Amelia's Pov
"I can't believe you could stoop so low Amelia" An angry Joe said as we walked into his furnished office "Passing off someone's idea as yours. Is this what you've been doing all along?"
"How can you even say that to me, Joe?" My eyes were watery "You've known me for so long, and if there's anything I'm not it's a thief. I would never pass off someone's idea as mine"
"Wow, another storm has hit America's business world. I am at a loss for words" a blonde, tall woman in her 40's said from the flat screen tv that hung on the wall "I am here with Kella Stone's editor from Rx publications and a copyrights lawyer"
I turned to the Tv. They were talking about me on gossip news
"What do you think about the huge scandal that occurred at the book Launch of 'flawed' by Star writer Amelia Allen? Do you believe she stole writer, Kella Stone's book?"
"With the way the events transpired one isn't exactly sure of what to believe" the lawyer on glasses spoke "Amelia Allen was the first to hold a book launch in just three months after the book was published. On the other hand Kella Stone's claims to have published 'Flawed' on July 13 proves to be true; which dates back to exactly 2 months before Amelia published hers"
"So you are saying that Amelia Allen stole, published and tried to launch Kella Stone's book as hers" the newscaster asked
"I didn't say that" the lawyer replied "I just really don't see how all of this could have gotten mixed up. One of their agents should have noticed this before now"
"As her editor and agent, I worked hand in hand with Kella Stone on 'Flawed'. Rx publication had the book launch planned for August 3rd. It took us by surprise to see Amelia trying to steal what is ours"
They were lieing against me and I couldn't do a thing to prove it
"Personally, I don't think Amelia is guilty of what she's being accused of" the lawyer continued "I'm a huge fan and I've read every single one of her books. She's talented and principled"
"There's no principle in a woman who can deceive people. She's a dishonest woman. Copying everything, even up to the book cover. She probably got this far by stealing from other people"
"What I don't seem to understand is why RX publication is refusing to sue Amelia Allen" The newscaster asked the editor
"RX was going to sue Amelia and WG, but Kella Stone didn't want to press charges. She's walking freely because of Kella"
"Just look at that" Joe growled "You have tarnished WG's reputation, Amelia"
"My reputation has also being tarnished, Joe!" the tears that I'd been keeping in rolled out "You were there through all of it. You saw my team and I work on 'Flawed' for months. I swear on my late husband that I have always being honest"
"Meanwhile tweets by Amelia's fans have been going around social media. They seem to not believe that she's the cheat people say she is" the lady in the news continued "What really is the truth about Amelia Aurora Allen?" A photo of me appeared on the tv "Is this the face of a liar, or could there really be a conspiracy in all of this"
"Do you know what you've done to WG?" Joe yelled, banging his table with his fists "I am barely able to keep our investors from pulling out. Did you know those Russian investors were going to make 'Flawed' into a movie?"
"7 years I laboured for this company and I can't even expect some loyalty? You were the last person I expected to buy that lie about me"
"You tell me, how do we recover the money spent on PR, book reviews, marketing and this sham of a book Launch? WG also has to pay compensation to RX publication" He tossed the court order at me "Max would have being so disappointed if he were alive"
"Don't you dare bring my late husband into this!" I yelled "I, Amelia Allen, will pay the compensation. Infact, I will pay back every single dine WG spent even if it's the last thing I do"
As I pushed the door of his office open the eyes that peered me choked the life out of me. My friends, my team, what did they think of me? I alone brought the idea for 'Flawed' to them. Did they really believe I stole everything about the book? I felt my knees trembling hard. How did fate manage to jolt my peaceful life out of my hands?
"Amelia....." My PR executive muttered, giving me a hug "I will never believe a single negative word against you"
"Thank you, Sarah" I nodded, giving her a small smile
"Everything will be fine"
I released myself from her comforting hug. Next, members of my team came to me and each gave me a hug
"We know you'd never do that, boss" one of them said
"Yes Amelia" another added "I have never met a person as honest as you are" The others just noded their head in agreement. I smiled knowing that I had the people that mattered by my side
"Thanks guys" I managed to say "I have to get home to my kids"
"Call me" Sarah said, as she walked me to my car
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