On The Road..,
Everyone were busy with their shopping, roaming around, viewing the scenery and all....,
Rhea: Wow, this city is very beautiful.., I liked it..,
Shlok: it is but not more than u..,(He kisses her cheek...)
Rhea: shlok, everyone's here behave...,
Shlok: what behave, u are my wife...,
Rhea: let's go, Mr. Husband..,
Pragya comes their..,
Shlok: lo aa gayi tumhari mom.., enemy of my Romance...,
Rhea: sshhh...,
Pragya: what's happening.., Rhea beta come let's go that shop they are selling very beautiful dresses.., come..,
Pragya holds Rhea's hand and take her, Rhea turns and hold her one ear and lays sorry.., shlok makes baby face and nods.., Vansh comes and puts hand on his shoulder..,
Vansh: What happened Son in Law..., y is your mood off...,
Shlok: All thanks to your wife father in law.., yr she always tries go make Rhea away.., I don't understand, does she hates me..,
Vansh: that even I don't know, Pragya doesn't hates that I guarantee.., but this matter is something but don't worry, Pragya wants only Rhea's happiness and like other family members, she also understand that u are her happiness.., but u tell me.., what about u and Rhea.., I mean ur divorce.., what about that..,
Shlok was surprised by his question...,
Shlok(Shouts): No.., never.., I mean I can't stay away from Rhea.., I.., I..,
Vansh smiles..,
Vansh: U Love her..,
Shlok: Love.., umm I don't know as I never fell in love, but I'm habituated to Rhea, her smile makes my day..., and her tears break my heart..., my day starts with her and ends with her..., so, I don't know if its love or something else...,
Vansh: even I was in same situation years ago, mine wasn't a love Marriage but when time passed I fell for pragya head over heels..,
Shlok: then what u did..,(He asks curiously..)
Vansh: simple proposed pragya..,
Shlok: and what was her reply...,
Vansh: initially she did accepted but with time, I made sure that she feels the same for me, and it happened and now result is infront of u.., 20 years of happy married life with three kids..., and my Princess was a perfect cupid in this love story.. ,
Shlok: exactly u had prachi.., but what about me.., yr I'm confused is it really love or not...,
Vansh: chill buddy, take your time.., but be aware.., this my wife and your MIL.., pragya bohot chalak hai.., if she even gets a little doubt that Rhea isn't happy with u or u don't love each other.., she won't even take a sec to separate u and Rhea...,
Shlok gulps hearing her...,
Shlok: that I know..,
Yuvi and Ritik come their ...,
Yuvi: guys what are doing come let's have a drink..,
Vansh: pgl hai kya.., meri biwi kaccha chaba jaeygi Muje..., if I drink at this time..,
Ritik: Yr bhai stop being joru ka gulam..,
Vansh: Really, let me call Disha..,
Ritik: Aree.., I was just kidding..,
They laugh seeing his scared face...,
Yuvi: guys just chill.., our wives went for shopping in that market.., see that shop.., let's have a beer come..,
He drags all of them and they get busy in drinking...,
Kapoor Event's....,
In Sia's Cabin...,
Abhi was waiting for Sia with Arav and Avni...,
Abhi: How unprofessional.., this lady haven't even arrived yet and we are waiting since half an hour...,
Arav: chill Rockstar, she will come.., I talked to veer they are on the way...,
Avni: Exactly, Rockstar did u saw we are still trending.., our video song and ur Music album is super hit...,
Abhi: I saw.., in fact that director of your music audio wants to do another music video with u.., so chalega...,
Arav: Aree daudega Rockstar.., and this time even u will perform with us.., what say..,
Abhi: are u mad.., look at my age.., I'll perform in video songs now.., never..,
Avni: what's wrong u used to perform on stage earlier, aren't u planning a rock concert now...,
Abhi: No.., now I'll just make music album but concert no, that phase ended.., and now it's your time and I'll make sure that u both become a superstar...,
Arav: that's why I love u so much..,
He hugs Abhi and kisses his cheek.., Veer enters the cabin blabbering sorry...,
Veer: Sorry, sorry, sorry guys we are late.., and I'm absolutely sorry...,(He sees abhi and was surprised...) omg Abhishek Prem Mehra the famous singer.., I'm your big fan sir..,
He forwards his hand, abhi smiles and shakes hand with him...,
Veer: I'm your big fan sir whenever I listen your old songs I feel amazing and whenever I practice my singing I sing your song....,
Abhi: u are singer..,
Veer: not as much good u are but I sing well..
