Her Decision
So as you can see my BF is no longer here with us. He's....a little tied up at the moment.
*hears distant mumbling*
Oh just ignore that. 😊
Adrien POV
Call me crazy, I know Chloe isn't exactly...the best person to go to for advice, but I'm desperate. I can't talk to Nino or Alya without either one getting suspicious and if I wanted to try to figure out what's going on with Marinette I need a female's opinion.
I'm dropped off in front of Le Grand Paris and head inside. Before I even make it pass the front desk Chloe is already in sight heading down the stairs.
"Adrikins! You made it!" I meet her halfway across the lobby and she attacks me with a hug. "It's so nice to see you!~"
"It's nice to see you too Chloe." I pat her back pushing her away slightly. That's when I noticed what she was wearing.
She had on a bright yellow halter top with a white skirt that had a black band around the waist, she wore yellow heels with the outfit. I would've thought it was nice if it wasn't for the large chest window on the front of her top and the fact that this was supposed to be a regular lunch together.
"Like what you see?" Chloe asked noticing me staring. "I got dressed up just for you.~"
"Well..um..you look nice Chloe, but don't you think your..a little overdressed for lunch?" I asked
"Oh don't be ridiculous. This is just my daytime outfit anyway." She said nonchalantly. "Now come on. Daddy reserved a table just for us."
Pulling me by the arm, Chloe and I head towards the elevator.
Marinette POV
Alya and I stopped to get gas on the way to the Bourgeois Hotel. While outside the car I noticed Alya looking at me very intensely.
"What?" I asked
"Oh nothing..." She replied. "You just...seem distracted lately."
I sighed. "A lot on my mind I guess."
"Mmm hmm, and it wouldn't have anything to do with Adrien coming over to your apartment last week?"
Wait what??
My head snapped towards Alya, "H..How did you-?"
"I came over one time to surprise you and I saw him knocking on your door."
"Why didn't you come in?"
"I didn't want to ruin your time with Adrien. Nino told me that he's been super busy lately so the fact that he agreed to hang out with you must've been a huge score." She smiled and wink.
I look down blushing slightly. Unknown to Alya, Adrien and I have been spending a lot more time together than she thinks.
"So what happened that night? What did you guys talk about? Did you guys kiss? Details woman!"
I blinked looking down at the ground. "Nothing happened Alya, we just watched a movie together." Okay so technically I wasn't lying we did watch a movie during that one time we were together...
She leaned forward observing my face. "And that's it?"
She leaned back, "Well that's no fun." She groaned. "How long has it been Marinette? You need to either get out of the friend zone or hook up with someone else. I mean you're 24 and still a virgin, go get laid or something."
"Since when did my sex life become so important to you?" I questioned.
"Since you've been more stress than the average Marinette usually is. Don't think I haven't noticed Missy but you've been on edge in the past month and it grows worse everyday."
She's right. I have been acting different recently. Between my situation with Adrien, work, and my secret life as Ladybug, it's been a little more than I'm used to handling, but it can't be that bad.
"I'm fine Alya. Really I am." I assured her. "Besides...I doubt Adrien and I will ever get together anyway."
"And what makes you say that?"
"Well...a few months ago, he kind of consulted to me that he had feelings for someone else." I admitted. "Someone who oddly doesn't return his feelings back, but even with that I can tell he hasn't given up."
I know because I've been in the exact same situation.
"So...you won't get with Adrien anymore because he has feelings for another girl?" I nodded. "And how is that stopping you?"
"Alya if he likes someone else there's nothing I can do."
"There is if you tell him YOUR feelings. Answer me this Mar, how do you know whether or not he has feelings for you if you never once made a move and by that I mean actually telling him."
I thought for a moment, "Well I did say I loved him one time, but I don't think it got across."
"Then MAKE it get across, pull him aside, sit him down and tell him to his face how you feel. If he don't want you then fuck him he wasn't for you. All I'm saying is you'll regret it more not telling him before it's too late."
As much as I hate to admit, Alya has a point. I mean there's no way that Adrien doesn't feel ANYTHING for me right? There's no harm in trying.
"Okay. I'll tell him the moment I see him." I decided.
"That's my girl." Alya smiled. "Now don't take to long okay? I'd like to be a godmama before I reach my 40s."
I scoffed, laughing at her remark. "You're ridiculous."
"Oh like you should talk." Once the tank was full Alya took out the pump and we went back inside the car. "Okay now that that's done, let's go get something to eat and just maybe we can call up the boys this evening to hang out. Then you can do your thing."
I shook my head at her, but I couldn't help, but wonder what Adrien's reaction might be when I finally told him.
Thank you rubykloh101 for being my 300th follower!
And thanks to the rest of you too for making me get this faaaat!!!!!!
........wait fat? I meant 'far'
Hmm....should I fix that?
Blurose is out ✌
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