Chapter Six: The After Party
Bree's Pov
It was a few hours after the wedding and we were all back at home.
Tasha was more than happy enough to prepare the party in the backyard of our old home, considering we have so much space, we're able to manage an entire party here.
So, she had Mr. Davenport call some people and while the wedding was going on, they were getting the party ready for when we arrived.
The others were outside, enjoying the party and having a great time.
While I was in Luna's old room, changing out of my wedding dress and into a regular party dress.
Courtesy of both Luna and Alexis.
I was fixing my hair, looking at myself in the mirror, trying to make sure that I looked good before heading out to the party.
When I was sure that my hair and everything else was good, I let a small smile appear on my face.
Then my eyes wandered down to my right hand and a soft and loving smile appeared on my face as I stared at my wedding ring and band.
I can't believe it.
I'm married.
I'm married to the love of my life.
The guy that loves me just as I love him, the guy that stood by my side the entire time and never once left me.
I'm finally married to Nick.
I can't believe it.
I snapped out of my thoughts when strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind.
I smiled even more and turned my head, only to see my husband smiling at me.
"Hello, angel" Nick smiled.
"Hello, handsome" I smiled back.
"Now, would you mind telling me why my beautiful wife is up here and not at the party with me?" Nick asked.
When he said wife, I felt my heart flutter even more, and I felt my cheeks turning red.
I sighed and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I just came up here to change. And once I looked at my ring, I got lost in thought" I said.
Nick hummed and placed a kiss to my temple, causing me to smile and kiss his cheek, causing him to smile.
"Come on, angel. The party awaits" Nick smiled.
I nodded and linked my arm with his, causing him to smile more.
We both left the room and walked downstairs and began walking to head outside.
Once we got outside we smiled at the beautiful decorations.
This is exactly how I wanted the after party to look like.
I spotted our friends and family sitting at a table together, they were talking and laughing together.
Nick and I smiled at each other before walking towards them.
"Hey, guys" I smiled.
They all stopped what they were doing and looked at us, smiles appearing on their faces.
"Well, well, there's the newly married couple" Douglas smiled.
"I'm surprised you guys are here. I thought you'd be making out in the room" Alexis teased, smirking.
That made Nick and I blush as I scooted closer to his side.
"Please, that's Luna and Chase's thing" Adam shook his head.
"Hey!" the couple yelled out.
"Oh shut up, you both know it's true" Leo scoffed, rolling his eyes.
Luna tried getting up but Chase grabbed her and pulled her back down, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
I chuckled and shook my head.
Soon music began playing, a few people had already gotten up to dance, causing Nick and I to look at each other.
"Shall we dance, my angel?" Nick asked, holding his hand out for me.
"Yes, yes we shall" I nodded, giggling.
I placed my hand onto his and allowed him to take me to the dance floor.
Once we were there, I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist.
We started swaying to the music, still smiling at each other.
I swear my cheeks hurt because of the amount of times I've been smiling.
"You know, I do like this dress of yours. But I love your wedding dress more" Nick said.
"I won't lie, I love my wedding dress more. But, this dress is shorter and I don't have to worry about tripping" I chuckled.
Nick thought about it before chuckling as he nodded his head.
"True, but you know that even if you did trip, I would catch you" Nick said.
"I know, you'd never let your wife fall" I giggled.
"Never. I'd kill myself if you got hurt hurt because of me, or worse" Nick said, his tone serious.
I gulped slightly and felt shivers run down my spine.
Nick is really hot when he shows his protectiveness. I love it.
I gasped softly when Nick moved us around, his arms tightening slightly around my waist.
I let one arm rest at his shoulder while the other arm remained wrapped around his neck.
My husband dipped me, our noses brushing against each other, our eyes locked on each other.
"Looks like I've fallen for you, huh?" I asked, smirking.
Nick rolled his eyes but laughed, clearly amused by what I said.
I mean, it's true.
"Please, if anything, I have fallen for you" Nick smirked.
That's also true.
Actually, no. We both fell for each other, that's true.
