Chapter Eighty: Rise Of The Secret Soldiers: Part Two
Luna's Pov
Three weeks have passed and everything was just so different and weird.
Ever since Adam, Bree and Chase had their huge argument and split up the team they hardly talk to each other or even look at each other.
It's honestly weird and very awkward, they literally only talk to me, Leo, dad and Tasha.
Except to each other.
I'm sitting on the couch with Adam, Chase and Leo.
Me and Leo were sitting in between the brothers because like I said, they really won't talk or look at each other.
I was next to Chase as he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder with my head laying on his shoulder.
He was watching his favorite show on the T.V while Leo was on his phone and Adam was looking bored.
"Yes! Yes! Oh, I love the international spelling bee! That last word had four Z's in it" Chase grinned while looking at me and Leo.
Me and Leo smiled at him but I could tell there was some annoyance coming from Leo.
"Yeah. Lot of zzz's going on here too" Leo said, making me glare at him and smack his arm.
"Luna, Leo, tell Chase nerd hour is over. My home renovation show is on. The Piscerelli's are turning their den space into a powder room!" Adam grinned.
Me and Leo looked at each other and sighed before looking at Chase.
"Chase, Adam wants to watch TV. Apparently, the Italians are putting in a toilet" Leo said, making me snort.
Chase didn't look at him as he continued looking at the T.V.
"Well you can tell Adam that he should've gotten here first" Chase said.
I sighed and looked back at Adam.
"He's not changing it" I said and Leo nodded.
"Tell Chase if he doesn't give me the remote, he's gonna get punched" Adam said in annoyance.
"Chase, bubba--" I started but Chase shook his head.
"Not happening sweetheart" Chase said, making me and Leo sigh in annoyance.
"He said--" Leo started but got cut off by Adam yelling and punching Leo in the arm.
Leo's eyes widened along with mine as he clutched onto his arm and glared at Adam.
"Oww! What was that for?!" Leo asked in annoyance.
"I'm sorry I got confused, I thought you were Chase!" Adam yelled before looking at me.
"Can you punch him for me?" Adam asked.
I glared at him while Leo looked more annoyed and stood up from the couch.
"That is it! You guys haven't talked for weeks! You can break up the team but you are not breaking up my family" Leo said.
Adam and Chase looked at him before going back to watching the T.V, making me sigh in annoyance yet sadness.
"All right, this is when you hug it out and you say 'Yeah Leo, you're right, you're always right!' Isn't that what you say?" Leo asked.
"Since when do we ever say that?" I asked.
This made Adam and Chase chuckle while Leo glared at me but all I did was shrug.
Dad and Bree walked into the living room as Bree was holding onto a magazine.
"Hey, uh, Mr. Davenport? Can I have $50? I want to buy a bathing suit for my spring break trip to Hawaii" Bree asked.
"Oh, sure, yeah" Dad nodded as he took out some money from his pocket and was going to give it to Bree but stopped.
"Can you get me one too? Ask the salesperson for a man-kini. They'll tell you they don't exist, but trust me. They do" Dad smiled.
Bree looked at him weirdly before he shook his head.
"You know what, I'll get my own" Dad said as Bree nodded and he handed her the money.
"Hold on. She's going to Hawaii? I asked if I could go on an astronomy cruise and you said no" Chase said as he stood up from the couch and walked towards dad.
"Yeah, but that was before you quit the team" Dad said as he placed both hands on his shoulders and gave him an annoyed smile.
"Now that you've completed gutted my greatest achievement, I don't care what you do" Dad said as he patted his cheek before walking towards the couch.
Chase looked at him weirdly before smiling and nodding.
"Great. Then I'm off to buy me some milky way swim trunks" Chase said.
He quickly snatched the money from Bree and started running towards the door, Bree rolled her eyes and scoffed.
She then superspeeded in front of him when he opened the door to try and leave.
"When will you learn" Bree scoffed while smirking as she snatched the money back from him and superspeeded away.
Chase sighed in annoyance and looked towards us.
"Here, Chase" Dad said as he got up from the couch and handed Chase some money.
"I'll take some milky way trunks, too. I don't know how they're cut, so lean more Little Dipper than big" Dad grinned.
"You can keep your money, 'cause that's not happening" Chase said before leaving the house.
Adam grinned once he left and picked up the remote.
"Ah, finally. It's Piscerelli time" Adam grinned as he got ready to change the channel.
I leaned back in the couch to watch the show with him when Leo turned to face him with a smirk on his face.
"Oh! Adam, I almost forgot. Chase wanted me to tell you something" Leo said.
Me and Adam looked at him in confusion before Leo punched his arm.
"Oww! Oh, he's dead!" Adam yelled as he shot up from the couch and ran out the front door to catch up to Chase.
Leo smirked while I let out a small sigh.
In The Lab
Me, Leo and dad walked into the lab to see Douglas in front of the big screen before looking at us.
"Donny, get in here, quick!" Douglas yelled as we ran towards him.
He then pointed to the big screen and to our shock we see Mr. President.
"Mr. President?" Dad asked in shock.
"He said he'd only talk to you. Apparently, I'm just the help!" Douglas said in annoyance while throwing his hands up in the air.
"Thank you, Douglas, that'll be all" Leo said while waving him off.
"Davenport, a high-security military base was breached, and communications equipment was stolen" Mr. President said.
"I'm sorry to here that, sir. Do you need some of my tracking technology?" Dad asked but Mr. President shook his head.
"No, I need Adam, Bree, Chase and Luna" Mr. President said while looking at me.
Me and dad sighed as I ran my hand through my hair.
"Well, with all due respect, sir, they dissolved the team" I said and dad nodded.
"Look, our national safety is far more important than a squabble between besties. The Vice-President and I are going through that right now. Drama! Phew" Mr. President scoffed.
