"Hmmmm... what is your favorite color?" Seonghwa asks, smiling when Mingi starts chuckling and hiding his face.
"Ahh, going with the easy stuff huh?" Mingi hums, "You could've asked me anything, and you go with colors."
"Colors are important to people," Seonghwa pouts, "It represent who you are as a person. Plus, I can use it as a courting gift idea one day!"
Mingi laughs, sitting up on the picnic blanket, "Well... I guess it's blue?"
"You guess? And blue?" Seonghwa giggles, "So basic."
"Oh yeah? What is yours?" Mingi arches his eyebrow.
"What shade of blue," Seonghwa questions, "Because there are many shades of all colors."
"Okay, okay, fine. I like dark blue," Mingi smiles, nudging Seonghwa gently, "Now you. What is your favorite color?"
Seonghwa hums, taking a grape from their picnic basket and mumbling his answer before he pops it into his mouth, "Blue."
Mingi snorts, covering his face as he laughs, "You really get after me for liking blue when you do too?"
Seonghwa giggles, blushing a deep red as he grabs a sandwich from the basket. Mingi was kind enough to invite him on a picnic today, all of the foods he brought were made by him. Another excellent courting gift from the alpha, something that warmed Seonghwa's heart. Granted the sandwiches were turkey with cheese and mayonnaise, but it was still a very sweet gesture.
"Okay fine," Seonghwa smiles, "I like blue and black."
"Ahhh, one basic answer with an even more basic answer," Mingi teases.
Seonghwa pouts, "Shut up. Ask me another question."
Mingi hums, eating an orange slice before asking, "What was it like? Delivering a baby in a cave?"
Seonghwa bites his lip, looking down to pick at his nails, "It was hard. And scary. My baby was coming into an environment that I wasn't familiar or comfortable in... but I'd much rather that have happen then my baby being born back where I'm from and taken from me. If I hadn't had left... I wouldn't know who my son is today. I'd most likely be pregnant again. And I would be waiting until my son is at least eighteen before I see him again."
Mingi was silent as he watched Seonghwa pick at his nails, gently removing his hand from him, "You need to stop doing that."
"I understand, it's how you cope," Mingi smiles softly, "I uh, I have a stress ball. But it's pretty worn I need to get a new one. Whenever I do paperwork in my office, dealing with numbers from our accounts, I just work it until it's tiring my hand out."
Seonghwa perks up at an idea that just came to his mind, keeping it in the back as Mingi sighs and looks at his watch, "Well, it has been fun Hwa, but I unfortunately need to get San and go on the patrol run."
"So soon," Seonghwa pouts, "Can't someone else do it?"
The alpha smiles, "I wish. Unfortunately it is my turn."
The omega sighs, pouting, "Okay.."
Mingi leans in and kisses his cheek, stroking the omegas soft chin before whispering, "I promise you, we will do this again. Okay? And we'll ask more basic questions and have more basic answers for one another."
"One more," Seonghwa whimpers, "Please, one more question?"
Mingi chuckles, "Alright, one more. Hit me."
Seonghwa sits on his legs, scooting as close as he can to Mingi before leaning in slowly, "Will you show me how to kiss?"
"How to kiss?" Mingi arches his eyebrow, the omega immediately feeling self conscious.
"Never mind, that was silly," Seonghwa shakes his head, "How about-"
"I can show you," Mingi swallows, "How to kiss I mean."
"Come here," Mingi sits up and scoots closer to the omega, they were sitting in front of one another Mingi clears his throat, "Okay. So firstly, you Uhm..."
Seonghwa watches with wonder as Mingi starts stuttering over his words, but he wasn't listening to anything the alpha had to say. They looked into one another's eyes, Mingi's were sparkling and Seonghwa's large eyes were just as sparkly. The alpha leans in, "You just lean in and press your lips to the other person's."
Seonghwa listens, leaning in slowly. Their noses touch first, Seonghwa could feel Mingi's warm breath on his lips and chin which made him drool slightly. The alpha closes the slight gap, pressing their lips together softly before a hand cups the back of Seonghwa's head to pull him closer. Seonghwa's eyes closed, the feeling of Mingi's plush, soft lips against his own made his heart flutter and his wolf howl for more. Mingi's bottom lip moves against his lips, encasing Seonghwa's upper lip in between his own as he suckles on to it slightly.
Seonghwa moans softly, leaning in more as he too followed Mingi's lip movement. Mingi pulls away, causing Seonghwa to whimper and the alpha chuckles, "Easy. Baby steps baby," the alpha whispers, "We still have plenty of courting to do. I want you to be ready before we do anything else."
"I am ready," Seonghwa frowns with a pout, fisting the front Mingi's shirt, "I want more kisses."
Mingi chuckles, giving the omega another quick peck before grabbing Seonghwa's wrists, "Later. Okay? I promise." Seonghwa pouts, which made Mingi lean in and plant another kiss on his lips before pulling away, "Come on, I'll help you clean up here."
The couple cleaned up their picnic mess, holding hands back to the house only to be stopped at the door by San, "Already on it alpha! Let's go!"
Mingi laughs, giving Seonghwa a loving look before taking in a deep breath, "I'll see you later tonight?"
"Yeah," Seonghwa pouts, "later tonight."
Mingi cups Seonghwa's face, leaning down to kiss him softly and pulling away. Seonghwa whimpers, which causes Mingi to smile, "I'll be back, and then after dinner we can do whatever we want."
"I'll have to give Minjun a bath and to put him to bed."
"I can help," Mingi nods, "Whatever you need for him, I can help."
