Secrets Spilled (Chase Davenport)
"That reminds me of a joke about a photon going through airport security. The TSA agent asks if he has any luggage. The photon says, "No, I'm travelling light."" Chase says, laughing along to his own joke, causing me to giggle slightly and sigh holding my chin in my hand.
The Davenports and I are out at the mall just being teens. We're currently sitting and eating our lunch and chatting after walking around window shopping.
"Dude, what does that even mean?" Adam asks confused and slightly annoyed.
Chase sighs. "It's fine. You won't underst-" his voice gets cut off as I'm pulled away.
I turn to look at Bree when she stops far away from the group. "Bree? What are you doing?" I ask confused.
She laughs. "No. What are you doing? Did you just laugh at one of Chase's dumb smart people jokes? You're acting weird." She asks, crossing her arms.
I sigh and look her in the eyes. "Okay, you got me. I kinda like Chase, a lot. I'm acting weird because I have a crush on him."
"Oh my god!" She says excitedly. "This is so great, my best friend and my little brother; wait, that's a little gross. Oh, but it's so cute." She smiles.
"Why, hello, ladies?" We hear causing us to turn around.
"Marcus?" I ask before everything goes black and I wake up in a cage with Bree beside me. "Bree?" I ask weakly and scared.
She gasps. "Y/N! You're awake." She says before noticing me panicking. "Okay, calm down. Everything's gonna be alright. It's just Marcus and an evil man named Douglas who have kidnapped us. We just need to stick together. Yeah, that's what best friends do." She says calmingly with a soft nervous smile.
"What? Kidnapped? Marcus? Why?" I ask looking around.
She takes a deep breath. "Okay, but promise not to freak out." I nod for her to continue. "There's a secret my family have been hiding from you." She says nervously.
"What kind of secret?"
"A bionic one?" She looks down.
"Bionic? Like biomechanical?" I ask.
She nods. "Yeah, well you see. Adam, Chase and I have bionic superhuman powers. And well, Douglas is actually our real dad who gave us those powers; he also built Marcus, who is an android, and now he wants our powers- no us, back." She explains before we hear a dark chuckle.
"Don't flatter yourself, Missy. I actually just want Chase. It was just easier kidnapping the two of you as a trade to make sure he joins Marcus and me in the ways of evil. I knew Chase would come running after you specifically." Douglas, I'm guessing, says pointing at me directly. Marcus standing beside him, smirking.
"M-me? Why?" I ask looking up at him.
Bree ignores my question asking her own. "How do you know he knows where we are?"
Douglas simply points to the door right as Adam, Chase, and Leo run through it. Adam runs directly at Douglas, and Leo tries to crack his knuckles while walking over to Marcus, who laughs. They begin fighting, or I guess, in Leo's case, distracting.
Chase heads over to a computer typing something on the keyboard before the cage around us lowers.
"Yes!" Bree whispers before disappearing in a blur and being next to Marcus, punching him. I watch her in amazement as she moves with expert skill.
Suddenly, I feel buff arms around me, and I look to see Chase hugging me. "Thank god you're alright Y/N!" He says with a relieved sigh.
"Chase, get her out of here!" Bree yells.
Chase nods and pulls me out with Adam, Bree and Leo following not long after. We all head back to the Davenports' house to debrief and check injuries, if we have any, and Chase pulls me aside.
We walk out of earshot of the rest of the group, and he grabs my hands, looking deep into my eyes. He takes a deep breath and prepares himself for what he's about to say.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about my bionics. They're meant to be a secret and I was trying to keep you safe. But I should have told you. We all should have." He apologises, looking like a kicked puppy.
I smile. "It's okay, Chase; I understand you were just trying to protect me." I look into his eyes. "Thank you. You know, I would do anything to protect you too." I say pulling my hand away to rub my arm nervously. "Because... I like you, a lot. I love you, actually." I admit blushing.
He takes a step back in shock before smiling. "I... I love you too Y/N! I have for a long time." He leans forward and kisses my cheek. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I nod, grabbing his face and kissing his lips. "I will." I smile brightly.
"I promise to always protect you because I am going to be your boyfriend and your bionic protector from now on." He says, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a tight squeeze.
I giggle and nuzzle into his chest wrapping my own arms around his waist.
Request for JulzLovDraco4Eva.
I decided to post both of your requests at the same time to make up for forgetting about one of them for probably half a year. I hope you love both of them. And I'm so thankful for you requesting and being a part of some of my favourite fandoms. ❤️💓
Oh, this is so short. I'm so sorry. I even went back and tried to add stuff. I hope it isn't too short for you.
I love all of my readers so much ❤️💓🥰
Drew X
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