Her Confession
So Wattpad was being a b**** today.
For some reason when I clicked on the app my entire phone crashed. So I ended up resetting my phone and I had to redownload the app.
Yeah.... 😑 Like I don't have enough life issues already.
Sorry guys. Hope you enjoy.
~One week later~
Marinette POV
It's really strange sitting here on my couch watching a movie alone. Well I'm not alone, I have Tikki who's on the coffee table eating a cookie.
I meant it was strange being here without Adrien. He's been around so often the past few months it was kind of strange not having him here anymore.
Last week after our argument he blew my phone up with non-stop phone calls and messages. I didn't answer or respond to a single one of them. After a few days the messages stop coming.
Alya keeps asking me what's wrong and with each vague response I give her, the more suspicious she gets.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, but I'm not going to give in....not again.
I yawned strecthing my arms over my head. Tikki turned around to face me.
"Sounds like someone's sleepy." She said.
"Yeah...I'm going to go head to bed early right after I take a shower. Are you okay out here by yourself?" I asked sitting up from my spot.
"Mmmhmm, I want to see how this ends." Tikki and I were watching a Disney movie called A Bug's Life. She seemed to be really enjoying it alot.
I giggled before I walked over to my bedroom and grabbed a towel and washcloth from my closet before heading into my bathroom.
As I feel the warm water run down my back I can't help but think back to Adrien.
I can't help but think if I might've been too hard on him for what happened. I don't exactly have any right or reason to be mad at him. We weren't even together.
Still, it hurts seeing him kissing another girl like that. Even if the one who initiated it was Chloe I'm still having a hard time getting that image out of my mind.
Tikki was right, I didn't give Adrien a chance to explain, nor did I ever gave him an explanation of why I needed space.
Even if him and I will never be together and I'm pretty sure there's no chance of us continuing what we've been doing either.
I still don't want to lose Adrien as my friend.
A little way too late for that don't you think Marinette?
The thought was shaken out of my head as the water suddenly got cold. How long have I been in here?
Turning off the water I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel.
Chat Noir POV
I blushed when I saw Marinette step back out of her bathroom with nothing but a towel on. She had her hair up in that adorable bun of her before taking out the clip and letting it fall down.
I sighed, she was just so beautiful which makes me feel even more bad that she rarely has cracked a smile these past few days.
I can feel my face turn seriously red, when she unwrapped her towel letting it fall to the ground, I quickly shut my baton turning away and sat down for a moment.
Despite already seeing Marinette's body many times before. I wasn't going to watch her while she was getting dress.
Okay, I know what you're probably thinking. Why am I currently up on a rooftop right now across from Marinette's apartment. Why was I currently watching her on the screen of my baton through her bedroom window?
Well as most people would call it stalking I call it 'keeping tabs on a close friend.'
I guess I'm just a little desperate...
Marinette hasn't answered any of my calls and has ignored all my messages. A few days ago I finally decided to come and see her, but once I got to her door.....I panicked.
I started to think that maybe showing up to her door when it's obvious that she doesn't want to see me might not be the brightest idea.
The next day I found her wandering the street one night as Chat Noir. That's when it all started, my original intent had been to keep an eye on her in case an akuma tried to possess her so I began to follow her, watching her from a distance....well....in my free time at least.
Every night after I patrol or even just during the day when I happen to find her in her favorite spots. I just...watch.
I want to talk to her...I really do, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do so and my heart aches at the thought of not being able to be with her again.
Turning back towards the window I reopen the screen in my baton and look through the window again. She's dressed in her pajamas, I watch as she pulls her hair over to the side and ties it in a ponytail.
I chuckle at the action remembering how she used to wear those adorable pigtails back in highschool. Her hair was much longer now than it was back then.
Her head turns toward the window, she stares out of it for a minute before tilting her head and getting up from the bed.
She looks like she's writing something on a piece of paper. Then she placed it against the window.
Hi Chat
I tensed up after reading. I gulped at the realization that she definitely sees me now.
Trying not to seem as much of a creep as I already been I use my baton to vault my way over to Marinette's window. She opens it letting me in.
"H...hi Princess...long time no see."
"How long have you been watching me?" She asked immediately.
I feared that the blush on my face might give me away, but I still tried my best to salvage what dignity I might of had left.
"I just got here....I...I saw you a few times this week and y..you...have been looking..r.. really upset l..lately and as one of Paris heroes I need to protect...the..the...civilians and I didn't want you to get akumatized...or anything...."
It wasn't a complete lie.....
Marinette raised an eyebrow at me before rolling her eyes and sitting on her bed. "Thanks, but I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. You can head home now."
I nodded turning back towards the window, but I couldn't bring myself to leave. This was the most Marinette has spoke to me this past week, yeah I wasn't exactly Adrien right now, but I still couldn't help but feel happy. I wanted it to last.
When Marinette saw that I didn't make a move to leave she spoke again. "Is there a problem Chat?"
"I think...I should be the one to ask that." I said facing her again.
"What are you talking about?"
"There's something obviously wrong with you. So why won't you tell me?"
"Chat I don't see how that's any of your conce-."
"It is if it means my friend is upset.....Princess...please...talk to me. I can't just leave you alone knowing that you're upset. I'm human just like you Marinette and I'm your friend. So please tell me what's wrong because I want to help you."
Marinette crossed her arms, staring off into space as if she was contemplating something before coming to a conclusion.
"Have you ever been in love Chat?" She asked.
I blinked slightly confused by sudden and somewhat familiar question. "Yes.....yes I have."
"I'm not talking about just any kind, I mean REAL Love, the kind of love that makes you want to be there and with that person every step of the way. To completely surrender yourself and not care about the consequences. To have your heart out on the table relying on whether or not they'll take it off and break it into a million pieces."
I look down thinking about my previous affections for Ladybug and the ones I have for Marinette. I gave her my answer.
She seemed slightly surprised, but continued. "Same.....I...have a friend. I've been in love with for years..... about a week ago I saw him at a restaurant with another girl. I was so upset that I stormed out." She started to play with the end of her ponytail. "I guess....I guess I'll never be the kind of girl he really wants..."
I'm a little surprised at her description. Was Marinette..really in love....with me? All this time??
And yet she still agreed to embark on this relationship with me, but...why?
"I really should be heading to bed Chat." She mentions. "Thank you for checking on me, but you really should focus more on the rest of Paris for now. I'll be fine."
"You are just as important as anyone else in this city princess." Way more important to me..."I don't want to get in the way of your beauty sleep though so I'll be on my way." Climbing out of the window I look back at her one last time. "Goodnight princess."
"Goodnight Chat."
And into the night I went.
*Falls asleep on the floor*
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