Abhi: well show me your singing someday.., but now we are getting late, I talked to Ms. Kapoor.., where's she..,
Veer: I'm sorry sir.., actually one of our relatives who was pregnant got labor pain and mom had to go their.., but don't I'm her partner in this company..,
Arav: Partner..,
Veer: yup why not, I'm 18+.., but on serious note I don't like when my mom takes all the work pressure on herself.., so I help her...,
Arav: but where's your dad...,
Veer: woh he's no more..,
Arav(casually): Accha..,(Avni pinches him) ouch, I mean I'm sorry..,
Veer: it's ok so let's talk about for what u guys came here...,
Abhi: ya, I'll tell u the situation..,(Abhi tells him what happened...) so now pre wedding rituals will start from day after tomorrow.., so Arav told u guys are top wedding planner's in town so, will u guys plan the wedding..., if u want I can pay double..., plus our family will also help u in arrangements...
Veer: Sorry sir it's not about payment.., but on such short notice, the arrangement is quite tough.., I'll talk to mom.., if she agrees I'll give u the conformation..,
Arav: Buddy plz tell soon.., if u guys can't then we can look for other options..,
Veer: I'll call mom one sec..,
He dials to his mom, A lady picks his call.., Her face is not shown..,
Lady: Hello yes beta...,
Veer: Mumma, I talked about those clients who are staying in that Resort...
Sia: Haan, what are they speaking...,
Veer: Mumma the wedding is next week but the pre marriage rituals will start from day after tomorrow.., so what should I speak..,
Sia: Deny them.., we can't make arrangements on such notice...,
Veer: Mom can u talk to sir..,
Sia: Hmm..,
Veer gives phone to Abhi..,
Abhi: Hello, yes Ms. Kapoor..,
Sia: Hello.., sorry for inconvenience but we can't make arrangements on such notice, it will be very difficult.., my work is worship, I give it my best in every event I plan.., but for that I need to be prepared.., so if suddenly I plan your wedding and some mistakes happen.., then u won't feel good neither it will be good for our reputation...,
Abhi: it's ok I understand and I liked your dedication towards your work.., bye..,
Sia: Bye.., (she hangs up) I heard this voice earlier.., but where..,
In Cabin..,
Veer: So sorry sir, I hope u understand..,
Abhi: it's ok.., can u give any other wedding planner who will work on short notice..,
Veer: their are currently 5 wedding planner including us in town.., out of which we are canceled and one is currently off.., as the family is out of town.., rest 3 I'll give u their cards.., u can talk to them..,
Abhi: sure thanks u..,
Veer: Welcome and sorry again..,
Arav: it's ok buddy.., now if u are free then let's go out..,
Veer: perfect, its closing time.., so let's go..,
Abhi: u three go, I'll see this rest 3 wedding planners..,
Abhi leaves for other office while veer, Arav And Avni go for outing...,
Everyone was shopping and busy..,
Pragya: Disha, I think I forgot my purse at previous shop, I'll go and buy it...,
Pragya goes in shop it was all crowded, she moves to take her purse.., she takes her purse...,
Vansh who saw Pragya going the shop, thinks of some romance and follows Pragya...,
Vansh enters the shop and sees Pragya seeing a cloth piece..,
He goes and back hugs pragya and kisses her cheeks..,
Pragya turns and pushes him and slaps him hard, Vansh was surprised..,
Pragya: what the hell.., how dare u to hug me and kiss me..,
Vansh: what happened baby, u are u reacting like this and y u slapped me..,
Pragya: who are u.., I'm seeing u for the first time in my life.., are u mad.., bloody eve teaser..,
Vansh frowns..,
Vansh: wifey if u are joking then its very ridiculous joke, u literally slapped me hard, my cheek is paining...,
Pragya(shouts): u deserve that.., and what wifey.., u are drunk Mr..., u need some sense.., (shop owner comes)
Shop owner: what happened Ma'am...,
Pragya: this man is eve teasing me.., he tried to hug me and kisses my cheek..,
A Man comes and holds pragya's hand..,
Man: What happened dear..,
Vansh gets jealous and makes him leave the her hand..,
Vansh: Hello, she's my wife.., stay away..,
Pragya: aree what wife.., I'm seeing u for first time...,
Vansh: u have lost it come with me..,
He tries to hold her hand but the Man comes in between..,
Man and shop owner hold him and drag him out.., they takes him out of shop and push him, Yuvi and Ritik see and come..,
Ritik: Hello Mr. Leave him.., his my bhai..,
Man: your brother is teasing my friend he tried to hug her and kissed her.., he's drunk too...,
Vansh: Abe chup, biwi hai woh meri..,
Yuvi: Vansh what's happening..,
Vansh: it wasn't any random girl, that was pragya..
