Chapter Fourteen: Another Sweet Proposal
Ian's Pov
It's been a few days since I told Luna I want to propose to Miles and she's been helping me nonstop and I couldn't be anymore grateful.
When I told my parents about wanting to propose they were ecstatic. Especially my mom, who had been squealing for five minutes straight.
Since they knew Luna was going to help out they let us be but they were definitely going to be there when I get down on my knees and propose to Miles.
Actually, everyone is going to be there.
Luna asked me if she could tell her family and friends and I said yes.
And of course they were also ecstatic and promised that they would be there too for support.
I'm so happy to have the support of my parents and Luna's friends and family. I'm happy that they've got our back.
Sadly, I can't say the same for Miles.
His mother died when he was only four years old and his father remarried another woman.
When Miles came out to his father and step-mother, it wasn't the same like what happened when I came out to my parents.
Miles didn't tell me in detail what happened but all he told me was that the neighbors had called the cops due to the yelling, screaming and a few things being thrown.
After what happened, Miles decided it would be best for him to just leave. So he packed his things and went to go live with a friend of his that was more than happy to have him stay.
He hasn't spoken to his father or step-mother in years and he doesn't seem to care because from what he told me, his father is dead to him.
I feel bad for my boy, but as long as he's not letting it get to him then it's fine.
Anyways...back to the task at hand.
I was currently in the living room, sitting on the couch while looking at the box that had Miles's ring.
Luna had gone with me to find the perfect ring. I was going to go alone but I realized that I suck at shopping and I really wanted to find the perfect ring, which is why I called Luna and she was more than happy to help me.
Nobody's Pov
Ian let out a groan as Luna grabbed his arm and dragged him into a nearby ring store.
So far they have gone to three different ring stores but Ian couldn't find the perfect ring and he was getting frustrated and was losing hope.
Fortunately for him, Luna isn't one to give up.
Which is why she drove off to another part of town and stopped when she found another ring store. When she parked her car she dragged Ian out and into the store.
"Luna, what makes you think this store is going to be any different from the others?" Ian asked.
"Because this is the store Adam and I had gone to in order to find a ring for Alexis. The rings they sell here are beautiful and I'm sure you'll find the perfect ring for Miles" Luna smiled.
Ian sighed as he gently pulled his arm away from his best friends grasp.
"Are you sure? Because if I can't find anything then I'm really just going to give up" Ian sighed.
He really wanted to find the perfect ring because he wants this proposal to be perfect.
Miles, his lovely boyfriend, his everything, deserves everything and that's why he wants this proposal to be perfect for him.
Ian snapped out of it when he was smacked upside the head, courtesy of Luna.
"Stop talking like that. You sound like a quitter and my best friend isn't a quitter" Luna glared at him.
The last thing she wanted was for her best friend to give up and call off the proposal.
She's going to help him find the perfect ring no matter how long it takes.
"But we've gone to three ring stores and found nothing. What makes you think we're going to find anything here?" Ian asked.
"Come on, lets head inside and you'll see that you'll have better luck here" Luna smiled.
Ian let out a sigh but nodded his head, allowing Luna to link her arm with his and guide him inside the store.
The second they were inside Ian instantly knew that Luna was right.
But he won't say that out loud, considering he doesn't want to inflate her ego.
The rings that were being displayed before him were beautiful. All of them were beautiful and unique in their own way.
No wonder Adam was able to find the perfect ring for Alexis.
"Wow" Ian breathed out.
"I know, that's the same reaction Adam had" Luna giggled, shaking her head in amusement.
"It's like we just entered heaven but for rings" Ian said, looking around.
Luna shot her best friend a weird look before laughing and shaking her head, finding his words amusing.
The two of them began looking around, Ian scanning every single ring he saw to see if he would find the perfect one.
Just then a jeweler came up to them. A woman that looked around her fifties.
"Is there anything I can help you two with?" the jeweler softly asked.
"Yes. I'm planning on proposing to the love of my life and for that I need the perfect ring" Ian grinned.
The jeweler glanced between him and Luna in confusion before smiling, "alright I have a few rings you can look at. Would you like to see them in private so your soon to be fiance doesn't get any spoilers?" she asked.
