Their Love
*drinks water* Man I was parched.
Okay now where was I?
Future self: You were going to write the next chapter.
Gahhhh where did you come from??!
Future self: Bitch where do you think I came from? WRITE THE DAMN CHAPTER!!
Adrien POV
I couldn't help, but silently fume at the longing expression the guy gave while Marinette went up the stairs, then he went down the sidewalk heading in the direction he came from.
I sighed and crossed the street over to the steps Marinette was most likely in her apartment by now. Would it be sudden for me to just drop by? Maybe I should wait longer....
"Oh for the love of.....JUST GO TALK TO HER!!" Plagg shouted.
"I....I don't know if I can...."
"Adrien we already established that you fucked up and that you need to make a move. Do you really want to wait for another guy to swoop Marinette off her feet? This is your chance! Go knock on the door and do it fast cause IM FREEZING IN HERE!!!"
I looked down in my pocket and noticed that Plagg was shivering from the wetness from the rain. "Okay okay buddy I'll hurry it up."
I head up the stairs and step in front of Mari's door. I put my hand up to knock, but I still hesitate to do so.
So many doubts are running through my mind once again, trying to get me to cease my actions.
What if she still mad?
What if she doesn't want to listen to me?
What if she hates me to the point that she doesn't want to see my face and files a restraining order?
Okay that last one might be strecthing it but still....
I mean she never once answered my calls or called me back wouldn't that mean she didn't want to see me?
Just when that thought occured my phone started to buzz. I reached into my pocket and saw Marinette's name.
I nearly dropped my phone.
Luckily I caught it in time and managed to answer.
"Hey Adrien, it''s Marinette."
"M..Marinette! H..Hi how are you?" Smooth Adrien.....real smooth...
"I'm....fine." She almost sounded uncomfortable talking on the phone with me, but continued. "Hey I want to apologise for...not answering your calls, but is there anyway we up so we"
I'm a bit surprised by this sudden request, especially when she just spent the afternoon with another guy, but who am I to say 'no?' "Y...yes! Yes absolutely yes. I'll come over to your place."
"How long will it take you?"
I looked over at the door. "Actually....."
I reached up and finally gave a knock. I heard a shuffle over the phone and a few seconds later the door opened to reveal Marinette who was clearly surprised to see me.
".....not very long."
"O..oh!" She said wide eyes phone still to her ear. "Um...Hi?"
"Hi.." I hung up the phone and she did the same.
"Wha....what are you doing here? I mean I know I just invited you, but how come you were....?"
I chuckled rubbing the back of my head. "Would you believe me if I said I was on my way to come see you?"
"Without calling first?"
"Would you have answered?"
"" She stepped aside. "Come on in...."
I stepped inside and she closed the door behind us. We stood there for a moment in awkward silence before she decided to speak again.
"Would you like anything to drink or....?"
"Oh no no...I'm fine..."
Awkward silence again. I really didn't like how strange things have gotten between us. Then again....I shouldn't be surprised, suddenly talking to the person you've been casually having sex with the past few months with no labels on your relationship will pretty much do that too.
I really should say something though, so I'll just come out with it.
"Marinette I-"
"Look Adrien I'm-"
We nearly talked over one another, she blushed staring at the ground and I just simply chuckled.
"You go first." I offered.
Marinette sighed. "Adrien I'm sorry for ignoring you over this past week and I'm sorry for hitting you that day at the Bourgeois Hotel." She tried to make eye contact, but quickly looked away and continued. "I'm starting to realize that this whole thing we embarked on was a mistake and the last thing I want is to lose you as a friend over something so dumb, think we could....go back to just being friends, forget all of it, and pretend this whole thing never happened?"
I blinked, I was a little surprised at what she was saying, to just remain friends and leave it all in the past.
She didn't want to lose me as a friend and I felt the same. I know I said that I'd be okay with just being friends in the end, but...the thing is....
"I don't...want to forget." I said suddenly. Her head shot back up in my direction. "Even if I wanted to...I don't think that I could..."
"W...what?" She asked confused.
I closed my fist. I needed to tell her. She had to know. " are by far the most extraordinary person I've ever met. You're so sweet, kind, you have a great sense of humor and you're just downright amazing. You were there for me when I needed help the most and since then I've felt like I've gotten to experience a new side of you."
I looked down at the ground for a moment. "That night...may have been a mistake, but I've never regretted it. I love being with you, I love holding you....kissing you....and when you were gone it's like everything just came crashing down....I miss you.."
I looked back up at Marinette who was now staring directly at me, but I wasn't done yet.
"If you wanna remain friends I understand, but I know that if I don't tell you this now. I may just regret it for the rest of my life." I can feel my heart beat getting faster. "I didn't realize it before, but now I'm 100% sure how I feel..."
"Adrien....what are you saying?"
I looked straight into her eyes, they sparkled almost like she was about to shed tears any minute.
"I love you Marinette....I want us to be together, for real this time. If you'll have me I promise to make it right this time and treat you the way you deserve."
She didn't say anything, she just stared at me for a moment before looking away.
My heart ached at the thought of rejection, but I had to brace myself in case it came.
"I...I understand if you don't feel the same anymore, but I needed to let you know that. I felt I owed you that much at least..."
It was still silent and I feared that she would snap any minute.
"" She started.
" are such an idiot!" She sobbed and I realized that she had started crying. Her hands flew up trying to stop the tears, but more kept coming. "I've been in love with you this whole time! What t..took YOU so long?"
She kept crying and she started to tremble. I smiled wrapping my arms around her and embraced her while she cried into my shoulder.
Marinette kept trying to mutter something, but couldn't get it out. I knew what she was trying to say though.
" don't have to say it. You've already said it plenty of times before. It's my turn now.
Marinette wrapped her arms around my waist hugging me back.
"I love you princess." I said as I continued to hold her in my arms and I was determined to never let go.
*sighs* An OTP becoming canon is a beautiful thing....
Sadly I'm at work right now so we all have to wait.....
But I'll post this for you guys now and come back to write the next one when I get off
Seeeeee YAAAAAAAA!!!
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