realized dad ripped his pants we started laughing while dad looked embarrassed and tried to cover it up with his hands.
"You know what? Let's just get started" Dad said as he quickly walked away, with the boy following behind him.
We were all still laughing as I shook my head at him.
Then two teenagers walked over to us. One girl and one boy.
The girl had blonde hair and hazel eyes and she looked around my height and my age.
And the boy had black hair and dark brown hair and was around Chase's height.
"Hey, sorry for bothering you guys but when is this orientation going to start?" the blonde girl asked.
"Nah don't worry about it, and yeah it's starting in just a few minutes" I said.
"Cool, thanks. Come on sis" the boy said as the girl nodded.
The both of them walked away as I smiled and let out a small giggle and turned to the others.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I saw that Adam and Bree were both staring at them.
Bree had snapped out of it first and cleared her throat as her cheeks turned red.
But Adam continued staring at the direction the girl walked away, it was like he couldn't and didn't want to look away.
"Uh...Adam, buddy are you ok?" I asked while placing my hand on his shoulder.
He finally snapped out of it and cleared his throat and looked at me with a red face.
"Sorry...uh what were you saying?" Adam asked.
I just turned to look at Chase and Leo to see that they had the same reaction as me.
In The Training Area
We were all gathered in the training area with me, the trio and dad standing on top of the platform while the students were in the middle huddled around each other.
I was standing next to dad with my arms behind my back.
"Hello, and welcome to the world's first Davenport Walker Bionic Academy" Dad smiled.
Everyone smiled and started clapping and cheering.
"When do I get to throttle people?" the boy that made fun of Leo earlier asked in an aggressive tone.
Everyone stopped clapping and cheering and stared at him with wide eyes while I smirked.
I really am starting to like this kid.
"Hey! We don't throttle people, Mighty Mouse!" Leo yelled at him.
"Leo's right. You're not soldiers anymore. You're students. Now I know you've had it rough and you're still adjusting to the outside world, but we're here to help" I smiled.
Dad smiled as well and nodded.
"You see, there are many things here--" Dad started talking to them but I zoned out.
I know that Adam had bent down to tell Sebastian something but I'm not sure what since I was zoning out.
When I saw that dad stopped talking I spoke up.
"This facility is here so that you can train your bionics in safe space and develop into the heroes you see before me" I said while pointing at the trio and myself.
They smiled at me as Chase kissed my temple, making me smile.
Dad smiled as he took his tablet into his hands.
"But, first things first. We have to get rid of your soldier numbers and give you some really cool new names" Dad said.
I smiled and nodded along with the other students.
"S-12, you are now Donald Junior! You're Donald III. Donna, Donaldella, Donaldina" Dad smiled while pointing at a few soldiers.
The students all looked at him weirdly while the trio and Leo sighed.
I glared at him and snatched the tablet out of his hands.
"None of you are going to be named Donald, trust me I won't allow you to suffer that path" I said.
Dad glared at me while the trio and Leo laughed as the other students sighed in relief.
"S-12, you're name is Max" I smiled as they nodded.
Before I could open my mouth to give the other students their names the boy that made fun of Leo raised his hand.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Sorry, but I don't want to be a Donald or another name. I've already given myself a name. Spin!" Spin yelled with a smirk on his face.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion as I let out a small giggle.
"That's not really a name. Why do you wanna be called Spin?" I asked in confusion.
"Because I can do this" Spin smirked.
He then spun himself around, making himself turn into a small tornado before going back to normal.
We all stared at him with wide eyes as some people started clapping for him.
"All right. You're Spin" I smiled.
"We did not even know you could do that. You know what, forget yellow, you just moved up to green" Dad smiled and I nodded.
"Yes!" Spin yelled.
"Oh, come on. He twirled!" Leo yelled in annoyance.
"Shut it dooley, leave the poor kid alone" I said while glaring at him.
Everyone started laughing while Leo gave me an offended look but all I did was smirk and shrug.
I then turned around to face Spin and smiled and winked at him, causing him to smile back and chuckle.
"Mr. Davenport, Luna, I'd like to change my name from S-3 to Sebastian" Sebastian said.
"Really? 'Cause I always saw you as a Julio" Dad said.
This made everyone look at him weirdly while I glared at him and smacked him upside the head.
