Her Trust
It's been so long since I focused on L'affaire, the rest of the plot no longer links up to the show lol.
Remember how Nathaniel was the opposing Love interest instead of Luka? Good times...good times.
Despite the shows canon I'm continuing with my original plot might make a few references to some new stuff but that's pretty much it
On to the story!
Marinette POV
I was going to transform and use my lucky charm so I can activate my cure, but I began to have a coughing fit again and Adrien insisted that we headed straight to the hospital to make sure the baby and I were okay.
As Chat carried me to the nearest emergency room, I noticed that my body felt weak, I was unable to keep my eyes open and it felt like I would lose consciousness at any moment.
My heart starts to pound out of fear as the dreaded thought occurs that I might actual lose this baby. Adrien was right, I shouldn't have been so reckless. I should have been more mindful of the fact I was pregnant even if I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to be.
I gripped Adrien's shoulder and he looked down at me concerned. "Marinette?"
"Adrien...I..I don't feel so good. Im scared...what if something happened to the baby?"
Chat held me a little tighter. "Don't worry princess were almost there. Everything's going to be okay, just hang on a little longer." I nodded and just as he said we were at the hospital not even a minute later. Chat detransformed on the side of the building and made his way around to the entrance. He rushed inside careful not to let me hit anything and pleaded to the woman at the front desk for help.
Things were starting to get fuzzy and the next thing I knew I'm surrounded by people and transferred onto something soft and it feels like im rolling away. The last thing I saw was Adrien being held back by one of the nurses before I inevitably passed out.
Adrien POV
It's been over an hour since they took Marinette away. I had the instinct to follow her, but I was stopped by one of the nurses who explained that they would look after her and she then directed me into one of their waiting rooms.
Im trying my best to keep it together, but the longer I sit here and wait the more I wonder if something terrible might of happened.
"No, I can't keep thinking negative thoughts." I whispered. "She's going to be okay...she has to be."
"Of course she'll be okay." Tikki whispered from inside my jacket. "Marinette has bounced back from much worse. Don't fret Adrien."
"Yeah I know." I sighed, understanding that Tikki was trying to calm me down. I looked around noticing a few people in the room, but none were paying me mind. So I spoke to Tikki again. "I still can't help but worry though its been over an hour and I haven't heard anything."
"You should listen to ole sugarcube Adrien. She knows what she's talking about." Plagg says nonchalantly from the other side of my jacket while eating cheese. "If she says Marinette will be fine then she fines. You worry too much."
Before I can say anything else to the kwamis another figure walked in the room and they tucked themselves further inside my jacket. The person looked like one of the doctors I saw earlier and the person looked around the room before reading what was on their clipboard. "Marinette Dupain Cheng?"
I stood up immediately and walked over to the doctor. "Is Marinette okay?" I asked feeling a lump in my throat. "Are...are they both okay?"
The doctor smiled. "Yes, Ms. Dupain-Cheng and the baby are both doing fine." She reached out her hand. "I'm Dr. Ross by the way. Can I assume that you are the father in question?"
"I...I am." I answered and reached to shake her hand. "Adrien Agreste."
Her eyes widen " Oh! I didnt think we'd have a celebrity with us tonight.
I chuckled nervously. "Guilty."
"Well just so you know we were able to get Ms. Dupain-Cheng back to stable condition but we're going to have to keep her overnight just to make sure nothing happens. Would you like to come see her?"
"Yes of course." I followed the doctor down the hall until we reached Marinettes appointed room. There I saw Marinette lying on the hospital bed. It seemed like she was asleep until she heard us enter the room and she began to stir opening her eyes slowly. I rushed over to her side. "Hey princess. How are you feeling?"
"Groggy..." She groaned miserably.
The doctor laughed. "It'll go away in the morning I promise. You just need some more rest. Since I have you awake however I would like to ask you a couple of questions." She flipped a page on her clipboard. "Ms. Dupain-Cheng there was a lot of carbon monoxide in your system that can be very hazardous for someone in your condition. By any chance are you one of the victims from the fire incident several hours ago?"
The two of us froze. Not sure of how we should answer this question since we were there but as Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Marinette sighed and said. "Yes I was. I was....visiting a friend and I got caught in the chaos."
"Did an ambulance not check you out when you exited the building? Why did no one check you out?"
"Its because she's stubborn and always thinks shes fine when really she's not." I injected. Marinette turned and glared at me, but I just simply shrugged my shoulders. I said what I said.