We all looked at each other before giving him weird looks.
"Fix this, and get them back on the job" Mr. President said.
"Yes, Mr. President" Dad nodded.
"And if Adam, Bree, and Chase won't stop those criminals...then I will" Leo grinned as he did a pose.
Mr. President started laughing as he shook his head at him.
"Thanks, kid. As awful as things are right now, it feels good to laugh" Mr. President smiled.
Leo gave him an offended look while me, dad and Douglas started laughing ourselves.
Back Upstairs
We all made it into the living room as the trio walked in. Chase walked in through the front door, carrying a few bags and wearing a different outfit.
"Hey, what's with the urgent text alert? I was out buying sunglasses for my astronomy cruise. Check these out!" Chase grinned.
He set his bags down and took out some weird telescopes and put them on his face.
"They double as telescopes!" Chase grinned and we all looked at him weirdly.
"All's I'm seeing is another reason to throw you overboard" Adam said and I smacked his arm.
"The President called. There's an emergency and he needs you" Dad said and I nodded.
"But we told him we quit" Bree said and Chase nodded.
"Yeah, we don't even want to talk to each other. Why would we want to work together?" Chase asked in annoyance.
"Yeah! And I'm not agreeing with him, I'm just emphasizing his point" Adam said.
"Look, I'm getting tired of your selfish attitudes. It is your duty to complete this mission" Dad said but Chase shook his head.
"No. It was our duty. But then people started protesting against us on our own front lawn. Maybe the world needs to get a taste of what it's like without us" Chase angrily said.
I stared at him in shock yet sadness that he doesn't want to help.
"Yeah! Still not agreeing with him, I just feel the exact same he does" Adam nodded
"Guys come on, this is important something bad could be happening and we're the only ones that can stop it" I tried telling them but they shook their heads at me.
"Sorry Luna, but it's still a no" Bree said as they walked away.
I sighed in annoyance while running my hands through my hair. What are we going to do now?
Back In The Lab
We were all in the lab but of course the trio were avoiding each other.
I was with Chase as he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder and we were talking with Leo.
Then all of a sudden Douglas walked into the lab with his tablet in his hand and he looked really worried.
"Where's Donny?" Douglas asked.
"Probably out trolling the streets for a new set of bionic kids to control" Leo said and I nodded.
Dad then walked into the lab and glared at Leo.
"I heard that!" Dad yelled, causing Leo's eyes to widen in shock before Douglas made his way over to him.
"Donny, you gotta see this news footage! Those criminals the President was talking about? Busted into the Pentagon last night!" Douglas said.
Mine and dad's eyes widened in shock.
"What? The Pentagon is the most secure facility in the world" Dad said in shock and I nodded.
"Yeah, with all those sides, it'd take me all day just to find the entrance" Adam said, making all of us look at him weirdly.
"No one knows how they did it. But at least they finally got 'em on surveillance cam" Douglas said.
We all walked over to him and huddled around him to look at his tablet.
"Look, they're kids" Douglas said as he zoomed in more on the surveillance cam.
It was a picture of a teenage boy that looked around our age, he wore all black clothes but what caught our attention were his green eyes.
"Kids?" Dad asked in confusion.
"Yup, and look. Their eyes are glowing green, which means--" Douglas started but was cut off by Adam.
"It's the Irish again, isn't it?" Adam asked.
We all sighed in annoyance and glared at him.
"No you idiot. It's Krane" I said through gritted teeth.
"He upgraded the Triton app so he can control S-1 with his brain. Now he must be controlling multiple bionic kids" Dad said in realization.
"Multiple kids? How is that possible?" Chase asked.
"I don't know, but if they busted into the Pentagon, I'll bet they're looking for classified information" Douglas said.
"Why don't we just go to Krane's cell and tell him to stop?" Leo suggested.
"Good idea! Then maybe we can tell him that being evil is bad and he'll give us all a great big hug!" Douglas angrily snapped at him.
Leo glared at him and crossed his arms.
"Worked for you" Leo said in annoyance.
Douglas looked at him before nodding in agreement.
Dad sighed as he looked at me and the trio.
"Sometimes true heroes have to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. I'm not asking you to come back forever. Just one last mission" Dad said and I nodded.
"Yeah guys. All we have to do is take out Krane's bionic thugs and we're done. That's it" I said.
The trio looked at me and dad before sighing and nodding.
"Fine. But just to make it clear, when we're done, we're done" Bree said.
"Yeah. I can do that" Chase nodded.
We all looked at Adam to see him lost in his own world while laughing before he snapped out of it and looked at us.
"I-I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I was thinking about growing a mustache" Adam smiled.
"Just get suited up!" Dad yelled.
The trio nodded and walked to their capsules while I superspeeded to my room, quickly got changed into my mission suit and superspeeded back into the lab.
When I got there I heard must being played and I looked at Douglas.
"What is that?" I asked.
"Oh, I get bored waiting for you guys to change, so I added hold music" Douglas said.
Me and Leo smiled and nodded before turning around to see dad dancing to the music.
The three of us looked at him weirdly and when dad realized we were watching him he stopped dancing and blushed in embarrassment.
We turned around to see the trio stepping out of their capsules while wearing their mission suits.
"Let's go get 'em!" Adam yelled as he started running out of the lab.
"We don't even know where we're going yet" Chase said in annoyance as Adam walked back into the lab.
"Right you are" Adam said and I rolled my eyes.
"When I created the Triton app, I integrated a tracking element. We can use that to locate 'em" Douglas said.
He started typing onto the monitor that was on top of the cyberdesk as we all huddled around him.
"Ah ha! There's eight of 'em. They're at an abandoned junkyard, right near Pike's Crest" Douglas said.
"Let's go get 'em!" Adam yelled once again as he started running out of the lab.
