Her Concern
*wakes up at 5am*
It's too earlyyyyyy
Adrien POV
After arriving in my bedroom I switched on the TV to see what else was being said about the situation.
Plagg had flew outside of my jacket and was now sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Looks like you're in quite the pickle hmm?"
"I just don't get it, the media is usual pretty lenient with their stories and we were being careful. Most of the things that are being said are assumptions, but they're putting it out as if it's the truth."
I take out my phone and noticed I've gotten several miss calls from Marinette. I instantly press the button to call her back, but she doesn't answer the phone.
After hearing her voice for a third time, I give up and decide to take matters into my own hands. "Come on Plagg we're taking a trip."
"Didn't your Dad say to stay put until the fuss outside has quieted down?"
"The press are looking to question Adrien not Chat Noir. Besides I need to make sure if Marinette is okay, it's only a matter of time before they identify her and she won't be able to get away."
"It might be a little too late." Plagg said nodded his head towards the television.
When I looked at the television screen I noticed that the camera man along with a few photographers and reporters were chasing a dark blue haired woman down the sidewalk.
"Plagg Claws out!"
Marinette POV
"Miss we'd like to ask you a few questions!"
These people were insane!
I've ran nearly 10 blocks and they were still on my tail. I've thought about heading home, but I can't have them finding out where I live, they'd NEVER leave me alone.
"Marinette!" Tikki shouted from my bag. "Go into that alley over there! Try transforming!"
"Good idea!" I made a sharp turn into a secluded alleyway. Making sure no one was able to see me, I transformed. "Tikki Spots on!"
Using my yo-yo I grappled my way to the top of the building and looked back down into the alleyway. They were just coming around the corner into the alleyway to find that no one was there.
"Where did she go?"
I don't waste anytime to get away from the current area, I tried to think of what I should do and then a thought occurs to me.
Wasn't Alya home right about now?
I knocked on Alya's door to her home. It only took a few seconds before I heard the lock clicked and the door flew open before she grabbed me by my arm and pulled me in.
"You weren't being followed by any chance were you?" She asked looking around outside checking if the coast was clear.
Something told me she already knew what was going on. "No, I made sure of it. I managed to lose the paparazzi, but I didn't want to risk them following me home."
"That's understandable." Alya closed and locked the door then turned to face me. "Girl the entire media is in a complete BUZZ right now. They're all wondering who this "mystery" girl of Adrien's is and it's YOU."
I sighed. "Yes, but the story is completely TWISTED. They're trying to make Adrien out to be some two-timing scumbag."
"That's not the only thing girl." Alya turned up the TV. On screen was Chloe looking as plastic as ever with her excessive amount of make-up and bougie clothing.
"I understand why a girl like her would want to be with Adrien. I mean he's the most perfect man in Paris who wouldn't want him. Although it really upsets me that Adrien was sneaking around with this woman just when things between him and I were getting serious, and from what he's told me he's been at this for a while now. He probably needed some to....service him during his time of need, his job does bring on a lot of stress you know."
"'Service him'? Is she....is she slut shaming me?? Because it sounds like she's trying to slut shame me!"
"I'm surprised she hasn't given the media your name yet." Alya said slightly concerned. "She obviously recognizes you and knows who you are and given your relationship with her, I have expected her to rat you out on the spot."
"I have NO doubt that she's up to something." I said slightly angered. "She saw her chance and she took it, she's trying to make herself the victim in all this!"
My phone had started to ring and I grabbed it from out of my purse, minding Tikki. It was an unknown number, for a moment I had hesistated, but answered anyway.
"Marinette, it's me! Where are you right now?"
Realizing it's Adrien I sighed a bit relief and slightly confused at why he was calling from an unknown number. "I'm over at Alya's right now."
"Good, stay there. I'll be over as soon as I can."
"Wait, Adrien why are you-?!" I heard the sound of a click and the call was dropped.
"Was that Adrien?" Alya asked while looking at me over her shoulder.
"Yeah he was telling me to stay where I am and that he was on his way over."
After waiting for about 10 more minutes still watching the news with Alya there was a knock at the door. I told Alya that I'd go answer it and she responded with a nod telling me to make sure I know who it is before opening the door.
Checking the peephole I check to find Adrien on the other side and as soon as I open the door he attack me with a hug.
"Mari I'm so sorry this happened." Adrien says in a rushed breath.
I wrapped my arms around him as well rubbing his back. "It's okay, I'm okay really, it's not as bad as it could be you know." I pull back to look at his face. "I'm more worried about you though, I don't like what they're saying about you out there. It isn't true."
"The press talk about me all the time, I don't really care what they have to say at this point. I'm more concerned of what they'll say about you once they figure out who you are, I think I might lose my mind...."
Closing the door, I led him into Alya's living room and the first thing he saw was the television. Even though he said he's used to it, I can still tell by the look in his eyes that he was still a little frustrated.
"I just don't get it." He started. "This all happened over a month ago. Why in the world is it being brought up now?"
"That's how sneaky paparazzi works." Alya began to explain. "They keep info hidden for awhile and wait until they can find more 'pieces to the puzzle.' I'm guessing when you guys finally became more open about your relationship they assumed they had enough to publish an interesting story despite it having a few holes."
We all looked back at the screen and once again there was a certain blonde spouting even more nonsense than before.
"And Chloe is trying to cover those holes."
"There's no doubt that Adrien is still into me. That woman he was with is just a fling, a sex toy, and a small rebel against his overbearing father. I give them another week before this 'relationship' they're in ends."
"Okay this is started to become more than even I can take." Adrien headed for the door.
"Wait where are you going?" I asked a little worried by how irritated he looked.
"There's something I'm going to take care of." He said with his hand on the doorknob. He turned around giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "Stay here, I'll be back soon."
Then he was gone.
I'm very curious to how the writers of the show are gonna turn my opinions about Chloe around.
Because let's face it.....she's a (insert insult here)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
See ya laterz.
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