His Words
*listening to Comatose by Skillet*
Oh hello there~
Funny how the last time I worked on this story I updated 4 chapters on the same day and it feels like it's been forever since then.
Anyway I hope you enjoy.
Warning: Major Fluff ahead.
Marinette POV
~~Two weeks later~~
I can't say I could possibly be any happier than I've been these past couple of weeks.
Adrien and I finally made it official and I can say with full confidence that he is now my boyfriend.
And I'm his girlfriend.
The thought gets me blushing crazy every single time. I almost feel like I was back in highschool again.
Only Adrien had this affect on me.
We haven't gone public about it yet though. Most of the time I get to spend with Adrien consist of him coming over my place.
Adrien told me that there was someone taking pictures of us that day we had our fight, so we both agreed to lay low about it for now.
We haven't even told Alya and Nino about it yet.
I'm not exactly sure how to tell Alya. I want to tell her that Adrien and I are together, but then she'll want to know EVERY LAST DETAIL on how, when and where. I'm not sure how she'll react to the truth.
Thinking back to Adrien I feel the smile on my face once again as I walk into the kitchen for something to eat.
Tikki flew into the kitchen and sat on my shoulder. "Someone looks happy."
"Mmmhmm. I'm just so happy that Adrien and I are talking again."
"And that you're his girlfriend now?" She asked with a giggle.
"Yeah..." I sighed happily feeling the blush on my cheeks. "Do you think he's being sincere. I mean of course he's sincere I just mean what if he realizes that he's made a mistake and he rather be with that other girl again?"
"Marinette calm down. He chose YOU he came all the way in the rain to see YOU and tell YOU how he felt ABOUT YOU. Just enjoy the time you get to spend with each other and stop worrying about trivial things."
"I guess you're right Tikki." I smiled as I pulled out some leftover pizza and heat it in the microwave as I begin to think back to the day after Adrien and became a couple.
Adrien had came back after his scheduled photoshoot. He relayed to me how his photographer was upset by his disheveled appearance due to his tardiness, which had to be fixed by his hair and makeup crew.
I couldn't stop the giggle as a found it pretty amusing and it caught his attention immediately.
"And she laughs at my pain. How cruel of you to do so Marinette." He faked a pout.
"I'm sorry, it just sounds like me on one of my late days. I guess I just kind of related to the situation."
He nodded. "So how was your day Princess? Did you decide to leave the castle?"
"Well I didn't know when exactly you'd be back and I didn't have work so I just decided to stay home until you came."
"How sweet." He said holding me closer. "I hope you didn't miss me too much, cause I sure missed you."
I rolled my eyes. "You were only gone for five hours, six at the most."
"Much too long."
I shook my head giggling at his words. The song 'I Need You Here' by Ne-Yo started to play on the TV as the credits to 'The Princess and The Frog' began to roll across the screen. Tikki and I had been in the middle of watching the movie when Adrien came knocking at the door and now it was at it's end.
Adrien got up from his spot on the couch and pulled the coffee table over to the side. I looked at him clearly confused at what he was doing until he walked back over to me and extended a hand towards me.
"May I have this dance?" He said with a Charming smile.
I blinked once, then twice, the third time I had finally processed his question and a growing blush was beginning to appear on my face.
"D..Dance? Really?" I tried to sound humorous at his proposal, but the sudden question along with the genuine smile he was giving me was throwing me off.
"Um yeah? If that's alright with you Mari."
I looked back and forth between him and his hand, for moment my mind went blank as I reached out and placed mine in his.
Adrien pulled me from my spot on the couch guiding me to the middle of the living room floor. He placed one of my hands on his shoulder while one of his rested on my waist and our other hands linked together.
We began to sway to the music following the rhythm as it guided us into a moment of complete peace and prosperity. I was almost afraid that he'd hear the pulsing sound of my heart throbbing, but the more we stayed like this the less I was starting to care.
Adrien let go of my hand and placed it on my hip as well pulling me closer to his chest, instinctively I wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued dancing to the music.
"You know..." He started. "This reminds me of the first time we danced together."
"You....remember that?" I asked slightly surprised. My mind had also drifted back to that day.
"Mmmhmm, it was at one of Chloe's parties. I asked you to dance and you blushed when I lead you over to the dance floor." He chuckled. "Now that I think about it, I didn't really wait for you to give me an answer that time."
I couldn't help, but frown at the mention of Chloe's name. Adrien seemed to have sense my change in mood.
