First day of a diffrent highschool
Nobody POV
It was time for school, so they walked. They dont live that far away from their school. They changed High Schools, well, Gold And Funneh did. They went to dracos, rainbows and lunars school now. As they walked in, rainbow noticed her bullies
Amy ( 1 bully)
Pretend the name is Riley ( 2nd bully)
"Hey its that junk girl " Said Riley
" Excuse me?? We're standing right here!" Said gold
"Yeah, we know." Said Amy
" Well! Dont bully her! Or else." Gold said
" OR else what. Huh." Riley said
" You dont need to know. 😝" Gold said sticking her tounge out at them.
"Whatever" Said Amy.
The bullies walked away and then the principal walked into them.
" Oh Hello! You two must be new. I'm Principal Hart. " said principal hart
" I'm funneh. And this here is gold. We changed high-schools, and we are in grade 11. We need our book p!ease!" Said Funneh
" Nice to meet you. Here, these are your classes." Said principal Hart
" Okay so first we have math, then Nature...Huh? Then we have lunch, then food class." Said Gold
When they got into math class, Draco saw a girl
Then he saw a seat open beside her.
" Hi There!" Said Emma
" I'm Emma and you are..?" Emma stopped saying ' Are'
" Draco. 🙃" Said draco Nicely
The teacher started talking.
" Okay kids, what 2+9? " said Mr Grout.
" 11" said all the kids.
20 minutes later, the bell rings.
" I have nature now. I have never had this class and its my second year!" Said draco
" Me too! I have nature! Well, see you there!" Said Emma
When they got to Nature class, Mr Pasko just said they are making catapillers turn into. Butterfly's.
" AHH NO WAY HOSEAY!" Said draco yelling
After Nature class, Draco was shaking.
" Lunch! Yessss!" Said Lunar Excited.
After lunch, they went to food class.
" Today we will be making Mac And Cheese." Said Mr Pasko
" YUMY!!!" Said funneh. Funneh went strait to cooking.
God! It only took her one minute!
" DONE!" Said funneh.
" Oh my, Very good. You can eat it right now or bring it home." Said Mr Pasko
" I'll eat it" Funneh said eating it after one second. When it was time to go home they stopped at A&W. " I would like 100000cheese burgers papa sized." Said Rainbow.
" and 3 coco-cola's 1 root beer and 1 beer."
" and 20 packs of large fries please."
" oh and 20 packs of onion rings." Said Rainbow.
So they went home and ate.
There was 50 food left including everything! Most of it was fries and onion rings.
When it was time for bed, they prayed to keep there mom and dad safe in heaven.
They got their Pajama's on and went to bed, and it was a wonderful sleep.
Hey guys! This story is reallyyyy long! I know! And the ppl from YHs left in this chapter. I just forgot to add it. Well hope u enjoyed!
500 words!
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