TXT Taehyun (Fear of Manager 2.0)
Trigger Warning
This fic involves sexual assult and attempted rape. Even though there isn't a whole lot, it's still there and if this is something that triggers you, feel free to skip it. Your health is more important than reading a story.
Stay Stong Everyone!!
Soobin's POV
Taehyun and I are alone at the dorm while the other's are all at the company going over some stuff. It's nice to have a day off for once so I decided to sit in the loungeroom and watch some TV. Taehyun on the other hand, he prefers to sit up in his room alone and do who knows what, probably watch YouTube or TikTok or something.
I was sitting on the couch and watching a movie when I heard a knock on the front door. I was confused because I didn't think anyone was supposed to be stopping by today and the other's all have a key. Although Beomgyu has been known to misplace his key and get locked out. I think I'm gonna have to figure out a way to permanently glue that key to him. I sighed and paused the TV before getting up and walking over to the door. I chuckled and unlocked it before opening it and immediately feeling an intense pain in my head. I stumbled back and fell to the floor at the knock, raising a hand to my head with a gasp. I was dazed but I looked up to see a man with a metal pipe in his hand and an enraged look.
Shit, I've just let some crazy person into the house and Hyunnie is right upstairs and defenceless. I tried to get up and move towards my phone that was on the bench but my hair was grabbed and I was flung to the floor. I winced in pain, too dazed to do anything as the man sat on top of me and pulled out a black cloth. I was confused but he put the cloth in my mouth and tied it up at the back of my head, gagging me.
"You put my brother in jail you little shit. Now I'm gonna get my revenge," he said with an evil look in his eyes. Put his brother in jail? What? Who did I-. Beomseok. The manager. Oh my god, Taehyun is right upstairs. I can't let him figure it out, I need to make sure Hyunnie is safe. I need to stay quiet so Taehyun won't come downstairs, at least that way he'll be alright.
"Before I get my revenge though, I think I might have some fun. You're quite the good looking guy, got a nice body. I see the way you flash you abs, the way you try to seduce everyone. I'll give you what you want," he said slowly as he ran his hand down my side. I whined and tried push him off but he grabbed my wrists and flipped me over, pinning my hands behind my back. I heard him move around a bit and then felt something wrapping around my wrists, binding them together. This is not good, not good at all. He flipped me back over so I was looking at him and grinned when he saw the tears running down my face. He picked me up and threw me onto the couch, making me wince as my hands were still bound behind my back. My eyes went wide as he crawled on top of me and brought a small knife out of his pocket, placing it on my cheek. The cold, hard metal felt like sharp ice on my cheek and it stung making me squirm to try and get away from it.
"No you don't," he growled as his hand went around my neck, making me freeze instantly.
"Much better. I think I'm going to enjoy this," he said with an evil grin. I whimpered in pain as he moved the knife quickly, cutting me cheek slightly in the process. I continued to cry as he slowly ran a hand down my chest with a sickening look before he stopped at the bottom of my shirt. He wrapped his fingers around it before lifting it up and looking down at my exposed torso.
"You have a very nice body little boy," he said as he trailed his fingers over my abs, making me want to squirm uncomfortably and cry out but I didn't. If I make too much noise, Taehyun will hear and I don't want him put in danger. I can deal with this, I can, but I could never deal with seeing anything like this happen to my Dongsaeng. To know that something like this happened when I could've stopped it, I could never live with that. The guy lifted the knife and slowly cut through my shirt, as if taunting me as he peeled it off my body, leaving me shirtless.
"Ah, this is much better," he said as he ran a hand down my cheek. He leaned down and began to trail his lips over my chest, making me whimper and squirm trying hard not to make too much noise but the tears were flowing down my face so much that I could hardly see. My breath caught in my throat and I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips as he paused by my pants. He looked up at me and grinned before his hand trailed down and stopped at my zipper. Oh my god, is this actually happening!
Taehyun's POV
I was upstairs in my room listening to music in my headphones when I heard an odd noise from upstairs. I pulled my headphones off and listened to see if there was any noise, but there wasn't even a sound. I shrugged it off and continued what I was doing for a few minutes, but I couldn't shake off this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I sighed as I took my headphones off and threw them to the side before getting out of bed. I decided to go check it out just to get rid of the bad feeling in my stomach. I might even just stay downstairs with Soobin and watch some TV. I opened my door and walked downstairs, freezing when a whimper broke through the silence. I quickly rushed the rest of the way down the stairs and turned the corner to the loungeroom and stopped in my tracks, the air leaving my lungs. The front door was open slightly and a few things were overturned, there was a metal pipe on the ground with blood on it but that wasn't the worst thing. The worst thing was that Soobin was on the couch with his mouth gagged and his shirt in pieces on the floor. On top of him was a man that was grinning down at him with their hand on the zipper of Soobin's pants. Oh my god, he's trying to rape him.
