The two of the berries ran outside the room escaping from their Mumma who was held bent on making them bath instead of being chocolaty.
Ohh! How much they were loving this chocolates all over them, only they know. They can lick it whenever they want and here their mommy is not ready to understand their point and benefits of being chocolaty.
Arnav who too was still chocolaty and highly irritated with the same fact as the cleanliness freak had no place to be clean as soon as possible as one was occupied by his wife and the other by that irritating Maahi, looked at both the boys running and his wife chasing them angrily and tiredly.
Mumma.. No nai-nai(bath).. It is yum.. Umm.. Mmm..
Shee.. Youh tooh eath(see.. You too eat)
Arush and Khushav said being sated after licking the chocolate from their hands and now forwarding the same to Khushi making her make big eyes to show her annoyance and anger and Arnav feel like puking seeing them doing that. That's why he dont like them. They are just so, so, cute?
Nah, irritating and yuck!
Khushav, Arush, I am warning you. If you don't come with me to do nai-nai(bath) then I will do katti with you two.
Khushi applied her emotional blackmail power on her kids but it proved of no help.
And why not?
Being querky and Sharp was in the genes of Raizadas. And keeping one's weakness in check was one of the manipulating trait.
So what, they are two years, they are still very much and more Raizadas.
Arush and Khushav looked at each other and then grinning and dancing said-
Mumma lie-lie. Mumma never katti her beautiful berries.
Just then another cleanliness freak of the house reached them looking fresh and beautiful in her night dress and then scrunching her daddy-like nose at her brothers snarled-
Khush, Aru chi-chi.
Arni sho freush and petty(fresh and pretty) She flaunted her clean-self now making her brothers scrunch their nose with a frown.
Khushav looked at Arnav and felt immense pleasure on finding him to be in same state as them. Pointing a finger in his direction, he said delightfully-
Papa too chi-chi Arni.
But as soon as Arnav's replica heard this, gritting her countable teeth, she shouted-
No Papa. He is baddie.. Hun.
Though Khushi felt hurt hearing Arnavi saying something like this about their father, she knew, he, himself has earned it due to his rude behaviour and she so wished, she could change the relationship dimensions between these hot-headed Raizadas. Never ever she would want her kids to hate their father.
While she was busy in thinking all about problems and its solution, Arnav's frown had increased accelerating his already ignited irritation more and he knew no better way to express his displeasure, he said the only phrase-
What the.
And finding no reaction from the kids he looked at Khushi with his newly found kiddie frown and complained-
Khushi, she is calling me baddie.
In return, Khushi flared her nose in anger and shouted-
They don't affect you right?
Then don't bother about what they say.
Arnav looked at her with hurt and with extreme cuteness like a stubborn kid said, eyeing his chickens said-
You just look after them. You have no concern for me.
Khushi gave an unbelievable look to him for behaving just like her berries and voiced out her the same concern-
Are you mad Mr. Raizada?
They are kids.
And I am your husband. Was the only frownful reply she received from her now scorning husband.
Khushi looked at him and then her berries who were trying to pronounce the new word their father spoke-
She smiled meaningfully and giving a final look to her berries and berries' father, she commanded-
Fine. I will concentrate on you too but for that you will have to catch these two dirty, chocolaty berries and bring them to the washroom.
Arnav looked at her with his eyes bulging out to see this unknown side of his wife, not able to control his curiousity, he asked-
Are you making a deal with me?
To which he got a very fitting reply from his very own wife-
Aapko deal ke alawa koi bhasha samjh me aati h?
Nhi na.
Toh han. Hum deal hi ker re h. Ab le ker aaiye inhee. ( Do you understand any other language than deal?
No., Right?
Then, yes, I am having a deal with you. Now bring them inside soon.)
Come Arni.
And with that his wife went inside the room with Arnavi in her arms. she finally put the first stone to make a path for her very pleasuring destination.
Arnav angrily looked at his two of the triplets with flared nose who gave almost the same response to him and before others could know, two of the berries and their papa were in for a chasing game while one of the berries and their mother stood hiding and enjoying the trouble, the Papa was going through.
After few scratches on his nose, neck and hands, Arnav was finally able to catch hold of two tornados and picking both of them on his either side like balls in between his hand and sides reached Khushi's room, Straight away to the washroom and in a fraction of second dumped both of them in the bath tub making Arnavi giggle and Arnav sat infront of them on the floor exhausted.
But soon he along with Arnavi was thrown out by Khushi who later came out being fresh with the other two little monsters as per Arnav and then finally, finally the triplets' daddy got his chance to be fresh and tidy.
All these were keenly watched by Arjun and he looked pretty in thoughts or may be execution of something.
Maahi patted his back and he became alert. Giving a meaningful glance to her, he left for her room where he could get fresh.
When Arnav came out he saw his chickens playing on the bed and also as soon as they noticed his presence in their room, they stuck out their tongue to him making him go stupified and mutter a subconscious What the.
And that too soon was started being copied by the triplets much to his annoyance.
Whatt th.
Whhat thhe.
Finally satisfied that they have learnt the new word upto the mark, they didn't delay even a bit to apply it as well.
Baddie Daddy. What the. Ebeblueblu.
Listening them again making fun of him, Arnav became highly frustrated and in a warning tone gritted out-
You chickens.
The triplets followed it as well-
Youh chichens. And then finding the word funny, they started clapping their hands making Arnav feel like banging his head.
Arnav was looking here and there and became alerted listening a curt
Mr. Raizada.
What were you saying to my kids?
Arnav gulped, gulped in nervousness for the first time. He dont want to give any chance to Khushi for reconsidering her decision.
He looked at her who was giving him some serious looks. Ugh! Dammit! She had to come into the room only when he was having Tashan with those Chickens.
He was trying to find an answer but find none. It was surprising that the crooked businessman was so helpless in front of his wife.
What is it?
Or Love?
Looks like, the fortune supported him because Maahi barged in shouting Pizza is here, Pizza is here.
Her steps halted seeing her Rakshas Daddy, her lips curved into a wicked smile but before she could trouble him, Arnav escaped making both Maahi and Khushi laugh at his helplessness.
The pizza dinner was done with weird, teasing and desireful glances and now it was time to hit the bed.
Arnav was hopeful that he would get a chance to cuddle his wife after years but much to his annoyance, he was ordered to share the room with Arjun while Maahi would be joining the berries and Khushi.
Cursing no one specific in his mind and assuring himself that from tomorrow, he will get to cuddle his wife every time, every night, forever, he with little annoyance, little hope, went to sleep.
Tomorrow for sure is a big day for all of them.
To be continued..
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