Seonghwa smiles, before he can say anything San yells out from the edge of the woods, "Hey! Are we doing this or what?"
The alpha chuckles, giving Seonghwa one more kiss before he rips off his shirt, running after San before shifting into his wolf form. Seonghwa watches as they take off into the woods, smiling once they're out of sight and heading inside. He was bombarded by Yeosang and Wooyoung the second he walked through the door, both omegas thrumming with excitement, "Did he just kiss you!? What was that!?"
Seonghwa giggles, nodding, "It was my first kiss. And it was just as magical as they made it seem in the movies and books."
Yeosang and Wooyoung look to one another, squealing like a hoard of dolphins as they bounce on their feet. Seonghwa couldn't help but laugh, hiding his face shyly as the two omegas chatter and excitedly talk to one another about the next step. Yeosang sighs, "I'm so excited for you. It's about time Mingi gets a mate, one that can provide him pups and love. He's very deserving of it."
"I have a courting gift idea," Seonghwa spoke up, looking between both omegas, "But I need your help. Think you both can help me?"
The omegas look between one another before grinning evil grins, "Oh yeah, anything."
Seonghwa held the stone in his hand, feeling the weight of it in his palm and deciding if it was the perfect one or not. He hums, tossing it aside in the other box they brought for tossing aside the ones that don't pass his inspection. He had a box full of rocks, some flat, some pointy, some heavy and some light. These were rocks he had picked with the help of Yeosang and Wooyoung out of the river to find Mingi a new worry stone. He figured it would be a lot better than a stress ball, so he can throw the alphas ball away.
They went searching the whole afternoon, which made it less time for them to make dinner unfortunately, so they had to whip up easy dinners for everyone such as sandwiches and ramen. He wanted to have a stone picked out by the time Mingi got home, however the alpha and San got back sooner and he had to hide the rocks in his room or Mingi would see what he was doing.
Currently, it was nighttime and everyone was asleep, Seonghwa sighs as he tosses another rock in the box of rocks he was going to put back that didn't fit his needs. He saw a pretty blue towards the bottom however, and frowns, reaching in and grabbing the blue stone. It was soft to the touch, smooth. It shimmered slightly in the lampshade light by his bed, and a perfect oval shape. The size was nice enough to fit in the palm of his own hand, and heavy enough he could move it around.
His thumb brushes across the surface of the stone, a small smile forms on his face as he sat the stone on his bedside table and packed away all of the other rocks. He places the box by the door, making a note to take them back to the river tomorrow to dump them back in the water. Just as he turns to go back to bed, a knock rattles on his door. He frowns, opening it and reveals the red head on the other side. He smiles, "Hi."
"Hey," Mingi spoke softly, smiling back, "Can I come in?"
"Sure," the omega moved to the side, letting the alpha into the room. The first thing he caught sight of was of course the rocks in the box. He frowns, pointing to them but Seonghwa giggles, "Don't ask," he grabs the stone he sat aside for him and hands it to the alpha, "Because they were meant for you."
Mingi looks at the blue stone, taking it into his hand and weighing it in his hand. He looks up at the omega, "What's this?"
"A worry stone," Seonghwa breathes, "I heard it's better for you than a stress ball. The smoothness of the surface is supposed to help relax you and the weight is supposed to-"
Mingi brings Seonghwa's face towards his own, pressing his lips to the omega's softly. Seonghwa closes his eyes, taking a deep breath through his nose as he moves his lips against Mingi's. Mingi groans, pulling away with a soft smack and smiles, "I love it. Thank you, such a thoughtful gift."
"A thoughtful courting gift?" Seonghwa asks, perking up.
"Indeed," the alpha chuckles, "I will definitely throw out that ball."
"Please do," Seonghwa laughs.
The couple stare at one another before Mingi sighs, "I should probably give you my next gift now."
Seonghwa tilts his head to the side, watching as Mingi reveals a small stuffed giraffe from his jacket pocket. He hands it to Seonghwa who smiles, "A stuffed animal?"
"Well, it's not really for you, I guess it's more for Minjun," Mingi admits, scratching the back of his head, "I figured if I'm trying to court an omega that has a child already, I should try to court their child too. Because one day they'll be mine too. Not by blood, but they will be my child. I will be helping to raise him and I will be the father figure he need in his life."
Seonghwa felt his heart warm, taking Mingi into his arms and hugging him tight. Mingi wraps his arms around the older, hugging him closer as he whispers, "You like it?"
"I love it," Seonghwa whispers back, sniffling as his eyes water, "And I know Minjun will too. I appreciate you accepting my child, I know from what Hongjoong had said most alphas won't..."
"You're right," Mingi whispers, kissing Seonghwa's ear, "Most alphas won't. But I'm not like most alphas."
"And I'm thankful for that," Seonghwa hums, pulling away and letting Mingi wipe his tears. He smiles, "I really like you Mingi. I would love for this to work out, and to be your mate some day. I'll be the luckiest omega that has ever lived."
Mingi blushes, and it was the first time Seonghwa had seen the alpha blush. His cheeks were a pretty pink in the low light, and Seonghwa giggles at the sight. He cups Mingi's cheeks and places a kiss on the alphas lips, pulling away to smile and pat his chest, "Alright, I should get to bed."
"Yeah, m-me too."
Seonghwa giggles, pushing Mingi lightly, "Go on alpha, get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'll see you tomorrow," Mingi nods, "Goodnight Seonghwa."
"Good night Mingi," Seonghwa smiles, closing the door after Mingi walked away from his door. He leaned against the wood, sighing happily before holding the stuffed giraffe close to his chest.
He truly was a lucky omega.
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