"Fuck." Mingi moans.
Seonghwa whimpers against the plush lips attacking his, eyes closed as he breathes through his nose as Mingi growls against his lips. They were sitting out by the lake on another little picnic, this time organized by Seonghwa, enjoying what little time they have for one another before their duties call for them. It was going to be Seonghwa's first time doing a patrol run, and Mingi took him out to the lake to calm his nerves down before he took the older back home.
"Come here," Mingi whispers huskily, pulling away just enough to pull Seonghwa into his lap and sitting him right on his groin.
The alpha moans deeply, making Seonghwa gasp before releasing a giggle and pulling away, "Hold on Min-"
"Don't stop," Mingi whines, pouting as he looks up at Seonghwa.
The omega smiles, brushing Mingi's now black hair behind his ear and admiring the blonde ends Wooyoung did for him, "Take a breath, just for a moment."
"I don't need to breathe, I have you in my arms and I want to drink every fiber of your being," Mingi's eyebrows now furrow as he pouts even further, making Seonghwa laugh.
"You can't run a pack if you can't breathe," Seonghwa giggles, placing a single, small peck on the alpha's lips before adjusting his hips.
Mingi groans, gripping onto his narrow waist tightly, "Don't do that, or else we'll be doing more than just kissing."
Seonghwa blushes, "I-I'm not ready for that."
"I know," Mingi whispers, biting his lip, "But you are kind of sitting on my dick right now."
Seonghwa bursts out laughing, slapping Mingi's chest slightly before climbing off of him. The alpha whines, which made the omega smile fondly, "Such a baby."
"I'm not a baby."
"Of course you aren't-" Seonghwa starts, but is immediately cut off when a voice enters their connected mind link.
Hey Seonghwa? I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt your date, but I cannot get Minjun to calm down... he keeps crying for 'Mama.'
Seonghwa sighs softly, Thank you Sangie, I'll be there soon.
Mingi chuckles, "Mama duties?"
"Yeah," Seonghwa sighs again, reaching up to play with Mingi's soft hair, "Minjun used the mama call."
Mingi hums, leaning into Seonghwa's touch, "We need to go back anyway. Yunho is going to be ready to go on patrol and I told him to wait a moment."
"Are you coming with?" Seonghwa asks, his eyes looking into Mingi's with hope.
"I can't my Star I have to do some paperwork and pay some bills," Mingi smiles softly, "The next run I go on, I'll pick you and we'll go together okay? But this one will be good for you, Yunho will take it slow with you since it's your first time doing a patrol run and he will teach you everything you need to know. San will as well, but he's faster and likes to wonder sometimes. Yunho and I usually go with him to keep him in line. And I won't be there to distract you or you distract me."
"You won't distract me," Seonghwa pouts.
"Star," Mingi chuckles, "if I do the run we'll be there till way after sun down because I'll be distracted by your presence. It's not a bad thing, but we're supposed to keep an eye out for anything suspicious."
Seonghwa smiles, "I understand, well next time it'll just be us two?"
"Next time it can be us," Mingi smiles, "Now, let's get you back to Mini. He's probably wondering where his mama is."
Seonghwa helps pack up the picnic and fold the blanket, then while holding hands with Mingi they make their way back to the house. Seonghwa didn't have to get close to the house before Yeosang is opening the door and revealing himself with a sniffling Minjun, who immediately looks around to find his mama. The second he catches view of his mother, he starts whining and reaching for him, "Mummmmm!"
"Hi my love," Seonghwa calls, letting Yeosang take the blanket while he takes his son into his arms, kissing his chubby cheek, "I guess someone woke up and needed mama cuddles huh?"
"He really didn't take a nap," Yeosang bites his lip, "He laid down for a moment, we cuddled, but then all of the sudden he shot straight up and started crying for you."
Seonghwa sighs softly, "Oh my love..." he brushes Minjun's dark hair back to reveal his forehead before kissing it softly, "You will probably sleep good tonight then."
By now, everyone knows about Minjun and his background. They all know that even though he is technically six months born, he is actually nine months mentally and physically. He already has two teeth, and one on the way, on his bottom gums and can sit up and crawl around perfectly. He was super smart, almost too smart for everyone's liking. He managed to figure out a motor skill puzzle Yunho gave him, which should've been solved when he is a year old. At first, everyone was a little worried and scared about the pup being so intelligent and even more so about fast growing body, but over time they have come to realize that he is in fact just a baby.