The Man sighs and goes in...,
Ritik: Bhai, I think the beer doesn't suited u let's go from here...,
Vansh: I'm not drunk..,
Pragya comes out of shop and sees them...,
Pragya: what's happening guys..,(she sees his red cheek) Vansh baby what happened..,
She cups his cheek, Vansh looks at her like seeing an Alien...
Vansh: all thanks to u.., just a while ago u slapped me hard and now what happened baby, so now u remember me...,
Pragya: Kya bol rahe ho.., are u drunk..,(she smells near his mouth) oh so u are really drunk, that's why hallucinating.., yuvi it must be your plan.., let me call suha...,
Yuvi: Aree pragya she will beat me.., plz don't..,
Pragya: then u all go back to Resort, and Vansh u go and take rest.., I'll talk u later..,(she kiss his cheek) go now.., I'll go to girl I have to buy something for marriage.., bye.., and u will directly go to resort...,
She leaves while Vansh holds his cheek and was confused..,
Vansh: am I really hallucinating...,
Yuvi: buddy tu marwayega.., come..,
They take Vansh to other side while he was still confused..,
Vansh: that was really Pragya or..,
In Another shop...,
Ranbir, Prachi, Aryan and Sahana were shopping with Rhea...,
Sahana: Rhea this will look perfect on u...,
Ranbir: no Rhea this dress looks good on u.,. U should buy it..,
Aryan: no, no.., Rhea u are my sister u buy this Dress of my choice....,
Prachi: Exactly but Aryan, She's my twin so she will wear this Rhea, u will wear this in your girls Hen's party...,
Sahana: so what that u are twin, even I'm here baby sister, in fact I'm younger than u all....,
Aryan: so, even I'm younger.., Rhea take this..,
Sahana stomps on his feet, They start their banter..., and in process Aryan's leg slips and he falls on floor.., Rhea who was smiling seeing their silly fight bursts into laughter and starts laughing hard.., Everyone smiles seeing her smiles as their plan got successful..,
Shlok who came their sees Rhea laughing loudly and smiles.., He feels happy seeing her happy..., Aryan makes Baby face, Rhea gives hand and picks him...,
Rhea: Guys stop fighting..., I'll buy everything and wear this on different occasions...,
Prachi holds her hand..,
Prachi: No need of this, we want this smile back..., and we are happy now..,(She Kisses Rhea's forehead...) Rhea last days were tough for us to.., but life is like this.., we have to see ahead..,
Rhea: u are right Prachi and I'll definitely try to forget and u are best sister.., I Love u..,
Prachi: even u no as much best as me.., but I Love u...,
They laugh and hugs each other..,
Ranbir/Sahana/Aryan: and we Love u both..,
The trio hug them tightly.., Shlok was happy witnessing the scene.., Prachi saw him..,
Prachi: Jiju, won't u join us..,
Shlok: sure..,
He goes and they all share a group hug..,
Sahana: Now lets go to other shop.., its amazing dresses over their...,
Shlok: Let's go..,
He holds Rhea's Hand while Ranbir and Aryan hold their respective partners hand...,
In Another Shop...,
Pragya comes and sees it.., she likes a dress..,
Pragya: Can I try it...,
Sales girl: Yes Ma'am that way changing room...
