Unit 29 - The Unit, The Unit-er, And The Unit-est
Quote Of The Week Wall
"Sometimes, I dream about cheese" - Some guy from Garry's Mod.
I don't know, I felt like adding a quote and that's what came to mind.
Haiku Wall
Venom: Today I'm going for a more educational haiku:
Haikus are poems
But don't have to rhyme at all
Bet you didn't know that
Venom: Now that I think about it, think about how cool it would be to make an epic in haiku style! Yeah, that would be super cool and original!
Naomi: Here's a haiku for you:
No one would read that
Because it would be boring
At least you tried though
Venom: Stay in your own wall dang it!
Naomi: Pffff. Like we can have my wall every week. It takes too much time and I'm sure most people just skim it anyways.
Venom: That's your problem I think...
Idle Chat Wall
Kyle: Hey Siri, where's the best place to dispose of a body?
Siri: Listing local dumps as we speak...
Naomi: What are you doing, Kyle?
Kyle: Asking Siri weird questions to see how she answers. Hey Siri, how long of a trip is it if I walked to Japan?
Siri: Assuming you walk at approximately the speed of light, far less than a minute.
Naomi: Hey Siri, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if Sally can't sell seashells by the sea shore?
Siri: Assuming that Sally can't sell shells because of a problem with the oceanfront, just as much as usual because woodchucks don't live by the ocean.
Venom: What are you two doing?
Naomi: Asking Siri weird questions.
Venom: But don't you have an Android, Kyle?
Kyle: Oh yeah! Silly me! I know better than to buy Apple products. *chuckles like those fancy flannel wearing book readers who sit next to fireplaces* Who was answering me then?
Siri: *pops out from under couch* Not me.
Kyle: Then who could it have been? It's not like we can actually tell who is talking because everything is writt--wait. Anthony?!
Siri: Just kidding, it was me of course.
Kyle: That still means that he has yet to show up to work during operating hours though. *falls to knees and shouts at sky* Anthonyyyyyyy!
*clears throat*
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