He is so much different compared to the hybrids back at the lab.
He has emotions, he feels love and passion. He feels hurt, and anger, and sadness. To Seonghwa, he wasn't a hybrid. He was a baby. His baby.
"I'll try to nurse him to sleep before I go on the patrol run," Seonghwa nods.
"Well, Yunho is actually inside waiting for you," Yeosang smiles nervously, "If you want I can trade you-"
"No, he needs to learn this," Mingi immediately interrupts, dismissing the idea, "We all have to do it, and if he is one of us he will too."
"Yes I know we agreed to not give him and Minjun special treatment," Yeosang nods, bowing respectfully, "But alpha, Mini was so upset that he couldn't find his mama-"
"He will be fine for another half hour," Mingi assured the other omega, "Why don't I take him?"
"Don't you have to do things?" Seonghwa asks, eyebrows furrowing.
"It won't take me long, besides, once I was finished I planned to come find you and Yunho," Mingi smiles, taking Minjun in his arms and settling the pup on his hip, "I can watch over him, Star."
"I-I don't want him to be too much-"
"Ready?" Yunho asks, coming out of the door and looking amongst everyone before his eyes land on Seonghwa.
Mingi chuckles, kissing Seonghwa's cheek, "Go. I'll be fine. And if he gets too inconsolable I'll just have San take your place and you can come back. Deal?"
"Alright," Seonghwa bites his lips cupping his son's soft cheek before pouting, "Be a good pup for Mingi my love, mama will be back soon okay?"
Minjun immediately starts whining, "Mamamama!!"
"I'll be right back," Seonghwa coos, kissing Minjun's cheek before kissing Mingi, "Please call me if you can't console him."
"He will be fine," Mingi smiles, "Now go, daylight is running out."
Seonghwa nods, turning to Yunho and began running with the alpha towards the woods. Once they pass the tree line, Yunho stops and tears off his clothes, hanging them on a wire with clothes pins, "Don't want to ruin my good shirt!"
Seonghwa giggles, following the alpha's movements before shifting. He shakes out his fur, waiting for Yunho to take off again. He didn't have to wait long, once Yunho's red wolf shakes out his fur and huffs, he takes off running. Luckily for him, Yunho wasn't a fast runner and Seonghwa was able to keep up with him easily.
Alright, the territory is pretty easy to navigate especially when you know where the end is, Yunho comments, his nose rises in the air slightly, You can tell based on the smell. Mingi comes out once every other week and marks his territory, just so that other packs and wolves know this is his.
So just look for his smell?
Yes, when his smell starts to fade, that's when you know you've gone too far.
Seonghwa sniffs the air, immediately being swarmed with Mingi's scent. His wolf purrs, making him charge forward to wanting to smell more. Yunho chuckles, Mingi has also marked trees with his claws. There's trees on every corner of his territory and when you hit those trees with his scratches, you smell it to make sure it's him, abs then you just basically follow that line all the way around until you've fully covered his territory.
Seems easy enough!
Well now, don't get too cocky, Yunho chuckles, Being on patrol means you also have to look out for other wolves, rogues, bears, and any other creature, even humans, that could pose a threat to our pack and family.
And what if we come across one?
We have to immediately let Mingi know, Yunho nods, Jongho or San will join us. Hongjoong will protect the children and omegas since he is the only Beta. Basically to make sure whatever threat we have found doesn't harm our pack and our pups.
But what if there's no threat?
We still have to let Mingi know, Yunho makes a sharp turn, Okay, now onto the east wing of the territory!
What side did we just do?
They continue onward, Yunho teaching him the basic runs of the patrol and even showing him the trees Mingi had marked to signal the corners of his territory to other creatures out there. There was at one point a suspicious smell, but when Yunho confirmed it was just an old bear meandering through the woods and had immediately left the territory there was nothing to be concerned about. In no time, they were done with patrol and were running back to the house in the center of the territory.
Yunho sighs once they come to a stop at trees where their clothes were hung, he shifts, "So? What did you think?"
Seonghwa shifts as well and grabs his clothes to begin getting dressed once more, "It wasn't as bad as I thought!"
"See? It's not bad," Yunho smiles, "You just need to be aware and cautious."
Once they were dressed, they walk back to the house to see Mingi sitting on one of the wooden rocking chairs. In his arms, a very old blanket and his son sleeping soundly on his chest with his fist clenching Mingi's shirt. Seonghwa pouts, noticing how Mingi smiles and perks up at the sight of the two breaking the tree line.