Pragya: Thanks...,
She goes towards changing Room, Rhea and her group enter and girls starts seeing the dresses...,
Shlok sees a dress...,
Shlok: Wifey, this will be look good on u.., what u say...,
Rhea: it looks nice.., we will buy it.., and what about this dress...,
They looks at other dresses, while Ranbir comes with a pile of clothes..., and puts on table..,
Ranbir: Ye lo Chikchiki..., your dresses for whole month.., now don't eat my mind by asking, Baby what should I wear today..., I'm fed up of that question..,.
Prachi frowns hearing him...,
Prachi: How mean.., I won't talk to u.., go from here...,
Ranbir: aree how can u leave my love alone..,(He kisses her cheek, Prachi blushes)
Pragya comes from other side and keeps the dress on table..,
Pragya: Sorry, I didn't liked it.., I'll leave now..,
The sales girl nods, Pragya takes her bag was was about to leave when she collides with Prachi...,
Pragya: Carefull their girl..,
Prachi: sorry sorry..,(She sees Pragya) Mom aap...,
Pragya: Excuse who mom, whose mom.., are u out of your mind..,
Prachi was surprised..,
Prachi: Mom are u kidding, what's wrong with u...,
Pragya: Again Mom..,(shouts) Have lost it..,
Other's also look at them hearing Pragya's shout.., they come to then..,
Ranbir: what happened Prachi..,
Prachi: Ranbir Mom is behaving weird.., Mom ur health is ok na..,
She tries to touch Pragya's forehead, Pragya jerks her hand..,
Pragya: are U mad.., plz take this girl to a good doctor..
Rhea: Mumma y are u behaving like this.., she's Prachi and I'm Rhea your twin daughter...
Pragya holds her head..,
Pragya: Guys, I don't have a daughter.., Neither one nor definitely not twins.., u all need a psychiatrist..,
The kids were surprised and little shocked by her behavior..., Pragya gets call, she picks it..,
Pragya: hello, yes I'm on the way.., ok..,(she hang up) I have to go urgently or else I would have admitted this girl in an asylum...,
She leaves from their hurriedly leaving a Prachi who was on the verge of crying...
Prachi: Ranbir my mumma, what happened to her...,
Ranbir: even I'm not able to understand...,
Rhea: what actually was that.., I mom playing a prank...,
Shlok: Let's follow her.., come..,
They all go out and see Disha, Suha and Ishita..., Prachi goes out and hugs Disha.., she was surprised..,
Disha: Prachi beta what happened...,
Aryan: Mom, Choti Maa was behaving weird.., actually..,
He tells them what happened..,
Suha: guys u know what u are speaking..,
Ishita: Exactly, why would pragya speak like this and she was with us just a while ago she went that side..,(she sees Pragya coming) Look she's coming...,
Pragya comes their and smiles.., Prachi frowns at her..,
Pragya: Hello guys what happened.., Suha u know that shop is best.., see I did so much shopping..., (Everyone was silent and staring Pragya..) What actually happened, y are u all silent..,
Prachi: what was that Mom...,(Pragya gives a questioning look...,)
Rhea: Mom, don't u remember, a while ago u scolded me and Prachi and told that u don't have any daughter...,
Pragya: are u guys also drunk like Vansh.., a while ago he was also blabbering something that I slapped him and didn't recognize him.., and now u both.., (shouts) do I look like insane.., that u are speaking anything, i didn't even went to that shop.., if u all are doing prank then it very irritating prank guys...,
Disha: Dii, calm down.., the must be having an misunderstanding...,
Pragya: what misunderstanding, am I suffering Amnesia of what..., idiot's..,
Suha: Prachi, Rhea beta u must be having an misunderstanding, Pragya loves her kids a lot...,
Shlok: but we aren't lying, she really said this..,
Pragya: I'm done with u all.., I'll do my shopping alone.., I don't need you.., bye..,
Before anyone can speaks, she storms out from their..., while rest were surprised..,
Aryan: Mumma, we weren't lying..
