Clair's B-day!
Your pov:
After that i just completely avoided mark at all cost during the signing.
But at some point i knew i had to face him.
And that time was at the end of the day.
Everyone was getting packed and going home.
I seen mark walking my way. I quickly grabbed my bags of presents from fans and tried to stride towards the door.
But of course mark stopped me.
"(Y/n) wait i dont want that kiss to make things awkward for us so do you wanna just forget it happened?" Mark pleaded.
I liked it too much i cant!
"Yea." I agreed.
"Great so you wanna maybe go grab something to eat?"
"Sure im pretty sure clair wold like the idea of hanging out with her favorite YouTuber."
"Alright, wait so how did you get here if your car broke down?"
"Oh um i won that car in the mall thanks for egging me on to get it."
"No problem, let me walk you to your car and let me take these." He took a few bags from my hand.
"Oh thanks mark." I say smiling.
"No problem."
He walks me to my car and put my stuff in the trunk.
I got in the driver seat,
"So where are we eating?" I asked mark.
"Its a place i know youll love just follow me." He said
"Alright and once again mark thanks for everything.."
"No problem." He closes my door and walks to his car.
I see clair give me a teasing look
"What?" I say.
"I ship it like fedex!" Clair shouted.
"Ugh shut up!" I say blushing.
"Oh my drama mama llama youre in love!!!" Clair joked.
"Hes not into me."
"You two kiss well more like had a full on make out section!"
"Oh god clair."
Soon i followed mark to the restaurant it was The Cheesecake Factory! I loved this restaurant its my favorite restaurant i told mark.
I hopped out of the car and gave mark the biggest hug i could
"Oh my god mark i cant believe you remembered!!"
"Of course i remembered youre like my best friend how could i forget?"
"Are you sure we can eat here this place is like mad expensive."
"No price is too high for my best friend."
"Ahem." Clair cleared her throat,
"And her little sister." Mark adds on.
"Fyi i am not little im gonna be 16 next week." Clair corrects.
"Right (y/n) told me about that." Mark says. "How would you like to be in a video with me like all three of us."
"Oh my chocolate fudge with cherry bits yes!!" She rambled
"Clair where are you getting these crazy expressions?"
She shrugged.
We went inside and talked and ate and went home.
Clair's pov:
I snapped a quick photo of them hugging out side.
I posted it to my. (Y/n)plier fanbase and captioned it.
Clair's birthday.
Your pov:
I woke up and grabbed clairs birthday crown i bought for her went into the living room where she was playing on the ps4 and placed it on her head
"Happy sweet 16!!" I yelled,
"Thanks sis!" She said.
"So what do you want to do?"
"Movies, arcade then dinner."
"Sounds like a plan.Get dressed."
I take a shower and put on some jeans and a tshirt:
When we were both ready she gave me a look.
"You know its true." I say.
We drive over to marks house.
I rung the door bell.
Mark answered,
"Hey mark." I say smiling
"Hey." Hey gave me a hug
Then he looked to clair. "Hey birthday girl!!"
"Hi brother in law are you gonna propose to my sister or what?" Clair joked.
I blushed. "Shut up clair!"
We go into the house and clair starts flipping out.
"Oh my god its bigger than it is on camera!!" Clair says.
"Its a house." Mark says.
"Wheres ryan and matt?! Clair asked.
I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs and there was ryan clair ran up and hugged him.
"Uh hi?" Ryan says.
"Thats my sister clair shes a huge fan" i say embarrassed.
"Hey did someone call me?!" Matt says coming downstairs.
Clair squealed and hugged him as well.
"Ok um whos the girl hugging me?" Matt asked.
"Thats my sister clair shes a big fan and todays her birthday."
"I dont remember you having a sister?" Matt says
"Shes adopted but i still love her the same." I say.
"Thats sweet well happy birthday, hey (y/n) hows the channel?"
"Still growing thank you."
"Well shall we record or what?" Mark says.
We go into Mark's recording room and record gang beast.
After that we drive to the arcade after clair got her card she ran off leaving me and mark alone so we decided to go and play guitar hero and i won.
"Dangit howd you beat me?!" Mark says
"I got dem mad skillz." I joke.
"Mind if i take a photo?"
"Not at all." I say
We take a picture and mark post it on twitter.
Afterwards we played some other games and then we decided to get in the photobooth.
We took one silly picture.
One where i was leaning on his shoulder and the final one where i caught him by surprise and kissed his cheek.
Marks pov:
She just kissed my cheek.
It was just a friendly kiss.
Your pov:
Afterwards we went to the movies and watched zootopia where i fell asleep.
Mark's pov:
I carried (y/n) into the car and drove us to her house i laid her on her bed she began to shift.
Your pov:
I woke up on my bed?
"Did i wake you?" I look up and see mark.
"Howd i get here?"
"I carried you here? Mark says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh "i say blushing.
"Oh shit mark can you maybe take clair out real quick so i can set up her small bday party?" I asked getting up.
"What do you want me to do?!"
"I dont know get her icecream or something!"
Mark took clair out.
Now time for me to set up......
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