Chapter Three: Nick's Bachelor Party
Nick's Pov
I can't believe it. I seriously can't believe it.
Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow is mine and Bree's wedding day.
I'm torn between feeling nervous or excited. Maybe a little bit of both.
We were all currently in the main area. The guys and I were currently saying goodbye to the girls because today Bree and I were having our bachelor and bachelorette party.
And since tomorrow is our wedding day we have to be separated from each other. Courtesy of Luna and Alexis.
I mean, I understand, but it sucks that I have to be away from my fiance.
But it doesn't matter. It'll all be worth it by tomorrow.
Luna and Chase were hugging each other, smiling and giving each other small pecks either on the cheek or the lips.
Adam and Alexis were kissing each other, his arms were resting on her hips while her hands were resting under his elbows.
Leo and Taylor were hugging each other, smiling while talking about something, most likely about tomorrow.
Mr. Davenport and Tasha were the same as Leo and Taylor.
While Douglas was standing by himself, leaning against the wall, talking with Logan.
I turned around and smiled down at my beautiful fiance. She smiled up at me and wrapped her arms around my neck, causing me to wrap my arms around her waist.
"I can't believe we have to be separated from each other" Bree sighed.
"I know it sucks, angel. But remember that neither of us are supposed to see each other before the wedding. It's how it goes" I explained.
"I get that, but still" Bree said, clearly annoyed.
"Don't worry, angel. It'll all be worth it tomorrow, trust me" I smiled softly at her.
She sighed before nodding her head, smiling up at me.
She leaned in and I smiled before leaning in as well. Our lips connected and we found ourselves passionately kissing each other, putting our hearts into this kiss.
I'll never get tired of her lips. I'll never get tired of our kisses. I love them as much as I love my fiance, my soon to be wife.
"Hey, lovebirds!" we heard Alexis yell.
We pulled away from the kiss and turned around to see the others looking at us.
Alexis and Luna smirked at us before walking towards us.
"We know you love each other but we gotta get going. The party awaits for the bride" Luna smiled.
Bree and I groaned and rolled our eyes before looking at each other, smiles appearing on our faces.
"Have fun at your party, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow" I smiled.
"Thank you, handsome. Have fun at your party too, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow too" Bree smiled.
I smiled before leaning in to give her forehead a kiss. We pulled away from each other and she walked over to the girls.
Alexis and Luna smiled before linking their arms with hers. With that the girls entered the hydraloop.
But before the doors closed Luna looked at us and pointed a finger at all of us, a stern look on her face.
"As soon as the party is over you guys head to bed. It's going to be a big day tomorrow and the wedding starts in the morning. So please, just make sure you all get some goodnight's rest. Especially you, Nick" Luna sternly said.
We all groaned in slight annoyance but nodded our heads in understanding.
She has a point. Weddings are always an important day for anyone and it's important to get good rest.
The last thing I want is to fall asleep on my wedding day. Or worse.
With that the doors to the hydraloop closed, leaving just me and the others.
"Alright, while the girls will be in Mission Creek, we're going to have Nick's bachelor party here" Mr. Davenport smiled.
Me and the guys all smiled and cheered at that.
"Wait, just for clarification, there won't be any strippers. Right?" I asked.
The last thing I want are strippers at my bachelor party.
I don't want to be near any other woman that isn't Bree. It's just wrong.
"No, Nick, there won't be any strippers" Douglas said and Mr. Davenport nodded.
I sighed in relief, bringing a hand up to my chest.
Thank the lords. I really didn't want any strippers at my party. I honestly don't get why other men like having strippers at their bachelor parties.
I mean, I get that it's kind of their last day of being single, but they're still engaged and just being near a stripper is wrong. Especially if you engage in something such as kissing or hooking up.
"Besides, Luna would murder me, or any of us, for even suggesting strippers. And besides, I don't want any other girl near me" Chase said.
Makes sense.
All of us, except for Douglas and Logan, are in relationships and we're very much happy with them.
"Well, enough of that, lets head to the party" Logan smiled.
"Alright!" all of us cheered.
However, before I could begin walking, I felt two hands cover my eyes.
"Hey! What are you doing?" I asked, confused.
"Sorry, Nick, but we want your eyes to be covered" Chase said.
"Yeah, we want to see your face when we reveal the room to you" Leo said.
"But why do my eyes need to be covered?" I asked.