We all looked at him weirdly before he stopped and turned to face us.
"Where's Pike's Crest?" Adam asked and we all just rolled our eyes at him.
At The Junkyard
Me and the trio made it to the junkyard, we made sure to be as quiet as we could as we crouched down and hid behind some metal barrels.
"All right, I know we haven't been the best of friends lately, but if we're gonna do this, we have to work together" Chase said.
"Exactly" I said and Bree nodded.
"Agreed" Bree said.
"Which means I'm in charge" Chase said while smirking slightly.
This made Adam and Bree glare at him while I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"Oh, no, you're not!" Adam whisper yelled at him but he was still loud so Bree quickly covered his mouth.
"Shh!" Bree yelled.
"Get down!" Chase said as we crouched down more as we hid behind the barrels.
"Look" I whispered while pointing towards the kids.
We all looked to see that kids huddled around something while talking and building.
"What are they building?" Bree asked in confusion.
"That must be the communications equipment they stole" Chase said and I nodded.
"They're probably just trying to get the Sunday football package. Ugh, I bet they're Jets fans!" Adam groaned.
We just rolled our eyes at him before turning back to the kids. But then my eyes widened in shock and confusion when I saw that there were more kids than before.
"Wait, there were only eight before. Where did they come from?" I asked.
The three of them turn around and their eyes widened in shock and confusion.
Before any of us could say anything more bionic soldiers geo-leaped into ther view and started helping out the others.
"It's an entire bionic army!" Chase whisper yelled to us in shock.
"What do we do?" Bree asked.
"I say we go back to hating each other and take our vacations" Adam said as he got up to leave but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.
"No! If we're gonna take on that many, we need a better plan. Let's go tell Mr. Davenport and re-strategize" Chase said.
"Agreed" I nodded.
"Good idea, let's go" Adam said as we all stood up but Adam accidentally knocked over a few barrels.
This alerted the attention of the bionic army as they looked over at us, their eyes flashing green.
"Uh-oh" Adam said in fear.
"Grab on!" Bree yelled.
Adam quickly grabbed onto Bree and she superspeeded them away while I quickly grabbed Chase's hand and geo-leaped us back to the lab.
Once we were in the tunnels Adam and Bree arrived and we ran into the lab.
"Mr. Davenport! It's worse than we thought!" Chase said and I nodded.
"Yeah, Krane isn't just controlling a few random kids. He has an entire bionic army" I said.
"Girls, too! Some of 'em were hot" Adam grinned and we all gave him annoyed looks.
"A whole army? How is that possible?" Dad asked in confusion.
"When Krane bought my technology, he must've started genetically engineering those kids behind my back!" Dogulas explained.
"Although it does explain the hundreds of baby pictures all over his warehouse" Douglas grinned.
"Not now" I said through gritted teeth.
"So what's our next move?" Bree asked.
Before any of us could answer we're all startled by Leo yelling.
"Krane!" Leo yelled.
We turned around to see the big screen turned on as we all ran towards it. Our eyes widened when we saw Krane in Mr. President's office, with Mr. President sitting on his chair.
"Aw, nice job, Mr. President, you caught Krane. Our work here is done" Adam grinned but we just ignored him.
"Whatever you do, do not negotiate with this man" Mr. President said, making Krane laugh.
"I don't negotiate" Krane smirked.
Mr. President then tried to make a run for it but Krane used his bionics on him and forced him to sit back down.
"Sit down!" Krane yelled at him.
"How did you escape?" I asked.
"It's amazing what an army of bionic teenagers can do when they really put their minds together" Krane smirked.
"We're onto you, Krane. We know you're using your Triton app to control them" Chase said.
"Oh, I'm not just controlling them. Now that I've perfected this technology, I can transmit the Triton app to anyone. Allow me to demonstrate" Krane explained.
He then pulled out some device and uses it on Mr. President and our eyes widened in shock when we see his eyes turn green.
"Well, will you look at that? Now the most powerful man in the under my control" Krane smirked as he started laughing.
We all looked at each other in worry and fear.
"Why are you doing this, Krane?" Dad asked.
"Ordinary humans are inferior. My soldiers have proven that. So together, we're gonna create one nation-state under bionic rule" Krane said.
"With liberty and justice for all!" Adam smiled.
We all glared at him while I smacked him upside the head.
"That's your plan? To create a bionic dictatorship?" Chase asked.
"No one in their right mind would ever bow down to you" Bree said while glaring at him, making me nod.
"They won't have a choice. Once my Triton signal connects with the government's satellites, it'll beam an electromagnetic wave over the entire planet" Krane explained.
'Shit, shit, shit' I thought while clenching my fist.
"Then...I'll be the most powerful man in the world" Krane smirked.
"Good luck. You can't access the government's satellites without the classified security code" Dad grinned.
This made the others grin as well and they started laughing just a bit.
But this made me groan in annoyance while facepalming.
"Oh, right" Krane said before picking up a tablet and turning to Mr. President.
"And that is?" Krane asked and soon Mr. President started typing in the code.
This made all their grins fade and now they looked more scared and worried than before.
"Well, he obviously planned this out" Dad said.
"No shit sherlock" I scoffed at him.
"There. Now the satellites are orbiting right into the path of my Triton signal. Don't you just love technology?" Krane smirked before the screen turned off.
"Krane's army is constructing a satellite dish. That must be how they're gonna transmit the signal" Chase said.
"Okay, we have to shut it down" Adam said.
"But how? He has too many soldiers" Bree said.
"I don't care if he has 100 soldiers, I'll do anything just to kick their ass and his too" I said.
"We don't have a choice. If Krane succeeds, it'll be the end of the world as we know it" Douglas said and dad nodded.
"He's right, but if you're gonna face a whole army, I'm gonna have to max out your bionics. Get in your capsules" Dad said.
