WayV Lucas (Fear of Masks)
Lucas POV
Having a fear of masks is an odd fear, kind of random as well, especially when we're in the middle of a pandemic where we have to wear them. Luckily the masks we have to wear aren't very restricting so I can usually cope with them. Not many people actually know about my fear, only Taeyong, Yuta, Johnny and Chenle which means no one in WayV knows. I didn't think anyone would need to know, it wasn't like I was going to be wearing a mask for any reason. Right?
"We'll be doing the individual shoots now, we can start with Lucas," one of the photographers said. We're having a photoshoot for concept photos and so far we've been here for about 4 hours and we still have another, probably 3 or 4 to go. I gently slipped Hendery off my lap and stood up off the couch and stretched.
"Let's go," I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet with a grin. I followed the photographer to the set where the camera's were set up.
"For your concept, we're going to need a prop I think," he said as he read something on a piece of paper.
"Sure, what is it," I asked as I walked over. It's not uncommon for someone to have some sort of prop they have to have in their photoshoot and I always enjoy using them.
"You, are using this," he said, walking away and pulling out some sort of black cloth with chains.
"What's that," I asked in confusion.
"It's a mask with some chains. So you'll have this covering your mouth and nose and the two chains cross over and then they'll go behind your ears," he told me. I froze and my eyes went wide at his words. I quickly moved my hands behind my back, clenching them tightly as they shook.
"A uh, a mask," I said slowly.
"Yeah. We'll have some from the staff come help you put it on," he said. My stylist came over and grabbed the mask before turning to me. I was nervous, very nervous. This is going to be heavy and cover my entire face, I don't know if I can keep calm with that.
"Come here," she told me and I bent down so she would be able to reach my face. I took a deep breath as she fiddled with it before she placed it over my mouth and nose and begun clasping it behind my head. The minute I heard the clip snap into place, I started to feel anxious. There was a gnawing feeling in my gut, and it got increasingly harder to breathe than before.
"How is that? Not too tight," she asked me.
"No, it's perfect," I replied tightly, trying not to let any shakiness get into my voice. I need to keep my cool here and get through the shoot. I can't just chicken out because I have an irrational of something as stupid as masks. Like seriously? Masks. I can do this, it'll only be about 15 minutes for me, I hope. I'll be fine...
Nope, no way. I am definitely not fine. Not fine at all. I lasted all of a few minutes before the panic crept up into my throat and my chest tightened. I tried to take a deep breath but it didn't help, not at all. If anything, it made it worse. I became more aware of the fact that almost my entire face was covered, restricting my airways and making it even harder for me to breathe. My chest was heaving and my hands begun to shake. I quickly put my hands behind my head and tried to unclasp the mask from my face but my hands were trembling and I couldn't steady them enough to unclip it. A whine escaped my lips as I continued to fumbled around for a few more seconds before giving up as tearss begun to fall down my face.
"Lucas," a small voice asked uncertainly. I turned around to see Hendery looking at me with questioning eyes that went wide when he saw the tears in my eyes.
"Cas, what's wrong," he asked as he walked over to me quickly. I sobbed and tried to take the mask off, hoping he'd get the general idea. Thankfully he did and quickly rushed over and unclipped the mask, letting it drop from my face. Unfortunately he didn't get it off fast enough to stop me from falling into a panic attack. The second the mask was off my face, I ran to the corner of the room and dropped to the floor, curling up to make myself as small as possible as I sobbed. Me crying and hiding in the corner seemed to gain the attention of everyone else as I heard people begin to talk in the background. I clutched at my chest and tried to take a deep breath but it sounded more like a gasp than a breath.
"Lucas, Cas look at me." I lifted my head to see Hendery inching towards me. I whimpered and scooted closer to the corner, hoping he wouldn't come too close. He seemed to understand that I didn't want him near me as he stopped coming closer and just knelt down a couple of meters from me.
"Lucas, you need to calm down. Just take a deep breath for me, you're safe," Hendery said gently. I shook my head quickly. I'm not safe. I can feel it, I can still feel it on my face. I thought he took it off but I can still feel it. I can't breathe, it's still restricting my airways, covering my mouth and nose. I started clawing at my face while whimpering and crying. Hendery lunged forwards making me scream in fear. He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face, yelling out something that I couldn't understand. It was like I was underwater, I couldn't understand what was going on except for the fact that I was scared and I needed someone to help me...