"Shut up, it's a nice name" I said in annoyance while rolling my eyes at him.
A Few Hours Later
After getting everything settled in me and the trio split up and started working with our students.
I thought that since today is the first day I would take it easy with everyone and get to know them.
So right now we're in one of the classrooms as we're all sitting on chairs in a circle.
"Alright, welcome everyone. I'm Luna Walker Davenport, the adopted daughter of Donald Davenport" I said.
Everyone smiled and nodded.
"Now since today is the first day I thought I would go easy. So lets start with getting to know each other" I smiled.
Everyone nodded, making me smile and clap my hands together.
"Great. You all already know who I am, now lets start with getting to know you guys" I said.
The same girl from earlier with the blonde hair, the girl that Adam was staring at before raised her hand.
"Yes, you can go first" I said while pointing at her.
"Well, I'm known as S-13. But I've changed my name to Alexis" Alexis said with a small smile.
"Well it's very nice to meet you Alexis, and can I just say that I really love the name you've chosen" I smiled.
"Thanks" Alexis nodded.
"Moving on, how about you go next?" I suggested while pointing to the girl sitting next to Alexis.
"Well, I'm known as S-9, but I've changed my name to Lily" Lily said with a small smile.
"Very nice to meet you Lily, lovely name" I said with a small nod.
And soon everyone started going around and sharing their new names and it was really nice to get to know them.
They're my siblings after all, I wanna be able to have a good relationship with all of them.
A few minutes had passed and it was time for them to get up and get something to eat.
"Alright everyone, you can head off to the cafe and get something to eat" I said while standing up from my seat.
Everyone smiled and nodded as they all got up and left.
I smiled and shook my head as I left the room myself to find either Bree or Chase.
While walking I felt footsteps behind me and before I knew it an arm was linked with mine.
I turned around and smiled to see that it was Bree.
"Hey sis" Bree smiled.
"Hey to you too sis" I smiled as I linked my arm with hers.
"How was class?" Bree asked as we started walking together.
"It was good, I got to meet my students. They all seem really nice and they've picked out great names for themselves" I smiled.
"That's good. My students are great too, especially this one boy" Bree said.
"Oh really, who is it? What's his name?" I asked.
"It's the kid that we saw earlier, and his new name is Nick" Bree smiled while brushing some hair away from her face.
I could also see that she was blushing, making me smirk.
We made it to the common area and before I could open my mouth to speak I heard voices of two people.
Me and Bree stopped walking to see Chase and Sebastian arguing with each other.
"Look, I'm just trying to make people laugh before you put 'em to sleep" Sebastian said.
This made Bree snort while I glared at her and smacked her arm.
"I don't put people to sleep. I motivate them to think with their eyes closed" Chase defended.
"Oh, well, do you also motivate them to snore?" Sebastian asked in a mocking tone, causing Chase to glare at him.
"That's it. It's time I show you who's boss" Chase angrily said while taking a few steps towards him.
Mine and Bree's eyes widened in worry as we unlinked our arms from each others.
"Really? Are you sure you scheduled enough time for that?" Sebastian asked in a mocking tone while glaring at him.
Chase glared and growled at him.
"I'll make room" Chase growled.
Alright that's it.
Me and Bree quickly walked towards them to stop them from doing anything and pushed them away from each other.
"Woah, woah break it up you two" I said while looking at the both of them.
"Yeah, stop it. You cannot pick a fight with him; you're a mentor now" Bree said while glaring at Chase.
Chase glared at Sebastian before turning to me and Bree while sighing.
"He's turning my group against me" Chase whined like a little kid.
Me and Bree gave him looks of disbelief as I sighed and rolled my eyes before turning to Sebastian.
"Sebastian, do you mind telling me what's going on? Why are you and Chase arguing?" I asked.
"Chase has just been a bit bossy towards me and my siblings. I've been trying to tell him to go a bit easy on us since it's just the first day and he just took that as an offensive way" Sebastian said.
Bree sighed as I rolled my eyes and rubbed my forehead.
"Chase, bubba really?" I asked while looking at him.
"It's not my fault, it's my class and I run it how it is" Chase defended, still glaring at Sebastian.
I just sighed and nodded as me and Bree looked at both of them.
"Sebastian. You may not like the way Chase runs his group, but it's his" Bree said and I nodded.