The trio nodded and ran to their capsules while I looked at Douglas.
"Douglas, go and find our most powerful weapons. You and dad are fighting too" I said.
"Got it" Douglas nodded as he quickly ran out of the room.
"And Leo--" Dad started but got cut off by Leo waving his arms around and rolling his eyes.
"I know, stay here and monitor everything on the com-set" Leo sighed in annoyance but dad shook his head and placed his hand on his shoulder.
"No, not this time. You're coming with us" Dad said.
Leo's eyes widened in shock as the trio walked out of their capsules and towards us.
"What? Is this another 'Let's use Leo as bait' plan?" Leo asked in annoyance but dad shook his head.
"No, we need all the help we can get, and after all the hard training you've put in, you've earned the right to fight alongside this family" Dad smiled.
Leo was still in shock as he looked at me and the trio as we all smiled and nodded at him.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Whoo!" Leo yelled and before we knew it he started running around the lab like a crazy person.
Adam, Chase and dad looked at him weirdly while me and Bree giggled.
"Yes! Yes! Ha ha! Ya-ha! Ha!" Leo yelled as he continued running around the lab, he even did a few cartwheels.
Finally he managed to calm down and ran back towards us.
"Let's do this" Leo said, causing me and Bree to giggle.
"We're proud of you" I said and Bree nodded.
"Way to go" Chase smiled.
"Don't mess it up" Adam said, making me smack his arm while Leo glared at him.
A few minutes passed as dad had maxed out the trio's bionics and mine and Douglas came back with weapons for him and dad.
We were all in the lab waiting for Leo to come out while wearing his new mission suit.
Soon we heard footsteps and turned around when Leo walked into the lab wearing his new mission suit.
His hood was on as he kept his head down before picking his head up and taking his hood off.
"Well? What do you think?" Dad asked.
"I think you should donate the rest of my clothes to charity, because I am never taking this thing off" Leo said.
We all laughed and shook our heads at him.
"Wait! One more thing" Douglas said as he started typing onto the console.
"There. I just unlocked a new ability for you. Energy transference. Now your bionic hand will be able to absorb energy from any power source" Douglas grinned.
"Go ahead. Give it a shot" Douglas said while pointing to the lamp that was next to him.
Leo turns around and uses his new ability to absorb the energy and light from the nearby lamp and it surrounds his hand.
We all smiled while Leo looked shocked but started smiling as well.
"No way! Oh, I could definitely get used to this" Leo said.
"Nice, Leo, now you can suck all the energy out of things. Just like Chase!" Adam grinned.
Bree smiled and nodded while patting Chase back while Chase gave Adam an annoyed look and I just rolled my eyes.
Back At The Junkyard
We all left the house and made it back to the junkyard.
It was honestly all so cool and badass if you as me. We were all standing together, all of us wearing our mission suits, with dad and Douglas holding their weapons.
It was like we were in a movie, while we were walking everything felt like it was all in slow motion.
As I said before, it's badass.
We continued walking before stopping and looking around to see that the place was empty.
"And there's nobody here" Chase sighed.
"Maybe they left" Bree shrugged but I scoffed.
"Where would they go?" Douglas asked.
"Well, Jets are playing Green Bay" Adam said and I just rolled my eyes at him.
Bree then turned around to look at the other side before lightly smacking Adam's arm.
"C'mon, let's go make sure they're not hiding over there" Bree said and Adam nodded and they walked away.
"I'll calculate the satellite's trajectory to see how much time we have left" Chase said and dad nodded.
He then pressed his fingers against his temple and used his bionics to scan the satellite.
After a few seconds he pulled his fingers away and looked at us.
"Only eight minutes until Krane's signal connects with that satellite" Chase said and we all nodded.
I then turned to the other side and smacked Leo's arm.
"Come with me, we're going to check over there" I said and Leo nodded.
"Got it" Leo said as he walked away.
I was going to follow him but I was turned around by Chase and before I could say anything he pressed his lips onto mine.
I smiled and kissed him back before we pulled away.
"Be safe sweetheart" Chase whispered.
"Always bubba" I whispered back.
Dad walked over and kissed my forehead.
"Be careful pumpkin" Dad said and I nodded.
"Always" I said before walking away to catch up to Leo.
When I caught up to him we stood next to each other and looked around and nodded when we saw that the area was clear.
"Alright, we're clear here" Leo said.
As soon as he said that five bionic soldiers geo-leaped around us, startling us.
"Forget I said that" Leo sighed in annoyance while I rolled my eyes.
"Come on dooley! Show everyone what you can do!" I yelled at him and he nodded before we turned to the soldiers.
Leo was fighting the three boy soldiers while I was fighting the two girl soldiers.
I'll admit that they're really good, but thanks to my bionics and those self defense classes I took since I was 2, I've got the upperhand.
One of the girl soldiers tried punching me but I grabbed her arm, twisted it and kicked her to the ground.
She groaned in pain while I looked down at her and smirked.
"Sweetie, you have to be better than that" I smirked while flipping my hair.
The other girl soldier ran at me and tried kicking me but I grabbed onto her leg and flipped her backwards.
She landed on her stomach and groaned in pain.
I smirked and turned to see Leo shoving the last boy soldier to the ground.
"Awesome job Leo!" I yelled as we both high-fived each other while smirking.
"Thanks Luna. You did good too" Leo smiled.
"Thanks" I smiled.
"Well not as good as me since I do have this new-" Leo started but I grabbed onto his ear and pulled on it.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked while glaring at him.
"I said that you were better at kicking ass than I was! Please let go!" Leo begged while wincing in pain.
"That's what I thought" I nodded before letting go of his ear.
We heard more noises from nearby and turned around to see Adam and Bree fighting other soldiers from the other side.