"You're such a pretty boy Choi Soobin, I'm going to enjoy this," the man said as he begun to slowly unzip the sipper. The minute I saw his hand moving, I snapped and moved into action. I lunged forwards and grabbed the pipe before rushing over to where the man was on top of Soobin on the couch. I lifted it up and brought it down as hard as I could on the mans back, making him cry out and fall onto the floor. I didn't stop there though, I raised it again and smashed it into his head with a sickening crack, making the intruder fall limp on the floor. I stood there in shock and horror as I looked down at the man and dropped the pipe, tears slowly beginning to fall down my face. A whimper pulled me out of my daze and I turned to look at Soobin in horror. He had a cut on his cheek and tears were streaming down his face. I quickly knelt next to the couch and lifted my shaky hands up, untying the black cloth that was around his mouth.
"Hyunnie, Hyunnie look at me," he said immediately. I let out a sob and looked into his concerned eyes.
"I'm ok Hyunnie, I'm alright aegi," he whispered.
"H-Hyung," I sobbed.
"I need you to do something for me ok aegi," he said gently. I continued to sob but nodded quickly.
"My hands are tied up, I need you to grab that knife on the floor and cut the rope off," he said as he sat up and shuffled closer. I looked down and immediately saw the knife he was talking about. It had blood on it. Was he planning to kill Soobin?
"Hyunnie, I need you to grab it and remove the rope ok. I wanna get us out of here but I need you to get rid of this so I can," Soobin said quickly. I sniffled before reaching down and grabbed the hilt of it, shakily lifting it up with shaking hands.
"Taehyun, it's ok. We're both ok," Soobin said gently, making my look up into his eyes.
"M'scared," I whimpered.
"I know, but the minute you get rid of the rope, we'll leave ok. I promise," he told me. I nodded and quickly moved behind him, willing my hands to stop shaking. Once they were still enough, I quickly cut the rope off. The minute his hands were free, Soobin quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest, letting out a small breath.
"I've got you. Come on let's go," he said softly. He quickly pulled back and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the house as he grabbed a set of keys from the bench. I was still in my pyjamas and had no socks on and he was still shirtless and only wearing socks but I don't think either of us really cared about that. He unlocked the car door and helped my into the passenger seat before getting into the drivers seat and driving off immediately. I continued to sob, fear still running through me as I kept running over the same moment in my mind, the moment when I turned that corner and saw what was happening. Soobin's hand slipped into mine as he drove and I looked up to see silent tears running down my face. God, I wasn't even the one that was almost raped, yet I'm the one sobbing like a baby. I didn't know where he was driving too but I soon realised when Soobin pulled into the parking lot of the company building. He didn't even find an actual parking spot, just pulled up out front of the building and immediately unbuckled. He jumped out of the car and ran to my door swinging it open. I unbuckled my seatbelt and collapsed into his arms with a cry. He hugged me tightly before placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head and letting me go, once again slipping his hand into mine. He pulled me up and we rushed into the building. I'm not sure what he was originally planning to do but the minute we both saw the older group standing and laughing by the door, we both cried out and rushed forwards. I kept running until I landed into the safe and warm arms of my Jungkookie Hyung.
Jungkook's POV
"Come on Hyung, we want ice-cream," Jimin said with a pout as we paused outside the practice room door. We've just had a four hour practice and we're a bit tired but Jimin and Taehyung really want to get some ice-cream for some weird reason.
"Come on Jimin-ssi," I joked. Everyone began to laugh at my words as Jimin smiled slightly. We were all cut off by the sound of a cry. I turned around in confusion but my eyes went wide as I got an armful of one of my Dongsaeng's. I was confused but he began to sob so I held him tightly. I looked over to see Namjoon concerned as he held a sobbing Soobin. We were all confused and surprised but one thing stood out for sure, something had happened and Taehyun and Soobin were not in good shape at all. I looked down at Taehyun and was confused to see that he was wearing what seemed like pyjamas and he didn't even have shoes on.
