TXT Taehyun (Fear of Manager 3.0)
Taehyun's POV
"Hey Hyunnie, can you go grab my phone from upstairs please," Soobin asked me as we sat on the couch, watching a movie together.
"Sure," I nodded before getting up and heading upstairs. I went to his room and found it on his desk where he usually leaves it. I had just grabbed it when I suddenly heard a loud bang from downstairs and something that sounded remotely like a door slam. I froze for a few seconds before I raced out of my room and downstairs, my heart dropping when I noticed Soobin laying on the floor with a sticky red substance seeping into the carpet, something that I realised was blood. I rushed over to him and knelt down.
"H-Hyung," I whimpered, my eyes welling up with tears as I moved his head into my lap.
"H-Hey Hyunnie. I-It's ok, Hyungs g-gonna be alright," he whispered. That was completely contradicted as mere seconds later he begun to cough and blood dribbled out of his mouth. I slowly looked down and caught sight of the big patch of blood by his stomach.
"B-Binnie Hyung. T-There's so much blood. What happened," I gasped, tears flowing down my face.
"B-Beomseok came here. He had a g-gun and wanted to get to y-you b-but don't worry. I d-didn't tell him where you w-were though," he whispered.
"H-He shot you," I gasped.
"It's alright H-Hyunnie. I'm fine as long as you're fine," he said.
"No you aren't Hyung, you're bleeding," I said, placing my hand over the wound and pushing down to try and stop the bleeding.
"H-Hyunnie, I need, I need you to know s-something," he stuttered as he slipped his hand into my bloody one, moving it from his wound.
"It's fine Hyung, you're gonna be fine," I said quickly, shaking my head.
"T-Taehyun. I n-need to tell you, p-please," he begged. I sobbed and leant down so I was closer to him.
"I love you so much aegi. You and the other's, make syre you tell them," he whispered.
"N-No. Hyung you can't die, please don't die," I begged.
"I love you Taehyun," he said quietly before his grip on my hand slackened and his body went slack. My heart stopped and I grabbed his shoulders, shaking them quickly but he didn't react, his chest wasn't even moving.
"H-Hyung. HYUNGIE," I sobbed, shaking him desperately but he didn't react.
I sat up and gasped loudly as a sob ripped through my throat. He died, Soobin just died. I looked around and noticed I was in my dorm room, the clock on my bedside showing it was almost midnight. Everything was quiet, silence been broken by my cries. I was scared, I've had nightmares quite frequently since that day with Soobin but what if this wasn't a nightmare, what if Soobin Hyung actually died. I leapt out of bed and rushed to Soobin's room, needing to see him to convince me he was fine. I swung the door open still sniffling but froze at what I saw. The room was empty, completely empty with no Soobin in sight. The bed was made, looking like no one had slept in there for a while. I rushed inside, letting the door close behind me as I rushed to his bathroom, hoping he'd be in there but he wasn't.
'N-No," I whimpered as I backed up, falling down onto his bed. I grabbed the plushie and held it close to me, bursting into even more tears.
"Hyungie," I sobbed, bury my face in the plushie. He's dead, Soobin is actually dead. He died all because of me, because he was trying to save me.
"HYUNG," I wailed, collapsing onto the bed and curling up in a ball.
"I'm so sorry Hyung," I wept. There was a sudden bang and I looked up to see Yeonjun standing by the door, eyes wide as Beomgyu and Kai stood worriedly.
"Yeonjunnie Hyung," I sobbed, sitting up and making grabby hands towards him. He rushed forwards and sat down on the bed, scooping me up and into his lap.
"He's dead. I killed him," I cried.
"No Hyunnie, Soobin is fine. He had a late last minute meeting with PD-nim but he's ok," Yeonjun said quickly.
"N-No he's not. He's dead, I got him killed," I replied, shaking my head as I buried my head in his chest, my body trembling.
"Taehyun, I promise you that Soobin is fine. You just had another nightmare alright," he said gently.
