Chapter Sixteen: Papers Of Happiness
Luna's Pov
I leaned against the door with my arms crossed and a soft smile plastered on my face.
Spin and Chase were currently playing soccer and from the looks of it Spin was winning while my fiance was trying to gain the upperhand.
But, even if he was losing I can tell by the smile on his face that he was still having fun.
The three of us were back at my old home in Mission Creek.
Dad and Tasha had taken Naomi with them to Grandma Rose's house since she wants to spend more time with her daughter, her son in law and, of course, her granddaughter.
She also wanted to see Leo and I but we already had our own plans.
Leo had to get some work done for college.
Yes, my brother does go to college.
But he does online work instead of going in person since he would rather be home than somewhere else.
Besides, he still gets his work done and turns it in on time.
And he still has time to hang out with not only his family but his girlfriend.
And I've made plans with Chase and Spin.
Which is why we're at my old house.
Chase has been teaching Spin how to play soccer and Spin is really invested and has taken a great liking towards the sport.
We came here since my backyard is big enough for the two of them to play.
We had invited the others since we figured that Bob would like to join but they had to decline.
Alexis and Adam made plans to go to the movies with Bob to see a movie he has been wanting to see.
Nick and Bree were back from their honeymoon but they were busy unpacking their things back at the academy.
Not to mention they wanted to go through their wedding presents since they left them at the academy while they were on their honeymoon.
So, it was just the three of us.
And I'm kind of happy that it is.
Because seeing my two boys having fun together brings a smile to my face.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard cheering and saw Chase sitting on the ground while Spin was jumping up and down.
"Ha! Yes! I win!" Spin yelled with a grin plastered on his face.
"Gah! I lost, again" Chase huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
Spin just laughed at that before sticking his tongue out at him.
Chase glared at him before smirking and, faster than Bree's superspeed, he playfully tackled Spin to the ground.
Spin yelped in surprise before beginning to attack back.
I laughed in amusement as the two of them began to fight each other.
Playfully, of course.
Chase would never hurt Spin and the same can be said for Spin himself.
And as long as their bionics aren't involved and nobody gets hurt badly, they'll be alright.
"You two better not get your clothes dirty! Remember, it was raining yesterday!" I yelled.
"Yes, sweetheart!" Chase yelled.
"Got it, Luna!" Spin yelled.
I chuckled before pushing myself off of the door and made my way back into the house.
While those two are busy with their playful fight I decided I would make us some dinner.
I was thinking of ordering a pizza but Spin insisted that I made something instead.
He likes when I cook and, well...
Who am I to deny his wishes?
So, since I'm going to be cooking I decided I would make us some lasagna and some salad.
I want my boys to be healthy and I have to stay healthy myself.
Luckily, everything that I need to make lasagna are already here as well as everything I need to make salad.
So, no need to go out and get the stuff.
So, while the boys are busy outside I would get started on the lasagna before getting into the salad.
The lasagna took me a while but once it was done I put it in the oven.
Once that was done and I just had to wait until it was ready I began with the salad.
I asked Tasha how she does her salad since she's really great at making it. Truly.
I've had her cooking for years and while others might judge her on it, I don't.
Which is why I was so happy she helped me and taught me how she makes her salad.
So, this won't take long.
I don't know how long I was preparing the salad, or how long I had been zoned out, but I snapped out of it when I heard footsteps approaching.
I then felt arms wrap around my waist.
A smile immediately appeared on my face.
Especially when I knew who the arms belonged to.
I turned around and looked down and saw Spin smiling up at me.
"Hey, Luna" Spin smiled.
"Hey, buddy" I chuckled.
I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and he immediately leaned more into me.
"Where's Chase?" I asked.
"He went to use the bathroom" Spin replied to which I nodded.
"Well, I hope you're hungry because dinner is going to be ready soon. We're having lasagna" I told him.
Spin gasped before jumping up and down.
"Yes! Yes! I love your lasagna, it's the best!" Spin told me with excitement in his tone.
I laughed at how happy he was, and sounded, and nodded at him.
What did I tell y'all?
He loves my cooking.
"I know buddy. But you do know that there are other good cooks in the world, right?" I asked.
