Okay Kelsie, think. Who could've stolen Kylie's diary? When and why? Seeing as how everyone has been entering my house at their own convenience, this'll be hard to figure out. Could it have been my dad? Could it have been Noah? Could it have been-
"Kelsie Burklin!" I hear a familiar voice calling out from the field and I'm snapped out of thought. Of course it's Sophia, she's the only person I know that calls me by both names.
I pack up my things quickly and run over to the field. "Hey Sophia"
"Come on", she tugs at my blouse, "we're going to get a manicure. It's on me"
"It's barely even second period Sophia", I say hesitantly as we creep down the hallway and open the doors to get into Sophia's car. I stop midway and she rolls her eyes at me, "Kylie would've ditched"
I mentally bring my palm to my forehead and then end up following Sophia to the mall. She was right, Kylie definitely would have ditched. That's all she ever did was break rules and live her life to the fullest. It's no wonder she got tied up in Mr. M's mess.
Kylie's p.o.v
That Friday Afternoon
A shaky breath leaves my lips unexpectedly while I read through the email once more. "Prove your loyalty to me and turn in the video. It's either you or her."
"Ky? Are you good?", Sophia ask me when she finishes washing her hands. We're now in the mall bathroom. It's would be 4th period by now if we hadn't ditched. I didn't need to use the toilet but Sophia did and it's only protocol for girls to escort each other to the bathroom.
"Yeah. I'm fine uh, I just need to make a call, I'll meet you outside, okay?", I respond. Still frazzled but what I've just seen.
I quickly enter one of the bathroom stalls, locking myself in and sitting on top of the closed toilet with my legs crossed. I plug in my earphones and play the video that came along with the email that Mr. M had just sent me. Almost immediately, I recognize the person in the video. It was my mom. Why would Mr. M have a video of my mom?
After watching the video further, with each minute that passed by, I get more and more nauseous. My mother committed arson. A million questions fly through my mind at once. The main one being, Why would Mr. M have this video? Could my mom have worked for him?
I decide to call Maya. Only because she's the only one who I can talk to about this and she know much more about Mr. M than I do. If there's anyone who can shed some light on this, it would be her.
"Hello?", she answers the phone and I exchange the greeting. "I don't know what to do Maya. I think my mom used to work for Mr. M when she was younger and I just...I don't even know what to think"
"Kylie, this is about you and Mr. M", she whispered, "your mom has nothing to do with it"
"I never meant for any of this to happen you know. I just made a mistake, one that I can't take back", I whispered roughly on the phone.
"Look, we're all in this mess", she responded, "Everything will be fine as long as we do as we're told"
"I've been told to do something that I can't do. I can't even think of it"
She paused for a while. "Hello?", I asked
"I'm still here"
"I'm scared okay. I don't know what to do"
"Do what you're told. Or else you're gonna get killed", Maya replied, "You know that...and I love you but, I'm not gonna die with you"
Seconds later the call is cut and I'm left with a heavy feeling in my chest. Maya's words ring in my ear, echoing loudly and I'm left feeling numb. There is no way I'm going to be responsible for putting my own mother in prison for the rest of her life. Regardless of how much pain she's caused me with all of her lies. So if that means I'll have to die for her. I will.
Kelsie's p.o.v
Present Day
Sophia and I are now on our way to my house, with freshly manicured nails, courtesy of her fathers debit card.
When we finally arrive home, I'm completely taken back by the sight of my mother in the kitchen, cooking what seems to be dinner.
"Mom?", I stutter. She swirls her body around to acknowledge my presence and tackles me into a long hug. I hate to admit it but, I missed her.
"The police received the decrypted email. They're still trying to track the source but for now, I'll be on house arrest until they can get me a trial date", she explains, "and it's all thanks to you Kelsie. Thank you"
"Okay", I sigh with relief. "That's great mom. I'm just glad that you're home now"
"Well. I still have food to make", she smiles, "Sophia, will you be joining us for dinner?"
"Uh, sure", Sophia says politely and we head to my room.
We spend a few minutes talking. Well, Sophia talks and I listen and comment wherever I can. We talk about how the Pep rally is in less than a week and how excited she is to finally tell everyone that her and Mason are in a relationship. She knows she'll get backlash because he's still her dead best friends ex boyfriend but, she doesn't care and neither does Mason.
"Hey, I'm gonna go use the bathroom. My vagina is literally about to fall off", she says and gets off the bed. I laugh at her while she waddles towards the toilet
Suddenly, her phone starts to ring from inside her black Givenchy handbag. I let it ring out. I don't want to invade her privacy. It then rings a second time and I let it die out again. Then it rings a third time and I decide just to pick up. It clearly seems important.
I reach my hand into the bag and feel around for the phone and instead, I feel a hardcover book. It couldn't be.
My palms start to sweat as I pull out the book and without a doubt, I know exactly what this is.
It's Kylie's diary.
Hello my beautiful readers! As usual, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! We are so close to the end of the story and I cannot wait for you guys to see how everything unravels itself in the last 3 chapters I have left!
We recently hit 800 reads in about 4 to 5 months! And I know it might not be much lol, but it means the absolute most to me and I am so grateful to all my 800 readers! I really do appreciate you guys!
Don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading, I will see you in the next chapter!
-Xoxo, Lakish'a
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