Somewhere only we know...
Your pov:
I woke up and got a text from jack.
Jack: hey (y/n) im soo sorry for what happened on clairs birthday can you please forgive me. :'(
I smiled you cant stay mad at that adorable Irishman.
(Y/n): hey jack its all good now! Dont stress it i think im pretty hot too xp have a nice Christmas!
I got up and then played a few video games with clair while eating cereal.
When i got a text.
Marki: hey (nickname.) Wanna go to the mall today even though we see each other their almost every time Xp.
(Y/n): lol sure got nothing better to do. Xp.
Marki: great see you shortly!
(Y/n): kk
"Clair im going with mark to the mall!!" I say running down the hall to my room.
"Ok whateves!!"
I take a shower and get on some clothes:
Mark: im here.
(Y/n): kk coming.
I lock up and go downstairs.
Mark being the gentleman hes always been opens the door for me as always once we were in and cozy we drove off.
"Soo whos going to the party?" Mark asked.
"Oh god Matthias and his wife as well as team edge, superwoman, Sawyer Hartman and his girlfriend,joey graceffa and his boyfriend,tyler Oakley, jenna marbles, grace helbig,the gabbie show,shane dawson,prank vs prank, matpat and his wife,megan and stacy." I say taking a deep breath.
"Oh god thats alot of people."
"I know."
"Soo you have everything planned out?"
"So far yea."
Soon we arrive at the mall.
"Soo what store you wanna go to first?" Mark asked.
"Actually mark i have a few girly stores i need to go to soo can we just meet back here?" I asked.
We go out separate ways and i got to the hair salon to get my hair half died red and blad like marks.
THIS DISPUTE ISNT OVER IM THE REAL MARKIPLIER!! just kidding im just gonna pull a small prank on mark on twitter tomorrow.
(Thats what your hair looks like.
I buy a hat to cover my hair then i have a short meet up with some fans and do some more shopping.
Mark's pov:
I was gonna come back the day after Christmas to ask (y/n) out and take her to spend new years with my family.
Soo i thought hey why not buy her a dress.
I look for something thats....her.
Then i finally found the perfect dress.
(Youll see it when the time is right!)
But i dont know her size.
Matt! Matt would know theyve been best friends for a while.
Mark: hey matty.
Matt: hey mark whats up?
Mark: trying to find (y/n) a gift do you by any chance know her size.
Matt:....ill ask her,
Mark: dont tell her im buying her a dress!
Matt: geez i wont shes a size.(whatever size you are girl be proud of what you got!!)
Mark: ok thank you.
I get the dress in her size then meet her where we planned to meet then left the mall.
On the way home something caught (y/n)'s eye.
Your pov:
I was just staring out of the window when i saw a smallish winter wonderland.
"Mark turn around the winter fest is over there!" I say bouncing in my seat.
Mark turns the car around and takes us to the mini winter wonderland which consisted of " snow" coming out of machines.with kids building snowmen while adults conversed and drunk hot chocolate.
We paid for our ice skates.
"Mark do you even know how to ice skate?" I asked,
"Yea actually."
We skated around the rink when the Christmas music went off and ive had the time of my life came on.
"This is noot Christmas related." I chuckle nervously tugging at my earlobe.
"I know right its weird."
"But it is a good song soo do you maybe know the dance to this by any chance?"
"I actually do."
(Just ignore the seriously hard stunts.)
We danced together perfectly!
After we were done we realized the spot light.
We blushed and bowed.
Afterwords we got off the ice people told us 'good job' and stuff like that and then we drove to my apartment.
Soon we were in the parking lot,
"(Y/n) i want to take you somewhere thats really special to me." Mark says
"Ok where is it?"
"Its actually here follow me."
"Ok." He stopped the car and we went to the back ot the apartment building..
A bit sketchy but i trust mark so i follow him.
He goes up the latter and i follow him up the latter to the room mark quickly covered my eyes.
I blushed "mark what are you doing?"
"This place is like a secret getaway whenever i couldnt think straight or something id come up here.ive never showed it to anybody so i want you to know you can come up here anytime you want." He uncovers my eyes to reveal two teal fold up chairs under a blue tent.
"Whats this?"
"Sit down and see." Mark answers.
I sit down in the chair and mark turns on lights which glow around us as we look ot on the city
"This is cool!!" I say.
"I know ive had this up here since ive been in LA. I just kinda claimed it. I just came here every now and then. Then one day i jst brought everything up here and this became mine."
Suddenly we just got talking about life.
"What was the first thing you did when you got to LA?"
"Sleep." I joked.
He laughed. "No what was the first place you explored?"
"Dont tell clair this but a tattoo parlor."
"You got a tattoo?!"
"Yea its on my side. Got it from my favorite game to the moon and back."
"I love that game!!"
"Yea my favorite song is Everything's Alright."
"Thats my fanbase's anthem!"
"I know clair told me."
Mark's pov:
We were talking when suddenly times slowed down we came closer and closer then.
dammit her phone!
"Clair called she wants to do a sister tag." (Y/n) says.
"Oh well you better get you down there." I say.
Your pov:
We got off the roof and mark walked me up to my apartment.
"Soo." I say.
I hug mark. "I really wish you could come to the party"
"I know i wish i could do something so i could be with you and my family."
"Well ill see yo next year i guess." I say.
Mark chuckled. "Yea next year."
I gave him last hug...
And went inside.
Hes a walking dream......
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