Ishita: Its ok guys.., in while we will reach Resort then we will clear all this.., did u guys saw purab...,
Ranbir: that way.., (He points in a direction)
Ishita: I'll go to him and u guys don't worry.., Pragya is ok..,
Suha: Exactly now go and do some shopping or have some street food that really yummy..,
Disha: we are here only call us if needed..,
They nod, Disha and Suhani leave...,
Rhea: did u guys understood anything.., mere to sab upar se gaya..,
Sahana: even I didn't understood, were we day dreaming..,
Shlok: Sahana, its impossible and even if we were then how's it possible that we all saw same dream...,
Prachi: Exactly whatever happened was true, Mom is lying.., we have to find why..,
Rhea: let's talk to V.R...,
Sahana: They are that side let's go..,
They all go to meet Vansh...,
At A Shop..,
Purab was seeing a bracelet for himself, Ishita comes and picks one..,
Ishita: This will look best on u..,
Purab: Thank u to be wifey..,
Ishita smiles...,
Ishita: I know as my choices are always best..,
Purab: off course that's why u choose me.., (He winks at her) by the way where's my princess...,
Ishita: Ruhi and Krish are buying a lot of toys and Kokila aunty, Sarla aunty, Dasi, Sarita aunty and Kalyani aunty, everyone is busy in spoiling them.., they are giving everything Ruhi and Krish are asking..,
Purab(chuckles): I understand.., this Bangles will look good on u see..,
Ishita: they are beautiful but not of my size.., they are too big, I'm thin..,
Purab: They are Ishita...,
Ishita: Purab it's my hand.., I know better..
Purab: no u don't see..,(He holds her hand and makes her wear Bangles) see I told h they will fit.., as I know my girlfriend.., u are not that thin.., thodi moti ho..,(Ishita Frowns) but meri ho..,
He kisses her cheek making her blush..,
Ishita: people's are seeing, let's go..., anyway did u found out whether abhi found a wedding planner or not.., I don't want our wedding to spoil..,
She makes baby face, Purab hugs her..,
Purab: don't worry baby, come let's go and talk abhi.., He's coming that location.., come..,
He holds her hand and they go towards Abhi's Location...,
Vansh, Ritik and Yuvi were talking...,
Vansh: I'm telling u guys na something is wrong with Pragya...,
Ritik: Yr stop it Bhai, Bhabs loves u a lot.., why will she slap u so tight that your cheek gets red.., u were drunk.., accept it..,
Yuvi: exactly, Vansh mere bhai.., u are having a misunderstanding..,
Vansh: I don't know yr, but one thing was their.., when I touched her in shop I felt like she wasn't my pragya.., some kind of feeling I got...,
Ritik: coz she wasn't.., Bhai that girl was someone else...,
Prachi and her team comes.., Prachi hugs Vansh...,
Vansh: what happened Princess..,
Prachi: Pops, something is wrong with Mumma...,
Yuvi: ab tum bhi.., Baap ke Saath beti ne pii rakhi hai kya...,
Vansh: Yr yuvi, I'm saying the truth..., that was pragya only...,
Shlok: what happened with u V.R...,
Vansh: actually...,
He tells how Pragya slapped him once and then reacted as if nothing happened..,
Rhea: Same happened with us..,
She tells what happened, Yuvi and Ritik were also getting confused now..,
Aryan: is she any lookalike of choti mom..,
Ranbir: not possible Aryan, coz she was wearing same cloth both the time we meet her...,
Vansh: Exactly even when she slapped me she was wearing same cloth.., so it's not a duplicate...,
Shlok: Maybe any kind of psychological problem...,
Vansh: dude my wife isn't mad..,
Rhea: V.R he didn't meant that.., but Mom's behaviour is weird.., and now where is she..,
Yuvi: guys I'm hell confused, let's gather everyone and take them back to Resort..,
Vansh: I agree, I'll find pragya in the market u guys find other's and gather at this place..,
They all nods and move in different directions....,
Pragya was walking on Road...,
Pragya: Sab ke sab pagal ho Gaye hai, First Vansh and then prachi.., both Father daughter duo always prank on me..., what they think of themselves...,
The Man who was with Pragya in the shop while she slapped Vansh comes and hugs her suddenly...,
Man: where were u dear..,
Pragya pushes him and slaps...,
Pragya: are u mad.., how u can u hug a stranger.., idiot.., if my husband sees u then he will beat u a lot..,
Man holds his cheek and was surprised..,
Man: Yr what's wrong with u babe, it me..,
Pragya: Aree kon ho tum.., I don't know u..,
Man: Aree I'm.., (He gets an urgent call, he gets busy in that...,)
Pragya was irritated and leaves..,
Pragya thinks " what's happening, first Vansh then kids and now this Man.."..
