Chapter 4: Your lap or mine?
Ayesha's P.O.V:
My mind is like a spring, constantly bouncing from one thought to another, it's very rare for it to stop on one thought.
Last night was a similar affair with one exception, my mind had finally settled on a question. A question I was struggling to answer.
Why had I lied? Why didn't I give miss that stupid note? These questions had bothered me all night until I had drifted into a dreamless sleep. Now that I'm awake, the questions have returned to bother me again.
I groaned as I took the duvet covers off and rolled out of bed. My teeth chattered together and I rubbed my arms to soothe the small goosebumps that had been formed all over.
I strolled over to my dressing table and gently began tugging at the tangled mess on top of my head which some like to call hair.
After several strokes the brush started moving through my hair effortlessly. I gathered my loose hair and tied it into a ponytail at the top of my head.
Then I went into the bathroom and stood before the cabinet mirror as I began brushing my teeth.
My pace slowed as my mind drifted into space and the question was back, why did I lie? It was as if my mind had refused to function until I answered this question so I decided to give it a little thought.
I remember a similar situation when we used to have a different seating plan. I used to sit in a row filled with girls and they used to pass notes along the line.
One day Mrs Spragg caught them passing notes and she was fuming, literally. It wouldn't have been as impactful if she wasn't a teacher who's usually so nice.
So, I guess I lied because I didn't want to recreate that moment for myself, not because I have some crush on Rohan. I finished brushing my teeth and went outside to dress into my uniform.
After I was ready I stood in front of the mirror and for a few seconds I just stared at myself. I thought, everyday is a new day so don't hold yesterday's grudges and begin your day with a smile so bright it washes away the negatives.
I smiled at myself as I begun my day with this philosophy and grabbed my bag before rushing out the door, it was nearly time for my bus.
I ran downstairs to collect my lunch from the kitchen and quickly hugged my mum before I left for school.
It's quarter to four, usually I'd be catching the bus to go home right now but I have to stay at school and do maths equations with Mrs Spragg, all thanks to my lie yesterday. Seriously, what was I thinking? Now I wish I had put Rohan in the spotlight for his note.
"No use wishing now Ayesha," my mind retorted and I tried to solve the equations quicker so I could go home sooner.
After half an hour miss spoke, she said, "Since you've tried so hard and I can see you understand how to work out the equations I'm letting you leave fifteen minutes early."
I packed my stuff before she could change her mind and within five minutes I was in the turning circle waiting for the Arriva bus to arrive. Thankfully the next bus is due in ten minutes.
I've been waiting for over an hour now and one after the other, three Carousel buses have passed the turning circle but there was still no sign of an Arriva bus.
The worst part was yet to come, it's starting to get dark and I'm standing all alone, surrounded by strange looking people. Nearly all of them have piercings covering every inch of their face and a cigarette in hand, who knows, soon they'll start smoking weed too.
A few minutes ago a group of college boys came and added to that list of strangers as they stood beside me.
They looked like trouble, just like all the rest of them and my stomach churned at the sight of them, just then I saw Rohan coming towards the turning circle.
He came and stood with the group of boys from college. He was socialising with them but then again, why wouldn't he? He practically knows everyone.
I never thought I'd say this but even though me and Rohan don't get along, his presence made me feel safe and I let out a breath of relief.
I was about to look at my watch for the twenty ninth thousand time in two hours when I saw the Arriva bus had finally arrived at the turning circle.
I made my way over to the queue at the bus stop but because the college students were pushing and shoving to get onto the bus I ended up far behind everyone in the queue.
I looked at the crowd and I knew, soon the bus driver would not let me on the bus as it would get too full and it was getting late so that didn't help calm my nerves either.
Just then I heard a familiar voice, he said, "Hey, let her go in front of you."
I looked up to see a friendly face, it was Abhi; he was saying to some college guy to let me go in front of him.
I'm assuming the guy said ok because Abhi held my wrist and pulled me through the crowd to the front of the queue.
Within seconds I was inside the bus, there weren't any seats left so I stood near a pole. I held onto it and I felt a huge surge of happiness pass through me, I realised I could finally go home.
Abhi came and stood in front of me as the bus left the turning circle.
"Hey," he said smiling brightly at me.
"Hi," I smiled back.
After a few seconds passed, I asked him, "I didn't know you got this bus?"
"I don't. It's just that I'm going to Rohan's house for the weekend," he explained while looking at Rohan who was sitting just three seats away from us.
"Oh right," I said feigning interest.
"By the way, thanks."
"For what?" He quizzed.
I gaped at him as I struggled to form the words, I just stood there and hoped he would understand my silence.
Soon he realised, "Oh, that? Pleasure's all mine." He said while half bowing.
I giggled and his eyes twinkled as he chuckled lightly.
The bus was about to stop and people started making their way towards the door to get off the bus.
Before finally coming to a stop the bus jolted a little and I fell onto Abhi's shoulder. I held onto his arms as I steadied myself while he moved closer against me and put his hands on the poles around me, making way for the people behind us to get past.
After everyone got off Abhi distanced himself from me but kept his hands on the poles.
The bus started moving again and I saw Rohan stand up from the corner of my eye.
"Excuse me," he said softly but loud enough for someone to hear.
I looked at him and he continued speaking.
"You can have my seat," he offered sweetly and held his hand out.
At first I blinked rapidly but then I thought, 'Vah, yeh khuroos toh kitna-' I corrected myself as I said, 'Kitna nahi, thoda sa meetha hai!' (Wow, he's kind of sweet!)
I smile at him and I'm about to take his hand when he slaps my hand away.
"Not you," he tells me and holds the woman's hand who is standing behind me.
"Come," he tells her.
She looks quite elderly so I'm not too offended, purely because for once he's not being unnecessarily mean but that doesn't stop my ears heating up.
