Blue's Dilemma
Hey guys this isn't a chapter. I'm currently working on the next chapter to Miraculous Mermaid and it will be posted later this afternoon I just want to say this.
Now that school has started back up I've been finding less and less time to write my stories along with trying to find a job it's been stressful.
All while trying to keep up with the schedule that I created it's become more difficult.
Everything was fine....until I just went back to reread the chapters that I posted recently.
I was really disappointed at how short and bad they were, I've been rushing myself so much that the outcome was terrible.
And even though I've got so many wonderful comments from you guys I just don't think it feels right to post content that I'm not proud of.
I will continue to go by the schedule but if a chapter isn't ready by the day it's due I will not post it because I don't want to give you guys something that's rushed and not thought out.
I don't want to continue giving you little scraps of a chapter either just to have you wait an entire week cause that gets annoying.
I want to give you guys at least 2000 words a chapter so starting today I'm only going to post a chapter if I have reached that amount.
I'm pretty sure the one of the other reasons is also because I have so many stories posted too. So I want to hurry and finish them so that way I'll have less work but if that results in the chapters coming out badly then I need to take my time unless I KNOW what I'm going to write.
So with that said I hope you all continue to give your beautiful criticism of love and hate. and I'll see you when the next chapter to this story is updated.
*Jumps off a helicopter without a parachute*
Oh s***!!
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