Chapter Eighty-Four: Best Friends Reunite
Luna's Pov
Me, the trio, Leo, Alexis, Nick and Sebastian were in the common area together just talking while the other students were either walking around or were in the training area.
Today dad has given me the day off which I'm really happy about since training has been a little bit of a pain in the ass.
But I was also confused as to why he gave me a day off.
Usually when he gives us a day off it's for a specific reason, but when I asked him to tell me he refused.
Guess I have to suck it up and just wait.
Dad walked into the room with a smile on his face as he made his way over to me.
"Hey pumpkin" Dad smiled as he kissed my forehead.
"Hey dad" I said while furrowing my eyebrows at him in confusion.
"Hey guys, what are you doing?" Dad asked.
"Nothing much, we're just talking" Bree smiled as we all nodded.
"That's great" Dad smiled.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion and crossed my arms at him.
"Dad, what the hell is going on with you? Why are you acting so weird?" I asked in confusion.
Dad opened his mouth to speak when all of a sudden the hydraloop came up.
This made all of us look at each other in confusion as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
Are we expecting someone?
Is dad expecting someone?
Could that be the reason why he's acting weird today?
"They're here" Dad smiled as he walked towards the hydraloop with the rest of us following him.
"Who's here Mr. Davenport?" Chase asked as the doors to the hydraloop opened.
"Someone that Luna is going to be very happy to see" Dad smirked.
I looked at him confused but before I could open my mouth to speak when heard footsteps coming out of the hydraloop.
We all turned around and my eyes widened in shock and my jaw dropped at who it was.
There were two boys standing next to each other, one had a huge smile on his face while the other one stood there a bit awkwardly.
While the others looked confused dad hade a huge smile on his face while tears were starting to form in my eyes.
One of the boys was someone I thought I would never see again.
It was my best friend. Ian Santiago.
"IAN!" I shouted.
"LUNA!" Ian shouted back with a huge smile on his face as he dropped his bag on the ground.
Tears streamed down my face as I let out a loud sob before I sprinted towards him.
Without hesitation I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and wrapping my arms around his neck and engulfed him in a tight ass hug.
He stumbled back a bit but chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back just as tight.
"Oh my fucking gosh, I missed you so damn much" I said through sobs as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I missed you too" Ian said through small sobs.
I continued hugging him like my life depended on it, not wanting to let him go.
After about a minute Ian set me back down on the ground as I finally let him go.
He gently cupped my face with my hands as I gently caressed his cheek as he had tears streaming down his face.
"Oh my gosh, look at how much you've grown" Ian smiled.
"Me, look at you" I smiled, making him chuckle and shake his head at me.
"You've gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw you. And taller too" Ian said.
This made me playfully glare at him as I smacked him upside the head, only causing him to chuckle.
"Shut up, not my fault you're just tall" I scoffed in annoyance.
"You love me" Ian smirked.
"That I do" I huffed while bringing him into another hug.
He chuckled before hugging me back and kissing me on the cheek.
"It's really good to see you again" I softly said.
"It's great to see you again too" Ian softly said while resting his head on my shoulder.
We stayed like that for 6 seconds before we heard someone clearing their throat.
We pulled away and turned around to see everyone staring at us, either in shock or confusion.
However Chase was just glaring at Ian the entire time with his arms crossed.
I sighed and shook my head fondly at my jealous boyfriend.
"Uh...what's going on? Who is this guy Luna?" Bree asked.
"Oh right, my bad. Guys, I want you to meet my best friend Ian Santiago" I smiled while pointing at Ian.
Ian smiled at all of them and waved.
"Ian I want you to meet my family and friends" I said and he nodded.
"They are Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo" I said while pointing at the trio and Leo.
Adam, Bree and Leo smiled at Ian and waved while Chase just continued glaring at him.
"They are Nick, Alexis and Sebastian" I smiled.
Alexis smiled and waved at him while Nick and Sebastian smiled and nodded.
I smiled and walked over to Chase and gently grabbed onto his hand.
Chase snapped out of his jealousy state as he smiled and softly pecked me on the lips.
"And Ian, I would love for you to meet my amazing boyfriend" I said while giving Chase a loving look.
Ian smiled at him and extended his hand for him.
"It's nice to finally meet the famous Chase Davenport that managed to steal my best friends heart" Ian said.