"HE'S NOT, HE'S DEAD. HE'S NOT HERE BECAUSE I GOT HIM KILLED," I screamed, pushing away from Yeonjun. I fell to the ground and backed up into the wall. I gripped my hair with my hands and yanked it hard screaming and crying as my chest constricted.
"TAEHYUN. Hyunnie stop, you'll hurt himself," Yeonjun yelled. The next second, I felt arms gripping mine, pulling them away from my hair. I yelled and kicked out, squeezing my eyes closed but another person was suddenly pulling my away from the wall and pinning me down so I could do anything except try and get out of their grip while I continued to scream and cry, breaking down completely at the realisation that my Hyung was gone.
Soobin's POV
"Once again, I'm sorry for calling such a late-night meeting but I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't something important," Bang PD said.
"It's fine PD-Nim," I said with a small smile and a bow before sitting down as the meeting began. We had been talking for around 20 minutes before my phone started vibrating on the table.
"I'm so sorry PD-Nim," I said as I quickly grabbed my phone to turn it off but I paused when I saw that it was Beomgyu calling. The boys know that I'm in a meeting and they know not to interrupt me which means it must be something important.
"Everything ok," Bang PD asked.
"Um, Beomgyu is calling," I said slowly.
"That's fine, you can answer," he told me. I nodded and answered, being met by what sounded remotely like screaming in the background.
"Is someone screaming? What the hell is going on," I asked quickly.
"Hyung Taehyun had a nightmare, a really bad one. He went to your room and I think when he couldn't find you, it scared him even more and he won't calm down no matter what we do. He started tugging his hair really hard so Yeonjun Hyung grabbed him but he started thrashing so Kai is helping Yeonjun Hyung hold him down so he doesn't hurt himself. It's bad, real bad Hyung. You need to get here right now," he said quickly. CRAP! The time I'm not home is the time he panics the worst. He's been having nightmares a lot lately but I've always been there to help console him, except tonight.
"Shit. I'll be there as soon as I can, just try and keep him as safe as possible," I said.
"Hurry Hyung, please hurry. I can't keep listening to his screams," Beomgyu said, his voice breaking slightly at the end.
"I will, I promise," I said before hanging up. I turned to Bang PD to ask him but he spoke up before I could
"Go, it's fine. We can finish this another time," he said. I stood up quickly and bowed before rushing out of the room. It took less than 5 minutes to make it back to the dorm but I was a nervous wreck the whole time. I thanked my driver before running out and over to the door, unlocking it quickly and bolting inside. I was immediately met by the sound of desperate screams and sobs. I dropped my bag and ran over to my room, stopping at the door to see the most heartbreaking sight. Beomgyu was sitting on my bed and crying while Yeonjun and Kai were pinning Taehyun down to the floor. Kai was crying as well but he kept pressure on Taehyun to stop him from moving too much. Yeonjun wasn't crying but I could see in his eyes that this was hurting him. Then there was Taehyun. He was screaming and thrashing as he was held down, choke sobs coming out as he repeated over and over, 'he's dead, he's dead because of me'.
"Binnie," Yeonjun said desperately. That made me unfreeze and I rushed over, kneeling beside them.
"Taehyun. Hyunnie, it Soobin. I'm fine, I'm alive," I said quickly. Taehyun's sobs suddenly stopped and he awkwardly lifted his head up and his red rimmed and tear filled eyes met mine in shock. He slowly ran them up and down me as if trying to figure out if I was real or not. He seemed to have decided I was as he stopped struggling and all the energy seemed to drain out of him.
"Hyungie," he cried as slow tears started to fall down his face.
"Guys let him go," I said quickly. They immediately did what I asked but Taehyun just stayed laying there as he cried for a few seconds before he shakily pushed himself up and begun to crawl towards me. I didn't let him get very far, quickly moving forwards and pulling him up into my lap. He curled up and his head fell onto my shoulder as he sobbed, his body shaking.
"I'm alright Hyunnie, I'm safe. It was just a nightmare, I'm not dead, I'm right here," I whispered gently as I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair gently.
