The panel. prt. 1
Your pov:
I turn around to see who called me.
"Hi im Chris im the founder and i was a huge fan of your channel before you went inactive i was super psyched when you came back!"
"Oh cool!"
"Come on ill lead you back stage"
"Thank you."
I put my hood on and follow him backstage.
"Hey i know this will probably seem a little geeky but can you please sign my arm?"
"Yea sure anything for a fan!"
He gave me a sharpie and i signed his arm.
"Thank you soo much." He says.
"No thank you for being a long time supporter!"
"Well good luck." He says walking away,
"Thank you."
Chris' pov:
Im totally getting this tattooed!! XD
Your pov:
I change the voice moderator on my voice because i have a plan in mind for an awesome entrance.
Then i sit on the sofa and wait for mark im surprised i beat him here.
As if on cue mark came in with two other guys.
"Whoa uh hey you must be (yt/n) our special guest." Mark says.
I nod without lifting my head up,
"So i heard you just hit 1.5 million congrats on that plan on doing a face reveal anytime soon?" He asked.
I nod again.
"So um this is bob and wade and we have one more guy coming in but idont no where he is."
I wave.
Then get up and go to the microphone booth an change the voices on mark's and wade's mic, so marks voice would be seriously high and wade's would be seriously low.
People began to flood into the room i stood backstage dipping in and out of conversations.
I was excited for this at the same time a bit nervous.
Suddenly i feel a tap on my shoulder.
I turn around with out looking up
Low and behold stood before me my all time favorite YouTuber.....
I wanted to just fangirl and give him the biggest hug.
Luckily i had my hood on or else he would see me fangirling.
"Hi!" He say.
I wave and smile.
"You must be our special guest!"
I nod.
"Its your first panel huh?"
I nod again.
"Dont worry i was too when i did my first panel ever."
I smile.
"Well i better get going on stage." Jack says.
I smile wishing i could say good luck.
And soo the panel began.
"Hey-wait what the?" Mark began realizing his voice was different.
I chuckle and i see mark stare at me as if to say 'haha very funny.' In sarcasm.
Then wade laughs nearly scaring himself to death from his darth vader voice,
I laugh my ass off as i make my way over and turn off the voice moderators.
"Alright mic check. Anyways before that very unexpected change id like to say welcome to The panel!!" Mark says
The audience cheered.
"Of course we have Me the great Markiplier, Bob, wade and i guess jack." Mark says
The audience laugh and so do the guys.
"Since when have i become the maybe friend that was supposed to be wade!" Jack jokes
"Well wade got the upgrade" mark replies."buut today we have a very special guest id like to welcome to the panel (yt/n)."
The lights flicker off and i sneak on stage. Then they go back on again.
I see mark jump in surprise.
"Heeellllo everyone its me (yt/n) and thank you for coming!!" I say excited.
The audience
I look back at mark who was shocked that it was me and stood still.
"I guess its gonna be a (yt/n) and friends panel because mark is frozen in time. " i joke.
The audience laughed
"That was just such a flashy entrance." He said.
"Yes im here to break the norm." I say sitting down.
"Sooo uh what are we gonna do?" Jack asked,
"We never have anything planned!" Wade says.
"True we just come out here and dick around ask questions and then thats a panel!" Mark says,
"But now we have a lady here i dont know how i are gonna act!" Jack joked.
"I know this is huge theres a girl in the Markiplier and friends panel." Mark goes along
"Hey hey dont get it twisted just cause im a girl dont mean i dont like dick jokes!" I say.
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