Chapter 11: The almost revelation of Rohan's note
A/N: Just look at the media; the way their looking at each other *squeals* the bromance is too real! And look at VD, he's looking shoo cute. The way he's been captured in the middle of a conversation, that expression. Aww! #thecutenessiskeelingme 😍😍 (Thanks Salsal for the hashtag inspo, (Bollylove) ☺)
Guys, I'd like to share a little secret with you. VD was actually imagining me the whole time! *hair flick* Random person in the audience *turns head thrice* kya? Kya? KYA? Lol, all you bubble poppers stay away *cough* Meghs *cough* Here's your favourite smiley ☺, consider it a bribe 😂😂 Love you really! (Bollylove) SRK aur bae wala.
Q.O.T.C: So guys, what do you think Varun is saying to Sid?
~ This is just for a bit of fun so I'd love it if you guys get involved, silent readers I'm talking to you too!
P. S. The best caption will earn a dedication for my next chapter.
Third person P.O.V:
Ayesha slowly turned her neck to match the hand on her shoulder with a face. She sighed, letting go of the held breath as she saw Ulfat standing behind her. She smiled as she waited for Ulfat to catch her breath.
"Gosh, you walk so fast!" Ulfat huffed as she continued breathing heavily.
"Maybe you just walk slowly," Ayesha smirked.
"Students, please take your seats," the teacher announced behind them.
Ulfat slipped between the narrow space of the aisle and took the seat beside Abhimanyu.
"Oh, you don't mind if I sit with your boyfriend, do you?" Ulfat asked, putting emphasis on the words.
"For the last time, he's not my boyfriend," Ayesha sighed in frustration.
"Chill yaar (buddy). Why are you getting so worked up?" Ulfat asked innocently. "I was just joking," she added.
Ayesha looked over her shoulder at the empty seat beside Rohan."Great," she muttered under her breath.
She looked at Abhi who met her with an annoyed expression. He folded his arms as he looked away, Ayesha shook her head, a slight smile budding on the corners of her lips. As she was about to sit Abhi slowly looked back at her. He sighed as he gave in and held up his phone against his ear then pointed to Ayesha, indicating he wanted to talk to her.
Ulfat looked between the two as she saw flashes of hand movements from the corner of her eye.
Abhi jerked his head to the other side as he saw Ulfat look up whilst Ayesha raised her eyebrows. Ulfat shook her head and turned her attention back to finding her seat belt.
Abhi held onto his neck as a shot of pain ran through him as he turned back to face Ayesha, they exchanged a final smile and she stepped towards the seat next to Rohan. She stopped as her eyes fell on the diary laying on the seat. She glanced at Rohan who looked up at the exact moment. Their eyes met, some unsaid words were spoken. However, a war continued between the two as their eyes fought, neither one willing to look away first.
Rohan smirked at Ayesha, she refrained from rolling her eyes and gave him an insincere smile.
She looked at the seat, Rohan followed her gaze then he looked up, giving her a questioningly look.
"Do you mind moving your diary?" She asked as politely as she could manage.
"Wait, what? You want to sit next to me?" He pointed to himself as he mocked an expression of shock. Ayesha rolled her eyes, she picked up the diary and tossed it onto his lap as she sat down.
Rohan gasped as he caught the diary. He watched Ayesha as she shoved her earphones in, then he blinked rapidly and held up the diary. He looked at it as realisation flooded him, "Bro, she just threw that at you. Are you seriously going to take it?" He thought to himself.
Rohan shook his head, he threw the diary back onto Ayesha's lap. "Rohan!" She shouted in an admonishing tone.
"Ayesha!" He mimicked her in the same tone. She frowned at him.
While Rohan and Ayesha were throwing each other attitude, on the other side Ulfat and Abhimanyu were getting along quite well.
Abhimanyu held up the other part of the belt as Ulfat's forehead crinkled.
She smiled at him sheepishly, "Thanks." Abhi just smiled back.
They sat in silence, the only sound that could be heard was of Abhimanyu's typing, which faded soon enough.
* * F l a s h b a c k * * (Ulfat's P.O.V)
I made my way towards the turning circle, shuffling my feet along the narrow path I took my time. I could see a figure that looked like Ayesha's and I walked faster.