"What's wrong Marinette?"
I looked up at him. "Was...Chloe the girl you said you had feelings for before?"
Adrien's eyes widened and he seemed slightly disturbed by my question. "What? No Marinette, as I've said before Chloe is a friend and NOTHING more than I friend I swear."
I felt somewhat relieved by his answer, but there was still something plaguing my mind. "But there is another girl that you have feelings for."
"Was." He corrected me. "There WAS another girl, but honestly nothing is ever going to happen between us."
"Who was she?"
He hesitated. "You.... honestly wouldn't believe me if I told you, but it doesn't matter okay?"
"It matters to me."
"Because what if she decides that she has feelings for you too and you leave me behind." I didn't mean for it to go this far, but my fears were slowly starting to get to me. I love Adrien to pieces but I'd be damned if I got hurt walking down this road again.
"Marinette....look at me." He said gently tilting my face so I met his gaze. He looked serious and I couldn't bring myself to pull away. "I love you, there's no one else that makes me feel the way that you do and there won't be anyone else. You're my only one I promise you."
I felt the tears begin to well up again. Adrien wiped them away before they could fall.
"Can I ask you something?" He said suddenly.
"What is it?" I replied.
"So...did you really mean it...that you've been in love with me all this time? Even before we...." He trailed off, but I knew what he was getting at.
"Yes. I did."
"Why what?"
"Why did you continue to keep seeing me when you knew I liked someone else? You knew and you had feelings for me.....but you stayed. Why?"
There was a time where I asked myself that same question and I had no answer for it. The more time I spent with Adrien the more miserable I became because deep down I still knew he longed for another.
"Ever since I met you, the day you and I became friends and I saw you smile. I told myself that I wanted to keep seeing that smile that no matter what I'd do whatever I can to keep this boy happy. That day when I ran into you and you were upset I felt like I was failing at the one thing I said I'd do and I wanted to keep you happy, I guess for a while I figured that my feelings didn't matter if it met I could still see you smile."
I reached up and held his hand that had been resting on my cheek. "I...I love you so much Adrien, so much that it hurts. To have you return those feelings to me, I still feel like I'm dreaming."
Adrien caught me off guard when he pressed his lips against mine. Passionate, sweet, and filled with so much love I felt my heart about to explode. He pulled away for a moment and whispered against my lips.
"I love you too Marinette. I love you so much."
He kissed me again and I returned his affection, melting in his arms and getting lost in the desire once again.
I feel like Adrien and I have never been closer. We've made so much progress in the span of two weeks I can't help but wonder about the possibility of wedding bells on the future.
But that's just hopeful thinking.
Eating my pizza I start to get this weird feeling in my stomach. Out of nowhere I dashed to the bathroom and start to vomit.
Weird I didn't think the pizza had went bad, maybe it's just a stomach bug.
Tikki rushed into the bathroom. "Are you okay Marinette?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I think I just ate something bad that's all." I hear the sound of my phone ringing and I quickly wash my mouth and hands before heading over to answer.
"Guess who girl and man don't I have a surprise for you." Alya said excited.
"I don't know if I should be happy or concerned." I said jokingly.
"Well Nino and I decided that we should all hang out and have movie night at his place and when we invited Adrien and told him that you'd be here he instantly agreed to come like INSTANTLY!!"
I chuckled nervously. "Gee....I wonder why?"
"So tomorrow night we're going to watch a movie at Nino's okay so make sure you're there."
"Aren't you even going to ask if I have plans?"
"I know you're off on Sundays, and I know you wouldn't pass up a chance to spend time with Adrien."
Well...she's not wrong...
"Six o'clock be there or be square, I'll talk to you later."
"Okay. See ya."
Hanging up my phone suddenly receives a text message from none other than Adrien himself.
A: You're gonna be at Nino's tomorrow for a movie night?
I lay down on the couch as I type back my response.
M: I guess I am now. Just got a call from Alya, I don't really think I had a choice lol
A: lol well I'm glad you'll be there it wouldn't be fun without you.
M: So I see, according to Alya you seem to immediately went for it when she said that I'd be there. :P
I blushed at his next reply.
A: Of Course, time with you is just far too good to pass up ;)
I really do love this man.
I really had fun writing this chapter it was SO CUTE!!! 💗
I really needed a break from all the conflicting and confusing feelings in Don't let me go right now 😰
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next one on its way
Blue out this peace and I just wrote 2000 words EXACTLY. ✌✌✌
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