Chase turned and glared at him, he didn't say anything other than shaking his hand and nodding.
I then turned around to see the other boy that came with Ian still standing where he was awkwardly.
"So Ian, are you going to introduce us to your friend?" I asked.
Ian turned to the other boy and smiled softly at him and gestured for him to join them.
The boy smiled and walked towards us and stood next to Ian.
Ian smiled and gently wrapped his arm around his waist, making the boy blush.
"Luna. Everyone. I would love for you all to meet Miles Landon. My lovely, handsome boyfriend" Ian smiled.
All our eyes widened and jaws dropped in shock while Miles smiled and blushed when Ian kissed his cheek.
I snapped out my shocked state after only a few seconds before a huge smirk appeared on my face.
"MY BEST FRIEND HAS A BOYFRIEND!! FUCKING FINALLY!!" I screamed in joy as I started jumping up and down.
Everyone jumped a bit at my outburst while Ian chuckled.
I ran over to him and pulled him into another tight hug.
Ian hugged me back as we pulled away and I smacked his arm.
"That's my boy. You scored yourself a man, about damn time" I smirked while crossing my arms.
Ian blushed, along with Miles while the others snapped out of their shocked state and started smiling.
Well the boys were smiling, Alexis and Bree were smiling and squealing.
"Well where are your manners dumbass, introduce me to your man" I scoffed.
Ian scoffed and rolled his eyes while Miles chuckled and extended his hand for me.
"It's very nice to meet you Luna. Ian has told me alot about you" Miles smiled.
I smiled softly at him and grabbed onto his hand, but I didn't shake it, instead I pulled him into a tight hug.
He seemed shocked at first but then he started hugging me back.
"It's so fucking great to meet you Miles" I softly said.
We pulled away from the hug as I smiled at his blushing face, and the smile he had was just too much.
He was so damn adorable.
I then turned towards Ian and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer towards me.
"Ian I swear if you ever hurt or breakup with this adorable bean I will personally strangle you. Got it?" I asked while giving him an intense glare.
Ian gulped as sweat started forming on his forehead while Miles chuckled.
"Y-yes, yes mam" Ian nervously said.
"Good" I smiled and let him go.
Everyone laughed while Ian sighed in relief before wrapping his arm back around Mile's waist as Miles rested his head on his shoulder.
I smiled softly at the two of them, along with the others as Alexis and Bree started cooing.
Chase then walked over to us, still in shock at what Ian had just told us.
"Wait, wait, wait" Chase said, gaining everyones attention.
"Yeah, what's up?" Ian asked.
"You have a boyfriend?" Chase asked.
I gave him a 'seriously' look while Ian just nodded.
"Uh...yeah he's my boyfriend. Last time I checked I'm gay, so" Ian chuckled, along with Miles.
"I...I...I uh thought that you had a crush on Luna" Chase said.
Mine and Ian's eyes widened as we looked at each other before we started gagging.
"What? No, I don't have a crush on Luna. She's my best friend, she's like a little sister to me" Ian said.
"Yeah, Ian is my best friend and he's like my older brother to me. And he's gay while I'm straight" I said.
Chase snapped out of his shocked state as he started blushing in embarrassment and awkwardness.
"Oh my gosh. I'm so, so, so sorry. I didn't know, I didn't mean to make assumptions" Chase said.
Ian chuckled and patted Chase on the shoulder.
"No worries about it dude, I get jealous too when someone flirts with my boy" Ian smirked, making Miles blush.
This made me, Bree and Alexis squeal while the boys chuckled.
"Wait dad, is this why you gave me a day off?" I asked while turning to him.
"Yeah. Ian's parents called me to say that they were coming over to stay for 2 months" Dad smiled.
"I wanted to surprise you since we haven't seen each other in a while so I asked Mr. Davenport if me and Miles could come over for a visit and he said yes" Ian smiled.
I smiled back at him before throwing myself at dad, wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug.
Dad chuckled as he hugged me back and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you so much dad, thank you so much" I whispered in his ear.
"Anything for you pumpkin" Dad smiled before we pulled away from the hug.
"Now, how about you come with me? We have alot to catch up on" I said while holding onto his hand.
Ian chuckled and ruffled my hair.
"Yes we do" Ian said before turning to Miles.
"Baby, do you wanna come with us?" Ian asked.
Miles smiled and shook his head.