"I don't mean to frighten you but if you hadn't came when you did there might have been catastrophic results and your baby could have been at risk." The doctor warned. "I know its not easy but you need to start thinking about your health more for yours and the babys sake."
"Yes, Ill be careful I promise."
"Im going to hold you to that." I said receiving a glare from Marinette once again.
"You'll have to stay overnight for us to monitor your condition for a bit." The doctor continued. "Visitor hours are over but as the father I feel that its important you stay by her side for now. Ill bring you a pass so you'll be able to stay in the building for now."
"Thank you." I said and reached out my hand. "Thank you for all your help Dr. Ross."
"My pleasure." She smiled and shook my hand before turning to Marinette. "Ill be back to check on you regularly. If you need anything call for one of the nurses on your remote there. Do try to get some rest though." She made her way towards the door. "Have a goodnight."
With the doctor gone and the coast clear. I let Tikki and Plagg out of my jacket. Tikki immediately flew to Marinette.
"Oh Marinette im so happy you're okay! I knew you would be!" She said hugging her cheek.
Marinette smiled and kissed Tikki on the forehead. "Im sorry I worried you Tikki." She sighed. "What am I gonna do?"
I pulled a chair next to Marinette's bed and sat down. "What do you mean?"
"That building is still destroyed and people have lost there homes. I can't just sit here when I haven't finished my duty as Ladybug." She sat up from the bed. I had been ready to protest and make her lie back down until she reached for her earrings and took them off before handing them to me. " You're going to have to do it."
I was a little taken back at first but I grabbed the earring anyway. You want me to activate the cure?"
"Well its obvious you're not going to let me transform for awhile." She playfully pouted her lip. "Besides...you were right. Its not just MY baby its ours and I shouldn't do things that could put the baby at risk and put you through more stress."
"It's not just the baby I'm worried about Marinette." I said reaching for her hand. "You've always been known to push yourself more than you need to. I know that wont change in the long run, but you need to relax at least for now. Can you do that for me?"
Marinette leaned back on the bed and sighed. "Yes." She said with a beautiful tired smile. "I can do that."
I pulled her hand to my lips and gave it a gentle kiss. "That's my good girl." My grin widen when I notice her blushing before she turned her head away. I stood up from my chair and walked over to the window. "Im going to go ahead and do damage control and then I'll do a quick run in the city to make sure nothing else is happening tonight. Ill be back as soon as I can M'lady. You ready Tikki?"
"Absolutely." The red kwami flew to my side. "It's been awhile since you've been Mister bug."
"Plagg can you keep an eye on Mari for me until we get back?"
Plagg gave a salute. "Like stink on cheese."
"Spots on Tikki." In a flash I became Mister bug. I opened the window but before I went out i turned back to Marinette. "Oh I almost forgot."
"What's that?" She said looking confused.
I walked back over to her bed and cupped my hands around her cheeks. I leaned down and gave her a kiss. She gasped obviously surprised by my action but kissed me back anyway. I pulled back slightly and whispered against her lips "I love you Marinette."
"I love you too." She said blushing before pushing me back gently with a smile. "N...Now hurry up before someone sees you."
I grinned, then I made my way back over to the window. I turned to Marinette one last time to see her watching me. I gave her a wink before departing out into the city.
Marinettes POV
"Hey Marinette can I ask you a question?" Plagg asked not too long after Adrien left.
I looked down at Adriens kwami. "Yes Plagg what is it?"
"Now that you two know each others identities, do you think you guys cannot fuck in front of me and Tikki?"
Me remembering that I made Plagg curse in this story before at the last second. I figured I should keep that train going.
So....its been awhile guys.
Like 2 years...heh...
A lot has happened more than I want to get into in a single authors note.
I dont watch Miraculous anymore honestly I lost interest halfway through season4 and frankly I dont even remember what happened in season 4.
Last thing I remember is Alya finding out and I think Luka knows too....idk
And then im seeing stuff from season 5 like apparently Marichat is canon now. EVEN THOUGH I REMEMBER THE WRITERS MAKING A BIG DEAL ABOUT IT SAYING IT WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
But who knows....
Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter especially after waiting for so long. Honestly I missed writing and this was fun to do again. Ill definitely come back from time the time but I cant promise consistent chapters so please...bare with me.
Ill be working on other stories as well so fill free to check those out too if you havent.
Thanks for sticking with me for so long. Even if the show sucks for me now the fandom has always been great.
I lOvE yOu GuYs *gives awkward hug* yeah...this is normal...
See u next chap!
Blue is out!!
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