"Exactly, and if you can't respect that, then maybe you should find a different one" I said.
Bree then made a face as she waved her hands around.
"Okay, when did I start talking like a mom?" Bree asked as she shivered and walked away.
I giggled and shook my head at her while looking at Chase.
"Bubba, next time just be a bit calmer towards your students. It's only the first day so just take it easy, and no more picking fights with Sebastian" I said.
"I mean I'll try, but no promises" Chase scoffed while crossing his arms.
I glared at him before smirking as I thought of an idea.
"You pick another fight with him, I won't kiss you for a month" I smirked.
This made Chase's eyes widened as he stared at me in shock while Sebastian snorted in amusement.
"You're not serious, are you sweetheart?" Chase asked.
"Bubba, we've been dating for three years. You should know that I'm always serious" I smirked.
I pecked him on the cheek as I flipped my hair and walked away from the both of them.
A Few Minutes Later
After eating me and my students made it back to the classroom to finish off for today.
"Alright everyone, sit back down in your seats from before" I said as I sat back down.
They all nodded and sat back down on their seats from earlier.
"Alright, now how about we-" I started but was cut off by the building shaking.
Everything started moving as some of the students fell off their chairs while the others managed to stay sitting.
The moving stopped but we were all still left in shock.
"What just happened?" Lily asked in worry.
"I'm not sure. But I think it came from the training room, I'll go check" I said while getting up from my chair.
"Do you want us to come with you?" Alexis asked.
"No, you guys stay here just in case. I'll be back soon, you're in charge Alexis till I get back" I said before running out of the room.
I ran into the training room only to see Spin and Leo covering the wall with a garbage can.
Dad ran in with the same worried look on his face.
"What happened? I felt the whole building shake" Dad asked.
"Yeah, what's going on?" I asked as we walked over to them.
"Uh, well..." Leo nervously said as he looked around before he pointed to Spin.
"Spin did it!" Leo yelled, causing Spin's eyes to widened as he looked up at Leo.
"I did it?" Spin asked in confusion as Leo nodded and looked at the both of us.
"See, he confessed. He was just spinning all around the room, and he went right into the wall. He must've hit a water pipe" Leo explained.
Dad looked at Spin in shock while I narrowed my eyes at Leo, clearly not buying a word he was saying.
This is Leo Dooley we're talking about people, he's a trouble magnet.
"Thank goodness I was here to clean up his mess" Leo smiled, causing me and Spin to roll our eyes.
Me and dad took a good look at what they were covering when our eyes widened in shock and worry.
"Leo, that's not a water pipe" Dad said and I nodded.
"There's a structural beam behind that wall. Spin's force must've cracked the foundation of the entire building. That's ocean water coming in" I explained.
Leo and Spin's eyes widened in worry.
"Ocean water? Like underneath us ocean water? Like we're all gonna drown?!" Leo asked.
"Yes, ocean water you dumbass!" I yelled at him in annoyance.
"Mr. Davenport, Luna, I'm trying--" Spin started but dad cut him off.
"Not now, Spin. We have to deal with this fast, otherwise the water pressure's gonna build up, and knock the whole island off its foundation" Dad said.
I opened my mouth to speak but dad started walking away.
"You guys find a way to patch that up. I'm gonna go look for other damage!" Dad yelled before running out of the room.
"I can't believe you blamed this on me" Spin angrily said while glaring at Leo.
"You did what?" I asked while glaring at him.
Leo looked at me nervously before looking back at Spin.
"I panicked! If he ever found out I was the one who did this, he'd know I'm not ready to be a mentor" Leo defended.
"Guess what. You're not" Spin angrily said.
He dropped the garbage can to the ground and stormed out of the room as water started spraying into the room.
"Oh shit" Leo said as he tried covering up the water.
"Leo I can't believe you would blame Spin for your mess" I said while crossing my arms at him.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't want Big D to think I was irresponsible or childish. I don't want him to think I'm not ready to be a mentor" Leo defended.
"That's because you're not!" I yelled.
He looked at me with wide eyes while I glared at him.
"You've been acting childish today just because you're a student and not a mentor. You need to understand that you're not ready, you need to have more control over your bionic arm!" I yelled.
Leo opened his mouth to speak but I turned around and walked away, but stopped myself from leaving and turned my head.
"You're not ready to be a mentor, after what you did no way in hell" I angrily said before storming out of the room.