"H-Hyung. What's wrong with Soobinnie," Taehyung asked shakily. I looked over and actually took a good look at the young sobbing leader in my own leaders arms. My eyes went wide as I saw a cut on his cheek and blood dripping down from his head and there were bruises on his wrists. What the hell happened!?
"I'll go find Manager-nim," Jin said quickly as he rushed away.
"Yoongi, call an ambulance. And the police I have no idea what's happened but we need to try and figure it out," Namjoon said as I held Taehyun closer to me. I quickly looked over Taehyun as I held him, trying to see if he was hurt as well but thankfully I didn't see any injuries. I watched as Namjoon removed his jumped and gently placed it over Soobin's head, before sliding it on while whispering soothing words to him before pulling him close to him once again.
"H-Hyung." I looked down at Taehyun as I heard his whisper and I met his teary eyes.
"Yeah aegi," I whispered gently.
"There was a bad man," he cried and I froze.
"What do you mean Hyunnie," I asked softly.
"He was hurting Soobinnie Hyung so I had to get him to stop," he sniffled quietly. I held him gently and hummed for him to continue.
"H-He's still at the dorm," he whispered before burying his head back in my chest and going back to crying. I lifted my head up and turned to look over at Yoongi who was on the phone.
"Yoongi Hyung," I called out, making him turn to me as he was still talking on the phone.
"There's a man in their dorm," I told him. Everyone went silent at my words, except for the two crying boys. Yoongi nodded suddenly and continued talking on the phone.
"Hyunnie? Binnie? What's going on," I looked over to see Yeonjun standing there with Beomgyu and Kai confused by his side.
"Bin," Yeonjun called out as he rushed forwards. Soobin immediately left Namjoon's arms and fell into the embrace of his only Hyung in the group. I could tell that Yeonjun had no idea what was going on but he held the younger tightly. Beomgyu and Kai timidly walked over to me and began to rub Taehyun's back softly, making him immediately relax further into my hold. All I could find myself thinking was, what the hell happened!?
Taehyun's POV
Jungkook Hyungs hold was comforting but I just couldn't stop crying, no matter how hard I tried. I heard the boys talking about calling an ambulance and the police, which means I need to let him know about the man.
"H-Hyung," I whimpered quietly. He quickly looked down at me and I could see the concern in his eyes.
"Yeah aegi," he whispered.
"There was a bad man," I cried out as tears continued to fall.
"What do you mean Hyunnie," he asked gently.
"He was hurting Soobinnie Hyung so I had to get him to stop," I let out sadly. His hold around me tightened and he hummed to let me continue.
"H-He's still at the dorm," I choked out before pushing my head into his chest and going back to crying. I heard Jungkook tell the other's what I told him but I didn't react. I did however, react when I heard a very familiar voice.
"Hyunnie? Binnie? What's going on?" I tensed up slightly at the sound of my eldest Hyung's voice.
"Bin," he called out and I heard movement. It wasn't long after when I felt gently hands placed on my back and I relaxed. Ningning and Bamgyu were hear. They're both safe, we're all safe. Within a few minutes, I had calmed down and moved out of Jungkook's hold to sit on a couch with Beomgyu and Kai cuddled up on either side of me. Yeonjun had sat down and Soobin was cuddled up in his lap, the rest of our BTS Hyungs except for Jin were standing close to us.
"Boys." We all looked up at the voice of our manager and we watched as our manager, Jin, BTS's manager and 2 police officers walked over to us. I tensed slight and pulled my knees to my chest. Am I going to be arrested because of what I did to that man? I was only trying to protect my Hyung.
"Boys, this is officer Lee and officer Hak and they want to ask you a few questions," Manager-nim said as he pointed to them.
"Who should we be talking to," officer Hak asked.
"Me, Hyunnie doesn't really know what happened," Soobin whispered. Everyone talked to him and he looked a little nervous but he slipped his hand into Yeonjun's and waited for the officers to ask questions.
"We found a man at your dorm. He was out cold and bleeding, he's been sent to the hospital. Can you tell us who did that," officer Lee asked, making me stiffen. Soobin's face paled and he turned his head to meet my eyes before looking back to the officers.
"He was just protecting me, there was nothing else he could do," Soobin said quickly.
"Sir, we're not trying to make out like they did anything wrong, we're just trying to figure out what happened," officer Lee said.
"I-I hit him. With a metal pipe that was on the floor. He was on top of Hyung and I didn't know what else to do. I didn't mean to hurt anyone but Hyungie was in danger," I said sadly, making everyone turn to look at me.