I look at Abhi who seems to have zoned out and I'm glad he didn't witness my embarrassment.
On the next stop some more people get off the bus and the seat beside us is vacated.
Abhi looks at the empty seat then at me as he asks, "Your lap or mine?"
I could have sworn my eyes popped out of their socket when he said that.
I looked around feeling confused, I didn't know what to think of the statement he just made and that's when his brown eyes met mine.
I loved Abhi's eyes, they were one of the most innocent and honest eyes I'd ever come across. Whenever I looked into his eyes it felt like I could see into his soul... Ok, that got a bit too deep, back to reality Ayesha.
I tried to keep a normal face when I looked at him but I just couldn't keep the smile off of my face, I bet he's thinking I'm crazy.
He gave me that half hearted smile and I could tell he's thinking exactly what I just said.
He shrugged it off and began explaining, "Look, I'm going to say, 'You can sit.' You'll be polite and refuse, saying, 'No, you can.'
In the end what's going to happen is, we'll end up debating the whole journey who will sit on the seat and when we finally come to a conclusion the bus station will arrive. So it's better if we decide who'll sit on whose lap until there's another seat." He says all in one breath.
I let out a light chuckle and a thought crosses my mind. Without thinking I blurt it out, "Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask him.
He shakes his head, "No, why?"
"Just checking," I tell him.
I think to myself, 'It would get so awkward if he did.'
He brings me out of my thoughts when he asks, "Do you?"
I look at him and he's ruffling his hand through his hair, his eyes are wandering everywhere but he doesn't stop to look at me. There's a little shy smile on his face, it's actually so cute, I want to pull his cheeks but refrain myself.
I simply say, "No."
We leave our conversation mid air and he sits down with me on his lap.
Third person P.O.V:
For a while now, Ayesha and Abhimanyu sit awkwardly. He keeps holding his hands up but he's unable to gather the courage to put them around Ayesha's waist as he fears she might freak out.
On the other hand, Ayesha wants him to hold on to her, to give her that little bit of security that he'll catch her if she falls.
Ayesha's P.O.V:
I sit on Abhi's lap but I'm constantly feeling paranoid that I might fall.
I try to control the anxiety but fail miserably and although I'm incredibly unsure about this, I still do it. I search for his hands and wrap them around my waist. He doesn't say anything, just tightens his grip around me and I feel him adjust his chin into the crook of my neck.
I don't ask him why as I don't want to discuss why I put his arms around me. The answer is simple but it feels awkward to say it out loud.
I just wanted him to hold me to give me that sense of protection.
A few minutes pass as we sit in silence and a question sparks my interest. I call his name, "Abhi?"
"Hmm?" He hums back.
"How were you so sure I would offer you the seat, what if I didn't?" I refer to earlier.
He sits up as he speaks, "I think you're forgetting, we've been in the same form for the past four years. If anything, I know a little about you by observing you."
Wow, did he just admit to observing me?
I think he did. That was a little blunt, don't you think? I roll my eyes in response.
I really need to stop these internal conversations, they're sure to drive me mad someday.
I see lots of lights and I realise we've reached the bus station.
I'm about to get up when I remember Abhi's wrapped around me. He asks, "You mind if we wait for the others to get off first?"
I look at the horde of people and instead of saying anything I just sit back.
We wait until everyone's got off, then make our way out of the bus.
I see my bus standing at bay fifteen and I turn to Abhi, "Err, my bus is here, so I'll see you later?" I slur the words and I wonder why I'm being so weird about saying bye.
He extends his arms, kind of initiating a hug and I awkwardly hug him back.
It's barely been two seconds when I pull away from him and he asks me, "You sure you'll be alright?"
I narrow my eyes and he explains, "It's just that it's so dark outside, no?" He's constantly fidgeting as he speaks. It's as if there's a hidden meaning under his behaviour. Why do I feel he doesn't want to say bye?
Maybe I don't want to leave just yet?
I push the thoughts aside and take a minute to just observe him.
Before I know it I'm pulling his cheeks. I giggle as I say, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this, you know you're really cute."
He blushes and I'm reminded Rohan is still here, "If you two are done, Abhi can we go home yet?" He asks in a clipped tone.
I glare at Rohan and I see Abhi's face turning crimson out the corner of my eye, I can't help but smile.
Suddenly Rohan starts accusing me, "Look, you made me miss the bus!"
I look over at the bay where the buses are parked and I see the Castlefield bus leaving.
I scoff, "What? No way, you don't live in Castlefield, do you?"
"Well done, Einstein," he shoots back sarcastically.
"You two live near each other? That's great!" Abhi smiles away while me and Rohan start glaring at him.
"Great? Are you crazy Abhi?" Rohan snaps at him.
"Now I'll have to see her everyday." He says more to himself than us.
I turn to him and say, "Excuse me? I have no interest in seeing your face everyday either, I don't want nightmares thank you very much."
Before Rohan can say anything, Abhi brings to our attention, "Err guys, the bus is here. Do you mind if we continue this session on the bus?" He asks with a smirk.
"Or we could stay here? I really don't mind," Abhi says as he continues to tease us.
I walk ahead of them and I can hear Rohan whispering something to Abhi behind me but I can't be bothered to listen so I don't pay too much attention to him.
I think to myself, 'I've done more than enough listening to this 'khuroos' for one day.'
Author's note:
~ Belated Eid Mubarak to everyone who celebrated, this is my little present to you all.
~ Out of all the chapters so far this is my longest, so I hope I didn't bore you all and you enjoyed the chapter.
Make sure to let me know what you thought by leaving a little comment and if you had a favourite scene, do share it with me in the comments section :)
~ Lastly, I'm thinking of doing a Q & A session, would you guys be up for it?
~ Kirren☺
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