We quickly ran over to them and stopped when we were close by.
Leo starts his laser sphere and got ready to throw it at some soldiers but a hand tapped on his shoulder as we both turned around.
We both then groaned in annoyance when we saw that it was S-1.
"Ugh! You again" Leo groaned while S-1 just smirked.
"Don't worry, this'll be the last time you see me, or anyone, for that matter" S-1 smirked while I glared at her.
Leo then turned to me and nodded towards the direction of Adam and Bree.
"I've got her, you go help Adam and Bree" Leo said.
I nodded while patting his shoulder.
"Kick her ass, show her what Leo Dooley can do" I smirked.
He smirked back at me and nodded and with that I took off running to go help Adam and Bree.
Once I got there I saw Adam easily taking out two boy soldiers while Bree was trying to hold off two girl ones.
I superspeeded towards her and shoved one soldier off of her.
I grabbed her arm, turned around and flipped her over my shoulder and she landed on her back while groaning in pain.
Bree managed to flip the other girl soldier as she landed hard on the ground.
We thought we were done but two more girl soldiers showed up and got into a fighting stance.
Me and Bree looked at each other and nodded before running at the two girl soldiers.
We jumped and backflipped behind them and crouched to the ground.
Bree kicked one of the girl soldiers legs while I hit the other one's legs with my hands.
They both flipped over and landed to the ground, groaning in pain.
Me and Bree both smirked and got back up.
"Whoo. Man, I like being amped up. I've never done that one before" Bree grinned as she placed her hands on her hips.
"And that's what I like to call girl power" I smirked.
"More like sister power" Bree smiled.
I smiled back at her and the both of us high-fived each other.
I quickly took off running to go and find either Chase, dad or Douglas.
I just need to know if they're alright, if not I need to be there to help them.
I continued running but stopped when I saw dad and Douglas shooting at Krane.
Krane blocked them all before he blasted Douglas and he fell to the ground and nearly dropped his weapon but dad caught it.
"Douglas!" I yelled as I quickly ran over to check if he was alright.
He was on the ground groaning in pain while clutching onto his stomach. I ran over to him and crouched down next to him.
"Douglas, are you ok? Does anything hurt?" I asked in worry.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just go and help your father, I don't think he can handle Krane himself" Douglas said.
I nodded and quickly got up from the ground and ran back to go and help dad.
When I got there I saw Krane geo-leaping away while dad was on the ground groaning in pain.
"Dad!" I yelled in fear as I quickly ran over to him and crouched down next to him.
"Dad, are you alright? Does anything hurt? Are you bleeding or anything?" I asked while looking him up and down.
"I'm fine. But be on the lookout pumpkin, Krane could appear at any moment" Dad said as he got off the ground.
I nodded and we both turned around and stood back to back together.
We moved around, getting ready to attack just in case Krane comes back.
We're going to end this today, doesn't matter what we do but this ends today.
Me and dad continued moving around but stopped when we heard a noise from behind us, knowing that Krane geo-leaped back to where we were.
"Krane" me and dad both said through gritted teeth.
We turned around and dad immediately started shooting Krane with his guns and was actually doing pretty well.
But of course Krane fought back and dodged them.
I growled and activated my blast wave and shot it at him, it worked since he fell to the ground while groaning in pain.
But of course he got back up and blasted dad's guns away, leaving him with nothing.
Dad stumbled to the ground a bit but got back up and glared at Krane.
Krane glared back at him and my eyes widened in fear when I saw that he was conjuring up some energy blast or wave, doesn't matter.
But what scared me the most was that dad charged at him and Krane was ready to shoot it at him.
"Dad, no! Get out of the way!" I yelled.
I ran as fast as I could and managed to push dad as far away as I could, that way he would avoid getting hurt.
I sighed in relief before turning back around and glared at Krane who stopped with the energy blast and glared back at me.
This is it.
Me vs Krane.
"Come on!" I yelled.
Krane growled and ran at me and I didn't waste time running at him.
When we met in the middle he immediately aimed a punch at me but I dodged it and sent one at him, causing him to stumble.
I tried aiming another punch at him but he grabbed my fist and smirked at me before twisting my arm, causing me to cry out in pain.
He then tried kicking my legs out from underneath me but I acted fast and stomped on his foot. His grip on my arm loosened and I used that as my opportunity to flip out of it completely.
Krane growled and tried shooting an energy ball at me but I geo-leaped away from him and appeared behind him.
When he turned around I smirked at him before sending a strong blast wave in his direction.
That threw him to the ground and he groaned in pain which made me beam in pride.
I took out the knife that I keep inside my boots and ran towards him, ready to plunge it deep into his neck, when Krane sat up and kicked me in the stomach.
I yelled in surprise and pain and stumbled backwards before landing onto the ground, the knife I was holding falling out of my hands and landing somewhere else.
I gritted my teeth and clutched my stomach, where he had kicked me, and tried my best to ignore the pain.
Just as I looked up I saw him getting up and glaring down at me before rushing towards me.
I recovered quickly and moved back from him as fast as I could since he tried aiming a punch or a kick at me.
I planted my palm on the ground and picked myself, bringing my leg high enough to kick him backwards, before flipping. I stood straight just as I felt my feet make contact with the ground.
I glared at the man that stood a few feet away from me, never letting my guard down.
"You could've fought alongside me and my army Luna. You could've become the most powerful bionic soldier and joined me in taking over the world. But no, you decided to stay with your so-called family!" Krane growled.
I growled back at him while clenching my fist.
"Never! I would never betray my family. I will always stand by them because they're my family. Not you, them!" I yelled at him.
Krane continued growling at me and took a few steps forward while I took a few steps back.
"You're choosing some rich inventor over me, your own father. I'm your biological father, not Donald Davenport" Krane scoffed.