Ian and Luna's eyes widened as they glanced at each other before taking a few steps away from each other.
"Oh no, no, no, we're not together. Definitely not" Ian shook his head.
"Yeah, Ian over here is my best friend. My brother in all but blood. And he's gay while I'm straight" Luna told the woman.
"Yeah and she's already engaged and I have a boyfriend who's the love of my life" Ian smiled.
"Oh, my mistake. I'm so sorry" the jeweler apologized, blushing in embarrassment.
"No harm done" Luna reassured the woman, smiling.
"Besides, even if I wasn't gay I wouldn't go for Luna. She's not my type" Ian told the woman.
Luna's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she snapped her attention to her best friend.
"What do you mean I'm not your type? I'm everyone's type!" she yelled at him, offended.
"Not mine" Ian rolled his eyes.
Luna didn't know what to say at that, she was speechless.
She simply let out a huff and crossed her arms over her chest, pouting as she did so.
Ian rolled his eyes at his best friend while the jeweler laughed softly at their interaction.
"Alright, well if you two would follow me I'll show you some of the rings you can choose from" the jeweler smiled.
"Sounds good" Ian smiled.
He grabbed a still pouting Luna by her arm and dragged her with him as they followed the jeweler.
Flashback Ends
Ian's Pov
Believe it or not but I managed to find the perfect ring thanks to the jeweler showing us some of the options she had.
I paid for the ring and thanked the jeweler before Luna and I left.
When I got back home I hugged Luna and thanked her for helping me and she hugged me back, telling me it was no problem and kissed my cheek before leaving.
After finding the perfect ring Luna and my parents help me set up the proposal and it was ready.
Everything is ready.
Tomorrow is the day I propose to Miles and I'm nervous but excited at the same time.
"Ian?" a soft voice broke me out of my thoughts.
My eyes widened and I quickly shoved the box into my sweatpants pocket and looked up.
Miles, who was wearing a white shirt and black shorts, rubbed his eyes as he walked into the living room.
"Hey, baby boy" I softly smiled.
"Why are you up, babe?" he softly asked.
"I woke up and decided to get some water. I didn't feel like going back to sleep so I just decided to sit here for a while" I told him.
Miles let out a hum and nodded his head in understanding.
He walked over to me and sat down on my lap and I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close.
"Everything alright?" Miles asked.
"Now that you're here, definitely" I grinned.
Miles chuckled and shook his head, leaning in to place a kiss to my lips. I hummed into the kiss and poured all my emotions into it, just like I always did when we kissed.
The more and more we kissed the more and more passionate it became.
I licked Mile's bottom lip, asking him for permission, and when he granted me it I deepened the kiss and he moaned softly.
A smirk appeared on my face before I pulled away from the kiss and went down to Mile's neck.
I began kissing his neck softly, biting at his skin, and enjoyed the moans that escaped his mouth and the way he tugged on my hair softly. Not wasting anymore time I held onto him tightly and lifted him up.
Miles wrapped his legs around my waist and wrapped his arms around my neck, holding onto me tightly.
"Bedroom?" I whispered against his neck.
"We'll wake your parents" Miles whispered back, trying to contain his moans.
"Don't worry, they're heavy sleepers" I whispered.
I didn't wait for him to say anything as I smashed my lips back onto his, causing him to moan in surprise before kissing me back eagerly.
I chuckled before carrying him into our room, kicking the door shut behind me as we made our way to our bed.
The rest of our clothes came off and we covered our bodies with the sheets, engulfing ourselves in a passionate night together.
The Next Day
Luna's Pov
Today was the day Ian is going to ask Miles to marry him.
It's happening. It's really happening.
My best friend is going to get down on his knees and ask the love of his life to marry him and I can't wait.
Ian has everything planned and his parents have prepared everything for the place where he's going to propose to Miles.
Right now I'm over at the place Ian, Miles and Ian's parents are staying at because Ian needed my help in picking out the right outfit for tonight.
"So, remind me where Miles and your parents are?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at my best friend.