I leaned in and pressed my lips onto his. The action caused him to smile as he began kissing me back.
Soon another song came on, causing everyone to cheer as more people got up and ran onto the dance floor.
Nick and I pulled away from the kiss, laughing, as Nick pulled me up.
When we pulled away from each other the boys grabbed Nick while the girls grabbed me.
I laughed at the pout on Nick's face as he was dragged away.
I squealed in surprise when Luna spun me around, causing me to smile at her.
The girls and I began dancing with each other, laughing in amusement when we saw the boys dancing with each other.
I grinned when Mr. Davenport grabbed Douglas's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.
Emily grabbed Kevin's arm and dragged him as well, despite his protests.
Tasha shook her head, a fond smile on her face, as she walked towards Grandma Rose to talk to her.
An Hour Later
After we were done dancing to as many songs as we could, it was time to eat.
The guests sat wherever they wanted while my friends and family and I sat together.
We were able to combine more tables together and gather more chairs so that we could all sit together.
We weren't able to have all the students sit with us, so they sat at different tables.
The only exceptions being Bob, Spin, Logan and Taylor.
Spin because Luna and Chase wanted him to sit near them.
Bob because, just like Luna and Chase, Adam and Alexis wanted him to sit near them.
Taylor because she's Leo's girlfriend, he wants her near her at all times, and Logan because him and Leo are friends and he's one of Nick's groomsmen.
Nick and I sat in the middle of the table, holding hands, smiling at each other.
The food was delicious, it really was, we all ended up getting seconds because of how good it was.
We were tempted to get thirds, but we didn't, after all we wanted to save some room for dessert.
When we were done with the food, it was time for the speeches.
Leo went up first because he's Nick's best man and he's my brother.
"I'm going to start this off by saying I never thought I'd be here. I honestly thought that Luna and Chase would be the ones to get married first, but I was proven wrong when Nick had enough balls to propose to Bree after dating for a few months while it took Chase 4 years just to propose to his girl" Leo teasingly smirked.
Everyone started laughing, even Grandma Rose and Tasha.
Luna rolled her eyes but had a smile of amusement on her face.
While Chase glared at Leo in annoyance, a glare that Leo ignored.
"But, I'm happy that they're together and most of all, happy. It took them a while to officially become a couple, but they eventually got there. It was a shock to all of us when Nick proposed to Bree after dating for only a few months, and while we believe it was a bit of a rush, we didn't mind because it just proved to us how much Nick loves Bree and that he wasn't going to wait to pop the question" Leo explained.
My eyes watered and so did Nick's.
"Nick, you're my best friend and you're my brother. Please, take care of Bree, she's my sister and I love her with all my heart. I know I don't have the strongest body, but I will lift a car and throw it at you if you ever break her heart" Leo sternly said.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as a soft smile appeared on my face.
Nick chuckled softly at that and nodded his head, turning around to give my cheek a kiss.
Leo smiled at us and nodded, indicating he was done.
Everyone began clapping for him, causing him to smile more as he bowed.
With that, Leo got off the stage, Luna then got up and walked onto the stage.
"Bree has been my best friend and my sister since day one. We did everything together and no matter what we went through we always had each other. I remember that all she ever wanted was for a boy to like her for who she was and wasn't freaked out because of her bionics. I always told her that she would find the right one, it was just a matter of time and patience, and look at where she is now. She found her perfect match, they're in love and most importantly, they're married" Luna smiled.
Nick and I glanced at each other, smiling, before turning back to Luna.
Luna turned her head so that she was looking at the two of us.
"Of course she had relationships in the past, but believe me when I say that none of those could compare to her relationship with Nick. The love that they hold for each other is as I said, perfect, and the reason for it being perfect is because they're perfect for each other. Although it took a while for them to become an official couple, I'm happy that they chose each other in the end. Everytime I see them together, I see nothing but absolute love and happiness" Luna softly smiled.
My eyes softened, Nick smiled softly at Luna and everyone 'awed' at her speech.
