Our Animal Instincts (Chaz)
Warnings: Mainly talking about toxic Exes indirectly, and mentions/jokes of sexual actions but none actually happen. Also, some of this was written after midnight so it might not be the best.
Kaz was the last of the group to turn 18. I don't think he had even realised he was the youngest, he was never treated like it, at least he shouldn't think that. Sure he was the least mature but that's because he was forced to be grown up back at home with his family and here around his friends, he was free to be the child he missed out on being. I wouldn't allow anyone to treat him as such and neither would Oliver or Skylar.
I smile as he comes downstairs on his birthday, we were all gathered at the foot of the stairs waiting for him. We had done the same thing three days earlier for Oliver's birthday.
I had come up with a gift for Kaz and Oliver since their birthdays are three days apart. It was more of a gift for everyone. I'd spent months preparing it or more begging Mr Davenport for it. I had convinced my adoptive dad to let us move out into other apartments.
Obviously, I had gotten them other presents too, custom action figures of themselves. I made sure they were in the same scale as the two comic geek's other figures and they were in their mission suits. Skylar, Bree and I already had our own figures and I didn't want them to be left out.
Oliver loved the gift and had even given me an awkward hug to say thanks. Kaz pouted before realising he'd probably get his own, he'd just have to be patient. And he was for the most part.
Kaz opens his gifts giving Oliver and Skylar big hugs before turning to me. "Thank you guys. I love them." I smile and hand over the slim box, nearly identical to the one I'd given Oliver three days earlier. "I wonder what it could be." He jokes.
He hugs me too when he opens his gift. Although it was more of a tackle, knocking us both to the couch. He's excited despite already knowing what it would be.
"Be careful." I laugh wrapping my arms around him so he doesn't fall.
That's when Mr Davenport comes in. Kaz is still in my arms, and I'm giggling about how excited Kaz is. The father figure ignores us and calls both Kaz and Oliver over to him. He's holding a box. Once they both stand in front of him, and after they look at each other confused because they weren't expecting him to get them anything, he hands it to them. Kaz holds the box while Oliver opens it.
I laugh when I see their confused faces and laugh even more once Bree and Skylar look into the box.
"Keys?" Oliver asks. He picks up one reading the tag. "L109A12." He reads out loud before picking up another. "L108A15." He looks over at Mr Davenport. "Are these keys to apartments?" He asks. Mr Davenport nods. "Why are there so many?"
"Because you're all basically adults now. You deserve to have your own space. There are 6 free apartments. Hence all the keys. You guys go have a look at them and decide if you want to move out. Or in with each other or by yourself. Some of them are single apartments and others have two bedrooms. Some of them are across from each other. I can install a Hyperlift in the ones numbered twelve. So those of you who can't fly keep that in mind." He explains kinda tiredly. "Of course, you're welcome to stay here in the penthouse. Douglas and I are planning on not being here as much anyway. Just give me the keys to the places you don't want later." He says walking off, not before looking over at me as I say a quiet thank you.
We spend the next few hours looking at apartments. There was a rude lady who said she'd report us for being partying teens and that Donald Davenport shouldn't allow mixed youngsters in the building. After carefully explaining to her that we already live in the tower and some of us are in fact his children, she pales and quickly rushes back into her apartment.
Some of us decide to move to the floor below the penthouse. There were two apartments. L109A12 and L109A13. I took number 12 which had one room. And Kaz and Oliver took 13 which had two rooms. While the girls decide to stay in the penthouse.
We all return to the penthouse in time for lunch and discuss excitedly what we're going to do to our rooms. Three out of the Five of us had never had our own room before. I quickly take the keys back to Mr Davenport and hug him, thanking him again.
Before long Kaz's birthday is over and we're moving into our new places. Mine is under construction for the hyperlift but I don't mind. I decide to add a bed to my room as well as my capsule. I haven't told anyone but I really wanted to be able to sleep like a normal person. To be able to cuddle a future partner, if I ever get one, and fall asleep next to them.
I'm working on it and have been for a while, working in secret. Now that I have my own place I don't have to try and sneak away to work on it. It was a collar that I could wear to sleep, doing all the technological stuff the capsule did without the bulkiness of having to stand up.
I'm working on it late the first night when I hear a knock at my door. I look through my peephole and see a nervous Kaz rubbing his arm as he stands awkwardly in the hallway in his pyjamas.
I open the door and look at him. "Kaz, are you okay?" I ask I let him in.