"Yeah but they're not the best like you are" Spin told me.
I smiled at that and leaned down to kiss his head to which he chuckled before hugging me tighter.
I went back to making the salad while Spin just hugged me, not wanting to let go, and was pretty content with watching me.
Soon we heard footsteps approaching us.
"Oh, is Luna making her famous lasagna?" my fiance asked with excitement in his tone.
I giggled and turned to face him with a smile on my face.
I opened my mouth to say something but Spin beat me to it.
"No, she burnt the oven and the lasagna so now we have to eat pizza" Spin pouted.
My eyes widened at that while Chase laughed loudly.
Spin looked up at me with an 'innocent' smile while I just playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"The lasagna is fine which also means that dinner is still happening. And, no, we aren't ordering pizza" I sternly said.
Spin and Chase just pouted at that.
I huffed and gently nudged Spin by his shoulder before leaning over to smack Chase's arm.
The two of them just laughed.
"You two, I swear" I muttered with a shake of my head.
Spin and Chase looked at each other before looking at me as they shrugged their shoulders.
I huffed before shaking my head.
I had the two of them go wash their hands and set up the table and they happily did as told.
Most likely because they were hungry and just wanted everything to be ready so they could eat.
Which, honestly, is understandable since I would be the same.
After the lasagna was ready I got it out of the oven and when I set it down on the counter and looked it over, making sure it looked good, I smiled.
It even smelled good too.
"Boys, I hope you're ready because dinner sure is!" I yelled out to the two of them.
"We're ready!" Spin and Chase yelled back in unison.
I laughed in amusement before carrying the lasagna into the dining room table.
I smiled when I saw Spin already sitting at his chair, the chair he always sits at, and when I saw Chase rushing to my side.
"I've got you, sweetheart" Chase told me as he took the lasagna out of my hands.
"What a gentlemen" I complimented.
"Of course" Chase nodded as he gave my cheek a quick peck.
I smiled and watched as he walked over to the table and set the lasagna down.
"Spin, go get the salad Luna made. It should still be in the kitchen" Chase told him.
"Got it" Spin nodded as he quickly got up and jogged into the kitchen.
I laughed and made my way over to Chase and handed him the knife so he could cut the lasagna for us.
"It's amazing how he easily does as told. Not many kids would" I said.
"Well, considering we taught him to be kind and polite it makes sense. Not to mention he likes us" Chase told me.
I smiled at that and nodded.
I then looked into the direction Spin walked to before turning back to Chase.
"Do you think he'll like the surprise we have for him?" I asked.
Chase smiled and when he was done placing lasagna on each of our plates he walked over to me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"He will. He loves us and looks up to us. Not to mention he loves spending time with us. I have no doubt he'll love what we have for him" Chase told me.
I sighed as a small smile appeared on my face.
"You're right" I nodded.
"Of course I am. I'm Chase Davenport, the smartest man in the world" Chase told me with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes at that and smacked his shoulder to which he groaned as I pulled away from him.
I smiled as Spin walked back into the dining room and handed me the salad.
I thanked him before telling him to sit down and he did as told.
Chase and I walked over to the table and when I set the salad down we took our seats.
The three of us sat next to each other with Spin being in between us since he wants to be near the two of us at all times.
The three of us dived into our food, occasionally putting some salad onto our plates, before eating peacefully.
And by peacefully I mean we talked about anything and made a few jokes then and there.
Nothing but laughter and a few cheers of happiness filled the room that made me smile because of how happy the three of us were together.
And, hopefully, more happiness will be filled.
When we were done with dinner Chase and I cleaned up while Spin went to go find a movie for us to watch before it was time to head to bed.
When we were done washing the dishes we made our way into the living room where we saw Spin scrolling through a few movies.
"Any luck?" Chase asked.
"Not yet. All the movies I came across are the ones we have either watched or the ones we skipped due to how boring they sounded and looked" Spin explained.
I snorted at that and nodded my head in agreement.
He was right about that especially since we read the descriptions and watched the trailers.
"Well, why don't we pick something scary since that will definitely be something we'd like to watch" Chase suggested.
It's true.
The three of us are into scary movies.
There are times where we do flinch at a few scenes but other than that we are really interested in them.