"Bree, my amazing sister, I love you. You deserve all of this and I'm happy that you're happy. I wish you and Nick nothing but happiness and exciting adventures" Luna smiled.
Oh, Luna...
I love you too, sis. Always.
My lips trembled and I felt a tear slide down my cheek.
Nick smiled softly at me and reached over, gently wiping the tear away with his finger.
When Luna got off the stage Chase came up.
"Well, I'd love to say that I'm extremely happy for my sister finally marrying the love of her life. She really chose the right guy because out of all the boys she dated in the past, I'm happy she sealed her future with Nick. Nick is her true love and I know that they're gonna last for a long time. It's the truth" Chase smiled.
Chase turned around so his eyes were locked on mine.
"Bree, I know that we have our differences and sometimes we fight, but it's normal for siblings to fight or annoy each other. But, despite everything, I truly am happy for you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy and now that you and Nick are married, I'm happy that I'll be able to see you smile everyday" Chase smiled.
My eyes softened and I smiled, nodding at my brother.
"Nick, please take care of my sister. She deserves nothing but happiness. And if you do hurt her, you best believe I'll rip your head off and dump your body in the lake" Chase glared at my husband.
Everyone laughed, even me.
Nick rolled his eyes but nodded, turning to me and smiling.
"I'd never hurt you. You're the love of my life after all" Nick smiled.
"And you're mine" I smiled.
I leaned in and pecked him softly on the lips, causing him to hum.
After Chase, Alexis got on stage.
"I'm not that great with speeches, so this will be quick. I just want to say that I'm happy for you both. I was so damn frustrated because you two were too scared to reveal your feelings to each other, but you both finally grew some balls and became official. I was more than happy when Nick proposed because he wasn't going to wait like how he waited to reveal his love for Bree. You both are made for each other and I'm happy you've officially sealed your future with each other" Alexis smiled.
Nick and I smiled at her, so did Adam and Luna.
"Nick, while you are my brother, Bree is my best friend, my sister. I love her with all my heart and I'd do anything for her. If you break her heart, I will break you in half" Alexis sternly said.
I chuckled in amusement while everyone else laughed.
Nick scoffed and rolled his eyes, but nodded.
Alexis smiled and got off stage, Adam got on stage.
"Bree is my sister, my little sister, and despite what has happened in the past I love her to death. Just like Luna said, she's never had the best luck with relationships. And while I did tease her about it, I felt bad because it always ended in a breakup for her. I was worried she'd never find love again, but I was wrong. Nick showed up in her life, and when I saw the look in both their eyes, I knew right then and there that he was the one for her" Adam smiled.
Oh, Adam...
"I was frustrated myself that it took them a while to get together but they eventually got there. Even though they were dating for a few months I was happy when Nick proposed, he definitely had alot more balls than Chase, who waited for 4 years, to propose to Luna" Adam teasingly smirked.
Everyone burst out laughing, especially Nick and I.
Chase glared at Adam while Luna sighed and shook her head.
"Let me just say that I'm happy they're finally husband and wife, just like my lovely girlfriend said, they've sealed their future together. I wish you two nothing but love and happiness" Adam smiled.
When he was done with this speech everyone began clapping for him.
Adam smiled and did a small bow before getting off the stage.
When Adam walked towards the table I quickly got up and pulled him into a hug.
Adam chuckled before hugging me back, placing a soft kiss to my head.
"Thank you, Adam. I love you, brother" I whispered.
"I love you too, sis" Adam whispered.
We remained that way for a few seconds before pulling away.
Adam gently patted my head before walking back towards his seat, which was obviously next to Alexis.
Soon Mr. Davenport and Douglas went up.
I guess they're gonna say their speech together.
"I've been wanting to say this since this morning but I decided to wait. But here we are now so I can finally say what I've been meaning to say. It's about damn fucking time" Mr. Davenport grinned.
We all gasped, clearly surprised that he cursed.
He hardly ever cursed. He only cursed if he was really pissed off.
"Forgive my language, but just like everyone else has said, I too was frustrated that it took Nick and Bree a while to officially become a couple. I knew I wasn't the only one that could sense the tension between those two. But, I will admit, their slow love was worth it because here they are now, married and ready for whatever the future awaits for them" Mr. Davenport smiled.