Ian was searching through his closet to find the perfect outfit.
So far he had set out a few options but was looking for more.
"My parents took Miles out to the mall. They're going to keep him distracted while you and I make sure everything is planned perfectly" Ian told me.
"Don't worry, your parents covered everything and I'm sure they did a great job" I smiled.
"I know but I just don't want anything to go wrong. All of this needs to go well. It needs to be perfect for Miles" Ian told me.
I smiled softly at him and sat down on his bed.
"I know. Trust me, Adam was the same since he wanted his proposal to be perfect. And it was, Alexis loved it" I sighed.
"So he definitely understands where I'm coming from" Ian nodded.
"Trust me, he does. But proposals don't always have to be perfect or full of grand gestures" I told him.
Ian turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.
He walked over to his bed and set the outfit down next to the others and crossed his arms over his chest.
"What do you mean? Didn't Chase do something big and grand when he proposed to you?" Ian asked.
"Not really" I told him.
Ian looked at me in confusion and gestured for me to explain, causing me to sigh softly.
"Chase proposed to me in the lab of the home I grew up in before moving into the bionic academy" I said.
Ian's eyes widened at that, clearly not expecting that.
He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him, wanting to explain further.
"Chase proposed to me in the lab because that's where we first. That's where it all started. That's how our beautiful love story began. I'm happy he didn't do anything big or grand for me because his proposal was perfect in my eyes" I softly smiled.
I looked down at my ring and gently fiddled with it.
"If Leo and I had never discovered the lab that day, I don't think I'd be where I am right now" I softly smiled.
Tears gathered in my eyes and slowly slid down my cheeks.
The thought of not meeting Chase, the thought of not knowing him, the thought of not being with him scares me.
Because I can't imagine myself being with anyone that isn't Chase.
I love him and he loves me and I want my forever to be with him and him only.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Ian smiling softly at me, tears gathering in his own eyes.
"You and Chase really were meant for each other. He's lucky to have you and you're lucky to have him" Ian softly smiled.
I returned the soft smile before laughing in delight as he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, burying my head into his shoulder.
We remained that way for a few seconds before pulling away from the hug.
"Alright, no more crying. And more talking about Chase and I. Today is about you and Miles" I grinned.
Ian chuckled at that but nodded his head in agreement, causing me to smile even more.
With that Ian started showing off all the outfits he had laid out on his bed and I made sure to look at every single one of them correctly in order to pick out the perfect outfit.
Ian's Pov
When Miles and my parents had returned home I asked Miles if he wanted to go out with me on a date.
And, as tired as he was, he agreed because he just wanted to spend time with me.
Luckily the place we were going to required for me to drive since, well, it was a bit far away from where we lived, and that gave Miles the opportunity to take a nap.
I really had to stop myself from cooing at my beloved boyfriend and reaching out to place a kiss to his lips since I was driving and the last thing I wanted was to crash.
The last thing I wanted was for my beloved boyfriend to get hurt because of me.
When we arrived at the place Miles had woken up and I grabbed his hand and took him out of the car.
After parking the car we walked hand in hand to the place we were heading to.
A place that I made sure was reserved for us and us alone. Not wanting anyone to interrupt us since I want everything to go as planned.
"You going to tell me where we're going or no?" Miles asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"All will be revealed soon, baby boy" I smiled, leaning in to kiss his forehead.
Miles pouted before letting out a sigh as he reluctantly nodded his head, causing me to chuckle.
Something that Luna and Miles have in common is that they aren't fans of surprises. But at least I'm not covering his eyes like Chase does with Luna whenever he has a surprise prepared for her.
As we walked Miles told me everything that happened while him and my parents were out and I listened to every single word he said. I love listening to him talk because he always talks with happiness, excitement and joy and everytime he does talk it brings a smile to my face.
God, I love this boy so much.
I can't wait to get down on my knees and ask him to marry me.
I just pray to god that he says yes...
Finally, we arrived at the place we needed to be.
The place I found and the place my parents set up for us.
"Here we are, baby boy" I smiled softly at my beloved boyfriend.