"Y-You died, he shot you," he wept.
"Shh, it was just a nightmare aegi. I'm right here, everyone is safe. I promise you Taehyun," I whispered into his ear softly.
"You died," he whimpered.
"I'm right here aegi, Hyung is right here. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon," I said gently, tightening my grip around him to try and help him focus more on the fact that I was there with him and not on what happened in his dream.
"I don't want you to die Hyungie," he sniffled, his cries calming slightly.
"I'm not dying Hyunnie, I swear," I said, gently rocking him side to side. He snuggled closer to me and nestled his head into my neck, his cold nose brushing up against my skin. I nuzzled my nose into his hair softly and placed a gentle kiss on his the top of his head. I looked up to see Yeonjun on my bed with the other two cuddled up to either side of him as he held them close. They were no longer crying but they still seemed worried.
"I'm sorry," Taehyun spoke up suddenly.
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault," Yeonjun said immediately.
"But I scared Beomgyu and Hyuka," he whispered.
"We're ok Tae, just happy you're alright," Beomgyu said gently.
"I'm so tired Hyung," Taehyun whispered to me.
"I know you are aegi. Why don't I take you back to bed," I said gently.
"No, don't go," he whimpered, clutching onto me tightly.
"It's ok, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to bring you over to my bed so we can get some rest," I reassured him.
"Are you ok with that? We can all cuddle up and sleep in a group tonight," I said softly.
"P-Please," he whined with a quick nod. I gently picked him up and moved over to my bed, as the other's got off to make some space. I went to drop him down but he kept a tight grip on me, pulling me down with him. I smiled fondly, pulling him along the bed so we were laying on the pillows with him cuddled up in my arms. Yeonjun immediately slipped in on the other side of Taehyun, cuddling up to his back and wrapped an arm gently around his waist. Kai and Beomgyu also got onto the bed, cuddling up together across the end of the bed, gently over our legs. Taehyun lifted his head up and looked over at the two, sending them a small smile as he sniffled slightly.
"Thank you," he said quietly.
"No problem darling, we're always here to look after you. We're family," Yeonjun said gently as he ran his fingers through Taehyun's hair tenderly.
"I didn't mean to try and kick you, I was just scared," Taehyun said with a sigh.
"It's ok Tae, we're fine," Kai said as he rubbed Taehyun's thigh soothingly, making Taehyun relax in my grip.
"You tired aegi," I asked softly. He just hummed in agreement a snuggled his head closer into my chest.
"Get some sleep then," Yeonjun whispered, gently kissing him on the cheek.
"You guys won't leave," Taehyun asked, struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Of course not. We'll be here when you wake up, that's a promise," I said firmly. He let out a small breath and everything was quiet until I heard Taehyun's breath even out.
"You guys alright," I asked softly.
"It was a shock but I'm ok. I just never want to hear him scream like that again," Beomgyu spoke up.
"That's understandable, but he's ok now. He just had a really bad nightmare," I said.
"I know," Beomgyu replied.
"Kamal, what about you," I asked.
"I'm a bit shaken up I won't lie but I'll be ok Hyung. I'm just glad he's alright now," Kai said honestly.
"Alright get some sleep now," I told them. I waited another five minutes until I was sure they were both asleep before speaking up once again.
"What about you Hyung," I said into the now darkness.
"He was so petrified Binnie. When I heard him yell, I ran here to see him curled up on you bed, clutching onto your plushie. I tried to calm him down but he was so worked up and completely broke down, it was heart-breaking," Yeonjun said as he gently grabbed my hand. I gave it a small squeeze in reassurance.
"You did really well though Junnie. You kept him from hurting himself until I could get here and calm him down," I said.
"Thanks Bin. I know this upset you as well and if you need to talk about anything, I'm always here. Right now though, you just need to get some sleep alright," he whispered.
"Yeah, goodnight Hyung," I said.
"Night Binnie."
This was requested by @ANarnianJedi and I hope you liked it
Hope everyone is doing well, thankyou for reading.
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