"Thank you," he replied as he wrote something down on a notebook. I was nervous but Kai slipped his hand into mine and squeezed it gently.
"Can you let us know what happened as best as you remember," officer Hak asked Soobin. Soobin nodded before he started talking.
"I was in the loungeroom watching TV and Hyunnie- Taehyun was upstairs in his room doing something. There was a knock on the door which was weird cos no one was supposed to be stopping by but I thought that one of the boys maybe forgot the key. I don't know why I didn't look first, I usually do if I'm sure but for some reason this time I didn't," Soobin paused as he sighed and I could tell he was squeezing Yeonjun's hand tightly.
"I opened the door and didn't even get to think before I was hit over the head with a metal pipe or pole I think it was. It was the same thing Taehyun used later. I tried to get to the phone but my head felt weird and he grabbed my hair and threw me to the floor. He uh, he gagged me then. I was scared but I didn't want to make too much noise because I didn't want Hyunnie hearing and being put in harms way." I felt bad when he was talking about keeping quiet to keep me safe, I should've come down earlier.
"He said he wanted revenge but before he did, he wanted to have some fun. He got a little handsy so I tried to push him away but he, he grabbed my arms and tied them up with some sort of rope behind my back. He then grabbed me and threw me onto the couch." I cuddled closer to Kai as his shoulders were shaking as he cried. I don't thing there was a single Idol without tears in their eyes except surprisingly, Soobin.
"He crawled on top of me and pulled out a knife, that's where I ended up getting this cut. I tried to move but he grabbed my neck so I stopped. He used the knife to cut my shirt open and get rid of is and then started to, uh, to touch my stomach. He kept getting lower and lower until he got to the uh, the zipper of my pants," Soobin trailed off as he closed his eyes and dropped his head in his hands and broke into small sobs. Yeonjun immediately hugged him tightly and let him cry. My turn I guess.
"That's when I came downstairs because I felt off after hearing something weird downstairs. I turned the corner and saw what the man was doing. I didn't know what to do but I saw the pipe so I grabbed it and whacked him on the back. He fell off the couch but he was still moving and able to hurt us so I hit him again. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have h-."
"It's ok, it was self-defence. No one blames you for that. And there's camera's all over the house so I'm sure there's more than enough evidence," officer Lee said, cutting me off. I sighed before nodding.
"Mr Choi, Mr Choi I'm sorry to do this but I need to ask you one more question," officer Hak said. Soobin quietened down and turned his head to face the officers, wiping his eyes quickly.
"W-What is it," he asked.
"The man, do you have any idea who he might be," officer Lee asked. Soobin froze and slowly turned his head to face me and for some reason I could see sympathy in his eyes? Why would he be giving me sympathy?
"There was an old manager we once had. He was there for a week before we found out he had been abusing a member. We kept it on the down low but he was sent to jail for it," Soobin said. I froze and my heart rate picked up. N-No. B-But he didn't look like Beomseok, maybe I just didn't look good enough.
"M-Manager Hyu-Nim hurt someone? B-But who," Kai asked in shock. I heard a gasp from beside me and I turned around to see Beomgyu looking at me with horror written on his face.
"A-All those times you stayed back to get help from him after practice. Beomseok was hurting you," Beomgyu asked sadly and Kai tensed in my grip. My eyes welled up with tears and that seemed enough for Beomgyu.
"Why did you ever tell me Hyunnie," he asked sadly.
"Not now Beomgyu. Bin, go on," Yeonjun said gently.
"The man said he was there to get revenge because I was the reason that Beomseok went to jail as I was the one that found out and told people. He said he was Beomseok's brother, that's all I know," Soobin said. By the time he was finished, I could hardly breathe. Everything was too much, it was too suffocating, too hot. It was my fault. The reason that Soobin got so hurt, was because of me. Because I'm too weak and too obvious. Beomseok always said someone would get hurt if I ever told anyone and I guess he kept to his promise. Soobin was almost raped because of me. I heard talking but it sounded muffled and my vision was blurry. My chest felt tight and my lungs felt like they were going to explode. It was quick and unpredictable as I felt myself falling and everything went black...
Yeonjun's POV
Once Soobin finished talking, I was a crying mess as I held him tightly. I wasn't there to protect my dongsaeng, either of them. I'm just glad Taehyun was able to step in before anything worse could happen but I know it's going to have the both of them shaken up for quite a while.