Miles raised an eyebrow at me in confusion but when he turned around and took in the sight in front of him he let out a gasp.
"Oh my god" Miles gasped.
"Do you like it?" I asked, looking at him in slight concern.
"Like it? I love it! It's beautiful" Miles grinned happily at me, his eyes showing nothing but love.
A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I pulled him into a sweet kiss, a kiss that he eagerly returned.
We both held hands and walked down the stairs in order to reach the blanket that we were going to sit on, the blanket that had the wine my parents bought for us and the glass cups.
We sat down together and as Miles admired the
"Would you like some wine, my beloved?" I softly asked, smiling.
"Why yes I would" Miles nodded, smiling himself.
I poured wine in both of our glasses before handing one to Miles. He took it and thanked me and I nodded.
I closed the wine bottle and set it aside before holding onto my glass while turning over to Miles.
"Cheers" I grinned.
"Cheers" Miles chuckled.
We clicked our glasses together before taking a long sip of our wine, sighing in delight since it's been a while since we drank wine.
Due to college, exams and stress we didn't really have time for each other nor time to drink wine when we desperately wanted to.
Thankfully, exams are over for us since we made the smart decision to take them early.
Thank god.
"You know what this reminds me of?" Miles asked.
I raised an eyebrow at him, pretending to be confused, to which he caught on as he fondly rolled our eyes.
"When you asked me to be your boyfriend" Miles said.
Nobody's Pov
Miles and Ian smiled and laughed as they got out of the water, towels wrapped around them as they dried themselves off.
Ian had taken Miles to the beach for their date but he had taken him when it was late at night to insure that nobody would bother them.
They spent their date eating the snacks that Ian packed for them and watched movies on Miles's laptop.
When the movie was over they decided to go for a swim.
They didn't bring any swimming clothes so they just decided to go in the water with what they were wearing.
They stayed in the water for a good twenty minutes before deciding to get out and luckily they brought towels with them so that way they weren't freezing when they got out.
As they made their way back to their little picnic area Miles let out a small snort.
"Thank god we packed some spare clothes. I really didn't want to stay in these wet and soggy clothes" Miles said.
"Same here" Ian nodded.
When they arrived at their picnic area Miles made sure his hands were dried before closing his laptop and grabbing it and putting it in his bag.
"Well, I say we hit the showers real quick and change and head out" Miles smiled.
"Are you sure you want to go home right away? We can always go somewhere else" Ian asked.
"Tempting, but maybe another time. It's already late and we do have school tomorrow" Miles reminded him.
"Ugh, right. School" Ian groaned, rolling his eyes.
Miles chuckled and gently hit his arm before beginning to wrap everything up. Ian let out a sigh before helping the boy out.
When everything was put away the boys grabbed their spare clothes and started making their way towards the showers to do what they needed to do before leaving.
As they reached the showers Ian had an inner debate in his head before finally giving in.
"Wait, Miles!" Ian somewhat yelled out.
Miles stopped walking and turned around and furrowed his eyebrows at the boy.
"Yeah?" he asked, confused.
Ian opened his mouth to say something but no words came out, confusing and concerning Miles even more.
"You know what, fuck it" Ian muttered.
He stalked over to Miles but before Miles can ask him what was wrong, Ian wrapped an arm around the boys waist and pulled him closer to his chest.
Miles yelped in surprise as his chest made contact with Ian's. But before he could even say anything Ian smashed his lips onto his, kissing him with so much desperation and passion.
Miles's eyes widened in shock as his arms were extended out, he couldn't believe what was happening.
However, he slowly gave into the kiss and slowly, very slowly, wrapped his arms around Ian's neck and held onto him tightly as he began pouring his emotions into the kiss the same way Ian did.
The boys pulled away from the kiss in order to catch their breaths. Their cheeks were red, their lips were slightly swollen and they were panting a bit.
When they calmed down Ian let a smile appear on his face before leaning his forehead onto Miles's.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while" Ian whispered.
"Me too" Miles whispered back, still in a slight daze.
"Now, since I was confident to finally kiss you, I'm confident to finally ask you what I've been wanting to ask you" Ian softly smiled.