I glared at him with complete anger and hatred in my eyes.
"You may be my biological father but ever since you told me the truth, that you never cared about me and you only wanted me to be a soldier and harm people. That's not being a father! That's being a deranged maniac!" I growled at him.
He glared at me and slowly started conjuring up the same energy blast, the same one he was about to shoot dad with.
"You will never be my father! Never in a million years will you ever be my father! My father is Donald Davenport and that's what he'll always be" I yelled at him.
I clenched my fist in anger so damn hard that my knuckles were turning white.
"The only thing I will ever consider you is my sperm donor, my enemy, the deranged fucker that killed my mother when she gave me up to protect me from you!" I growled.
This seemed to put him over the edge as he glared and growled at me in complete anger.
"In that case. Say goodbye!" Krane yelled.
The energy blast got bigger than before and my eyes widened in fear and before I could have time to react Krane immediately shot it at me and before I knew it I felt myself being thrown into the air.
I felt my back hit some sort of metal pole, along with my head and I swear I heard some bones crack.
I fell to the ground while groaning in complete utter pain.
I felt nothing other than absolute immense pain that was coursing through my body right now.
I tried getting up but it was impossible considering how weak I was right now.
"LUNA!!" I heard dad and Leo shout in fear.
I slowly turned my head around, my vision was blurry and all I could see was Krane walking away while dad and Leo were running towards me as fast as they could.
I really tried my best to keep my eyes open but it was impossible since I was starting to lose consciousness.
I tried to hear if dad or Leo were saying anything but it was all muffled.
I slowly started closing my eyes and the only thing I could see were two faces hovering over me.
That was it before I completely blacked out.
With The Trio
Chase's Pov
I was with my siblings, fighting off the soldiers that continued coming our way. To say we were tired was an understatement but we had to keep going if we want to stop Krane.
"Guys, we only have three minutes!" I said as I kicked a soldier that tried coming at us.
"We'll never get past all of them in time!" Bree yelled as another soldier ran at us and tried to punch us but me and Adam held his arms as Bree kicked him to the ground.
"Every time we take out five, twenty more show up!" Adam said before turning around and punching another soldier as they fell to the ground.
Just then an idea popped into my head as my eyes widened in realization.
"Wait...we don't have to take out the army or stop the satellite signal" I said.
Adam and Bree both looked at me in confusion but Adam looked annoyed.
"Then why are we here?!" Adam asked in annoyance, causing me to sigh.
"If we take out Krane, the Triton app will be disabled and the soldiers will deactivate" I said.
"But how? Krane is a powerhouse, and we're already exhausted. There's no way we're gonna beat him in time" Bree said.
Before I could answer Douglas popped up from behind a bush.
"Yes, there is!" Douglas yelled, causing all three of us to look at him weirdly.
"I'm not hiding. I'm...picking berries to use as weapons. They could be poisonous!" Douglas defended.
We just nodded at him, clearly not believing him before he shook his head and got out from his hiding spot and walked over to us.
"Look, when I created you chips, I installed a link that fuses all of your bionics so you could fight as one" Douglas said.
We all looked at him in shock.
"Wait, why didn't you tell us this before?" Bree asked.
"Because it's never been tested. The results...could be catastrophic" Douglas said.
We looked at him in worry before looking at each other, not knowing what to do. I then let out a sigh and shook my head.
"We only have two minutes left. How do we do it?" I asked.
Before he could answer Bree turned around and gave me a look of disbelief.
"Chase, did you not hear him? If we fuse our abilities, we may not make it" Bree said.
I sighed but shook my head at her.
"We have no choice. We're the only chance this world has" I said.
Bree looked like she wanted to say something else but Adam placed his hand on her shoulder and nodded.
"He's right" Adam said.
Bree looked at him and me before closing her eyes and sighing.
"Okay. What do we do?" Bree asked as we all looked at Douglas.
"Chase, use your Override app on Adam and Bree. Then stand back-to-back so that your chips form a perfect triangle. The energy will flow from one person to the next until you've built up a massive force" Douglas explained.
The three of us looked at each other before looking at him and nodding.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my bush" Douglas said before quickly hiding behind his bush.
We just rolled our eyes at him but nodded.
"All right. C'mon, let's go" Bree said as she got ready to leave but I stopped her.
"Wait. In case anything happens to us, I want you guys to know that I'm really sorry about the way I acted" I said.
Bree smiled softly at me and nodded.
"Me too" Bree said.
"Apologies accepted" Adam said, making me and Bree give him annoyed looks.
"Okay, I'm sorry, too" Adam smiled and we all smiled back at him.
"All right. Let's do this" I said in confidence and they both nodded as we walked into the direction of Krane and his soldiers.
When we got there Krane saw us and smirked.
"Let them through" Krane said and the soldiers parted ways so that we could pass through.
We stopped when we close to him as he made his ways towards us and smirked.
"I think it's time we finish this, don't you?" Krane asked while smirking but the three of us just stared at him.
"You could have ruled right alongside us. But instead, you chose to defy me. And, for what? To sacrifice yourselves for a world of ungrateful humans that won't even accept you!" Krane yelled in anger.
"They may not accept us, but it's our mission to protect them" I said, making Adam and Bree nod.
Krane just smirked and started laughing.
"Then I guess...this is the end of you!" Krane yelled.
His soldiers walked towards us and got ready to fight but Krane held out his arms.
"Stand back soldiers! I want this victory all to myself" Krane smirked and the soldiers backed away.
The three of us looked at each other and nodded.
I pressed my fingers against my temple and used my override app on Bree and turned around and did the same thing to Adam.
Once I was done I released my fingers and looked at both of them.
"Get into position" I said and they nodded.
The three of us then stood back to back and linked our arms together and before we knew it some sort of energy forms around our feet.
