Episode 8: The Temperature of the Heart
June 25, 2024
Nii was in the frontlines, helping the others to find the boss, and Kirito and I went to a black smith's shop, who's name was Lisbeth. Kirito asked her to forge him a heavy and big sword, but Lisbeth, concerned about Kirito's wealth, wondered if he was capable of paying the costly fee due to his unimpressive appearance. Kirito said "Money is not a problem. Just forge me the best sword posible." When Lisbeth asked what about the sword's stats, Kirito answered that he wanted the stats to be as good or better than his «Elucidator». Lisbeth gave him the best sword that she had ever forged. Ignoring her protests, Kirito tested her best-made weapon against his «Monster-Drop» weapon and to her dismay, her weapon broke upon impact. I giggled.
After witnessing the demise of her best weapon, which was irreparable due to the extent of the damage, Lisbeth became enraged. She challenged Kirito, claiming that with the materials she needed, she could create twelve other swords that could break his sword in half. Kirito became intrigued and teased her, stating that he would like a sword like that. "I would too." I said. Lisbeth, even more angered, struck back, telling us that we would need to stay for the whole process, starting with the needed materials. Kirito stated that we can get it alone, and that she would just delay us both. Lisbeth insisted that she was not weak, being an expert mace user, and that to get the material, a master smith needed to be present to be able to collect it. She then told us that the material was from a dragon that eats crystals and was located on the West Mountain on the 55th Floor.
Traveling together on the west mountain of the 55th Floor, Lisbeth began to grow cold, so Kirito gave her one of his coats. "How come you aren't cold, Yu- chan?" she asked me. I looked at her and said "This is just a game. It's simulation. Even do it's a death game, it's all in your mind." We reached a place filled with crystals, causing Lisbeth to run forward with glee, eager to explore. However, she was stopped by Kirito, who told her to get a Teleport Crystal ready in case the dragon showed up, and to hide and not come out no matter what until the dragon was defeated. Lisbeth insisted that she could help, only to be adamantly refused by me. Surprised, Lisbeth followed his instructions and stayed put.
Kirito and I soon encountered X'rphan the White Wyrm. Listening to Kirito, Lisbeth hid in the crystals for safety while Kirito and I faced the monster head on. Kirito deflected the dragon's breath with his sword, and Lisbeth began to admire him. When Kirito and I, together, dismembered one of the dragon's arms, Lisbeth, believing that the battle was nearly over, came out of hiding. The dragon quickly noticed her and targeted her with its ice breath, but we came to her aid and I shielded her. However, this caused us to fall into a large pit.
We survived the fall and reboosted our HP, but quickly learned that we could not use teleport crystals to get out of the pit. Lisbeth believed that the pit was a trap designed to kill players who fell down, but Kirito told her that if it was an Anti-Crystal Area, there should be another way out. Kirito ran up the wall in an attempt to escape but fell back down due to the slipperiness of the ice. We then resigned to our fate and prepared to spend the night in the hole. Before falling asleep, Lisbeth asked Kirito why he had saved her. He responded by saying that he thought that dying with someone together was better than letting them die alone. Lisbeth then asked to hold Kirito's hand and they fell asleep in that position. I didn't mind. If he was happy, I was happy.
After resting for the night, Kirito dug a hole and found the Crystallite Ingot. Kirito told Lisbeth that they were in the dragon's nest and the reason why the material had been so difficult to obtain was because it was, in fact, the dragon's feces, grossing out Lisbeth who then threw the ingot to Kirito. Lisbeth then brought up the fact that the dragon was nocturnal, and realised that it should be coming soon. I kinda, maybe, sorda freaked out. Just a bit.
Seeing the dragon coming back for the day, Kirito grabbed Lisbeth and ran up the wall to get on the dragon. I followed his lead. Literally, Lisbeth had no idea what to do. He then stabbed the dragon with Elucidator, and the dragon flew out of its nest in surprise, carrying us along with it. We held hands and detached ourselfs from the dragon when we were in the sky. While freefalling, Lisbeth confessed her feelings for Kirito. However, Kirito did not hear her over the roar of the wind. Undeterred, Lisbeth smiled and hugged him. But, I heard her. XD
We then returned to Lisbeth's shop where Lisbeth forged the material into a sword, named «Dark Repulser». Kirito tested out the sword and was quite impressed and pleased with the results. Lisbeth insisted that Kirito did not need to pay, offering us to become her private blacksmith in exchange, which caused Kirito to blush.
Lisbeth attempted to confess again, I pressume, but was at that point interrupted by Asuna, who hugged Lisbeth, as Asuna was relieved to find her safe and sound, but inquired where she had been the previous night. Lisbeth replied that she had been in a dungeon with us. Shocked, Asuna finally noticed Kiritoand me, and began to argue with Kirito. I tried to explain, ofcurse, but would anyone listen to a fourteen year old? No. Lisbeth then learned that we came to her store based on Asuna's recommendation. Lisbeth was heartbroken when she realized that Asuna's crush was Kirito, but quickly covered her disappointment by telling Asuna that he had broken one of her best swords and also quietly told her that he was a strange, but good person, and wished her good luck. Asuna blushed again upon hearing this and Lisbeth left the shop to console her hurt feelings.
Kirito and I found her after searching through the town. Lisbeth told him that she was not used to the adventure and to forget everything she had said. Kirito told her that without meeting her, he would still be thinking that dying was better than to live life alone and promised her that they would clear this game and free themselves from this world. "Liz, promise me that we'll meet in the real world and that we'll become friends and do lots of things together." I demanded. She nodded.
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