Miles felt his heart beat quicken as he patiently waited for Ian to ask him what he wanted to ask him.
"Miles Landon, will you be my boyfriend?" Ian softly asked, his eyes full of nothing but adoration.
Miles felt tears gathering in his eyes as he let out a breathless laugh before pulling Ian into another passionate kiss, a kiss that was easily returned.
They parted ways as Ian looked at him with hope in his eyes.
"I take it that's a yes?" he asked.
"Yes you idiot! It's a definite yes!" Miles yelled, grinning as he did so.
Ian laughed happily and brought him into a hug, causing Miles to laugh before hugging him back.
Finally, Miles was his boyfriend. Miles was his and he was never going to let him go.
Flashback Ends
Ian's Pov
"That's the day we made it official. That's the day you became mine the same way I became yours" I smiled softly.
Miles smiled softly at me as he set his glass down and scooted closer to me. I did the same.
He cupped my face with his hands and I placed my hands on his hips.
"I'll always remember that day, always" Miles smiled softly.
"Me too. But, there was something else I should've done that day" I told him.
Miles raised an eyebrow at me while I just smiled at him.
I removed my hands from his hips and grabbed my phone. I plugged my phone into the speaker I brought with me and looked for the song I was looking for. When I found it I pressed play before setting my phone down.
I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a boy, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine
I looked over at the love of my life and saw him smiling softly at me, tears beginning to gather in his eyes but he held them in.
I held my hand out for him and he put his hand on mine, slowly and gently interlocking our fingers.
I smiled as I got up from the ground and brought Miles up with me.
We held hands as I guided him over to the center of the beach. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my neck.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight
Well, I found a man, stronger than anyone I know
He shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share his home
I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
I know that Miles can't pregnant since he's a male so it's impossible for us to have children.
But, there are always other ways for us to have children. Surrogacy or adoption.
I know that when the time comes, when we're ready, we're going to have kids of our own and raise them with nothing but love.
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my boy, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that suit, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight
Miles and I slowly started to sway to the music, holding onto each other while staring into each others eyes.
We stared at each other with nothing but love, adoration, longing, passion and so much more.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And he looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight
As the song came to an end so did our small dance, but we continued holding onto each other due to the fact that we didn't want to let each other go.
As the music ended and so did our swaying, I pulled Miles into a sweet kiss and he responded easily.
We kissed for a few seconds before pulling away.
I smiled softly at my boy and brought my hand up and gently wiped away a tear that slid down his cheek with my finger.
Taking a deep breath, I released my hold on my boyfriend and took a few steps back.
Slowly, very slowly, I got down on one knee.
Miles's eyes widened in realization and shock, a gasp escaping his lips as he brought his hands up to his mouth.
"Miles, when we first met you took my breath away without even knowing it. When we met again I knew that it was fate because I knew that I was slowly falling for you and I knew that it was you I wanted and nobody else. And I was right. Because all of those dates we went on together just made me fall more and more for you. And when we finally made it official I thought I was going to burst from happiness. I was scared that we weren't going to work out, that I would possibly do something stupid and make you break up with me since you were my first ever relationship. But I was wrong because our relationship grew more and more, we were stronger together. We've had our bad moments, mainly because there were times where I was being an idiot" I started.
Miles snorted in amusement, causing me to laugh softly while shaking my head.
"But you still stood by my side no matter what. We argued one day and you were so close to leaving me and I was so scared and that's when I blurted out that I loved you. You asked me if I was only saying that to stop me from leaving, but I looked straight into your eyes and told you that I wasn't because I really did love you. I still do and I'll love you till the end of the line" I softly smiled.
I slowly took out the box that was inside my pocket.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, baby boy" I told him.
I took another deep breath before opening the box, revealing the ring that I had picked out for him.
Miles gasped and tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at me after looking at the ring.
"Miles Landon, will you marry me?" I softly asked, looking up at him with loving and pleading eyes.
Because I really want him to say yes.
If he doesn't say yes I think I will...
"Yes!" Miles yelled, more tears streaming down his cheeks with a grin plastered on his face.