"Because it's a surprise, you idiot" Logan said, gently hitting my arm.
I groaned in annoyance before sighing in defeat and nodding my head. No point in trying to argue with them over this.
It felt like hours, which was only really a minute or two, before we finally made it to the place that they decorated for my bachelor party.
Leo then removed his hands from my eyes and I blinked a few times, trying to regain my vision.
When I got my vision back my eyes widened and a small gasp escaped my lips as I stared at the room.
Holy mother of hell!
This place is amazing! Everything is amazing and so freaking cool!
"Holy shit" was what I could manage to choke out, considering I was still in shock.
"Well, that says everything we need to know" Mr. Davenport smiled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah, glad you like it, buddy" Leo smiled, patting my back.
"Like it? I love it. This place is amazing. How did you guys get this done so quickly?" I asked, trying to get over my shock.
"Uh, have you met us?" Douglas asked in disbelief, gesturing to him and Mr. Davenport.
Mr. Davenport nodded, his facial expression showed one of disbelief.
I rolled my eyes at him and Douglas, the others did the same as well, before I went back to admiring the place.
"Well they did the whole decorating, but me, Adam and Chase were the ones that picked out everything. The furniture, the pool table, the mini bar and the T.V" Leo explained.
Adam and Chase smiled and nodded proudly, causing me to laugh slightly.
I turned around, only to furrow my eyebrows when I saw Spin and Bob sitting on the couch, watching T.V.
"Uh, guys, why are Spin and Bob here? I thought we agreed that all the students would go to bed early because of tomorrow. The only exceptions we made were Logan and Taylor" I asked.
We agreed that all the students would head to bed early because the wedding starts in the morning and they need to wake up early in order to be ready.
The only exceptions we made were for Logan and Taylor.
"Well, when we told them they weren't quite happy about it, especially since they wanted to be apart of the party" Adam sighed.
"So, we talked to Luna and Big D and luckily they agreed to let Spin and Bob join the party" Leo said.
"But they said only for a few hours. At around 11:30pm they have to go to bed" Chase said.
"Ah, ok" I nodded.
That's fine. They get to have fun here with us at my bachelor party for a few hours before heading to bed.
Hopefully they'll tire themselves out by then.
My eyes widened a bit more when I saw Kaz and Oliver walking towards us, smiles on their faces.
"Hey, Nick. Happy bachelor party" Kaz smiled.
"Thanks, Kaz. Hey, Oliver" I smiled, giving a nod to Oliver at the end.
"Hey, man. Happy bachelor party" Oliver smiled.
"Thanks. I didn't know you guys would be here. I didn't even know if you'd have time to be here" I said.
"Well we actually weren't going to come because we were pretty busy at the hospital" Kaz said.
"Yeah, Horace wanted to continue running tests, to see how much we've improves in our superpowers" Oliver said.
"But luckily Skylar managed to convince him to push it to another day so we were able to come" Kaz smiled.
"Well, that's awesome" I smiled.
"Speaking of superpowers, how has that been working out for you guys? Are you still adjusting with your powers?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"It's been a bit hard trying to adjust with superpowers. As much as we like them we've struggled for a bit" Kaz said.
"But luckily with the help of Skylar, Horace and our other friends at mighty med we've been doing better" Oliver smiled.
I smiled and gently patted his shoulder while Chase patted Kaz's shoulder.
"Well, now that that's out of the way, I say we all start this night with some drinks" Leo suggested.
"Spin! Bob! Get over here!" Adam yelled.
Spin and Bob smiled before getting up from the couch as they ran towards us.
They both remained by each others side but stayed near Adam and Chase.
We all walked over to the table nearby as Mr. Davenport and Douglas walked over to the mini bar.
They grabbed some glass cups and some tequila bottles. They walked back over to us and set the cups down.
Mr. Davenport opened the tequila bottle before beginning to pour some in the first three cups. While Douglas handled the other cups with the other tequila bottle that he had.
"Nick, you're the groom so you can grab the bigger cup" Mr. Davenport said.
I smiled and chuckle slightly before grabbing my cup as Mr. Davenport continued pouring for the others. Of course, not including Spin and Bob.
When Mr. Davenport was done serving our drinks, he closed the bottle and set it aside. Douglas did the same when he was done.
Kaz and Oliver set their cups down and walked away to grab something.
"And since you two can't drink this, we prepared something else" Adam smiled, looking down at Spin and Bob.