Hendery's POV
We were getting ready for our photoshoot when I looked over at Lucas. I was confused to see that was fiddling with something on the back of his head. His chest was rising and falling at a rapid rate, and it looked like his hands were shaking.
"Lucas," I called out softly. He spun around and looked me, my eyes going wide when I saw the tears and panic in his.
"Cas, what's wrong," I asked quickly as I walked over to him. He let out a sob and started desperately fiddling with the back of his head. That's when I realised he had a mask on and the clasp was on the back of his head. Was he trying to get rid of it? I quickly rushed over and moved his hands before swiftly unclipping it and letting it fall to the floor. The minute I got rid of the mask he fell to the floor and shuffled over until he was curled up in the corner, looking unusually small despite his tall frame. He started crying harder and that seemed to gain the other's attention.
"Oh my god, Lucas!" Ten rushed over but I quickly grabbed his arm to stop him from going over to Lucas, not wanting to crowd him when he was clearly in a vulnerable state.
"We can't crowd him Hyung," I said quickly.
"What's going on," Kun asked quickly as he rushed over.
"He just started crying and panicking," I said nervously as I looked over at him. He was clutching at his chest and taking gasping breaths.
"You guys stay back, we don't want to make him panic more," I said quickly. By now everyone had realised what was happening and had rushed over.
"Lucas, Cas look at me," I said slowly as I moved away from the other's and closer to Lucas. He looked up at me and his eyes went slightly wide. He whimpered and pushed himself closer into the corner. I quickly stopped and knelt down, not wanting to scare him more as he seems to not want me to go any closer. I bit my lip nervously as I heard his choked sobs and noticed that he wasn't breathing very well. If he keeps this up, he'll most likely pass out which isn't good.
"Lucas, you need to calm down. Just take a deep breath for me, you're safe," I said gently. I don't know why he's so panicked which won't help me calm him down but I'll just do my best. He shook his head quickly and I sighed. I tried to think of another way to help him when I heard a gasp. I looked up at Lucas quickly and my eyes went wide once again. Lucas was scratching at his face, red marks being left where his nails dragged over. I jumped forwards quickly, making him let out a heartbreaking scream. He sounded so scared and it almost made me stop but I needed to make sure he was safe and wasn't going to hurt himself. I grabbed his hands and pulled did my best to pull them away from his face but he was stronger than me. Thankfully Ten also rushed over so we grabbed a hand each and tugged them away from his face, restraining him so he couldn't hurt himself.
"Lucas stop, you're hurting yourself," Ten yelled but I don't think he could hear us, too far in his head. I could hear more crying and I turned my head to see Yangyang crying, wrapped up in Xiaojun's arms.
"Winwin, Junnie, get Yangyang out of here, he doesn't need to watch this," Kun said quickly. Winwin nodded and quickly helped Xiaojun get Yangyang get out of the room.
"Lucas, Lucas look at me," Kun said as he knelt down in front of us. Lucas didn't even react, just kept struggling in our grip and sobbing.
"He isn't calming down, " I said worriedly.
"What even happened," Kun asked worriedly.
"I don't know, I just turned around and he was panicking.
"C-Chenle." We went silent and turned to Lucas at the whisper.
"Chenle," Ten asked in confusion. Lucas's head snapped up and he looked around wildly.
"Chenle, want Chenle," he sobbed. I looked over at Kun who already had his phone out, obviously calling one of the Dreamies. I don't know why he's asking for the younger member but if it'll help him, I really don't care.
Chenle's POV
"NOOOO. You cheated," Jaemin yelled as Jisung beat him. I grinned at the youngest member and wrapped him in a back hug as we cheered.
"Jaemin, he shot a blue shell, that isn't cheating," Jeno said, rolling his eyes.
"But I was about to win," Jaemin pouted.
"Too bad, Jisungie won," I said with a shrug. I quickly dodged as Jaemin tried to hit me, giggling and hiding behind Jisung who wrapped a protective arm around my waist.
"I wanna go again," Jaemin said quickly.
