Chapter 37: Las Vegas (8)
MGM Grand, Las Vegas
'What?!' I yell at Harry as he grabs my arm again. 'What do you want?!'
He's trying to restrain me from running away from him. But running away is the only thing I can do, if only to save him from getting a punch in the face, both from Tom and me. Not that I know why I want to save from this, since he deserves nothing but a giant smack about the noggin.
'I can't believe you just did that!' I continue yelling.
'But that guy was a slime ball. He was clearly taking advantage of you.'
I shouldn't be shocked that he is actually trying to justify what he just did.
'I can handle myself thank you very much, and maybe I want to be taken advantage of?'
He starts laughing again. Why is he always laughing at me? Is he deliberately trying to rub salt in to my already gaping wounds?
'But you're too vulnerable to be doing things like this.'
He stares at me, clearly believing himself to have been doing me a favour.
That's it, my blood is boiling, boiling at the idea that he has only been hanging around me so much lately because he thinks I might flake, because he feels sorry for me. He really is a sadist, his moods swings alternating from relishing in my suffering to claiming he wants to save me all of a sudden. Well I'll tell you this Harry, I don't need your cruelty and,
'I don't need your pity, thanks.' I stare at him blankly.
No longer running I steadily walk towards the exit of the club and back out in the main foyer of the Casino making my way towards to main exit, my evening here due to end anyway. I've got a bus to catch in the morning, remember.
'Where are you going?' He is following me again, and what's with the stupid questions all the time?
'Back to the hotel.' Obviously. Where the hell does he think I'm going in such an exasperated state, to chance my luck on a game of roulette maybe?
'But wait, I still want to talk to you.' It's almost like he's pleading with me but what I fail to get is why, and now he's gone so far as to follow me out on to the street. I had hoped that leaving the casino would provide too much of a barrier between him and his besties and thus deter him from pursuing me further.
Despite it still being around thirty degrees outside the night air still cools me, offering an unexpected relief after the overwhelming heat and conversation of the club.
'Seriously?' I roll my eyes at him. 'What can you possibly want to talk to me about?'
'I don't pity you.' He mumbles, but instead of looking at the floor like I expect him to he maintains his eye contact with me, the strength of his stare stronger than his suddenly nervous words.
'Then why do you keep turning up everywhere unannounced and looking all sheepish? Unless you really are going to ask me to apologise to Lottie, because then I will be the one hitting you.'
'Why would I ask you to apologise to Lottie?' He sounds cross again. Ooo, don't dare mention the name of precious little Lottie, Niamh.
'Then I don't understand what you want from me?'
'Are you really that naive Niamh?'
Great, so he's going for the jugular. I brace myself for whatever it is that he is about to tell me, that this has all been part of their plan, that they got me out here, to America, deliberately, so they could mess with me like a mouse in a live wire trap, and tonight is the night, the final showdown where they eventually go in for the kill and fry my brains out. They really are sadists.
'Don't you get that I like you?'
I gulp, suddenly confused as to how this revelation might fit in with the plan I just formulated.
'No you don't.' I play him at his own game, reluctant to find out if this is just part of a mind game or worse, that he might actually have feelings for me. 'If you like me so much then why, in the few weeks of having known each other, have I seen you kissing both Marty and Lottie, not to mention the whole sham wedding debacle.' Ha, answer that one!
'Isn't it obvious?'
'Apparently not.' I hiss and turn in my heel to walk away again. I've not got time for these ridiculous mind games.
'I wanted to make you jealous.' He's words trail like he is ashamed of his behaviour, but I stop in my tracks, suddenly intrigued by his confession.
'But why would you kissing another girl make me jealous?' He looks hurt at my honesty.
'You know I'm trying to get back with Louis, don't you?' I splutter.
He needs to realise that it's Louis that I'm here for, was here for, not him, and as such there is nothing to say between us. If only he didn't insist on wearing those damned tight black jeans and black shirt every time we go out, and then keep looking at me all doe eyed like I just ran over his puppy.
'You see I don't think you do. Deep down. You just don't want to admit it.'
'Yeah well we've already established that you don't know the first thing about anything.'
He's edging closer each time I insult him, like he's enjoying goading me and is getting off on my retaliations. His arrogance is overwhelming but I can't deny that his presence is too. The way that he is looking down at me, biting his lip and trying to hold in his smirk, like I'm the funniest object he ever came across.
'How don't you get by now that I like you?' He leans his head down and whispers. 'Why else do you think I was in your room this morning?'
'I thought you were going to demand that I apologise for ruining the wedding.'
'I wanted to check that you were okay, obviously.' Was his motivation really that obvious? Am I really that blind and as naive as my name suggests?
I look up at him and his face inches closer to me. A wisp of his hair tickles across my cheek and is quickly followed by the press of his lips on mine. It's a gentle kiss and I open my mouth slightly if only to let out my own whisper of a sigh. Taking this as a signal he moves his lips, parting my own further. I'm melting in his arms as his tongue flicks against mine and he pulls me in to him as my knees are buckling beneath me.
I can't believe I'm kissing Harry so publicly or that he's the third man I've kissed tonight. The third man tonight. What the hell is wrong with me? I haven't kissed any one for nearly a year and here I am slopping myself all over the town in one night.
'Stop it!' I push against him and he freezes, looking down at me confused.
'I can't believe you just did that!' I thrust the palm of my hands against his chest but damn it he doesn't budge. 'You are so selfish.' My eyes are now narrow trying to provoke him, but he just looks at me stunned.
Authors note: Cheese fest I know but I couldn't help but upload this Bon Jovi video. The club scene (with swings) is just how I imagine Studio 54!
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