He nods as he walks in. "I'm just not used to sleeping in a room alone. I guess I can't fall asleep unless I can hear someone else breathing." He says tiredly.
I want to say I understand but it's different for me since I fall asleep automatically in the capsule, and it's soundproofed.
I look at my phone, it's nearly midnight. We sit on the couch and decide to ask each other dumb questions since neither of us can sleep. Somehow the subject of romance comes up.
I feel awkward talking about that kinda stuff. I always have.
"What about if instead of saying names we use animals, we don't even have to use pronouns." He suggests.
I look at him sceptical and he sighs.
"For example, I thought I was in love with this panther, it was beautiful, soft fur, sweet smile but it bit me and we had to lock it up for everyone's protection. I didn't think I would find an animal that was just as or more beautiful but I did." He smiles to himself. "A lion, a very gorgeous lion, a little rough around the edges but its story made me love it even more. Its smiles are genuine and it has a heart of gold. Always putting others before itself, despite its obviously fake ego. I feel safe around it and I know it would never bite me, not on purpose at least. Maybe if it was scared." He explains honestly forgetting who he was talking to. He turns to me and blushes. "Or uh, something. Maybe that idea was stupid."
I nod slowly and think about how I want to phrase it. "A similar thing happened to me. A... Coyote tricked me into trusting it. It infiltrated my land and seemed like a friend and then tried to..." I pause and decide to go all in on the animal analogy. "Hurt the chickens I called my family. I don't know what I would have done if it had gotten them. So we caught it and defanged it, locking it up. I also thought I couldn't like another animal. But a fox showed up." Kaz probably knew this was Reece. "It made me think it was friendly. Not coming into my yard until I invited it. It waited till I was gone and then struck. It took something important and injured a chicken but we got it and it's pack. Put them away too."
Kaz nods and sighs thinking I'm finished but I continue.
"But there was another animal. I met it between those two. I didn't want to love another animal like that so I chose not to notice it. I didn't realise how beautiful it was, a wolf. I thought it was just a dumb, silly animal. It tried its best not to seem scary, as it did with everyone. It has never once tried to hurt the chickens, even brought some of its own, so we could protect them together. It had even warned me about the fox. But it's more than that. It's a friend and I don't want to lose it. Even if it means only as friends." I say sadly. Referring to him as a wolf seemed to help me sort out my feelings. I did want him, and if being friends was the closest I could get then I'd be one of his best friends.
There is a pause. "Sounds like the lion and the wolf would get along." Kaz says softly.
"I think so too." I say as we look at each other, I hope and suspect that we are the other's animals. But I don't want to say anything or ruin the moment.
We had stayed chatting until Kaz had fallen asleep. I sadly went up to my room and climbed into my capsule.
When I woke it was early, 6:30 to be exact. The capsule had a built-in alarm clock that goes off in my head. I walk out to Kaz.
"Kaz, hey. Wake up. You have to go home before Oliver realises you're not there." I say shaking him awake. 'Home? That's weird. We had spent what felt like forever living in the same room and now technically we didn't live together anymore.'
Kaz grumbles but thanks me before quickly walking back to his apartment to go back to sleep.
The next night it happens again. We stay up talking. I decided to allow Kaz to lie in my bed and show him my new invention. I trust Kaz and know he won't tell anyone until I'm ready. I use big boring words, hoping Kaz will fall asleep quickly and he does. The next morning I woke him up again.
For the next month, it's the same. Talking about whatever, occasionally mentioning the wolf and lion. Kaz had expanded his story to tell me about a possessive Swan that he had randomly asked out. The animal analogies also expanded into other types of relationships. We told each other who our friends and family's animals were.
We agreed Skylar was a cheater, Oliver a mouse, Bree was an eagle, Adam was a German Shepherd and Leo a gecko. Kaz suggested that Douglas and Donald were Jack Russells and I thought that fit pretty well. Neither of us asked what the other would be. Probably in hopes that we were who we thought we were.
Kaz's POV
I would never tell Chase but every time I'd go back to my own bed in the morning I could never go back to sleep. I'd lay in bed staring up at the ceiling hoping one day I'd be able to see Chase asleep instead of the other way around. Preferably next to him on the bed. I'd always blush at the idea, for even thinking of it. I had never once slept in my own room.
Here I lay waiting until I knew for sure Oliver was asleep before creeping over to Chase's and knocking on the door.
Chase's POV
I had done it. My sleep collar was finished, I'd done all the tests except actually sleep with it on. I was scared to tell Kaz but was going to do it anyway.