A Few Minutes Later
After me and dad informed everyone what was going on we ran back into the training room.
"How's the leak?" Dad asked.
"Leak? What leak? There is no leak. That wall is as good as new" Leo smiled.
We looked over to see that he had duct taped the wall.
This made dad look at him weirdly while I just sighed and shook my head.
Spin then walked in and looked at dad.
"Mr. Davenport, can I talk to you?" Spin asked but dad shook his head.
"Not now, Spin. We're still cleaning up your mess. And by the way, you are demoted back down to yellow" Dad said while glaring at Spin.
"What!" I yelled with wide eyes.
"Yes, he's being demoted back down to yellow. Or whatever's below yellow. What is that, buttercup? You're buttercup" Dad said while looking at Spin.
"But that's not fair. It wasn't even my fault" Spin defended.
"I don't wanna hear it. And to think I was proud of you. Maybe you're too young for this" Dad scoffed.
"Dad!" I yelled at him.
Spin looked at him with a sad look, I could even see his eyes beginning to water.
Dad turned around and started walking away as I made my way over to Spin and hugged him.
Spin didn't hesitate to hug me back as he buried his face into my chest and started silently crying and sniffling.
I sighed and gently ran my hand through his hair before turning over and glared at Leo and mouthed 'tell him or I will you idiot'.
Leo looked at me and Spin before sighing as he turned around.
"Big D, wait" Leo said.
"What?" Dad asked as he stopped walking and turned around.
"It wasn't his fault. I did it" Leo said.
"You?" Dad asked with wide eyes as he stared at him in shock.
"I got so frustrated, I punched the wall" Leo said.
This made me nod as Spin managed to stop crying and lifted his head up to look at Leo and dad, but he didn't let go of me.
"I can't believe you, Leo. Not only did you damage my brand-new academy, but you lied to me and betrayed my trust" Dad said while glaring at Leo.
Leo looked down and before he could speak we hear loud rumbling and the room starts shaking.
The four of us started moving, trying to contain our balance as I held onto Spin tighter.
"What was that?" Spin asked.
"I don't know" Dad said as the shaking finally stopped.
"Mr. Davenport! Luna!" Bree yelled.
I let go of Spin and grabbed onto his hand as the four of us quickly ran out of the room to head to the common area.
When we got there we saw Bree by the big window as Chase and the other students ran in.
"Look!" Bree yelled as she pointed outside.
We turned around to see that the water was rising.
"Woah, what the hell is going on?" Alexis asked.
"The entire island is sinking" I said in worry.
"What? How?" Chase asked in shock and confusion.
"Well, you see, Chase, when water rises above--" Sebastian started but Chase cut him off.
"I know why things sink!" Chase yelled at him in annoyance.
"Bubba not now!" I yelled.
"Leo punched a wall and cracked the foundation" Dad said and I nodded.
Everyone's eyes widened as they all looked at Leo.
"Why would you do that?" Bree asked.
"Well, I didn't think this was gonna happen!" Leo defended.
"Well, what did you think was gonna happen?" Chase asked in annoyance.
"Honestly, Leo..." Bree sighed in annoyance.
Soon everyone started arguing all at once and it was honestly getting annoying.
Me and Spin looked at each other with the same looks on our faces and we nodded.
"HEY!" me and Spin both shouted, causing everyone to stop arguing as they looked at us.
"So he made a mistake. We all make mistakes!" I yelled as Spin nodded.
"I mean, not as big as that one. It was this huge--" Spin started but Leo cut him off.
"Okay, we get it" Leo angrily snapped at him, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Instead of yelling at him, let's help him fix it!" I yelled and Spin nodded.
Everyone looked at me before Sebastian nodded and looked at the others.
"He's right. Maybe I can lift the island back onto its foundation. I mean, after all, I do have molecular kinesis" Sebastian smirked.
"So do I, buddy. Get in line" Chase angrily said.
"That'll help but it's still not enough. The island is too heavy" Dad said.
"Don't worry. My whole group has molecular kinesis" Sebastian smirked.
"So does mine" Chase said in a mocking tone to him as his group nodded.
Chase then looked at them and tried whispering to them but he was still loud.
"And if you don't, just fake it" Chase said and his group nodded.
I just groaned and rolled my eyes at the both of them in annoyance.
