Chapter 7 My other self
Hisa pov
Sighing, I sat infront of the cage that I call my restraint, and inside lies my wild, animalistic, sarcastic, killer side of me.
"Hello, it seems we meet again."
"We always do. You and me are one after all, and no one can change that idiot." She snorted, rolling those red, black slitted eyes if hers as the now orange tails were slowly swaying from her back, her ears blending in with her orange hair.
"Can you not, be sarcastic for once?" I pleaded.
"No. And who said I take your orders?" She harshly spoke, narrowing her eyes in some sort of glare, making those red orbs look more menacing, as she opened her mouth revealing sharp fangs making her look like a predator already ready to pounce on her prey, especially in her dark cage.
" one." I sighed in defeat, while she smirked in triumph.
"When will you let me out? I want to get back to mama." She whined, laying on the ground.
"Never, and Kane is not here to bring us back to the shrine from the-"
"I don't even want to go back to that f*cking shrine where that sh*tty baldy hakuna matata lives in. I just want to go back to mama. Why can't you just realize it?" She growled, cutting me off.
And did I mention she cusses? No? Well now you know.
"Stop your cussing. Anyways, if you really wanna go out, you'll have to wait." This made her groan longer, knowing that she won't have that time unless she gets the opportunity when I'm angered fully or depressed to the point that I lose my sanity.
"Ugh, what's your purpose of being here anyways?" She groaned, rolling to the side so that her back and tails are facing me.
"Just checking on you."
"Well you can go." She stated doing a shooing motion with her hands, making me sigh. She's always like this.
"Alright." I stood up and focused on waking up, feeling myself being pulled out of my mind.
I opened my eyes slowly, being greeted by the chill of the cold night and Sakura's labored breathing a few meters beside me.
Standing up slowly, I went to the roof, sat down, and looked at the crescent moon illuminating the night above me.
Then I wondered, how did I get there? I thought I was sleeping in a tree?
I just stopped thinking about it and sighed, thinking of tomorrow.
Third person pov
"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" A loud, piercing scream woke everyone up, a certain blonde hurrying to the house alert, and they all ran to the source, all sweatdroping at the sight.
"Sasuke-kun help me! She's trying to kill me I tell you!" Sakura shrieked, trying to pry off Hisa who was munching on her hair, some of her drool on her mouth that drenched Sakura's hair as she mumbled something about 'tasty strawberry'
Or 'cotton candy bubblegum'
Kakashi sighed and sweatdropped, shaking his head at his team who were now trying to pry Hisa off of Sakura's hair.
A normal day for team 7.
Kakashi decided to help them, holding out a book, well not his orange one though.
Hisa dropped Sakura's hair,making Sasuke and Naruto drop her also, landing on her bum on the floor with a thud, she whined, holding her head with her tails and rubbing her pained bum.
"Why'd you have to hit me?!??" She grumbled, pouting.
"Because you were doing what I told you not to do anymore." Kakashi stated bluntly.
"But I'm hungry!!!!" Hisa said, throwing her hands up.
"Sakura-chan's hair is not food though believe it!" Naruto exclaimed.
"Hn." Sasuke agreed silently.
"But tastes like strawberries!"
"STOP TALKING ABOUT MY HAIR LIKE IT'S FOOD TO YOU YOU LITTLE FOX!!!!" Sakura yelled, making Hisa's ears ring, her vision going dizzy.
"Woah, that volume is too loud for me Sakura..I'm..getting..dizzy....." Hisa mumbled, trying to shake the dizziness off her head.
"Anyways, Sakura and Hisa will be guarding Tazuna as he fixes the bridge while the two of you keep training, got it?" Kakashi asked.
"Hai!" Came from the three.
"Hai......" Hisa spoke still dizzy.
Hisa held 5 long woods, each block being held by two of her tails, the fifth one held by her hands with the support of one of her tails.
Hisa looked at Sakura who looked bored obviously with the palm of her hand rested on her cheek.
"Sakura? Aren't ya going to help?" Hisa asked, making Sakura snap her head to Hisa, glaring.
"You expect me lifting those heavy things?! Hell no!" She growled.
"Okay sorry sorry, I was just asking sheesh."
Carrying the long woods, Hisa put them to where Tazuna has directed her, Hisa not wanting to hear what the worker going to Tazuna will say, as she looked at the sky.
'Heh. Soon you'll let me out, I can feel it.'
'And how will you know?'
'Easy. Instincts. We're foxes, part animal part human part youkai right? And that's what I always rely to.'
'I can already hear your smirking face.'
'Damn right I'm smirking. I'll finally be free from how many years and I'll get to see mama again.'
'Don't you dare!'
'Just admit that you love her motherly affection to you and me.'
'Aww, someone's stuttering.'
'Shut up!'
After having an internal war with her other self, she continued her work, afterwards following Sakura and Tazuna to town.
"CANDY?!" Hisa pleaded to Sakura like a lost puppy, tugging on her shirt with big puppy eyes.
"No." She said bluntly, though fighting the urge to squeal and say yes. But remembering Kakashi's rules to not give candy to Hisa, she can't.
They entered a shop, and while Tazuna was looking at the merchandise and Sakura was as well, Hisa also looked around, trying to find something to catch her eye.
"Panda!" She whisper yelled, taking a huge, human sized (a lot taller than her) stuffed panda, along with a small stuffed fox and stuffed duck.
As Hisa reached the counter, Sakura and Tazuna gaped at her, while she played no mind to it and payed the cashier.
Going outside, she looked at the poor people in pity, but knowing she can't do anything about it, Hisa walked following Sakura, when a child tugged on Sakura's shirt asking for food, to which Sakura gave wholeheartedly.
Hisa watched as the child smiled happily and ran to his family, all looking ragged and hungry as he is.
"...." Hisa didn't know what to tell, it was like she forgot, or she didn't have anything to say right in the beginning.
'Keh. Just stay away from everyone, they don't like you. In fact they just pity you like the people here. For your just a poor soul walking through this path. Many people fear you, despise you, want you killed. So what's going to happen if you forgive them? Well, nothing. So what do you say? Stay away from them annnd let me out.'
Starting to understand the truth and honesty her other self told her, her lips formed to a thin line, knowing all was a dreadful truth, and she knows that no one will ever love monster like her.
' Hell yeah!'
And her decision was made, as she held close to her stuffed animals.
Remember to
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