Kaz knocked on the door at 11:30 like always and walked straight into my room as soon as the door opened. He sat on the bed and looked at the bedside table, noticing the collar.
"Is it done?" He asks leaning over and gently picking it up. I nod as I sit down next to Kaz. "Are you going to wear it tonight?"
I rub my neck awkwardly. "Yeah, but it would mean that I have to sleep on the bed."
"Obviously." Kaz says not understanding the problem. "Are you worried you won't be able to fall asleep?"
I shake my head. "It means I'll have to sleep on the bed... Next to you." I say patting the bed, not looking up at Kaz.
"Oh!" Kaz thinks for a moment. I can see him trying to keep his smile off his face from the corner of my eye. "That's okay. If you are uncomfortable with that I can just go home or sleep on the couch. But I'm fine with sharing with you." He says softly.
I nod, smile and look up. "Just checking. I don't want you to wake up in the middle of the night and be weirded out."
Kaz laughs. "It's fine. What do you want to talk about?" He says handing the collar back.
I put it back on the bedside table and think. I shrug. "I don't know. You watched anything interesting lately?"
He shrugs. We talk about nothing for a little while until Kaz starts to doze off.
I put on my collar and lay down, staring at the wolf in front of me. I want so badly to reach over and trace my fingers along the curves of the boy's face. I sigh closing my eyes and drift off to sleep.
Kaz's POV
I'm the first to wake up this time. I'm not too worried because Chase always wakes me up before everyone else gets up. 'It must be pretty early.' I think, not able to tell if the sun is out due to the curtain being closed.
I watch the older boy sleep, breathing softly. The collar looks bulky but Chase seems comfortable. He's almost 19 now but his features are still so delicate.
I remember being infatuated with his looks when it was announced that the Davenport kids had bionics. I had set up an alert so I could see any new photos posted of him online. Obviously, I turned them off once we moved in together.
I hear Chase's phone softly vibrate from the desk. 'Should I wake Chase up? No, I'm going to let him sleep.' I think, smiling softly.
I get up and try to move it to somewhere where it won't make so much noise. I look around and realise that Chase doesn't have clothes thrown around the room like in my room, nowhere soft to dampen the vibration. It goes off in my hand.
I turn the phone over. I shouldn't be invading his privacy but my curiosity got the better of me and it keeps going off, I have to see if it's important, so I know whether to wake Chase. I read it. It's our group chat.
Oli: Have you guys seen Kaz?
Sky: No, is he not in your apartment?
He's not up here.
Be-be: What she said.
Oli: No his room is empty. So is the bathroom and living area.
I realised I left my phone in my room. 'Why would I need it if I'm just sleeping?' I also see the time, 9 o'clock. 'It's that late?' A new text pops up, directly to Chase.
Oli: Chase are you there? Is Kaz with you?
I look over at Chase. I don't want to wake him but he's normally awake by now. And I don't want the others to worry but I also don't want them to know I'm here.
I put the phone on the floor next to my side of the bed and hope I don't step on it before climbing back into the bed. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep. 'If I ignore them then I can just pretend we didn't get the texts.'
A few moments pass and I can't sleep. I'm already awake. I decide to just watch Chase sleep. 'This'll probably be the last chance I get to see this, and the last chance he'll have to sleep in for a while. I'll probably not be able to stay over again since everyone's going to find out I'm here.' I sigh.
Chase starts to stir and I quickly shut my eyes. He laughs sleepily. "I know you're awake Kaz." He says quietly, his voice slightly breaking due to sleep. I open my eyes and am surprised to see his still shut. "I heard your heart jump and also you literally jumped." He mumbles snuggling into the blankets.
'That was adorable.' I clear my throat. "Uh, it's pretty late in the morning. I didn't want to wake you." I mumble before reaching down for his phone. "Oliver found my bed empty and is looking for me."
"Hmm, did you tell him..." His sentence trails off but I understand the question.
"I don't have my phone and can't get into yours." I explain, blushing as he opens his eyes, his face centimetres away from my own. "N-not that I tried to get into it. It just kept going off so I checked it." I quickly explain.
He laughs. "Do you want me to tell him?" He asks reaching his hand out from under the covers.
I hand him the phone. "Not really, I don't want to have to leave yet." I say sadly. "But I don't want you to lie."
He hums closing his eyes again. He rolls over and puts his phone on the bedside table before taking the collar off and putting it next to it. He turns back to face me, somehow even closer and smiles, his eyes still closed.