Seonghwa hurried forward to save the alpha from watching over his son, but Mingi holds a hand out to stop him, "He's alright, just tuckered out poor pup."
"I'm sorry," Seonghwa whispers, "I can take him-"
"He's not been asleep for long," Mingi warns him.
"How did you get him to sleep?" Yunho asks, smiling softly at the small child.
"Well after I got the bills and paperwork done, I just grabbed my favorite blanket and brought him outside to see the outside and wait for mama," he chuckles, "He loves that worry stone you gave me by the way, he chewed and gnawed on it so that kept him busy and from crying while I did what I had to do. Then I bundled him up and he fell right to sleep."
Seonghwa pouts, "Thank you Mingi... you are so good with him."
"Mingi is very good with pups," Yunho winks, "Something you will need in an alpha."
Seonghwa blushes some more, noticing the frail blanket wrapped around his son. It was just an old quilt, torn and frayed at the edges with the washed out blue and stained white fabric. Little wolves were stitches into the quilt, and looked as if they had seen better days. Seonghwa hums, "I don't want him to ruin your blanket..."
"Oh this old thing?" Mingi chuckles, gesturing to his blanket, "It was my favorite blanket when I was a pup like him. I still keep this so that whenever I miss my mother or my father...all I have to do is hold it up to my nose and smell them."
Yunho left them alone, sneaking inside while Seonghwa sits beside Mingi and listened carefully to the alpha. Mingi sighs, "My parents died when I was young. My father got sick one day during a hunt, and just over time it slowly killed my mother too... they died in each other's arms when I was ten. The head alpha took me in as his own pup, raised me to be who I am today and taught me everything I needed to know so that one day I can lead my own pack. And now here I am..."
Seonghwa hums softly, looking down at his nails, "I never knew my mother. Nor my father. I do have a brother though..."
"Really?" Mingi perks up, "I have a sister."
"My brother's name is Seoho, he's back at the laboratory... I just hope one day he gets a chance to get out like I did and live his own life... I feel so guilty for just leaving him-"
"Hey," Mingi stops him, taking his hand, "You were thinking of Minjun. And from what you told me you both got separated."
"Yes... but if I stayed I could've helped him-"
"But you would have lost your son."
Seonghwa sighs, nodding, "Yes. I chose my son, I will always choose my son."
"Seoho will understand," Mingi assures the omega, smiling softly, "My sister did when I left, she knew I needed a pack of my own and it would be good for me to have a pack of my own. One day maybe you'll meet her."
"I hope one day you can meet Seoho," Seonghwa smiles, "we were all that we had in the world."
"Well, now you have us all," Mingi smiles, taking his hand and linking their fingers together, "And me."
"Yes," Seonghwa chuckles, smiling back, "You most importantly."
The two sat in silence for a moment, enjoying one another's company and getting to know one another slowly. They stayed outside until Minjun woke up, and immediately wanted his mother's attention. Seonghwa chuckles, bringing his son in his arms and nursing him before they all went inside to wait for dinner.
It was just an evening of peace, something that Seonghwa appreciated and loved even as the children grew tired and ready for bath time and bed time. When Seonghwa tucked Minjun into bed, Mingi stood in his doorway, his baby blanket in his hand as he clears his throat, "Star?"
"Would... Would Minjun like to have this blanket?" Mingi asks, holding it up for Seonghwa to show off his fragile baby blanket, "I don't really need it anymore and it seemed to help him sleep."
"Oh," Seonghwa's eyebrows raise, "I'm sure he would love it, but are you sure you are ready to part with it?"
"I'm sure, plus I don't need it anymore to keep me grounded," Mingi smiles, "Not when I have the most perfect omega standing right in front of me."
Seonghwa smiles, taking the blanket before cupping Mingi's cheeks gently and kissing the alpha the softest kisses he ever laid in those plush lips. Mingi brushes his nose against Seonghwa's when he pulls away, biting his lip, "Just be careful when washing it."
"I will," Seonghwa chuckles, patting the alpha's chest, "Good night Mingi."
"Good night my star," Mingi replies, kissing Seonghwa's forehead before leaving the room after shutting the door behind him.
Seonghwa softly sighs, looking down at the blanket in his hands before an idea hit him. He knew exactly what to do with this baby blanket, but he needs the materials first.
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