"Play against Haechannie Hyung, I'm done," Jisung said, tossing the controller to Haechan. He then moved me over so I was sitting across his lap as I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest.
"I don't get it. Why do you always give Chenle hugs but no one else," Jaemin asked.
"Because he's allowed to, now hurry up and lose so I can play next," Renjun said with a bored sigh. Jaemin went to protest but was cut off when Mark's phone started to ring. He quickly picked it up.
"Hey Kun Hyung, what's up," he asked. He was quiet for a few seconds as Kun was probably talking but his eyes went wide.
"O-Ok. Do you want me to take him now," he asked quickly. I moved off Jisung's lap as the other's quietened down, everyone watching Mark intently, wondering what was going on.
"Hey, no of course. I'll bring him over right now," he said quickly before hanging up.
"Chenle, we need to go over to the WayV photoshoot. Something happened and Lucas got really worked up. Kun Hyung said he's asking for you," Mark said as he turned to me. Something happened to Lucas? I nodded and quickly jumped up.
"You guys stay here, we'll be back in a bit," Mark said before we went outside. We quickly jogged over to the car and got inside. I got into the driver's seat and pulled out of the driveway.
"Which shoot is it," I asked.
"The one about 5 minutes away," he replied. I nodded and drove off. We drove in silence before we finally got to the building and I quickly parked.
"Come on," he said, grabbing my hand as we quickly ran into the building. I immediately noticed Yangyang who was crying and being held by Xiaojun and Winwin. There were staff members out there as well, obviously not knowing what to do about whatever was happening in the other room. We didn't stop though, we went straight to the room where the photos were supposed to be taken. The first thing I noticed was the four people in the corner of the room. Lucas was thrashing and crying as he was being restrained by Hendery and Ten, Kun knelt in front of them trying to talk to Lucas but it didn't seem to be working. I've known Lucas for many years, he's the Gege that I can go to for anything, and that goes both ways. We've helped each other through many things, tears, panic attacks, nightmares, you name it. I could tell straight away that them restraining him was doing more harm then good. I rushed over and knelt about 3 meters away from them.
"Let him go and move back," I said quickly, switching into Chinese swiftly.
"He's going to hurt himself Chenle," Ten replied quickly. I could see the red marks on his face, obviously from scratching but we need to take the chance.
"Just trust me Gege. He's not going to calm down with you restraining him," I told them. They looked apprehensive but Kun nodded so they quickly let Lucas go and moved back to give him space. Lucas quickly curled in on himself and raised his hands. I tensed and prepared to step in if need be but he just ducked his head down and covered it with his arms. I stayed back, I can't go any closer until he says I can so I should try and get him to recognize me. It's clear that he's a bit in his head right now and doesn't really understand what's happening. I don't even understand what's happening but I know I need to help him.
"Gege," I said tentatively. I could immediately see him tense and freeze up at my words. That's good, he might understand it's me here.
"Cas Ge, it's Chenle," I said gently. His arms slowly lowered and I met his fear and tear filled eyes.
"Ch-Chenle," he whispered. He opened he arms and I quickly crawled over, letting him pull me into his lap. He hugged me tightly, his hands shaking as they grasped at the back of my shirt. I gently wrapped my arms around his neck and let him tuck his head into my neck, his tears soaking into my shirt.
"It's ok Gege, I've got you. You're safe, I promise," I whispered softly, my hand running through his hair softly.
"You're doing so well Lucas, just try and take deep breaths for me," I said gently. A choked sob left his lips but I heard him take a shaky breath.
"That's great, really good Gege," I encouraged him. We sat like that for a while, Lucas just holding me tightly, with his head snuggled by my neck breathing in deeply as he slowly calmed down. I'm glad I put extra cologne on because Lucas always told me that my scent I guess, calms him down. When he finally stopped sobbing, he tightened his grip around my waist and let out a soft sigh. He relaxed slight after that, leaning into me, clearly tired. I let out a breath of relief as he was finally calm, tired, but calm. I looked up at the other's in the room. Ten was hugging Mark gently as Kun and Hendery just watched. They all seemed relieved though, thankful that Lucas was no longer panicking.