"Awesome" Spin grinned.
"Great. Now, go get the popcorn and some drinks before we start" I told him.
Spin nodded and quickly tossed the remote onto the couch before leaving to do as told.
Chase and I chuckled before we sat down on the couch as my fiance grabbed the remote.
"So, do you want to tell him when he gets back or after the movie?" Chase asked.
"Normally I would suggest we do it after the movie, but I really can't wait any longer. I want him to hear the news now" I told him.
I am seriously jumping up and down inside that I just can't wait.
Spin needs to know what we have for him and he needs to know it now.
Chase chuckled, clearly noting my enthusiasm.
"Good because I'm in the same boat as you. I don't think I would be able to wait any longer" Chase said.
"Sounds good to me" I told him.
We both smiled at each other before leaning in and pressing our lips together.
As we kissed his hands found their way to my hips and he rested them there while my arms found their way around his neck and I rested them there after wrapping them around it.
As we kissed it grew more passionate than soft, just like they always do.
However, just before we could get a little heated we heard someone clearing their throat.
We pulled away from the kiss and turned around and saw Spin standing there with the popcorn and some coca cola.
"Oh please tell me I wasn't about to walk in on you two making out" Spin groaned in annoyance.
I laughed loudly at that while Chase grumbled under his breath, clearly upset for our moment being ruined.
I noticed my fiance's gloomy mode and decided to cheer him up by pushing myself closer to his body and turned my head in order to place a kiss to his cheek. Looks like it worked based on how he looked at me as a smile appeared on his face.
Spin cleared his throat, again, which made the two of us laugh before turning to face him.
"Maybe you were, maybe you weren't" Chase told Spin with a shrug of his shoulders.
Spin rolled his eyes before walking towards us and setting the things he was carrying down onto the table.
Chase and I pulled away from each other in order to make space for Spin so he could sit in between us.
"So, what movie are we watching?" Spin asked in curiosity.
Chase and I shared a glance and a nod as we looked at him.
"Before we get started on the movie, there is something that we need to tell you. Something important" I sternly said.
Spin raised an eyebrow at that and turned to Chase who was looking at him with the same expression.
He glanced between the two of us before his eyes widened and a gasp escaped his lips.
"Oh my god. Are you two running off to Paris to get eloped rather than married?" Spin asked.
My eyes widened at that and I found myself choking on my own spit.
Chase had the same reaction as me, not including the choking part.
"! Of course not" Chase quickly told him after he recovered.
"Why would you even ask that?" I asked, having recovered a few seconds ago.
Spin shrugged and grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl, "Bree told me that you two were going to elope to Paris in case something happened".
I raised an eyebrow at that and turned to Chase who had a look of realization before letting out a sigh.
"Remind me to never let you and her hang out again" Chase muttered.
That just made me more confused but I decided to worry about that later.
Right now we have something to say, and give, to Spin and it just can't wait.
"No, buddy, what we have to tell you is something that could change your life in a really good way. Or maybe a bad way, it depends on how you see it" I explained.
Chase nodded in agreement with what I said.
Spin furrowed his eyebrows together, clearly confused, but gestured for us to continue.
"Spin, you know that we have always grown a soft spot for you. Not just because you, along with Bob, were the youngest among your older siblings. But because you were always so determined to be the best and determined to become a bionic hero and save people's lives" Chase smiled.
I placed my hand on Spin's shoulder causing him to look at me.
"Not to mention you have a great personality. Very funny, kind, intelligent and sassy. You basically remind us of ourselves and we care for you. We always have and we always will" I smiled.
Spin's eyes softened at that and a smile appeared on his face.
"I feel the same way about you guys. You have always been there for me and not once did you underestimate me just because of my age. And you're always there for me whenever I need it and even if I don't need you or want to be left alone you're always there for me to help me feel better. I am grateful to have the two of you in my life" Spin softly smiled.
I smiled more at that and did my best to hold in the tears that were threatening to come out.
Chase was in the same boat as me.
He then cleared his throat and Spin looked at him.
"Well, then you might even be more happy and grateful for what we're about to show and tell you" Chase said.
Spin hummed at that, looking confused, as he furrowed his eyebrows together.
Chase looked at me and nodded.