When Nick and I got over our shock, we smiled at Mr. Davenport.
"Bree is my daughter and I love her. I might be her uncle but I've always been her father, I took care of her and her brothers, she's my daughter the same way that Luna is my daughter. All I ever wanted was for her to find her true love and be happy and here she is. Happy. Marriage isn't easy, but I know that her and Nick will get through it as long as they have each other. So, no need to worry there" Mr. Davenport smiled.
Nick and I smiled at each other and nodded.
When Mr. Davenport was done, Douglas spoke up next.
"Bree is my daughter just as much as she's my brother's daughter. I wasn't the best person in the past, however, I have changed and I'm happy to be apart of my children's lives. Especially my daughters. Now that she's finally married to the love of her life, I know she'll continue to be happy. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy and now she is. I'm proud of how far she's come" Douglas smiled.
I sniffled as Nick wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leaning in to give my temple a kiss.
Mr. Davenport wrapped his arm around Douglas's shoulder as they both turned to the mic, looking at everyone.
"We wish you nothing but happiness" Mr. Davenport and Douglas said together, smiling.
We all smiled at them and began clapping for them.
After the Davenport brothers were done and got off the stage, Tasha went up.
"Well, from all the speeches given from everyone, I just want to say that I'm happy for you two as well. When Luna told me about the engagement, I was ecstatic, I squealed so loudly I might've scared a few of my neighbors" Tasha blushed.
Mr. Davenport was the first one to burst out laughing. The rest of us soon followed.
Tasha rolled her eyes fondly and waited for the laughing to stop before continuing.
"Marriage isn't always easy. There will be some struggles, but as long as you two are always there for each other and help each other the best that you can, you'll be fine. I've seen Bree and Nick together when they were girlfriend and boyfriend and they really fit each other perfectly. I know that your marriage is going to be a long and happy one, 100%" Tasha smiled softly.
Nick slid his hand into mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.
I smiled softly at him and scooted my chair so I could be close to him, snuggling into his side.
Tasha smiled and waved at everyone before getting off the stage.
After the speeches the music came back on and this time we all got up and ran to the dance floor.
I left Nick's side to dance with Luna and Alexis.
I didn't need to worry about Nick because Adam, Chase and Leo pulled him to dance with them.
I swear all our feet hurt after dancing, but none of us cared, we were having fun and that's all that matters.
After what felt like hours of dancing, the cake was taken out so that Nick and I could cut it.
Note to self, thank Tasha and Luna for picking out the cake.
Not only did it look amazing, but it tasted just as amazing. It was so damn good.
Thank goodness we had leftovers because after everyone was done with their first slice, they wanted another.
When we were done with the cake, slow music came on, so we all got up to dance with our respective partners.
Luna and Chase.
Alexis and Adam.
Skylar and Oliver.
Taylor and Leo.
Mr. Davenport and Tasha.
And of course, Nick and I, the married couple.
Spin, Bob and Daniel had gone inside to watch some movies. They got a little bored after eating their second slice of cake.
Kaz would've asked Janelle to dance, but his feet were killing him and he would rather rest than injure his feet more.
As for Janelle, she would've gone back to dancing, but she decided against it.
Two reasons.
One being that she was tired herself and didn't bring extra shoes to dance in.
The second being she had been staring at Taylor and Leo dancing ever since they got on the dance floor.
Janelle would obviously never admit it out loud, but she was a little jealous, I could tell.
Their breakup was a little messy but they did agree to remain as friends.
I guess a small part of her does miss Leo, maybe seeing him move on with another girl hurts.
Well, I can only hope that she finds someone else, someone that'll make her happy the way that Taylor makes Leo happy.
Now, moving on from that.
Nick and I swayed to the music together, our foreheads were touching and soft smiles were planted on our faces.
We've sealed our future together.
I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been.
Because as long as I have Nick by my side every step of the way, our marriage is going to last for a very long time.
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