1) You must fill out the oc form or you must request to tag me to an oc. I make it for a reason, not just so it can be ignored.
2) Do not make your oc over powered in any sort of way. It makes the rp incredibly boring, I mean seriously just give your character some weaknesses.
3) Please don't have your oc be a Mary or Gary Sue, that is just annoying. Not everything has to be about your character.
4)No smut! Not even in Dms. We can hint at it and even do the stuff that leads up to that but as soon as the close come off it is an immediate time skip.
5) Please do not be rude to me when we're not rping. Your oc can be rude to my oc's if that is part of the rp but I draw the line at you being rude to me. This also applies to other role players in here. I will not tolerate you being rude to one another.
6) I have a life outside of Wattpad and role play. If I do not answer you that does not mean I'm ignoring you or the rp. It just means I am busy or that I have not seen that you have replied to the rp. If I do not answer within a week you are more than welcome to tag me to try and get my attention. But do not spam me.
7) You must censor all of your oc's cursing! Wattpad has become very sensitive towards that stuff. Even the words kill or death and MAYBE even the word blood will get your comment flagged if you use those words more that one or two times in a reply.
8) You must ask to rp with a character, I cannot stress this enough. This is a rule because there maybe certain characters that get more attention than others. So if I see this happening I will deny you access to a new rp with that character and will ask you to choose a different one. All of my characters need attention because I have worked really hard on all of them.
9) Please do not make your character overly religious! I am American so I do not know about other religions and what may or may not be appropriate for said religions. So as to not offend anyone I ask that you do not make a religion a defining trait of your characters.
10) Don't make your character only speak a foreign language. Again I am American so I do not understand any other language besides English. If you do make your character say something in another language please leave a translation for it in a set of brackets next to the sentence your oc spoke in a different language.
11) Please keep your out of character talk separate from what you say in the rp. Do this by putting your out of character speech inside the following symbols: (), //, [], {}, \\, ||.
12) This is a descriptive rp! That means at least 6 lines of dialogue is necessary for you to keep me interested in the rp. I understand if you can't do this all the time but a rp full of nothing but one liners just seems lazy and uninteresting to me.
13) LGBTQ+ characters are welcome in this book, I myself will mostly have those kinds of characters. If you don't like it then just walk your ass out of this book without saying anything.
14) 18+ topics such as abuse, drug use, and other topics that may or may not be considered triggering are fine to include. Just do not go into extreme detail as to what is going on, even I have my limits when it comes to that stuff.
15) Character death is just fine but don't do it all the time and it must fit into the story. Suddenly having a character die when nothing bad is happening is not ok. You are not allowed to kill off my character under any circumstances though, only I can do that.
16) Your oc must have a set gender. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but characters that are gender fluid just confuse the hell out of me in a rp setting. So please for my sanity have your character be either male or female. Now if your character is trans or cross dresses then that's fine. Just be sure to tell me what pronouns they identify with.
17) Please don't use text talking/abbreviations for everything. Some scattered here and there are fine but a full sentence of nothing but text talk and abbreviations just seems lazy and makes your character seem unintelligent.
18) Do not control my characters. They are my oc's and I do not want anyone else role playing as them. I put a lot of work into them and this entire book so I do not want to see people taking advantage of that.
19) Please do not use script writing as your form of role playing and do not use these things (*) either for your dialogue. " " those are for talking, ' ' those are for thoughts, and if you have the ability to do so then change the font for your characters thoughts! Just please do not write like your writing a script for a movie or TV show.
20) Do not steal anyone's oc. You can take inspiration from other peoples forms in the comments. But don't literally just copy and paste their form whilst only changing a few things to it.
21) Wait until I give your character a stamp of approval before you try to rp with me. If I see you requesting to rp and I haven't accepted your oc then I will just decline your oc and delete your request to rp. I will not tolerate impatient people who want to rp as soon as they have submitted their oc form or after they have tagged me to a oc.
22) You can tag me to an oc BUT you must ask if you can do that first. Just having you randomly tag me to a oc is confusing as hell and makes me wonder who you are and why you're suddenly tagging me to a role play character.
23) Fantasy characters are okay to have. However, if they are something like a mummy or a zombie or something else like that please don't make them be gross and rotting and unable to speak. This is a oc x oc rp, which means I want my oc to actually be able to talk to your oc and possibly even fall for them.
24) If your oc is part animal please don't make it weird where they have like the head of a wolf or shark or lizard. Again I would like to have my oc fall for your oc. It honestly just feels wrong to have my oc trying to kiss a shark mouth or a wolf mouth or a lizard mouth.
25) Please refrain from having oc's that are aromatic. This is because how can we have a rp that has romance in it if your character is unable to feel romantically attracted to someone?
26) No underage characters partaking in adult things! By law the general age of consent is 16 but your character must be 18 and older for more mature things.
27) You can have more than one oc in a rp. For example: if you want to include your oc's parents or if your oc is a single dad or mom then you can include their kid. Just talk to me about this first.
28) If you need to leave for a certain amount of time and want to put the rp on hold then tell me that. Don't just up and leave the rp for days at a time without telling me about it. I of course will try to do the same for you if I have to leave too.
29) Do not try to speed along the rp by taking short cuts. I like to see how these things play out and if we're just jumping from one time skip to the next it makes it feel like we're rushing things.
30) Don't have your character be a know it all that controls everything that happens. That's not how role plays work. There has to at least be a little bit of surprise and secrecy when it comes to what your characters say and do.
31) I have ever right to stop a rp if I am getting bored, same as you. So don't get pissed off if I stop the rp and say that I'm no longer into the rp. These things happen people, it's not going to be the end of the world if it does happen.
32) You can only have two rps at a time with two different characters. In order to have a third new rp one of the other rps must have come to some kind of conclusion.
33) If our characters have children together one of us must play as the child. Do not make it one of those situations where it's like: there's a child but their not exactly important to the rp.
34) If there are background characters one of us must play as them. Even if they are only there for a certain amount of time they need to either just be mentioned or have a certain amount of dialogue.
35) All rps will be done in 3rd person. There will not be anything written in first or second person point of view unless it is thoughts or what your oc is actually saying. I don't want to see you using I, I'm, me, or my anywhere other than inside quotation marks.
36) Disabilities and diseases are fine to have in an rp just do not go overboard with descriptions. This pertains to the diseases that have horrible side effects or if a disability is the result of some kind of mutilation.
37) If I have not answered to a recent reply of yours then you are allowed to delete it and change it. Just do not do it right after I reply to the previous post that you have just changed.
38) Please do not join in or comment on other people's rps. It's just rude plus I do not like group role plays so those won't even be an option. If you came here hoping for a group rp welp I'm sorry about your luck but you've come into the wrong rp book.
39) If the books says it's closed or being edited in the description then that is what's happening. Don't come in here and try to tag me to a oc or submit a form hoping to start a rp with me when that happens.
40) If you have been inactive for months and have not contacted me I will assume you have just abandoned the rp. That will result in our rp getting closed prematurely, no matter how far along we are in the rp.
41) If your oc has powers, give a description as to what they are as well as a weakness to said power. Otherwise your oc's power is overpowered and I will not allow you to use that power unless it has some kind of weakness that is viable and works.
42) When it comes to death in the rp don't go overboard with the description if it's not a natural type of death. This applies to things like murder or just simply torturing a character, you can give details but not excessive details.
43) Any and all characters dealing with dark themes and things of the occult will have a symbol next to their character title. This will be so you can avoid those characters if you're not comfortable with those kinds of things.
🅄🄿🄳🄰🅃🄴🄳: 6/29/2021
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