Special: Mashiro in the Front Lines
Mashiro P.O.V
February 22, 2024
I got a letter from Asuna- chan that they wanted to meet me in a dungeon. I told Kirito and Yuki- nee and went on my way. Kirito promised to look on after Yuki- nee while I was gone. I went to floor 68th's dungeon and saw Asuna- chan waiving at me. I walked towards her, blade equiped, ready to confront what she wanted me to do. She told me that she needed my help to get passed the dungeon. I nodded in response. We headed inside the dungeon along side the Knights of Oath. We slayed monsters for about three days. On the third day, I was with the Knights of Oath on an unknown part of the dungeon. We entered one of the many doors in the dungeon and, there is were the fun started.
The door closed behind our backs. An unknown boss showed up. His name, literary, was No Name. I was the first person to take charge at the monster. By a long shot, I hit him. Asuna- chan joined me and we tried to defeat the monster, but couldn't. The knights of Oath were trmbling with fear. Asuna stopped attacking and headed towards them. "As an order of the vice commander of the Knights of Oath, I order you to fight along side us." with those few words, she made them snap out of their fear and helpped.
When we defeated the boss, I saw a girl with hazel hair and eyes enter the dungeon room. She ALLSO closed the door. As soon as she saw the monster, she started to attack it with us. We defeated the monster thanks to her help. I approached her to give her a thanks, but I noticed she was already leaving. Without bothering her, I looked at her player tag. "Abril" was her player name. 'Were have I heard that name before?' I asked myself. I shook it off abd got out of the dungeon, because it turned out that the mistery monster surprise boss was actually the REAL boss.
I went home and Asuna- chan and I promised not to tell anybody of what had happened in there.
Con'nichiwa! Gumenasai Hitobito! I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while! Is that this week was the first day of school, and they already gave me rojects and quizes and test dates. The good thing is that get to use me phone and me laptop until Monday 'cause it's Martin Luther King's day. A.K.A, No SCHOOL UNTIL TUESDAY!!!!!!! My parents prhibited me from using my tablet, phone, Iphone, laptop and mini laptop on school days(Hate that anime). And... What else...? Eh! Hai! I'm graduating this year from eight grade along side @MashiroRyuketsu and @HazelAbril. So... like we say in our country; "I don't want presents, but if from your geart you want to give me one, I prefer it being in cash."
My birthday is comming up too! In April! 27! So wish meh luck 'cause it's on a Monday! :c Arigato for the hitobito that read what i write. If you want me to put in your oc, privet message me at any time! With these categories; Real Name, Real Hair Color/real hair style, Real Eye Color, Back story, why she bought SAO, hobbies, Clothing, Were/Who does she/he live in/with, Avatar Name, Avatar Hair Color/ Avatar hair color, Avatar Eye Color, Gettup, Friends (from story), Personality (Real personality and in-game personality) and school problems.
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