Chapter 25: Sedona to The Grand Canyon
Tour bus, Sedona to the Grand Canyon
Yet again I am relieved to be leaving our previous stop. It's becoming a habit and I'm starting to hope that there will be somewhere on the trip where I am actually able to relax and enjoy myself peacefully and without being desperate to flee the joint. Except I do like Sedona, it was beautiful, both the landscape and the vibe the rocks and colours it created, it had a stillness to it and is possibly the most calm place in generic commercial obsessed America. Sedona felt like it had its own identity, and it was a nice one.
Yet still I want to leave, if only to escape last night. Each time I think of it my nausea grows and not just because of the dancing, but because of what Leah said about Harry and I, suggesting that we might be in to each other or something equally ridiculous, and that we might not be arguing out of just general displeasure towards each other. I knew she was bonkers but these are some serious accusations she is throwing around and she clearly requires committing before someone actually starts listening to her.
So the only solution is to get away from Harry, to distance myself. As much as I want to be close to Louis the drama of the group and the constant arguing with Harry is getting too much. I need to start looking out for myself and if that means staying away from Louis too, if only for a little while, then I'm just going to have to deal with it, at least whilst I clear my head and get rid of this smothering sensation which being around Harry is generating.
'Wakey, wakey guys.' Leah switches on the microphone. 'So it won't be long until we arrive at the Grand Canyon.'
I never gave much thought to visiting the Grand Canyon before. All I cared about was seeing Louis again and the possibility of celebrity spotting in Hollywood, but now we are nearly there I'm suddenly excited, my brief flirtation with Sedona maybe earthing me with nature more? Oh how my Mother would laugh at how I am changing. Also, for the first time the schedule of the trip will be more relaxed here, with only hiking and a helicopter ride offered to those who want it, the rest of the time we can just enjoy the views and relax in our cabins for two whole nights. Nearly 48 hours without a tour bus in sight!
'Okay, before we get off the bus I want to give you some instructions.' Of course Leah wants to give us some instructions, she couldn't just let us off the leash and find our own way perhaps? 'So, we are parking up about a two minute walk away from the Canyon. When you get off the bus do not go anywhere. I repeat do not go anywhere. Stay put in the car park. Got that?' Following a mass grunt of agreement we are allowed to disembark.
'Right, I want everyone to form a line behind me.' For the love of God what are we doing now? She better not have us doing the conga to announce our arrival. Why can't we just be quiet and look at the view like everyone else?
'Now close your eyes and hold on to the person in front of you.' It gets worse, it's a blind conga.
'Sorry.' I hear Harry's voice grumble behind me. Great, of course he is the one standing behind me in the line. There are forty eight other people here so why can't he just find someone else's ass to hang on to?
My back stiffens as I feel his fingers digging in to my hips as he tries to cling on as the line hurries forward. Shoot, it is moving too quickly and I lose my grip on Duncan who is in front of me.
'Typical, trust you to break the line.' Harry grumbles again as I stumble causing everyone behind to back up in to me like a motorway pile up.
'No peeking.' Leah orders on seeing us flounder. 'Not until I say so! Just edge round here.' I can sense she is herding us in to an enclave and from the silence I conclude that everyone else still has their eyes closed too.
'Okay, open your eyes.' She finally says.
'Oh my God!' We gasp in unison.
'Fucking hell!' Louis blurts and I glare at him, angry at his cursing on behalf of his mother.
'I might cry.' Juno stammers. Normally I would want to slap her for such a remark, or at the very least laugh at her, but on this occasion she is right, for I too feel overwhelmed with emotion, daunted by the staggering sight in front of me.
'Look, there's a rainbow. It's going down in to the Canyon!' My mouth forms a giant 'O' as I point. A shower swept in just as we opened our eyes and now the results are amazing. Not only because of the sight to behold that is the Grand Canyon, but the fact that there is a rainbow cutting straight down it's centre right in front of us. So that's what happens when the ground opens up, the rainbow just carries on downwards.
'It magical.' Lottie whispers in awe, at last having found something she hasn't seen already before.
I stare, taking it all in, not that it's possible to do so. I have never in my life seen anything as visual stunning as the wonder in front of me, the rocks having been torn in half like a broken zipper and the different shades of striking red and orange forming horizontal onion like layers as the sunlight falls upon it. I look to the left of our view point and the divide just continues, to the right it's the same. There is no other word for it than massive and we are merely miniscule lemmings, humbled and careful not to trip over the edge and in to the chasm, the gateway on a journey to the centre of the earth.
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