Party time!
A/n: Christmas music there to get you in the mood!
Christmas day!
Clair, jerome and i woke up.
Clair and i had alot of cooking to do.
"Alright clair so you handle the sweets ill handle the main courses and then we'll tackle side dishes together deal?"
"Deal." Clair agrees.
I start cooking the ham,Turkey, chicken while clair was handling the cakes cup cakes and cookies.
Then i vlog. "Merry christmas guys! I just wanted to say that and thank you for making ny Christmas a very awesome one today im having a Christmas party of course you guys know that but im gonna be vlogging the making of the best creators christmas. Shit if forgot to decorate the dessert table.clair!!"
"Can you vlog real quick while i set up the dessert table?!"
"Sure!" Clair ran over and grabbed the camera i ran off to set up the table
Clairs pov:
"Well guys welcome to a clairyssa take over! Since my sis is busy you will be seeing dis beautiful face!" I joked.
I showed the folks at home the awesomely decorated house.
Your pov:
Soon we were done around about 5pm we all slept for a bit then got ready for the party at 7.
This is clair's dress:
This is what you are wearing:
With this belt wrapped around your waist:
And these gorgeous shoes:
And this is what jerome is wearing:
Its now 7:49
"(Y/n) i need help with my tie!!" Jerome called.
"Okay im coming!" I ran to his room. "Jerome you are gonna have to learn to tie your own tie someday." I say fix his tie once i was finished.
"I know how to it just looks better when a woman does it."
"We women do everything better to begin with." I joke running downstairs and fixing the final touches one everything. Then vlog a bit
"Ok guys so the party is about to begin. Clair did you set out the christmas goody bags?!" I yell.
"Yes chill out everything will be fine." Clair said,
"Ok im just nervous i want everything to be perfect i mean the biggest youtubers are gonna be here i mean not felix or marzia but still i mean big people!" I say.
"And i thought i was nervous." Clair said.
"Oh shut up!"
I hear a knock on the door.
"Oh jerome!!"
"Im on it!" He ran to the door to greet and pass out the goody bags.
Matt and amanda were early!
We greet them.
"Merry christmas im glad you guys could come!!" I say.
"Hi mark has told me so much about you!" Matt says.
"Really?" I say.
"Oh wow well thank you for coming we have a gaming hall feel free to play anygame we also have pool and the foods ready so feel free to whatever!" I say.
"Thank you!" Amanda and matt say smiling they go off.
"Aww my otp." I say watching them walk off.
Soon alot of people were coming superwoman, matpat and his wife Stephanie, jenna marbles and soo many more!
I was talking and vlogging with soo many people as of now vlogging with superwoman!
"Meew hey everyone im have arrived at (yt/n)'s party!!! And here she is!!"
We put our faces together and she touches my cheek i smile. "Hii please just call me (y/n) im not a formal person." I say smiling.
"Guys look im already friends with the woman of the hour."
"No way dont say that!" I say smiling.
"Girl this party is amazing!guys she has a gaming hall... a gaming hall with 2 wiis,2 ps4, and 2 xbox ones and 6 flat screens!!"
"Rent-a-center." I whisper.
"I didnt know that place would actual have a use."
"I know right."
"You are killing that outfit can you just do a 360 please?"
I smile and do a little spin
We laugh. Then the door bell rings.
"Give me a second i hope youre enjoy the rest of the party!!"
I run towards the door we werent expecting any other people.
When i opened the door mark was standing there.
"Oh my god mark!!" I hug him tightly.
He chuckled.
"I thought you werent coming." I say.
"I know my plane route got delayed yesterday so i decided to just come here!"
"Well um come in!" I say.
He comes inside.
"Soo you took the tour already sooo you know what where and foods in the kitchen if something is cold you can just microwave it."
"Great im starving !!" He goes off into the kitchen and i got to the gaming hall to play against Robertidk in mario karts.
He won the first map and then i won one and it went back and forth.
Mark came over.
"Hey (y/n) whos this?" Mark asked.
"Oh mark this is the awesome almighty robert also known as robertidk on YouTube.he has awesome song parodies."
"Sweet nice to meet you." Mark says shaking roberts hand.
"Nice to meet you too im a big fan you inspired me to do my youtube channel." Robert admits.
"Thats amazing im glad to hear that!" Mark says.
"Yea in fact he created an awesome parody of ride by twenty one pilots in which you will react to." I say to mark.
"Oh really?" Mark says,
"Oh yea, its awesome you have to make a reaction video to it because i said so!" I joke.
"Fine." Mark says,
"I know this is supposed to be like a break for you but can i please get a picture with the two of you?" Robert asked.
"Yea sure!" Mark and i say,
We take a picture. I looked at the time it was around 9 o clock it was time to exchange gifts so people can go home by around 11 oclock.
"Alright guys its time to exchange the gifts!" I say.
Everyone scurries to get there gifts and give i was gonna tell mark how i felt and give him his gifts.
I was gonna do it now. But now that im in the moment i became nervous.
Mark was walking my way with his gifts.
"Merry Christmas!" Marks says holding out his gift.
"Oh thanks mark! I got you a gift too wait im gonna go get it."
Clairs pov:
(Y/n) was not gonna mess up this (y/n)plier moment by leaving so i grabbed the presents and shoved them into her hands
Your pov:
I turned away to go get marks gifts when clair shoved the gifts in my hands and backed away while mouthing 'do it!'
"Um ok i actually have them here." I say chuckling nervously handing them to him.
He opened them. "Sweet i wanted an apple watch thanks!!" He said smiling.
"I had to ask matt for your shirt size and i had to guess what flannel you dont have." I joked.
"I actually dont have this one thank you." He chuckles.
"Now um (y/n) before i give you your gift i have something to ask you."
"Will my girlfriend?"
I smiled and hugged him tightly "yes!!"
Once we release he hands me my gift. Of course i open it.
Inside there was a dress on top of the dress were three plane tickets,
"I never planned on leaving for Christmas not without you by my side. Then you planned a party! So i rescheduled for you,me and clair to leave two days before new years for Cincinnati where we will have out first date and that is the dress you will wear to meet my family."
I smile and kiss him.
Everyone cheered and took pictures.
~~~~~~~new years eve.~~~~~~
"Babe are you sure your family will like me?" I asked
"Im 100 percent sure they will love you dont stress it."
"How do i look?" I ask.
"Beautiful." Mark says wrapping his hands around my waist and giving me a kiss."im glad i chose this dress. The best part is this." He carressed my tattoo.
I smile. "Mark?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."
I met his family and they loved me like i loved them!
It was now the countdown to new years mark and i were standing outside on the balcony.
"3...2.....1! Happy new years!!!" They cheered.
Mark pulled me in for a new years kiss.
"This is a Happy new year." I say.
"And a good year so far," mark joked.
We laughed and kissed once more .
And they got married had kids and loved happily ever after
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