TXT Soobin (Hypocondria) [Part 2]
Soobin's POV
The night wasn't the greatest, I woke up about twice to empty my stomach in the toilet which wasn't fun but I had Kai by my side ever single time. The kid woke up every time I did, helped me to the bathroom, comforted me as I threw up and carried me back to bed, helping me until I fell asleep. He even took my temperature the last time I woke up and gave me another dose of fever reducers when he realized it was high. Anyway, it was not a fun night which means I was in no way excited to be woken up by an angry Kai tapping my shoulder. I was worried that he had finally gotten sick of having to look after me but he gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair gently.
"Sorry if I seem angry, it's not at you. I tried to get you the day off but the manager said no and so did the other's so you still have to come to practice," he said with a frown. I'm guessing that means they still think I'm faking and so does our manager. That kind of hurts to be honest but Kai doesn't need to know that. Maybe I can just hide everything until practice is over, I'm sure I can make it through the day.
"Oh, yeah that's fine," I said with a shrug.
"How're you feeling though," he asked quickly.
"I'm actually feeling a lot better," I said with a nod.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean your fine. How's your stomach, the fever reducers are still working which is good," he said as he placed his palm on my forehead to see if I had a fever.
"My stomach is all good," I replied. That technically wasn't a lie, it's only a little jittery but nothing compared to last night.
"Are you sure? Remember what you said yesterday," he asked with a furrowed eyebrow.
"Yeah, I'll tell you if I don't feel well," I said, giving him a weak smile. I'm lucky that I've only just woken up because that means that he can't tell whether I'm lying, it'll just seem like I'm tired and still half asleep. He was about to reply when the door swung open and Yeonjun walked in.
"I'm sick of this, you should already be getting ready," he huffed as he walked over. He placed his hand on my forehead kind of roughly but when he seemed to realize, his eyes softened a little and he rubbed a quick circle with his thumb to apologize.
"See, he doesn't have a fever, he's fine," he said crossing his arms and turning to Kai.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," I said quickly as I stood up, not wanting them to get into an argument where Kai might get in trouble.
"So you're not gonna make a massive fuss," Yeonjun asked, raising an eyebrow up at me. His words hurt, a lot.
"Sorry I'm such an inconvenience," I muttered quietly but he heard and his eyes went wide as Kai scowled.
"Hey, you're not an inconvenience Soonie, that's not what I meant. I'm just a little stressed right now and we've already missed a few days of practice. I know it's not your fault, you actually think you're sick so it's fine alright," Yeonjun said with a small sigh. I just nodded and looked down. I was suddenly engulfed in a hug and I let out a breath as I hugged Yeonjun back. Whether I'm upset with him or not, he's still my soulmate and I'd never rejected a hug.
"Now you two need to hurry up and get ready. We leave in 20," Yeonjun said before he left the room quickly.
"You shouldn't just forgive him straight away. What he said wasn't right, whether he meant it or not," Kai said as he scowled.
"It's fine Hyuka. Let's just get ready alright, we have to go to practice soon," I told him. He let out a sigh but quickly started getting ready.
I had to make myself eat a substantial amount of food for breakfast so Kai wouldn't get suspicious and the other's wouldn't get annoyed at me. Beomgyu was looking a lot better than the last time I saw him and he was pretty happy and even cuddled me a little bit throughout breakfast because he said he missed me. At least he isn't annoyed at me just yet. Taehyun on the other hand, he kept throwing me slight glares throughout breakfast and I was a bit upset. This is my little brother we're talking about. Yeonjun was a little nicer at least but he still seemed a little frustrated and on edge. Kai, well he was of course paying a lot of attention to me and making sure I was ok, maybe that's why the other's are so annoyed? The car trip to the company was horrible. I only lasted about 2 minutes before my stomach started churning and I had to refrain from reacting because Kai was sitting right next to me. Luckily, I got through the whole trip and my stomach settled a little once I was out of the car and in the fresh air.
"Let's go hard today because we've missed the last two days. Beomgyu, you take it easy though today alright," Yeonjun said as we walked into the practice room.
"I'm glad to see that you guys mean business today. Yeonjun is right, we're going extra hard and yes Beomgyu, let me know if you start feeling off and you can have a break," our Manager Chaewon said as he walked in behind us.
"What about S-."
"Starting right away, let's get warmed up," I said quickly, interrupting Kai.
"Great enthusiasm, let's go," Chaewon said with a nod. Every started warming up on their own but Kai pulled me to the side as we warmed up.
"What was that," he asked me.
"If you tried mentioning me and sickness in a sentence there would've been an argument and I don't want that. Plus I feel fine," I said shaking my head.
"You're fine for now because you took the fever reducers and stomach relaxers not long ago but they'll wear off eventually and you're gonna feel like crap. I am begging you to let me know the minute you feel bad. I won't be able to handle you almost collapsing like yesterday alright," he said sadly. I bit my lip nervously but nodded to try and reassure him as I could tell that he was worried. He gave me a small smile and we went quiet as we warmed up.
It's fine, I can last this practice just fine and then relax tonight and get a good sleep.
I thought I could last, I really thought I could but it's been 4 hours and my head is pounding, not to mention the fact that I'm feeling cold despite the fact that I'm literally exercising so much, which means I probably have a fever.