"Hyunnie? Hyunnie you need to breathe." My head snapped over quickly at the sound of Beomgyu's worried voice. Taehyun was sitting there stiff and with a blank look on his face, hardly moving. That wouldn't be too bad, apart from the fact that his chest was hardly moving. I shot up and ran over, kneeling beside him.
"Hyunnie, aegi you need to breathe. Everything's ok. You and Binnie are ok. Ningning's ok, so is Bamgyu and me. We're all ok," I said gently. He didn't even respond, not even his eyes moved. It was quite scary actually.
"Hyun," I whispered as I slipped my hands into his. They were tense and cold. It all happened suddenly. One minute he was just sitting there, the next his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell forwards. I swore and caught him, quickly moving him around to position where we was laying sideways in my lap with his head on my shoulder.
"Are we done here officers, can we go home now," I asked with a sigh as I stood up and kept Taehyun in my arms. Soobin walked over and gently ran his hand through the youngers hand.
"I'm sorry but there's no way you will be allowed back to your dorms just yet," officer Lee said shaking his head.
"That's ok, we have a back up dorm that they can stay in for as long as needed," manager-nim spoke up.
"In that case, yes you may go. We may have to talk again in future with some follow up questions though," officer Lee nodded. We thanked the officers and our BTS Hyung before quietly leaving the building. Everyone was silent during the whole car trip and as we walked into our secondary dorm. We've stayed in this dorm before so we know which room everyone stays in. I carried Taehyun all the way up to his bed and gently placed him down, running a hand through his hair gently. It took not even 10 minutes for us to all end up sitting on the bed. Kai and Soobin where cuddled up on either side of Taehyun as they were laying down with their eyes closed. Beomgyu and I sat next to each other on the end of the bed for around half an hour, just watching the other's sleep before Beomgyu spoke quietly.
"Why didn't you tell me? I understand not telling Kai because he's the Maknae but me, I'm older than Hyunnie," he said quietly. It took me a few seconds to realise what he was talking about but when I did, I let out a small sigh.
"Taehyun didn't even want us knowing but Soobin figured it out. No one talked to him about it beforehand because we assumed that one of the reason he never told us was because he was threatened. He found out when we told you guys he was no longer our manager. Turns out Beomseok was threatening to hurt Kai," I told him. Beomgyu nodded and looked over at the three sleeping members.
"They don't deserve this," he said shaking his head.
"I know," I whispered, slipping my hand into his. He linked our fingers and took a deep breath before shuffling over and cuddling up to my side. We were silent for a few minutes before we heard movement. I watched as Taehyun's eyes slowly blinked open and he sat up, trying not to wake the other two.
"Hey Hyunnie," I said softly. He jumped slightly but relaxed when he noticed it was just me and Beomgyu.
"Hey Hyung," he said sadly.
"Come here aegi," I said gently. He shuffled forwards before I quickly leaned over and wrapped my arms around him, lifting him up and placing him in my lap. He whined slightly but moved around until he was cuddled up in my lap with his head on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I'm such a screw up Hyung," he whimpered and I felt tears start to soak through my shirt.
"No aegi no, you're not a screw up," I said gently. He started to sob into my shoulder, waking up the other two. When they realised what was happening, the quickly sat up and embrace Taehyun, Beomgyu joining as well.
"You're such an amazing person Taehyun, none of this is your fault Hyunnie," Soobin said gently. Taehyun lifted his head and looked up at Soobin.
"Both of those men are sick and that's got nothing to do with you," Soobin said firmly.
"But Hyu-."
"No. Kang Taehyun you are an amazing person and none of this has anything to do with you. No one blames you and you shouldn't be blaming yourself. You're 19 years old Taehyun. You shouldn't be going through this, none of us should," Beomgyu said firmly.
"We'll be ok though, because we have each other and we'll all look after each other," Kai said gently. Taehyun let out another sob but cuddled closer to all of us, pulling us closer to him.
"Thank you guys. I love you all so much," he sobbed.
"We love you too aegi," Soobin whispered gently.
So there we were, despite the horrible day that had happened, we were still together. We were united as one, each having four other people to lean on, to share the burden together and help each other stay strong. Family, that's the only word you can use to describe us. Together, forever!
This was requested by @ANarnianJedi and I hope it was what you wanted and I hope you liked it.
Thank you so much to everyone who read this and I'm so sorry if any of you have ever had to experience something like this.
Stay safe and Stay strong everyone!!!
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