My eyes widened and I looked at him and saw nothing but love, adoration and relief shown in his eyes.
A breathless laugh escaped my lips and I jumped up from the ground and pulled him into a deep, passionate and desperate kiss.
Miles cupped the sides of my face with my hands and kissed me back just as desperately and passionately.
We broke away from the kiss when we heard cheering and we turned around and laughed when we saw everyone coming out from their hiding places and were now clapping, cheering and smiling at us.
My parents, Luna, Chase, Mr. Davenport and the rest of Luna's friends and family.
We turned away from them as I took the ring out of the box and slid it into Miles's finger. He smiled down at it before bringing me into another hug, one that I easily returned.
We broke apart and turned to the others and gestured for them to come over and almost instantly they did just that.
Luna practically pushed past everyone and brought Miles and I into a tight hug, causing both of us to laugh before hugging her back.
We broke away from the hug as Luna clasped her hands together.
"Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm so happy for you two" Luna squealed, bouncing up and down in joy.
Miles and I laughed at her joy but before either of us could say anything everyone had already reached us.
Chase along with the ones from the bionic academy all rushed over to Miles to hug him. Bree, Alexis and Taylor grabbed Miles in order to examine the ring.
I yelped in surprise when mom and dad brought me into a tight hug, causing me to chuckle before hugging them back.
We broke apart and mom cupped the sides of my face, placing a gentle kiss to my forehead.
"Oh my sweet boy, I'm so happy for you. You're soon going to get married to the love of your life" Mom smiled softly.
"Thanks mom" I smiled back at her.
Mom hugged me one last time before rushing over to Miles, squealing her lungs out as she brought him into a hug before grabbing his hand to examine the ring.
I yelped when I was brought into another hug, courtesy of my dad, and hugged him back.
When we pulled away from it dad smiled at me and ruffled my hair, causing me to playfully glare at him and smack his hand away.
"I'm proud of you, son. And I'm happy you and Miles are tying the knot and are soon going to get married" Dad smiled.
"Thanks dad. I can't believe I'm soon going to be married to the love of my life" I smiled.
"Lets hope he doesn't ask for a divorce during the first week of marriage" Dad joked, smirking.
I playfully glared at him and smacked his arm, causing him to laugh while raising his hands in surrender.
Dad pulled me into a quick hug before walking over to Miles to hug him and look at the ring.
Soon Mr. Davenport walked over, along with Luna after she hugged Miles, and he smiled at me before pulling me into a hug.
I hugged him back tightly, resting my head on his shoulder.
Mr. Davenport is like a second father to me and just like Luna he supported me when I came out. He was the one that offered me a place to stay at his house if my parents didn't end up supporting me when I came out to them.
He's always been there for me just like Luna and I care for him too.
We pulled away from the hug and Mr. Davenport patted me on the shoulder.
"Congrats, Ian. Just like I told Luna, you're finally engaged to the love of your life" Mr. Davenport grinned.
"I know. It's exciting" I grinned back.
"I'm proud of you. Just like I told Luna, you've come so far and I'm just so happy for you" Mr. Davenport smiled softly.
"Thank you, Mr. Davenport" I smiled.
He smiled at me and brought me into another hug before pulling away.
Luna came over and wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her head into my shoulder, and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around her.
We stayed that way for a few seconds before pulling away. Luna kept an arm around my shoulders as she turned around so that way she was standing at my side.
"I told you there was nothing to worry about. The proposal went just as planned and Miles said yes, which I knew was going to happen but still" Luna grinned.
I chuckled and nodded my head at her, "yeah I know" I told her.
Luna smiled at me before placing a kiss to my cheek, causing me to smile as I wrapped an arm around her waist.
My eyes wandered over to Miles and I didn't stop myself from smiling softly at him.
I'm engaged to the love of my life and I couldn't be any happier.
Hey guys, I hope you liked todays chapter because I sure as hell did!
Oh my god, I was smiling like an idiot in this chapter and very close to tears too!
Who's proposal did you guys like the most?
Luna x Chase
Bree x Nick
Alexis x Adam
Ian x Miles
With that being said, have a great day and see you next time! Bye!
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