I had nearly caught up with her when my ankle went funny and I tripped on a stone. I held out my hand, trying to steady myself but there was nothing to hold on to and I fell, front forwards onto my knees.
I sat there for a while, my knees numb with cold. I looked up, there was a hand held out to me.
"You alright there?" Abhi asked as he crouched beside me.
"I guess," I mumbled.
* * F l a s h b a c k f i n i s h e s * * (End of Ulfat's P.O.V)
Ulfat's knee rubbed against the chair in front, she hissed in pain as she broke out of trance. She ran her fingers over the dusty patches on her knees and pulled them closer to her chest to avoid them rubbing anymore.
Abhi watched her, "Why don't you straighten your legs over the top of mine?" He offered.
"No, it's fine. I like being cuddled up to myself," she gave him a slight smile.
"It'll get uncomfortable," he argued.
"Sorry," Rohan apologised with a hint of guilt in his tone. "But you threw it at me first!" He added with a scowl.
Ayesha felt as though she should apologise as well, she could have given it to him nicely she thought.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have thrown it at you," she said sincerely.
"What?" Rohan asked with wide eyes. "Can you just pinch me?" He asked in disbelief.
Ayesha punched him lightly on the shoulder, "Zayaada bhao mat khao (Stop acting pricey)."
"Mazak bhi nahi samajhti, pagal (Silly, you don't even understand a joke)," he answered playfully.
"So... What you listening to?" Rohan asked leaning forward. He didn't wait for an answer, he just took one side of the earphone.
"Rohan?" Ayesha called softly.
"Yeh kya ghisse pita gaane sun rahi ho? Kuch party sharty type lagao (Why are you listening to these boring old songs? Put on something funky)," he spoke enthusiastically.
"Rohan!" Ayesha screamed this time.
"Kya (What)?" Rohan jumped back in his seat.
"Tumhe nahi lagta tum kuch zayaada chipak rahe ho (Don't you think you're getting a little too clingy)?" Ayesha said pointing to the lack of space in between them.
Rohan gave her an embarrassed smile as he moved back, "Sorry."
"Thank you, now can I have my earphones back?" She asked, holding out her hand expectantly. As she waited, she saw the head of a guitar by Rohan's feet. She looked at it for a while, questions forming in her mind.
Rohan's fingers brushed against her palm, breaking her chain of thoughts. Ayesha put her earphones back in, one by one. Then she closed her eyes and threw her head back onto the headrest as she played the voice notes Abhi had sent her.
F i v e m i n u t e s l a t e r
She chuckled, a light inaudible laugh as she listened to the last voice note. She slowly opened her eyes and rolled her head to the side so she could face him. She watched as Ulfat wrapped her legs around Abhi's, the smile slowly wiped itself off her lips and replaced it with a furrow between her eyebrows. She looked away as a thought preoccupied her mind.
Mr Crocker stood at the front of the coach as they arrived at The Whipsnade Zoo.
"Settle down everyone," he shouted to get the students' attention. "Today is all about having fun, however, we request you to complete this booklet," he added as he held up a questionnaire.
"May I add something," asked Ms Driver as she held up her hand. Mr Crocker nodded. "Students, please remain in the pairs you are currently sitting in. This is for your safety and to ensure you don't get lost," a mixed response of cheers and groans came from the crowd as students stood up to leave.
Ayesha's P.O.V:
"Rohan I'm tired," I whined as I sat on the floor. We had been walking in circles around the zoo for the past two hours.
I crossed my legs as he stopped walking. He looked at me and sighed, "Just a few more steps. Please?" He almost begged.
"Nahi! Bilkul nahi (No! Never)!" I stuck my fingers into my ears and shook my head.
He stepped towards me until he was towering over me. I took my fingers out of my ear and looked up. "You're making my neck ache," I complained.
He crouched beside me and smiled, "Toh tum nahi utthogi (So you're not going to get up)?"
I shook my head vigorously.
"Pakah (Sure)?" He asked.
"Chinese mein boloongi toh samjhoge (If I speak in Chinese then will you understand)?" I was irritated now.
Rohan stood up and started walking away, he stopped halfway. "Main ja raha hoon (I'm going)," he shouted without turning to face me. I stuffed a hand over my mouth to suppress the giggles.
