Chapter 27: Grand Canyon (2)
So can you believe that Louis asked me if I'm going to watch the sunset tonight? I mean he may as well have just come out with it and asked if I want to go with him because that's obviously what he wants to happen. I can tell just by the way he smiled at me so happily when I nodded that I am indeed going to be there.
Oh how I can see it now, as we look out across the horizon, the burning embers of the sunset setting alight the majestic red hues of the canyon, and he will turn me to face him and hold my small chin, delicate and innocent between his manly thumb and fore finger, and whisper, no declare, "I've been a right old Tom Fool Niamh, what was I thinking by ignoring you all this time and then happily letting Harry dance with you, when we all know that it's us that belong together."
And everyone will gasp before realising that yes, it's true, and clap at us in agreement, leaving us to kiss right at the moment that the sun goes down.
'Don't you think you're a bit dressed up for watching a sunset?' Lottie remarks as I arrive at the hotel foyer, ready for the walk to the lookout point.
'Erm, not really.' I look down at my bejeweled sandals and new Abercrombie jeans confused at what she is talking about; I mean the sandals barely have a heel and the jeans are just ordinary bootcut. What does she think, that I might seriously wear trainers to somewhere other than a gym? And like she is one to talk since normally you don't even need a whisper of heat for her to bare her flesh to anyone who might happen to be looking.
Of course five minutes into the damned walk and I'm beginning to think she was right. I can feel the straps of the sandal cutting across the flesh of my heels like an army knife, a sensation almost as gruesome as when my heel got caught in the spokes of a bicycle wheel when I was riding on the back when I was a child. I wince through the nausea of the memory, determined not to let Lottie or anyone else who might be eager to judge my choice of footwear, see my suffering. Because a girl has got to suffer for fashion, and so walking through this tear inducing pain whilst still smiling is just something which I must endure and I will do so with the same stoic resolve of a runway model who just fell to the ground because of the ridiculously high platforms she has been forced to wear.
By the time that we reach the lookout point however, my fortitude is unfortunately faltering and I limp towards the nearest rock, begging for rescue like a mentally tortured animal.
'Told you.' Lottie mutters from where she is sitting with Harry and Harry just gives me his usual disinterested gaze. If he hates me that much then why doesn't he just stop torturing himself by insisting on annoying me all the time?
But never mind the pain of my injury or the sly smirk of their insidious glares, focus instead on the imposing view and just take off the God damn sandals!
'Sorry I'm late.' Louis startles everyone by hurtling towards us in a hurry. He looks adorable, his hair sticking up and flying about in a multitude of directions and making me suspect that the reason he is late is because he just woke up.
'Budge up.' I look around wondering who he is talking to before realising that it is me. As in me, Naïve Niamh. Except I'm not that naïve, ha, because my instinct was right, he really does want to get back with me. Otherwise why else would he suddenly choose to sit with me and start talking to me again?
'So have I missed much?' He is smiling eagerly.
'Erm....' I gulp, unsure of what to say; is he talking about the view or my life in general?
'It's bloody brilliant isn't it?'
The fact that you've realised you still love me? Why yes it is. If only Harry wasn't insistent on ruining our moment of long awaited reunion by staring at us the whole time. Doesn't he have better things to be looking at, like a once in a lifetime chance of watching the sun set over the Grand Canyon, perhaps?
'I know I've been around the world and all, but this view takes the biscuit.' Oh, so he was talking about the canyon, not the fact that he is overjoyed to be sharing my company.
'Harry and I were just talking about how we're gonna come back here and camp out for like a month, just us and nature.' How nice for them. I glare over at Harry remembering that it is he who is still the strongest force preventing Louis and I being together.
As the sun finally sets and people begin to disperse, I limp to remove myself from the rock I have been sitting on for the past thirty minutes.
'Do you need a hand?' Louis stands up and offers his hand to me.
'I think my bum's gone numb from sitting on the rock too long.' I wince as he pulls me up from the rock.
'Mine too!' We laugh together.
'Come on, jump on.' He turns his back towards me and crouches down.
'What are you doing?' I have to admit that I'm startled by his sudden re-interest in me, and I'm overwhelmed at the prospect of actually following through on what he is suggesting, at being so close to him.
'Giving you a piggyback. You obviously can't walk.'
'Are you sure?' I'm nervous not to overwhelm him too or to be seen to be throwing myself at him.
'Just get on you fool, it's not like I've not given you a piggyback before.' He's right, he used to routinely carry me home by piggyback when I got too tired to walk after one of our regular nights out during Sixth Form. Something which always annoyed Lottie of course, especially if there wasn't anyone to show such kindness to her too.
'Are you okay Niamh?' Of course Harry is here, obviously panicking that I might be about to steal away his blessed boy wonder from him.
'I hurt my foot. Is that okay?' I glare directly at him, now finally at eye level, from where I am clinging astride Louis' back.
'Well do you want me to piggyback you instead? I don't want Louis to injure his back.'
'Injure his back? Are you saying that I'm fat?'
'God no, of course I'm not. Hell I'm just trying to help you out Niamh, but clearly you're just going to be as ungrateful as ever.'
Authors note: So what do you guys think, should Niamh and Louis get back together? Do you think Louis really likes her again?
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