Sakura's uslessness in action
I looked closely down at Naruto and Sasuke- nii, both boys were sweating profusely. All three genin were pulling weeds while Kakashi and I relaxed up in a tree. We were 'supervising', yeah if supervising is talking about our hardest fight.
"So, you've fought Zabuza? All three of the genin as well?" I cocked my eyebrow and looked at hin confused. "Even Sakura?" He sighed.
"Alright, It was mainly Naruto, Sasuke and myself, she protected the bridge builder." I shook my head at him.
"Standing with a kunai isn't protecting anyone at all, but maily all she did was stand at the side and yell out names?" Kakashi nodded with a great sigh.
"Your finding all her faults, aren't you?" I nodded.
"She thinks Sasuke-nii belongs to her, the moment she can kill him or bring him down I will believe that, but right now she's useless." I looked back down to the boys to notice Naruto, the idiot, was ripping up the womans special herbs. I growled and jumped down onto his back, causing him to fall over, me landing on my feet in his spot. "you idiot, that's the womans herbs! She'll dock all the pay if you keep this ignorance up. if this continues I just might feed you to one of my special jutsus." His eyes grew wide and he looked over to Sasuke frightened, but Sasuke saw my bluff. He smiled slightly and continued to pick weeds.
"Oh god!" he screamed throwing the plants towards me. "Sasuke wants me dead, I knew It!" I giggled, but quicky regained composure. Kakashi hadn't attacked me so he knew my bluff too, same with Sakura she hadn't seen Kakashi jump on me this time and she figured it out. God, Naruto is so stupid.
Naruto had also pulled another stupid move trying to beat Sasuke, which sent him flying at chart topping speeds downriver, Sasuke saved his dumb ass, again. A little after that, our last mission for the day he decided to take the most rebellious dog, which was also the largest. The dog? smart enough to run to where Naruto just got burnt dragging him through a bombfield in the middle of konoha. My only question. Why the hell is there a bombfield here? I sighed and began to think. These huge slobbery animals gave me a great Idea. I could get a ninken of my own.
I wasnt to very happy to hear just before I left the team I was being given the job to heal Naruto.
"Why can't Sakura? at least make her do something more than yell!"
"Hey!" she screamed in protest.
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