"No it's ok. You go and catch up with Luna, I wanna stay here and get to know the others" Miles said.
"You can come with me and Alexis. We're not busy at the moment" Adam smiled as he wrapped an arm around Alexis.
This made Alexis blush as she looked away from Adam but nodded either way.
This made me smirk along with Bree and Ian.
"Alright, you have fun Miles with them while me and your boyfriend catch up" I said while ruffling his hair.
He chuckled and nodded.
Me and Ian turned around to head to my room but I turned back around and walked towards Adam and Alexis.
I stood in front of them and glared at them both while pointing a finger at them.
"If you upset the adorable bean, make him cry or hurt him I won't be afraid to throw you out the window. We clear?" I asked.
The both of them gulped and nodded really fast.
I stopped glaring at them and smiled.
"Good" I smiled before skipping back over to Ian.
I smiled as I linked my arm with his, making him chuckle as I guided him to my room.
We made it to my room, when we got inside I locked the door and pushed Ian to my bed and jumped right so I was sitting right next to him.
"You better tell me right now about your life in Australia before I kick your ass" I said while glaring at him.
Ian chuckled as he sat up from my bed.
"Well things in Australia have been going well. School is good, I've made a few friends and they're really nice" Ian smiled.
"Has anyone taken my spot as the best friend?" I asked in fake hurt and sadness.
Ian scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Bitch please, nobody could ever replace you as my best friend" Ian said.
This made me smirk as I punched him in the arm.
"That's what I like to hear asshole" I smirked, making him chuckle while rubbing his arm.
My eyes widened when I realized something else I wanted to ask him.
"Now you better tell me how you and that adorable little bean of your boyfriend met or I will kick your ass" I said while glaring at him, again.
Ian threw his head back a bit and chuckled before picking his head up to look at me.
"Alright. Well I went for a morning jog one day, like I always do. While jogging I had accidentally bumped into someone, and that someone happened to be Miles. We talked a bit after that, we even jogged together before we had to head back home, but we exchanged numbers before leaving of course" Ian explained.
"And?" I asked with a smile on my face.
"Well after that we texted and called. When I went to school the next day I found out that he was the new kid to our school, of course when he saw me he was shocked but also happy that he knew someone. I introduced him to my friends and they all got along" Ian smiled.
I just looked at him, telling him to continue since I wanted him to tell me more.
"After 4 months of knowing each other I finally had the courage to ask Miles on a date. The date went really well, we started going on them for 2 weeks. Then after those 2 weeks I had enough confidence to ask Miles to be my boyfriend, and he said yes" Ian smiled.
I squealed with a huge smile on my face, causing Ian to chuckle.
"Me and Miles have been going strong together. He's just so amazing to be with, he loves me just as much as I love him" Ian smiled.
I smiled softly back at him before a huge smirk appeared on my face.
"Have you two done it?" I asked.
His eyes widened and his face turned red but that still didn't stop me from smirking.
"Luna, why would you ask that?" Ian asked.
"It's not a crime. Now tell me or I'll go and ask Miles myself" I said while crossing my arms.
"Alright, alright, alright fine we did" Ian said while his face turned more red then before.
The smirk from my face was replaced with a huge smile as I let out another loud squeal and grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him.
"Tell me right now what happened, tell me!" I yelled at him.
He got annoyed and pushed me away from him while holding onto his head.
"Calm down you crazy girl, I'm starting to see stars" Ian said.
I just huffed in annoyance and crossed my arms and waited for him to get better.
When he finally felt better he let out a sigh and looked at me with a red face.
"Alright, well it started because me and him were arguing" Ian said, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"Miles got a bit angry and jealous because I was hanging out with one of my friends, Susan, a bit too much" Ian said.
I let out a small 'oh' and nodded.
"He got angry and said that she must like me and that I might like her back as well, but that wasn't true because one she knows that I'm gay and accepts it. That and because she's bisexual and has a crush on a girl from another school close to ours" Ian explained.
I got more interested and just nodded for him to continue.
"We kind of argued about that for a few minutes, and when he was about to leave I blurted out that I loved him. He stopped in his tracks and asked me what I said. I said that I loved him, he didn't believe me at first but I kept on saying it and when he saw the seriousness and love in my eyes he knew that I wasn't lying" Ian explained.
I smiled softly at that as he continued.