"Look, we can pool our abilities together to form one giant force and raise the island. Come on. Follow me" Chase said.
His group nods as they all leave to head to the training room.
"Oh, no, you don't. My group will raise the island. Follow me" Sebastian said as him and his group walked into the training room.
They run in as me, Bree, dad, Leo, Alexis and Spin follow behind them.
Chase and his group are raising one side of the island with their molecular kinesis as Sebastian and his group raise the other side.
"Come on, guys, we got this" Chase said.
The left side tilts up as me and the others were being pushed across the room.
I held onto Spin as tight as I could so he wouldn't get hurt as the others tried grabbing onto something.
"So do we" Sebastian said as his group nodded.
Then the island's right side tilts and me and the others are pushed across the other side of the room.
"Stop it!" Bree yelled as she hit the wall, along with dad.
My back hit the wall and I nearly fell to the ground but Spin pulled me back up.
"If you idiots don't work together, we're not gonna have an academy!" I yelled as Spin hugged me tighter.
"We're almost completely submerged!" Bree yelled in worry.
"What if we combined our groups? That way, we can spread the force equally, and lift the entire island at once" Sebastian suggested.
"Good idea. Everyone form a circle" Chase said.
Chase ans his group stop raising the side as they run to the middle of the room to make a circle.
"Well, don't just stand there. Do what he says" Sebastian said to his group.
They stopped raising their side and ran to start forming the circle.
"Guys, water's already coming through the hydraloop tunnel" Alexis said in worry.
"Hurry!" Dad yelled.
"All right, on my count. Three, two, one. Now!" Chase yelled.
Chase, Sebastian and the other students start using their molecular kinesis to lift up the island, and it was working.
"It's moving!" Leo yelled.
Soon the island is lifted high enough, and settles on its foundation, causing us to stumble just a bit.
"Yes. You did it! The island's back on its foundation" Dad smiled.
We all smiled and cheered and some of us sighed in relief.
Me and Bree hugged as Alexis and Spin hugged each other.
"Good job" Sebastian said while looking at Chase.
"Yeah. You, too" Chase nodded.
I smiled, maybe just maybe they have a chance at getting along and becoming friends.
In The Common Area
After everything that happened me and Bree took Sebastian and Chase to the common area and sat them down on chairs.
We had a talk with them about getting along and not being rude to each other and start working together.
"And I hope this experience has taught you two to stop working against each other and start working together" I said while crossing my arms.
"Now, Chase, is there anything you wanna say to Sebastian?" Bree asked.
"I guess I could call a truce, as long as he learns to respect my authority as a mentor" Chase said.
"And Sebastian" I said while looking at him.
"I'm good with a truce, as long as he stops acting like a bionic dictator" Sebastian said.
"I only do that because I know what everyone should do and when they should do it" Chase defended, but this made Sebastian and Bree give him 'really' looks.
"Okay, I see your point" Chase nodded.
"And just for the record bubba. You never know what I should and when I should do it, that's for me myself and I, got it?" I asked while glaring at him.
"Yes sweetheart" Chase gulped.
I smirked and nodded while Sebastian and Bree snorted in amusement.
"All right, good. I'm gonna go make you two a snack" Bree smiled.
This made me look at her with a raised eyebrow as her eyes widened when she realized what she said.
"Ugh, what is happening to me? Pretty soon, I'm gonna start carpooling at a soccer practice" Bree groaned.
This made me giggle and shake my head as Bree quickly walked away.
Chase rolled his eyes while Sebastian smiled.
"She's pretty cute" Sebastian said while looking at me and Chase.
"Dude, that's my sister" Chase said while giving him a weird look.
"I know. Could you two put in a good word for me?" Sebastian asked while looking at me and Chase.
I giggled while Chase glared at him and shook his head.
"Truce is off!" Chase yelled as he got up from his seat, grabbed my hand and dragged me away.
This made me giggle and shake my head at him.
When we were far away from Sebastian I turned him around and immediately pressed my lips onto his.
He immediately kissed me back while wrapping his arms around my waist as I cupped his face.
The kiss lasted for a minute before we pulled away for air.
We were panting just a little before pressing our foreheads against each others and smiled.
"I love you" Chase smiled.
"I love you too" I smiled before pressing my lips back onto his.
Life at this academy is going to be good.
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