"So, what happened," I asked them, still not quite understanding what had happened to cause him to panic so badly. He hasn't panicked this badly in a couple of years, since that time we wore those weird masks for Halloween.
"I don't know. We were all getting ready for the shoot and when I turned around he was panicking. I tried to help but he just seemed too far in his head. The minute I took off his mask, he just curled up in the corner," Hendery explained.
"Mask," I questioned slowly. Ten pointed to the side and I looked over to see the black mask sitting on the floor.
"You idiot," I groaned, almost laughing as the other's looked at me in shock.
"Did you not learn from last time," I asked, lifting Lucas's head to look at me. He looked slightly sheepish as his eyes met mine.
"I thought I'd be ok. I didn't, I didn't want to disappoint anyone, it was in the concept" he said sadly.
"Cas, you know no one would've thought that," I said with a sigh.
"I know, but I couldn't help it," he said, looking down. I can't hold it against it him, we can't help the way our minds work.
"That's ok," I said, ruffling his hair softly.
"You guys might want to change the concept for Lucas. Wearing full on masks like that scares him. They make him feel suffocated and trapped and he panics, like what just happened," I told them. I saw the moment they understood what I was saying and everything made so much more sense.
"I'll go talk to manager-nim," Ten said before he walked off quickly. Kun walked over and knelt down running a hand through Lucas's hand gently.
Lucas's POV
"You idiot." If I wasn't so tired, I probably would've laughed at Chenle's words, that and the fact that still felt like shit.
"Did you not learn from last time," he asked me as he made me look up at him.
"I thought I'd be ok. I didn't, I didn't want to disappoint anyone, it was in the concept," I admitted sadly. His eyes softened at my words.
"Cas, you know no one would've thought that," he said with a sigh. Trust me, I know.
"I know, but I couldn't help it," I said, looking down. I know Chenle would understand, he always does.
"That's ok," he said, ruffling my hair softly. It felt nice and it made me feel better.
"You guys might want to change the concept for Lucas. Wearing full on masks like that scares him. They make him feel suffocated and trapped and he panics, like what just happened," he explained, turning to the others. I'm glad he explained it because I can't really be bothered if I'm being honest.
"I'll go talk to manager-nim," Ten said before he rushed off. Kun came over to us and ran his hand through my hair gently. I gave him a small smile and leant into his hand slightly.
"How're you feeling Didi," he asked me softly.
"Better, I'm sorry I messed up the shoot," I said, biting my lip nervously.
"Don't be sorry Lucas, you have nothing to be sorry for. You're more important then a photoshoot," he told me.
"Do you want us to take you home," he asked me. I paused and thought about it for a few seconds. Did I want to go home?
"No, I wanna stay. But can, can I go last so I can settle down a bit more," I asked quietly.
"Of course darling, whatever you need," he said softly. I gave him a small smile and nodded as he stood up.
"You should probably get up off the floor though. I don't think it's very hygienic for you two to be sitting on the floor like that," he pointed out. I chuckled as I let go of Chenle so he could stand up, quickly helping me up as he did so.
"Go sit on the couch, I'll get everything fixed up with our staff," Kun said before he walked off with Mark in tow as the other's walked back in. Yangyang immediately ran over and crashed into me, hugging me tightly. I frowned sadly when I looked down and noticed the tears on his face. I quickly moved my hand and gently wiped away his tears.
"Don't cry Yangie, I'm ok," I said softly.
"Y-You, you were hurting yourself," he whimpered as he gently traced his fingers down my face.
"I know, but I'm ok now. I'm sorry you had to watch that," I said guiltily. He nodded and tucked his head under my chin, squeezing me tightly.
"Why don't we go sit down on the couch," I said quietly. He nodded and we quickly moved over to the couch by the wall. He quickly cuddled up to my side, Chenle joining us and cuddling up to my other side.
"I love you Gege," Yangyang whispered as he rested his head on my chest.
"I love you too Didi," I whispered back.
Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I last updated but I finally got my computer back so I thought I'd update for you guys. I still may not be updating regularly but I'll do my best to not take too long between updates
This was requested by @Harry__1276 and I hope you like this :)
Thank you for reading everyone and I hope you enjoyed it
I hope you're all staying happy and safe!
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