"Then we'll just not respond." He takes a deep breath. "I kinda want to just lay here too." His voice is deep and lazy.
For a moment I suspect he's fallen back asleep but suddenly he whispers something. "Could I hug you?" He asks.
I nod with a blush, before cursing myself. 'He can't see-' His arms wrap around my waist pulling me in. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and snuggles closer.
My heart is going crazy now and I'm sure my face is bright red. I gently wrap my arms around him and close my eyes too. Just taking in the weirdly intermit moment.
We stay in each other's arms for a while just lying there, enjoying the moment. 'Why is he hugging me? Is this a side effect of the collar? Is he okay?' My thoughts run wild.
"Pretend to be asleep." He mumbles into my neck out of the blue. I try not to question it, hugging him tighter for a second.
Suddenly someone's voice is heard. "Chase?" 'It's Oliver. How and why was he in Chase's apartment?' He softly knocks on the door.
My breath hitches and Chase softly rubs my back reassuringly. "Shh." He says softly.
Oliver waits a couple of seconds before opening the door. He peers into the dark room and looks at our bodies under the blankets.
I try my best not to move. 'What is he going to think? Is he going to wake us up? What if he-' The door shuts silently as footsteps leave.
I let out my breath. And Chase hugs me tighter, he rubs his face over my chest and neck. 'What is going on?' I think to myself.
Chase's phone goes off again. I reach over and can barely touch it. I pull it closer and read the text.
Oli: Found them. They're asleep in Chase's apartment. Let them sleep.
Be-Be: Makes sense. Did you get a photo?
Oli: No photo.
"What did they say?" He asks in my arms he looks up at me.
I sigh. "They know I'm here. But they don't seem surprised. Oliver told them to let us sleep." I explain pushing the phone back on the table.
He hums again, his head returning to my neck. "Good." He smiles.
I sigh again, closing my eyes. "You know they're going to think something's up." I mumble. He doesn't say anything. "Like they're going to think we're dating."
"And?" He asks softly but confidently.
"What about your wolf?" I worry that he's making a mistake or I'm just a substitute.
"What about it?" He has a hint of teasing in his voice.
"Wouldn't you rather it be in your arms?"
He takes a deep breath moving back slightly so he can properly look me in the eyes, arms still around me. I look at him. "They are." He says confidently.
I blush looking down. "Oh." I try to keep my breaths steady. "Good." I say more to myself in thought.
He laughs. "And your lion?" He asks wanting confirmation.
I nod slowly. "I think they're fine with it." I say with a soft smile.
He smiles goofily and hugs me against him. "Then we'll just stay here in each other's arms." He closes his eyes again and snuggles me.
I chuckle. "One question though. Is this adorableness because of the collar or the bed or just because you woke up next to me?"
He hums in thought. "Good question. I guess we'll have to test that another day."
"That's another question. But we could eliminate the bed by sleeping on the couch or the floor."
'We?' My heart flutters.
He continues. "I could try sleeping without the collar but I need it to recalibrate. Does it matter which one it is?" He shrugs.
I laugh. "Aren't you meant to be all scientific? Don't you want to know all the variables?"
He breathes out a short laugh. "Big word for you there, variables." He jokes.
"Shut up!" I grumble.
"Sometimes you don't need to know everything. This combination resulted in this," He squeezes me. "and so I'm happy." He mumbles.
I decide that I'm happy with that conversation ending like that so I just stay quiet. We lay like that for a while, comfortably in each other's arms.
He leans his head up and kisses me on the lips. I jump back in surprise. He looks at me worried. "No, you just... Surprised me." I smile grabbing his face with one of my hands. I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back slowly, it's warm and gentle but makes me feel safe. Like this was a normal occurrence.
He pulls back with a sigh before untangling himself from me. He rolls over and checks his phone. "We should probably get up." He says sadly.
"Noooo!" I whine grabbing his waist and pulling myself into his back. "Stay! Please." I whisper into his ear.
He chuckles. "Kaz I don't normally sleep in this late. Plus, the longer we stay the more time they have to imagine what we were doing last night."
I blush at the first thing my mind could imagine. "Well, maybe I want them to think that." I say nervously. 'Maybe I want that.' I think.
I can feel his neck heating up. "Kaz..." He sighs. He pulls my arms looser and turns around to face me. "I understand you don't want to face them but we have to. If you want them to think we... Uh, had fun, then so be it but we should go get some breakfast. It's like 10 in the morning."