"Silly children, you're no match for me" Krane smirked while laughing.
Me, Adam and Bree start grunting in pain as we were creating more and more energy, and soon Krane started to form his own balls of energy.
"The signal transmits in ten seconds!" I yelled.
"Your day has come!" Krane yelled.
"Five seconds! Four...three..." I yelled, starting to feel some pain but I ignored it.
"The world is mine!" Krane yelled while closing his eyes.
"Now!" I yelled to my siblings.
The three of us closed our eyes and screamed and leaned forward and the energy that was surrounding us blased Krane straight into the sky.
We then felt weak as we released our arms from each other and fell to the ground.
I was starting to feel better and slowly started sitting up and by the looks of it it was working because all the soldiers eyes were turning back to normal.
"It worked! The Triton app is deactivated!" Bree yelled with a smile on her face.
Soon all the bionic soldiers fell to the ground and were knocked unconscious.
Douglas then ran over to us and started laughing as my siblings and I got off the ground.
"Yes! You did it!" Douglas grinned while patting me on the back.
We all smiled at each other and hugged each other before pulling away.
"Wait, guys. I don't want this to be our final mission" Adam told us.
Me and Bree looked at each other with smiles on our faces before nodding.
"Then it looks like we're a team again" Bree smiled and I nodded but Adam looked at her in confusion and shook his head.
"No, I mean, I wanna do one more but that's it" Adam said.
The three of us just sighed and rolled our eyes at him.
"Guys get over here quick!" Leo yelled.
"Hurry!" MR. Davenport shouted.
We all turned to their direction and my eyes widened in fear when I saw Luna lying on the ground looking completely lifeless.
"LUNA!" I shouted and quickly sprinted off with the others following behind me.
"I don't think she's breathing!" Leo yelled in panic as tears streamed down his cheeks.
I quickly crouched down next to her and brought her in my arms and checked her pulse, my eyes widened in fear and concern.
I could barely feel one.
"Luna, Luna, Luna, Luna sweetheart come on, come on wake up!" I begged as I started lightly shaking her.
She didn't respond, her eyes were still closed as there were still bruises on her face and I could see some blood dripping from the side of her head.
"Luna, Luna, come on please wake up! Sweetheart wake up!" I begged as tears started streaming down my face.
"It's my fault, she sacrificed herself to save me" Mr. Davenport said as tears slowly escaped his eyes.
Douglas crouched down next to him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"Sweetheart, come on wake up! Please wake up! Don't do this to me! Wake up!" I yelled and continued to shake her.
"Chase" Bree softly said, tears streaming down her cheeks, as she placed her hand on my shoulder.
I shoved her hand off and continued holding onto Luna, bringing her closer to my chest.
"Luna, wake up! Please wake up! Please!" I continued begging.
"FOR FUCK SAKES WAKE UP LUNA!!" I shouted as more tears streamed down my face.
She still didn't respond. My eyes watered and loud sobs escaped my lips as I held onto her tightly.
Everyone was crying as well, Douglas was trying to comfort Mr. Davenport and Adam was hugging Bree.
Leo quickly pulled out his phone and quickly dialed 911 to come and help us.
We all stayed at the junkyard, crying and sobbing as I continued holding onto the love of my life. Refusing to let her go.
We all stayed where we were until the ambulance arrived.
Back At Home
In The Lab
After the ambulance arrived they took Luna to the hospital.
I wanted to ride in the ambulance with them but they only allowed Mr. Davenport to ride with them because he was her father.
If it weren't for Adam and Bree holding me back I would've beaten them up.
Right now we're all in the lab, sitting or standing, waiting for any news about Luna.
All I want if for Mr. Davenport to call and tell us she's going to be alright, that's she going to make it.
Soon a phone rang and we all turned to Leo as he quickly took out his phone and held it to his ear.
"Big D! How's Luna?" Leo asked as he walked away from us.
Douglas let out a sigh and pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against.
"Poor Luna. This is all my fault. I should've protected her" Douglas said.
I turned and glared at him and stood up from my seat.
"Why didn't you, huh? Why didn't you protect her? If you had done something then maybe my girlfriend would be here instead of at the hospital!" I yelled.
Adam got up from the couch and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Chase come on stop, it's not his fault" Adam said.
"No, no he's right. It's my fault, Luna came to check on me but I told her to go and help Donnie with Krane. If I hadn't done that maybe she would still be here" Douglas sighed.
I growled at him and tried walking towards him but Adam held me back.
"It's no one's fault, nobody is to blame other then Krane" Bree softly said.
Before I could open my mouth to speak we saw Leo wlaking back into the lab and we immediately walked over to him.
"How is she?" Bree asked.
"How is she? How's my girlfriend? Please tell me she's alright" I begged while looking at him straight in the eyes.
All I want is for Leo to tell me that Luna is gonna be alright and that she's coming home.
But he looked at me with sad eyes and sighed.
"Not good. She's out of surgery, but it's still touch and go" Leo softly said.
My eyes widened in fear as tears started streaming down my face.
Everyone looked at each other with sad looks as Bree closed her eyes and let out a sad soft sigh.
"Then I guess all we can do is wait" Bree said and the others nodded.
Tears streamed down my face as I took in what Leo had told us.
Anger, frustration and sadness coursed through my body as I let out a loud growl and flipped over a nearby table, causing everyone to flinch and stare at me with wide eyes.
"I can't sit around and wait for Luna to get better. She's in the fucking hospital right now and we don't even know if she's going to make it and you just want me to just fucking wait!" I yelled at them in complete anger.
Bree ran to me and grabbed both of my shoulders.
"Chase! I know you're upset and so are we, but they are doing the best they can for Luna to be better. You have to be patient!" Bree yelled.
I shoved her off of me and glared at her along with everyone else.