He turned back and I put my hand down, straightening my expression.
"Kya hua? Ab nahi jana (What happened? Don't you need to go now)?" I tried not to laugh as I watched him walk towards me.
"Actually, mujhe Chinese nahi aati. Tum sikao gi (I don't know Chinese. Will you teach me)?"
Well that backfired, I murmured to myself.
"Haan, kyun nahi? Jab main sikh loongi tab tumhe bhi sika doongi (Yes, why not? When I learn I'll teach you as well)," I chuckled.
Rohan held out his hand to me but I shook my head and tapped the floor beside me.
"Bench pe baithe (Can we sit on the bench)?" He asked sweetly.
"Fine," I rolled my eyes but took his hand and jumped up.
We walked towards the bench, hand in hand. I stole a glimpse at his guitar as we walked, "Yeh bajani bhi aati hai ke bas yunhi (Do you even know how to play it or just)-?" I finally blurted the question that had been lingering in my head for so long.
"Tumhe nahi lagta ki tum mujhe kuch zayaada underestimate karti ho (Don't you think you underestimate me a little too much)?" He asked with a hint of offence in his tone as he stopped walking.
I turned to face him as I sat down, he had a glum expression."Mujhe sikao ge (Will you teach me)? Please?" I asked enthusiastically and his face lit up once again.
Phew, I thought, mentally wiping the beads of sweat on my forehead.
"Here," he said as he passed me the guitar, I held out my hand to take it from him and held it close.
"Now keep your fingers on the strings," he instructed. "No, not like this," he interrupted as he hovered over me. "You mind if I..." He asked as he gathered my loose hair, I shook my head and he moved my hair to the front. He came closer, his cheek almost touching my neck as he adjusted the guitar. His hands wrapped around me, leading my fingers over the strings, lightly caressing them as he did so.
His cool breath tickled me as he spoke, "I don't know if this is late but I'm sorry for that day in Maths. I was really rude to you."
That was my wakeup call, suddenly I pulled out my hand from under his. He stepped away as I did so. The note flashed through my mind and I stood up. I handed him his guitar and finally, I let go of what was not mine, I handed him that note which started this all and I left him there, standing all alone.
Third person P.O.V:
Rohan watched as Ayesha walked away, he put his guitar on the bench beside him and began opening the crumpled note.
"Kya hua? Yeh toh tere type ki nahi hai, hai na (What happened? She's not your type, is she)?" A voice interrupted him from behind.
Rohan stopped opening the note and looked behind him, it was Abhimanyu. He just looked at him, considering his question.
He shook his head.
"Itna chipak kyun raha tha phir (Why were you clinging to her then)?"
"Main usse guitar bajana sikah raha tha. Tujhe aati hai, toh tu sikah de na (I was teaching her how to play the guitar. If you know, then you teach her)," Rohan thrusted the guitar into Abhi's hand and walked away.
He opened the note, it seemed familiar. He looked at it for a few minutes until it struck him, it was his writing.
He scrunched up the note and shoved it into his pocket.
Author's note:
Hey guys. Firstly, please don't kill me! I know I said I'll reveal the note in this chapter and I didn't, I'm sorry. It's just this chapter was already so long and I wanted to update but I promise, next time for sure!
~ Still, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. If you had a favourite scene don't forget to share it with me in the comments section.
Story time:
I was on the bus the other day and a couple sat next to me, the girl sat on his lap and it reminded me of the Abhesha scene 😍 (I just realised I don't actually know if their a couple or not, lol, awks!) But I thought I'd share this with you guys.
Bollywood news:
~ Only ONE week left till Airlift releases, damn, I'm so excited! Who else is looking forward to it?
~ Also, has anyone seen Wazir? If so, what did you think about it?
P. S. Guys, have you heard the new song from Fitoor? It's called Pashmina. Gosh, I'm seriously in love with Amit's voice! I don't think he sings often but when he does, it's magic. Honestly, this man is so talented! He's a superb singer and a mind blowing composer! Go check it out.
~ Also, immense credit to the lyricist. When I heard the title of the song I was wondering what kind of song this would be but I'm in love with it now, no doubt.
P. P. S. Sorry for these long author's notes, love you all! ☺
~ Kirren☺
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