Falling helicopter incidents
"So long story short, Donny put me in charge of developing technology for the academy." Douglas bragged before his voice went low and mocked, "But only on a trial basis."
Spin asked him, "Why just a trial basis?"
He answered dumbly, "I honestly don't know."
Leo's eyes widened, "You tried to annihilate his whole family!"
I added, "And me too."
"Oh come on. You met him. Can you blame me? And Mia...yeah, I've got nothing."
Bob patted Douglas on the shoulder and reassured him, "Don't worry big guy. I'm sure you'll wipe him out next time."
We all looked at him oddly before Douglas returned to the subject, "Point is, I have the chance to get back into my brother's good graces so I've been working on some new devices that are really going to impress Donny." Walking over to the table, Douglas motioned to the weapons, "What do you guys want to see first? The stabber 2000, plague in a bottle, oh here comes the pencil bazooka."
Douglas picks up the pencil bazooka and begins to laugh as we all stare at him slightly frightened. Yes, he still scares me but can you blame me? The man practically killed me and has done nothing to make up for what he's done.
"You can't erase the injuries this thing will cost." He joked, placing the weapon down.
"So how would any of those be useful for the academy?" Spin asked curiously.
Douglas answered annoyed, "Well how should I know? Ugh, This one with the questions."
Leo sighed, "Look Douglas, Big D doesn't want violent devices."
"Yeah," I agreed, "He wants things that, you know, would improve the lives of the students living in the academy."
"Well, I don't know if that's really in my wheelhouse. I've been destroying things for years, now I'm suppose to help people? Where did my life go so wrong?"
Groaning, Leo asked, "Oh come on Douglas. You must have something?"
Douglas shrugged and motioned over at the small white chair and suggested, "Well, maybe this'll work."
"Ooh, Italian furniture. I approve." Leo awed at the wired up chair.
Douglas shook his head and explained, "No, it's my lie detector chair. You strap somebody into it, ask em' questions as it analyzes their vocal patterns and determines whether or not their telling the truth."
"I like it," Bob praised, "But do you have anything in a lie detecting hammock?"
"Just try it out." Douglas urged.
"Don't mind if I do." He settled himself in before realization struck, "Wait, this thing's not gonna zap me if I tell a lie is it?"
"Oh good."
"It'll spin you around speeds up to mock Bree's."
Wait, what?!
Bob thought the same thing and shrieked, "What?!"
Douglas continued oblivious, "It's like a merry go round with a horribly violent twist."
"On second thought, I'm late for class." Bob lied.
Big mistake.
Soom, the chair activated and the sound of Bob's screams echoing off the walls was the only thing we could hear. One the chair stopped spinning, I asked panicked, "Bob, are you okay?"
Bob lied again, looking green, "Yeah, I feel great."
And the chair spun again.
"If you keep me in this thing, I am definitely gonna ruin it." Bob told us, bending downward as if preparing to puke.
Douglas turned to us and asked, "So what do you guys think?"
I bent down in front of Bob to make sure if he was okay as Leo answered simply, "I think you need to start looking for a new job. Your inventions shouldn't hurt the students."
"Ugh," Douglas groaned, "Why does it always have to be about the students!"
And with that he walked away just as Adam entered the room with a mission suit.
He greeted, "Hey guys, wanna come on the mission and not get noticed."
I raised an eyebrow at him, "Hey! I get noticed."
Leo scoffed, "No, Kim Falcon does. You don't."
He did have a point. I started going on missions with them as Kim Falcon. Amelia Renaldi doesn't even get noticed with them but I guess that's a good thing.
Sort of.
I still have to hide my identity from the world. Not exactly a fairytale.
"Well, no I can't. Today I'm going with Kadie, Sarah, and my little sister to the mall. Girls day." I told them.
Leo joked, "Then why are you going?"
I stuck out my tongue at him as Spin asked Adam, "Ah, sorry kids. Your still not mission ready."
That's when Leo turned to them and smiled oddly as he began walking backwards to the living quarters. I followed after, rolling my eyes at his ridiculous behavior.
"Hey guys." I greeted Sarah, Kadie, Ali, Sam, and my brother Jake just as I arrived at my old house. Yeah, I lied about the girls day but I had a very good reason why.
We were here to put the pieces together.
"Hey princess. Ready to get to work?" Sam asked, just as I placed the journal and crown on the table before me.
I nodded, "Yep, more ready than I'll ever be."
Sarah sighed, "Good because we've got a lot of work to do."
"You okay?" Kadie asked as she drove me towards the entrance to the academy through the worse streets in Mission Creek.
"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just so hard to believe that my own adoptive mother could do such a thing." I told her, leaning my head against the window.
She nodded, "I know but you can't hate them for doing so. They only did it because they thought that they had no choice."
I sighed. We didn't get anywhere today. All we found out was the reason why my parents did what they did.
They did it because they wanted to get revenge on my grandmother for accidentally killing their firstborn son which apparently wasn't Jake.
Which in other words means that they took me to kill me. The question is, why didn't they?
"Look out!" Kadie and I heard someone shout before it was to late.
I looked up from the front of the car window and saw a helicopter falling down towards us rapidly.
Instinctively, Kadie pulled the breaks just as I speeded towards her and pulled her out of the car and onto the sidewalk. Using my speed, I moved the nearby cars away from the streets and ran under the helicopter to slow down the impact. Once I activated my force field, the helicopter hit the surface sending the force field harshly back into my body as I felt to the ground. Hitting my head against the stone cold cement floor.
The helicopter would have hit me if it wasn't for my force field which made it evaporate immediately after contact.
The last face I saw was Kadie's as she kept yelling for someone to call 911 before I blacked out completely.
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