I nodded back before turning around and grabbing my purse. I took out what was inside and set my purse down before turning back around.
"Here, open it" I told Spin.
I handed him a blue folder and he took it, still looking confused but also interested.
He opened the folder and took out the papers that were inside. He handed the folder to Chase and began scanning the papers closely, trying to figure out what they were.
It didn't seem like he figured it out based on how he glanced between Chase and I for an answer.
"What is this? What am I looking at?" Spin asked.
Chase and I looked at each other before looking back at the boy, "adoption papers".
Spin still looked confused as a calculating look appeared in his eyes, trying to put the pieces together.
Chase and I waited patiently, smiles on our faces as we waited for him to get what we were trying to tell him.
Finally, after about a minute, Spin seemed to understand as his eyes widened and a gasp escaped his lips.
"No" Spin muttered, already in denial.
I giggled and shook my head in amusement.
"It's true" I told him, making sure he knew I was telling him the truth.
Spin shook his head once more and looked at Chase only to receive the same answer.
Spin glanced between the two of us before looking down at the papers that he was holding in his hands. A choke gasp escaped his lips as he looked back at us.
"Are you for real? This is real and not fake?" he asked.
Chase smiled and nodded, "it's real. We promise".
I wrapped an arm around the boys shoulders and he immediately looked at me, trying his best to hold in the tears that were beginning to build up.
"Spin, ever since you entered my life I have felt this connection towards you. I have always seen you as more of a son rather than just a sibling. Maybe it's because I saw a little bit of myself in you. And maybe it's because of the soft spot I developed for you when we first met. And I treat you like a son and love you like one and I know that you see me as more of a mother than just a sister" I explained.
Chase nodded, "it's the same with me. I have always had a soft spot for you and I know that while we aren't related, not like you and Luna, I do care for you. I love you the way she does. I treat you like a son and love you like one and I also know that you see me as a father more than a mentor".
I nodded, "which is why after our wedding we want to finalize everything and have you become our son".
After mine and Chase's wedding, we want Spin to be our son.
We're not going to waste anymore time in him becoming ours because that's what he has always been to us.
We love him as if he was our own and we're not going to let him go. Ever.
Spin was silent after everything we just told him. He said nothing nor did he even move, he simply stared at the two of us with wide eyes.
But I swear I could see some tears becoming visible in his eyes, ready to let them flow.
Chase and I looked at each other, worried we might have overwhelmed the poor boy, and looked back at him.
"Spin, buddy, what do you think about all of this?" Chase softly asked.
"Yeah, is there anything you want to say?" I softly asked.
Spin still didn't say anything.
I began worrying that maybe we sprung all of this on him way too soon. Maybe he wasn't ready.
I opened my mouth, ready to tell him that he didn't have to give us an answer right now, when he finally spoke.
"I say..." Spin trailed off.
He glanced between Chase and I before looking down at the adoption papers that were still in his hands.
He let out a sigh before looking back up at us.
All of a sudden a grin appeared on his face and he quickly set the papers aside before throwing his fists up in the air.
"Hell yes!" he finally yelled out.
This made Chase and I sigh out in relief before grins appeared on our faces.
Oh my god. I can't believe this.
He actually said yes. He actually said yes in us adopting him.
He's really alright with this and I couldn't be any happier because mine and Chase's dream is coming true.
After we're married, we're starting our own little family and that alone warms my heart more than anything.
Our family...
Spin then lunged towards me and wrapped his arms tightly around me while pressing his face against my chest.
I laughed loudly before wrapping my arms around him and leaned down to kiss his head.
Spin sighed in content and snuggled closer to me.
Then he said something I definitely didn't think he'd say, especially not now.
"I love you, mom" Spin whispered.
My eyes widened at that. I felt my heart flutter at that and soon I felt tears beginning to build up.
I clenched my eyes shut, letting the tears fall, and hugged Spin tighter and held him closer to my chest.
He called me mom...
He actually called me mom...
Chase scooted closer to us and wrapped his arms around us, pulling us closer and hugging us tightly.
None of us said anything and just stayed where we were, wrapped in each others arms and feeling each others comfort.
The outcome of this was absolutely great and I couldn't be any happier.
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