"Those so called doctors are supposed to be professionals yet they can't do anything to save her. Are they just going to let my girlfriend die and not care?" I asked in full anger.
"They care Chase, if they didn't I know that Mr. Davenport will sue them for that" Adam said.
"Chase, the doctors are doing everything they can. You just need to wait" Leo said.
I glared at him and growled as he took a few steps back.
"I can't wait while my girlfriend is fighting for her fucking life right now, Leo!" I snapped at him.
"Chase, please calm down. You're starting to scare us, just please calm down" Bree said in worry.
I ignored her and turned to glare at Douglas as I pointed a finger at him.
"You know what, this is all your fault for partnering up with Krane in the first place!" I yelled.
I glared at him and tried walking towards him but Adam stood in front of him and stopped me.
"Ok yes, it is his fault for partnering with Krane in the first place. But Douglas never wanted to hurt us, he just wanted you three back after Big D took you three away from him. But Krane became psycho and wanted to destroy us" Leo said.
Adam nodded as he placed a hand on my shoulder to try and get me to calm down but it didn't work.
"Douglas realized his mistakes and knew that what he was doing was wrong. He's changed Chase, he's trying to be better. None of this, other than him partnering with Krane in the beginning, was his fault" Adam said.
I sighed in anger and frustration as I shoved his hand off my shoulder and ran my hand through my hair.
"You know what, I can't...I can't do this. I'm going to her room for a while. Nobody follow me and just leave me alone" I sighed.
"Chase" Bree softly said but I ignored her and stormed out of the lab.
I headed upstairs to get to Luna's room because I really didn't want to be anywhere else other than her room.
I walked straight into Luna's room and shut the door with a loud slam.
I sighed and turned on the lights as I slowly walked over and sat on the ground with my back against her bed.
I held my hand down as I pressed my hands together and took a few deep breaths with small tears streaming down my face.
Looking up at the top of her drawer I noticed a picture frame, I gently grabbed it to get a better look at it.
It was a picture of me and Luna on our first Christmas together.
We were kissing under the mistletoe as both of our eyes were closed with Luna's arm wrapped around my neck and mine were wrapped around her waist.
The headline of the frame said 'Merry Christmas To The Best Boyfriend In The World'.
A small smile appeared on my face while looking at the picture as more tears streamed down my face.
I set the picture down and grabbed another one as I held onto it.
It was a picture of me and her at the park, sitting on a bench together holding hands.
She had her head laying on my shoulder with her eyes closed and a smile on her face as I had an an arm wrapped around her shoulder and was kissing her temple.
The headline of the frame said 'You & Me Together Forever'.
More tears streamed down my face as I started sobbing and clutched the picture frame to my chest.
I couldn't take it anymore as I continued to break down crying on the ground with the picture still in my arms.
What's gonna happen to Luna? Is she going to make it? Is she going to die?
Oh god...oh god please don't let the last one come true, please.
Please sweetheart, please push through this and wake up soon.
I can't do any of this without you, I can't continue the rest of my life without you.
I need you by my side. My Luna. My beautiful girlfriend. My world.
The love of my life.
"Please...please just please don't leave me Luna" I begged as I continued crying and sobbing.
Back In The Lab
Bree's Pov
After Chase stormed out of the lab we all stood there in silence.
I have never seen Chase act like that, let alone get so angry.
I mean yeah he did get angry when me, Adam and him got into our big fight and split up the team.
But this is different from that.
"Poor Chase, he's so worried about Luna and doesn't know what's going to happen to her" Douglas softly said.
"I've never seen him act like that before, it honestly surprises and scares me" Adam said.
We all looked at each other and nodded.
Then the big screen started going off and we knew it was Mr. President calling us.
We all walked towards the big screen and stood next to each other as Leo answered the call to see Mr. President back to normal.
"Of a grateful nation, thank you for setting aside your personal difference to fight for a greater good" Mr. President smiled.
We all smiled back at him and nodded.
"You're welcome, Craig" Adam smiled.
Mr. President looked at him with wide eyes as we all glared at him as Douglas smacked him upside the head.
"I'm sorry, Mr. uh President. Guess we're not there yet, are we?" Adam asked and we all just sighed.
"Anyway, I think you'll be happy to know that the team is back, sir" I said with a small smile and a nod.
"There may be some people who still don't accept us, but...that doesn't matter. We know who we are" Adam said.
"You're heroes. And I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure the world knows that" Mr. President smiled.
We all smiled back at him and gave him nods as our thanks.
"Better yet, why don't you just cut to the chase and put this on a twenty?" Leo smirked as he did a pose.
We all gave him weird looks while Mr. President started laughing.
"I like you, kid. You always know how to make me laugh" Mr. President said through laughs.
We all laughed as Leo stopped posing to glare at us but we were still laughing.
Mr. President stopped laughing as his face turned serious but also worried, making us stop laughing as well.
"I heard about what happened to Luna. Is she doing ok?" Mr. President asked.
We all looked at each other in worry before looking back at him as I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.
"Unfortunately she got badly injured when fighting Krane. Mr. Davenport called to say that she's out of surgery but it's still touch and go" I explained.
"The only thing we can do right now is just wait and hope that everything will get better" Leo said.
Mr. President sighed and nodded.
"I understand. I hope she wakes up soon, this team wouldn't be the same without her" Mr. President said.
"We hope so too sir" Adam nodded.
Mr. President nodded at us one more time before hanging up, leaving the four of us alone.
I sighed and turned to Adam. He frowned at me before bringing me into his arms, I buried my head into his shoulders and wrapped my arms around him.
I hope Luna gets better soon.
Mr. President was right about what he said.
This team wouldn't be the same without her.
The thought of losing her brought tears and I felt them slowly streaming down my cheeks.
Please Luna, please wake up soon. Please just get better soon.
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