Other side..,
Abhi was waiting for purab and Ishita.., they both comes...,
Purab: Abhi, what happened.., did u met that Sia kapoor....,
Ishita: did she agreed to do event planning..,
Abhi nods no..,
Abhi: she clearly denied to work on such short notice but her son veer gave me numbers of other 3 wedding planners in town, I talk to them but..,
Purab: but what...,
Abhi: but out of 3, two are busy in other events and 1 suddenly got a call and they went out of town...,
Ishita: that means now no one is their to plan our wedding...,
Abhi nods no, Ishita gets sad...,
Purab: But abhi we have to do something.. at least the required lights and decorations.., so that we cab perform Rituals...,
Arav and Avni also come with veer...,
Arav: Hello guys, Veer meet my other family members.., Purab chuks and Ishita Masi..,
Veer: Hello guys..,
Ishita: so u are veer Kapoor.., (Veer nods) Veer I know u mom told us that she won't plan the wedding but by any means can u help us somehow...,
Veer: did u guys didn't got any other planner.., Abhi sir.., (Abhi nods no and tells him the reason...)
Avni: then now I think we have to do the preparations.., Veer can u help us with the requirements for decorations and other shopping so that we can prepare for wedding...,
Veer: Why not, I can help u guys with that.., do one thing u guys come to my office tomorrow, then with two, three members of my team can go to Resort and we all can prepare everything...
Arav: Perfect...,
They were talking when Aryan comes..,
Aryan: Guys, let's got theirs something fishy with Choti Maa..,
Abhi: y what happened to Pragya...,
Aryan: I'll tell u in the way come let's go..,
Veer: guys its evening.., even I must go.., we will meet tomorrow...,
Abhi: sure and thank you for help...,
Veer goes while they all follow aryan towards the spot where everyone was asked to gather...
At the spot...,
Kokila: now will anyone tell us what's happening..,
Sarla: Exactly u guys gathered all of us suddenly...,
Krishna: my shopping is still remaining..,
Yuvi: guys just calm down.., actually..,
He tells everyone about Pragya's odd behavior...
Disha: what, this happened with Vansh jij also.., I thought this kids are doing any prank...,
Prachi: we are serious DM...,
Krish and Ruhi were confused..,
Krish: but plachi didu whele ale Mumma and Daddy...,
Ruhi: even my mummy and Dadda..., where are they...,
Purab: we are here princess..,
He speaks while coming their and kisses Ruhi's cheeks..,
Adi: cool now where are choti Maa and Vansh chuks..,
They see Vansh coming with Pragya on his shoulder.., she was hitting his back..,
Pragya: Leave me moron.., I'm not your wife..,
Vansh: u are now just shut up.., u have lost it..,
He puts her on floor, while Pragya was about to slap him but Vansh holds her hand..,
Pragya: how dare u to pick me and bring here like this...,
Vansh: yr wifey, what's wrong with u.., I'm your husband...,
Pragya: oh hello, my husband died last year I don't even know u..,
Vansh: abe pagal, mai zinda hun..., (He looks at Family) will u guys speaks something..,
Disha: Yes Pragya dii..,(she turns pragya,) what wrong with u..,
Pragya was surprised..,
Pragya: u are Disha right..,
Prachi: Mom what's wrong with y are u speaking like this..,
Pragya looks at everyone.., she looks at Abhi, Purab and Dasi..,
Pragya: Dasi, Purab and Abhi..., but I don't know remaining...,
Krish: what happened to u mumma...,
While they were talking a lady comes from other.., Veer was following her..,
Veer: Aree yr mumma stop na.., Mumma..
Lady: I told u na I'm not your Mumma..,
She collides with Pragya, They both look at each other.., The lady was also Pragya..,
They both were pragya wearing Same clothes exactly, like looking in Mirror...,
Even Family was shocked to see two Pragya's..., while veer was also shocked...,
Krish rubs his eyes...,
Krish: Daddy, Two - Two Mumma's...,
Everyone was hell confused..,
1. Will Shlok realize his love???
2. Reason behind Pragya's weird behavior...
3. Who will Arrange the wedding???
That's it for today guys.....
Hope u like it....
Keep reading....😚😚
Stay tuned.....😇😇😇
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