Her Thoughts
Ugh I'm still really pissed that my story was deleted and I lost all my votes and views and especially you guys comments.
I usually read your comments before working on the next chapter. Its kind of my inspiration.
But now there all gone 😭
And if that's not bad enough this chapter was almost complete and now I got to try and remember what I wrote!!!!
Boyfriend: Babe....calm down.
⚠ Siiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn
Marinette POV
I'm doing the right thing right? A little time away from Adrien to clear my head isn't too bad....right?
It's been a few days since I last spoke to him and I can't get this empty feeling out of my chest.
I miss him. That enough is obvious, but like I said before I need to figure out my feelings about this whole thing.
I love Adrien, but did that actually mean anything to him?
Ugh. Why did I have to start having these doubts now? Why couldn't I just continue with what we had?
Because you want it to be something more.
I shook the thought from my head ignoring how true it was.
"Marinette?" I looked over to Tikki who sat on the coffee table eating a cookie. "Your phone's ringing."
I picked up the device to see a picture of Alya and me across the screen and I answered.
"Hi Alya."
"Hey Mari! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever we should hang out today."
Maybe some time with Alya is what I need, a little girl time might help clear my head.
"Sure." I replied. "What did you have in mind?"
"My mom has this new menu item I've been dying to try out and since she's the head chef we get a discount along with free dessert.~" she sang.
I laughed, to Alya nothing was better than free food, being my best friend got her that pass at my parents bakery.
But than a thought crossed my mind. "Aren't you a little worried about running into Chloe again?"
"Marinette....I don't give a damn about Chloe. I want my free dessert."
I couldn't stop the laugh from spilling out. "Okay haha okay I'll come along then."
"Great! I'll be there in about 20 so be ready."
"Alright" with that I ended the call. I was already dressed for the day in case I needed to go out anyway. I slipped on my shoes and sat on the couch. I tried passing the time by looking through my phone, but that was a bad idea.
Scrolling through my gallery I came across a picture of Adrien and I. I was leaning back against his chest while he held the camera up a little ways above us to take the photo. He had this adorable wink on his face while I stuck my tongue out holding up a peace sign.
I smiled a little at the memory. No matter how much I try I can never bring myself to delete this picture or any of the pictures I have with him for that matter. This was one of the best times I spent with Adrien.
"Say Cheese." Adrien said as he winked at me in the camera screen. Instead of doing what he said I stuck my tongue out and he took the picture. "I thought I told you to say 'cheese'"
I shrugged laughing while he just threw a piece of popcorn at me.
"So what do you feel like watching?" I asked picking up the remote.
He thought for a second before looking at me with a mischievious smile. "How about 'The Exorcist'?".
"Ha.Ha.Ha. Fuck You. I'm not watching a horror film."
"I know. I know. I was just kidding."
I rolled my eyes."What about 'Fifty Shades of Grey?'"
He looks at me confused. "What's that?"
"I heard it was based off a book. I never read it, but the author came up with the story writing Twilight fan fiction."
"So you want me to watch a movie based on a book that was inspired by the one of the saddest excuses for a love story I've ever got a chance at seeing?" He visibly cringed which made me giggle.
"The book is actually a lot more entertaining if you read it yourself trust me. Whoever directed that movie didn't really do to much of a good job presenting it and no offense to her, but Kristen Stewart isn't exactly a good actor in my opinion either."
Adrien shrugged with a smile. "Alright then let's watch 'Fifty Shades of Grey'"
About an hour into the movie I regretted suggesting this film. It was basically about some random girl becoming the sex slave of some rich guy who had a fetish for hurting his partner. Had I known I would have never put it on.
Adrien leaned over to whisper something to me. "Great pick Mari." I can hear the obvious sarcasm dripping from his lips.
"I swear to god I had no idea." He didn't seem convinced. "You know what let's just turn this off and try to find something else."
"Too late, an hour of my life is already gone."
"So what? Do you want to finish the movie?"
He took the remote off the table and muted the movie. "I...think I'd rather be doing something else."
Adrien rubbed my bare thigh with one hand and lifted my shirt with the other.
"Oh my god are you really horny from the movie??" I questioned.
"No. I'm horny from you." He answered. "About 15 minutes into the movie I deciding to watch something much more interesting."
"Yep, and now I want you and I'm going to get you unless you say otherwise."
"Now you kind of sound like the guy in the movie."
"No I don't. Shut up."
I giggled a bit but it was soon interrupted by a slight moan when he began kissing my chest. He pulled me closer and that's when I felt his hard on pressing against my inner thigh. The familiar feeling sent shivers through me once again.
In these moments with Adrien my mind becomes foggy, the pleasure and joy that I feel being like this with him makes me forget that our relationship is not permanent.
Adrien wasted no time pulling down my shorts along with my panties and proceeded to remove his own pants and shirt.
He positioned himself between my legs, his tip pressed against my entrance but he didn't go in. Instead he looked at me with a smirk. " 10 euros says you come first."
I scoffed. "20 says you do and you have to buy me lunch tomorrow."
He chuckled and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Deal."
Without warning he slipped right in. I wanted to scream, but quickly covered my mouth to avoid any cause of commotion for the neighbors.
In and out he went. Thrusting all of him inside me once again. How does it feel so good every time? I was going to wrap my legs around his leg but he grabbed my leg pushing it up creating a position that allowed him to plunge deeper.
I got tighter, this new position allowed him to hit me deep that a new wave of pleasure coursed through my body each time he went back in.
I was going to burst any minute.
Adrien leaned in again. "Looks like I'm gonna win this one huh Mari?"
My eyes widen. Whenever we had sex Adrien seemed to transform into some kind of fucking incubus.
I wasn't going to lose this though. I took his free hand and kissed his finger. He looked down at me confused but then surprised when I took a couple of his fingers and put them in my mouth. I licked and sucked on them while keeping eye contact with him.
Adrien's face turned red and I felt him rapidly twitch inside before he couldn't contain himself.
He pulled out squirting his load all over my stomach. I took his fingers out my mouth while he tried to catch his breath and I leaned in and whispered. "I win."
"It's not my fault you couldn't handle it. Now you owe me lunch." I stuck my tongue at him.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed me by the waist kissing me on the cheek. "Anything you want princess."
I blushed as I relished in this feeling once again. The only thing that would make this better, is if he was truly mine.
A knock on the door shook me out of my memories. Tikki hid while I went to go answer the door.
"Hey girl." Alya greeted walking into the apartment. "You ready?"
"Yeah. Let me just grab my jacket and purse and we can get going."
I picked up my jacket and looked inside my purse to see Tikki already nesting inside and looked to Alya.
"Let's go."
This chapter is long asf.
Why?? Did I do this???
Why are the sin chapters always the Long ones????????
Boyfriend: Babe you need to chill.
............Did you just.....tell me to 'chill'?
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