Kaz and Oliver walked back over to us. Kaz was holding two glass cups while Oliver was holding a bottle of ginger ale.
"Ginger ale. In my opinion, this is better than what we're having" Oliver shrugged.
Spin and Bob looked at each other before nodding their heads.
Kaz chuckled before handing them their cups. Spin and Bob smiled and thanked them.
Oliver smiled before opening the ginger ale. He poured some in both their cups before closing it up and setting it aside.
I smiled at them as Chase made his way to Spin while Adam made his way to Bob.
"Well, first, I'd like to make a toast" Mr. Davenport smiled.
We all smiled at him and nodded, gesturing for him to start.
"I would like to say that I'm incredibly proud at how far you've come, Nick. You're an incredibly talented young man with a bright future ahead of you. I can see why Bree loves you so much. Tomorrow is the special day and I'm just as excited for it like you and your soon to be wife" Mr. Davenport smiled.
I smiled softly at him and nodded.
"I would also like to agree with my brother. We can see in both your eyes how much love you hold for each other. And I think I can speak for everyone when I say we're gonna be cheering when you're announced husband and wife" Douglas smiled.
I looked at the others, only to see them smiling and nodding at me.
I let out a small chuckle and shook my head at them, sending them all smiles.
"Thank you, really. It means alot. Now, does anybody else have anything to say before we drink?" I asked.
"I think I can speak for everyone when I say we want to drink" Chase chuckled.
"Yeah, if anyone else talks we may never stop" Leo chuckled.
We all laughed at that before shaking our heads before clapping our cups together.
"Cheers!" all of us yelled in excitement.
An Hour Later
Chase and Douglas were on the couch, watching some sports shows. Kaz, Oliver and Logan were playing pool.
I was sitting at the mini bar with Mr. Davenport and Leo. Adam had went to the student dorm room to go put Spin and Bob to bed.
I was right. Spin and Bob tired themselves out and they were getting sleepy a few minutes before they actually had to go to bed.
I was currently on my second round of tequila. I'm trying to refrain myself from drinking too much because I don't want to get drunk. And the last thing I want is to be a mess the next day.
"So, Nick, can you believe it?" Leo asked.
"That I'm getting married tomorrow? No, not really" I chuckled.
"What are your thoughts? How are you feeling?" Mr. Davenport asked, taking a sip of his beer.
"I mean, the wedding's tomorrow yet I still feel nervous" I sighed.
"Nick, it's perfectly normal to be nervous about your wedding. I mean, I remember being nervous on my wedding day with Tasha" Mr. Davenport said.
"Trust me, he was sweating the entire time" Leo said, rolling his eyes.
"Can you blame me? Before Tasha I was mostly focused on work and didn't have time for dating. When I adopted Luna she was, still is, my number one priority. I always made sure to be there for her" Mr. Davenport said.
"So, what changed?" I asked.
"When Luna turned 13 she convinced me to start dating. She said that she didn't want me to spend the rest of my life single. I was kind of against it at first, mainly because I just didn't think I was ready, and because I didn't want someone else coming in between me and my daughter" Mr. Davenport explained.
Understandable. From what I heard it was mostly Mr. Davenport and Luna at the time.
Those two were really close to each other.
"So what changed your mind?" Leo asked.
"I realized that maybe Luna was right. I didn't really want to spend my entire life as a single man. And I felt that if I found the right woman then Luna would have a mother figure in her life" Mr. Davenport said.
Leo smiled at him and patted his back.
"Well, luckily you picked the right lady, otherwise you would've chosen someone horrible. Or remained a single and lonely man forever" Leo said.
Mr. Davenport rolled his eyes at the last part, but nodded either way.
"Look, Nick, what I'm saying is that it's normal to be nervous especially on your wedding day. But just remember that you're going to marry the girl that you love. You're gonna spend the rest of your life with her. Instead of being nervous, be happy. Because trust me, once you see her tomorrow, all your nervousness is going to wash away within a second" Mr. Davenport explained.
I smiled at him and nodded, taking his words to heart.
I turned around and saw that the others were still doing their own thing. I saw Adam sitting on the couch with Chase and Douglas, a bottle of soda in his hand.
I looked down at my hand and smiled when I saw my ring.
He's right. There's nothing to be nervous about.
I'm marrying the girl I love tomorrow. If anything, I'm ecstatic and completely ready for whatever future awaits us.
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