"I couldn't control myself after he said he loved me back and that's when I rushed towards him and kissed him and he kissed back" Ian smiled.
I smiled softly at that but then his face turned red.
"And well...I uh picked him up and carried him to my room and that's where we...uh...did it. My parents weren't home either so we kind of did it a few times" Ian said while looking down at his lap.
I smirked even more than before while crossing my arms.
"Who topped?" I asked.
Ian lifted his head up so fast that I was scared he hurt himself.
"Luna! Why the hell would you ask me that?" Ian asked in annoyance but he was still blushing.
"It's not a crime now is it" I scoffed.
"Still not telling you" Ian said in annyoance.
I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.
"Anyways, enough about me. Now tell me about you, what have I missed?" Ian asked.
I smiled and let out a small sigh and shook my head.
"Well let me start from the beginning, it's gonna be short. Dad married Tasha and when she moved in with Leo, my step-brother but brother never the less, I was showing Leo around when we stumbled over a hidden elevator. We walked in and that led us to the lab and that's where we found Adam, Bree and Chase. And well that's kind of where the entire adventure of mine starts" I explained.
Ian's eyes widened just a bit before he chuckled.
"Man it looks like I really did miss that much" Ian said, making me giggle.
"Yeah you did" I said.
"Enough about that, tell me about Chase" Ian smirked.
Now it was my time to blush but a smile appeared on my face.
"Well, when I first met the trio I started getting close with Chase. Whenever I was near him he would just make me smile, blush and giggle. It was the same with him when he was around me. I thought that maybe I was reading the signs wrong, that I wasn't developing feelings for him but I ended up realizing that I was falling for him and I was glad" I smiled.
Ian smiled too but let me continue.
"On one of the school dances he had gone with some other girl, her name was Danielle but things didn't go that well so he was alone. I felt bad and decided to dance with him to make him feel better, while dancing he had asked me out on a date and I accepted" I smiled.
Ian smiled and let out a small 'aw' as I continued.
"The next day was the day of our date. We had a great time together, and at the end of our date Chase asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes" I smiled.
Ian smiled and raised his fist in a victory way, making me giggle.
"It's about time you found yourself a man too. I was worried you were going to stay single forever, that's just sad" Ian said.
This made me glare at him and showed him my middle finger, making him scoff and roll his eyes.
And after that we continued talking, mostly about what has happened in our lives and how much we missed.
I told him everything, starting with finding out who my biological parents are.
He was pissed when I told him that Krane was my biological father and that he killed my mother, he was even more pissed when I told him that Krane nearly killed me.
Finally I had managed to get him to calm down by telling him that I changed my name to Luna Walker Davenport.
He seemed really happy and touched by me doing that.
And that's what we had done the entire time, stayed in my room while talking to catch up on everything we missed.
A Few Hours Later
After our long catching up it was time for Ian and Miles to leave because they actually have a date today.
So we walked back into the common room to see Miles, Adam, Alexis, dad and Chase.
"Hey sweetie, ready to go?" Miles asked.
Ian smiled and nodded and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"Yeah, I'm ready" Ian smiled.
"It was really nice seeing you again after so many years" Dad smiled as he patted Ian on the back.
"Same here Mr. Davenport" Ian smiled.
"You guys are welcomed to come back anytime, remember that" Adam said and Alexis nodded.
"Thank you" Miles smiled.
I smiled and gave him a quick hug before hugging Ian tightly, causing him to hug me back too.
"Come back soon you idiot" I said as we pulled away from the hug.
"Of course" Ian smiled as he ruffled my hair.
I giggled and smacked his hand away, causing him to chuckle before walking back to Miles.
Chase walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist, making me lean into him.
The hydraloop doors opened as Ian and Miles walked in.
They quickly turned to face us and smiled while waving.
We all smiled and waved back at them before the hydraloop doors closed, and just like that they were gone.
I sighed and looked up at Chase.
"I already miss him" I whined, earning a chuckle from Chase.
"Don't worry sweetheart, they're here for 2 months, you'll get to see him anytime you want" Chase smiled.
I smiled and pressed me lips against him, causing him to kiss me back.
We pulled away and pressed our foreheads against each others as I smiled at him.
"I know" I said before leaning my head on his shoulder.
I'm glad my best friend is back, I missed him alot.
The Best Friend: Ian Santiago
The Best Friends Boyfriend: Miles Landon
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