Chapter 3
Kyoya POV
"Wow, Ayane must be really mad at you if she didn't come to have lunch with us." Tamaki says as I scoff.
"She's being a spoiled brat as always." I answer.
"Well we heard," One of the twins started.
"That Ayane came in with a boy this morning." The other says.
"And from what we heard he was quite handsome." The two say at the same time.
"I heard a new student was around as well." Tamaki said.
"Yeah! Ryo-chan!" Honey says causing me to look at him.
"You've met him Honey-sempai?" Tamaki asked as Honey happily nodded.
"Yeah! We saw him when we were looking for Aya-chan! He's almost as tall as Takashi but acts like Tama-chan and looks really strong!" Honey says making me raise a brow.
"And he was with Ayane?" I ask confused, to my understanding the host club are the only guys she considers friends and I was the only guy in her life she even accepted, so who is this guy?
"Yeah! She looked happy." Honey says causing me to think.
"Is that jealousy I sense?" Tamaki and the twins ask at the same time causing me to look at them.
"No. If she wants to spend time with other men I have no problems with it." I answer as I continue to eat.
~Time Skip~
Ayane POV
"And finally this is the host club." I say as I open the door just to see Tamaki against the wall as if he was.. I don't even know while the new girl Renge I think her name was talked to him.
"You're late." I hear Kyoya say causing me to look at him.
"Excuse me? You do know I'm not actually a part of this club so I'm not late." I say crossing my arms.
"Oh wow is that the new student?! Look at him!" Renge started fangirling again causing me to roll my eyes.
"Guys I'd like you to meet my childhood friend Ryota Kise, he just got back from America." I say.
"It's nice to meet you all." Ryota says smiling though his eyes somehow met with Kyoya's and that smile changed.
"Ah he would be so perfect as the rock start boy." Renge says.
"Wrong, Ryota's a model not a rock star and he's into sports not music at least not that much. Besides if your adding darker sides to them I can tell you Ryota already has one." I say causing Ryota to look at me.
"Oh really and what's that?" He asks causing me to smirk.
"Hm, other than your cockiness and superiority complex? Let's see you're a total closet sai-" He placed his hand over my lips getting closer to me.
"Alright, alright you got me." He says causing me to chuckle and push his hand away.
"I know you since we were babies of course I know everything about you idiot." I say giggling.
"Hm, don't call me idiot Ayane-cchi." He says back making me shake my head at how dramatic he was being.
"You're such a kid Ryo." I say placing my hand on his.
"Now let's go." I say but he pulls me towards him surprising me. My hand rested on his chest and he leaned down smirking a little while looking at my eyes.
"We're not kids anymore Ayane." My eyes widen, did he just used my name, my actual name without adding 'cchi' at the end?
"I know." I say confused.
"I'm not a kid anymore." He says getting closer to me causing me to lean back a little.
"Ryota." I mumble blushing a little before noticing his eyes were beside us I glance the same way to notice Kyoya was there, his body seemed a bit tense but his glasses were showing that shine that doesn't allow you to see his eyes.
"You've grown to exceed any expectations of beauty, I would know." He says looking into my eyes, what the hell is he doing?
"Just kidding Ayane-cchi. I mean you've grown to be an amazing woman and you'll get married as soon as you graduate right? There's no point in our relationship if that's to happen.. still I don't think your fiancé would mind." Ryota says, he's actually provoking Kyoya.
"Let's go! My parents have been dying to see you. So much they even arranged a dinner for you and your parents so we should hurry." Ryota says pulling me along with him.
"What was that all about?" I ask as we make it out of school.
"Seems like your fiancé does care even if he doesn't notice it. I was just pressing on his buttons to see how he would react." Ryota explained.
"You really are a sadist and have learn to manipulate people as well you little bastard." I say shaking my head as he smirks.
"Everything and anything for you my flower." He says opening the door to his limo making me chuckle and smile at him before walking into his limo.
Third Person POV
"Are you ok?" Honey asks sweetly but Kyoya only but stood there looking out the window at his fiancé getting in a car with this boy.
"I think you should stay away Mitsukuni." Takashi says pulling Honey with him away from Kyoya who never answered. This was the first time he actually felt threatened by another male with his fiancé. She had always been at a distance with other males and it was understandable, men always saw her as a beautiful girl and sometimes they didn't even see her as that, just a doll, a thing, never considering her feeling at all.
"I've never seen Kyoya like this." Tamaki says a little scared as he stayed far away.
"Maybe Kyoya-sempai finally started noticing his feelings for Ayane." Haruhi says as Kyoya grit his teeth. What was it? What was it about this boy that unsettled him? Was it that he was handsome? Was it that he treat her better than he did? No, it was the fact that he knew more about his fiancé than he himself, the way she acted so friendly and close with her, called her beautiful right in front of him, caused her to blush something he had never done. It was the fact that she payed more attention to this boy than she did to him.
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