"But I want to stay here with you. The moment we get up the bubble will burst. What happened to the guy who was snuggling me not even five minutes ago?"
He laughs. "He got hungry."
"I'm right here. Eat me!" I say brashly not thinking. I quickly blush and hide my face. "That's not... I didn't..."
"Maybe next time, when they can't just walk in on us." He whispers teasingly in my ear with a smirk.
I blush deeper, wriggling into his chest.
He sighs. "They're already going to assume, so why don't we go up holding hands or in each other's arms? Our bubble can't burst if we don't let it." He says more seriously.
"Why do we have to go up? Why can't you just cook for us?" I ask. I know I sound childish but come on, I have the Chase Davenport in my arms. And I don't want to share his attention.
"Because we'll still have to talk to them eventually. And because I only have porridge, which I know you don't like. I haven't gone shopping in a bit." He explains.
"I need more convincing. I don't need food." I say before my stomach rumbles. "Ignore that!"
He chuckles and hugs me. He lifts my chin so I'm looking at him. "Come upstairs, please?" He asks in a soft begging moan, as if he was trying to put me under a spell. "I promise you'll get more kisses and you can latch on to me all day."
I swoon but shake my head. "Nope! Good try."
He shrugs. "Okay then." He lets go of me and tries to move away.
"Noooo!" I whine as he tries to get out of my grasp. He's stronger than me so eventually he wiggles out and climbs out of bed. "Wait! Just..." I jump up and crawl to the end of the bed. "I'm coming." I sigh in defeat. "One more kiss though."
I stand on my knees at the end of the bed. He sighs and leans down pecking my lips. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck and try to pull him back onto the bed.
He pulls back and looks at me in fake disappointment. "Kaz!" He shakes his head and stands back up.
I just giggle, yep like a girl and shrug. "Had to try." I stand up and grab his hand, holding my body close to his.
He shakes his head and we head out to his living area before heading to the fireplace. It opens to reveal the hyperlift. I lay my head on his shoulder as it brings us up to the penthouse.
The three people sitting at the table turn to look at us once they hear the lift. Bree smirks. "Good morning you two. I'm guessing you slept well, considering how late in the morning you woke up." She teases.
"We just came for food." I mumble as we walk in. It's a little embarrassing being clung to another guy's side in front of my friends but I don't really want to let go.
Skylar just laughs and Oliver smiles at us. "We thought we should just let you sleep." He says.
"Well, that's very kind of you." Chase tells them. He pulls me into the kitchen and tries to shake me off his arm. I just look at him knowingly. He sighs. "Cereal it is." He mumbles.
He pours us both a bowl only using his one free hand. Using his molecular kinesis to move them to the table and we walk over and sit down.
Chase's POV
I watch Kaz as he slowly takes a spoonful of cereal. I know he's acting like this to spite me but it's cute and having him holding onto me is not so bad.
I look around the table at the others who are watching us expectingly as I take some of my own food. I frown and look down at my bowl, avoiding their eyes, not really wanting to deal with their questions.
"So." Skylar speaks up. "Why was Kaz over at your place last night?" Her voice is free of judgment or teasing, she seems genuinely interested.
"I couldn't sleep. I know he's normally awake pretty late so I went to hang out with him." Kaz explains he doesn't meet her gaise but he doesn't seem bothered by the question.
"Is that a normal thing you two do?" Bree asks, her voice is teasing.
I sigh and look up at her. 'Really bree.' I think shaking my head at her.
He shrugs. "I guess."
"Wait, really?" Oliver asks surprised. "Why didn't I know about it?"
"Because I normally wake him up and send him home when I get up." I say quickly.
"How often does it happen? The him staying at your place, that is." Bree asks the teasing slowly melting away, she seems genuinely curious.
I look over at Kaz and squeeze his hand. "A bit." He says vaguely.
"And the... You know, same bed?" Oliver asks awkwardly.
I blush, looking down at my food. I know I was the one that let him see us like that but... I don't know. "Uh, just last night. I was trying a new invention to help me sleep outside of my capsule. So he was there to make sure it didn't malfunction." I explain.
"Wait, I was?" Kaz says turning to me surprised. "You mean you could have been injured?"
"No, it's fine I had tested it. It was safe don't worry." I say reassuring him with a smile.
"It better have been!" He grumbles, turning back to his food.
Oliver looks at us as if we hadn't answered him. I sigh. "You mean how we, uh, woke up? Like I said, last night was the first time we were asleep in bed together. So ergo first time like that."
Skylar smirks. "What do you mean, how you woke up? Oliver, what exactly did you see?"
Oliver looks at me and Kaz worried. Kaz just shrugs and I nod for him to continue. "They were cuddling in their sleep." He explains slowly before quickly adding. "Fully clothed, or at least from what I could see in their shirts, under the blankets."
"Did you really need to clarify that?" I ask.
Bree leans closer to us. "So does that mean you two are dating? Or are you just "cuddle buddies"?" She smirks.
Kaz looks at me and smirks taking a breath. I put my hand over his mouth knowing exactly what he was going to say. "Kaz, don't. I was kidding." I sigh and turn to my sister. "I guess we're dating, right?" I say, quickly looking back at Kaz. He rolls his eyes and nods, my hand still over his mouth. I lower my hand as everyone looks at me confused.
"Well, now I want to know what he was going to say." Bree says curious.
I glare at Kaz and just sticks his tongue out at me. "I was going to say something about us being fuck buddies but Mr killjoy had to ruin the momentum." He says nonchalantly, turning his eyes down to finish his food.
I just sigh and shake my head.
"Ew, I did not need to think of that. You're joking, right? You two are not actually..." Her sentence trails off as she makes a horrified face.
"Hey!" I say offended. "Yes, he's joking. But is the idea of me actually getting some that bad?"
"Yep!" All three of them say in unison. I just glare at them.
Kaz just laughs. I lean into him. "You do know that you're included in their shame."
"Ah, yes but they actually think I can pull." He corrects me confidently.
Oliver shakes his head. "No, not really. I'm surprised you could even get him." He shrugs.
"Great double insult Oliver. Somehow you making fun of him, came back around to be worse for me." I mumble. I stand up, pulling Kaz with me.
"Wait, where are you going?" Bree asks.
"To get some." I joke with a straight face and pull him into the lift. Kaz smirks and eagerly follows me.
We get down to mission control and his face drops. "Aw, you were joking?" He asks disappointed.
I chuckle. "Sorry, pup." I say leaning into him and giving him a quick kiss. I walk over to the desk and sit down. "I'm gonna need my hand. But you can stand behind me." I say holding up our hands.
He pouts but lets go. He moves behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder, and wrapping his arms around me. "Do you have to work on this?" He mumbles into my ear.
"Well considering I'd normally be in my fourth hour of working by now, yes." I say softly.
He hums. "You could just take the day off." He tries to bargain. "It's not like this is important, right?"
I tap my chin jokingly in thought. "Intriguing thought."
He nods dramatically. "You haven't had one in so long."
"Well, what would you suggest we do instead?" I ask.
He leans into my ear. "We could do what you told them we were going to do." He whispers seductively.
I smirk, still facing away from him. "Are you sure you're ready for that? Aren't you the one who blushed like crazy when you accidentally offered your body for me to eat?" I tease.
He hides his face in my neck. "Sometimes my mouth says stuff before my brain can filter it, okay? It caught me off guard." His voice vibrates my neck.
"So that's a yes to being ready?" I ask.
He pauses and thinks about. "Okay maybe not that specifically, but like... I would like to make out and cuddle and stuff."
I chuckle. "Thought so." I turn my chair causing him to back up before returning his arms to my shoulders. I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him. "Maybe I could take the day off... If you make it worth my while." I say smiling.
"Told ya we should have stayed in bed." He says leaning down, placing a quick kiss on my lips.
"And I told you, I was hungry. You could have stayed." I point out.
"Yeah, but then we would have been apart and you wouldn't have come back." He says dramatically.
"The thought of you in my bed... I might have come back." I smirk.
"Then let's go. The bed is waiting." He whines, pulling me slightly.
I stand up and let him pull me into the hyperlift. We head up into my apartment and my room, just as we left it. I wrap my hands around his waist, kissing him as I pull him down onto the bed.
I like to imagine that Douglas was down in the tunnels and walked in hearing the lines "Are you sure you're ready for that? Aren't you the one who blushed like crazy when you accidentally offered your body for me to eat?" And just backed away slowly because he was not meant to hear that.
It's one forty am and my brain doesn't want me to stop writing. It just keeps adding shit. This was just meant to be two brief ideas mashed together. And now it's another really long chapter.
Also, the Wolf and Lion thing is a reference to another one of my Chaz stories. So is the Collar.
I hope this isn't all over the place, because I'm tired.
I love you for reading this.
Drew X
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