"Hey Chaewon Hyung, can we have a quick break," I asked after we finished our run through of 'Can't You See Me.' I immediately took note of how quickly Kai's head snapped towards me and I'm actually surprised he didn't get whiplash.
"You feeling alright," he asked quickly as he rushed over to me.
"We just had a break half an hour ago," Chaewon replied to me as I ignored Kai's question.
"I know but I'm a little tired," I said nervously. I really don't want to be yelled at right now.
"That's not good enough Soobin. You can't be getting tired like this. You'll get another break in half an hour," he said firmly.
"But Hyung he's been sick the past few days and he hasn't recovered like Beomgyu," Kai said quickly and I internally cringed as I knew that an argument was bound to come.
"You're sick Hyung," Beomgyu asked as he went to walk over to me but was suddenly stopped by Taehyun who grabbed his wrist.
"No he isn't. It's just his stupid mental problem. I'm sick of this Hyung. Every week you've got a new sickness and we don't have time for it this week. Just suck it up and train," Taehyun said angrily. His words pierced my heart and I had to fight hard to keep my eyes from watering. Is this really how they feel?
"What the hell Taehyun!? That was uncalled for. He can't help what he has and it's not like he has time to go to some therapy because he's too busy being our member, our leader and our BROTHER. How could you say that," Kai said angrily.
"I don't agree with the wording but Tae is right Soobin, we don't have time for this and Kai, stop encouraging him," Yeonjun said with a frustrated groan. Great, now I'm getting everyone upset and fighting with each other.
"I'm fine guys, I was just a little tired cos I didn't sleep enough last night but that's my fault. Let's just keep dancing," I said quickly. Kai turned to me and he looked annoyed and frustrated.
"But Hyu-."
"Kai, I'm speaking to you as not only your Hyung but also your Leader. I'm fine and we're returning to practice so everyone back to your positions, we're going through 'Can't You See Me' again," I said firmly. I could tell he wanted to argue but he knew he wouldn't be able to so he just frowned and moved back to his position, looking back at me in the process.
"About time, now I don't want anymore interruptions," Chaewon said as he looked at me pointedly. I just sighed and got into my position. I just need to somehow last another 2 hours.
I lasted about 30 more minutes before I started shivering and chills pulsed through my body. I was sweating profusely and my limps felt like lead. It felt like someone was pounding my head with a hammer and my stomach was cramping. I was so thankful when Chaewon Hyung called out for us to have a break but I could hardly move.
"Ningning. Ningning baby," I called out as he was taking a drink from his bottle. He turned to me with a confused look but the minute we made eye contact we dropped his bottle, not caring that it spilt everywhere and sprinted over to me.
"Soobin. Hey look at me, what's wrong," he asked frantically as I blinked.
"I-It's cold. It's so cold," I said shivering. I could see the panic in his eyes as he felt my forehead but I was too busy trying to push myself closer to the coldness of his hand. My whole body was freezing but my forehead felt like it was on fire.
"Hyung, you're burning. How long have you had a fever," he asked quickly.
"What's going on," Beomgyu asked as he walked over.
"He's burning up," Kai said as Beomgyu placed his hand on my forehead as well and gasped.
"It's too cold. Hyuka it's freezing, and I'm so tired," I said, blinking slowly.
"No Hyung stay awake ok, you can't sleep," Beomgyu said quickly.
"Hyung he's too hot," Kai said quickly.
"Guys, someone call an ambulance," Beomgyu called out.
"Seriously Beomgyu you're buying it too," I heard Yeonjun say.
"Yeonjun just shut up and call a bloody ambulance and Taehyun don't you dare say a word," Beomgyu yelled, surprising even me. Beomgyu is the one person in the group who never yells and hardly get's angry.
"I-It's Yeonjun Hyung Beomy," I said tiredly as my eyes slipped closed and I felt myself falling forwards.
"SOOBIN." I heard someone scream but I was too far gone to recognize it.
Kai's POV
I'm seriously so close to punching Taehyun and Yeonjun in the face. I honestly don't care if they're older to me. I was relieved when Chaewon Hyung finally said we could have a break, running over to my drink bottle and quickly guzzling some down before I was interrupted.
"Ningning. Ningning baby," I heard a soft voice call out and I turned around in confusion to see Soobin standing airily in the middle of the room, not having moved from his ending position. The minute my eyes met his, I could see the pain and fear in his eyes, something was wrong. I dropped my bottle and sprinted over to him, not caring that it wasn't closed properly and went everywhere.
"Soobin. Hey look at me, what's wrong," I asked quickly as I placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked completely out of it, his eyes just blinking slowly.
"I-It's cold. It's so cold," he said and that's when I noticed how much he was shivering. But we've been dancing, he should be-. OH NO. I quickly placed my palm on his forehead and I felt panic flow through me. He was burning up, badly.
"Hyung, you're burning. How long have you had a fever," I asked quickly. He didn't reply, just swayed slightly.
"What's going on." I turned my head to Beomgyu as he walked over.
"He's burning up," I told him, looking back to Soobin. Beomgyu felt his forehead as well and gasped, obviously noticing how hot it was.
"It's too cold. Hyuka it's freezing, and I'm so tired," Soobin said slowly, his eyes glazing over more.
"No Hyung stay awake ok, you can't sleep," Beomgyu said quickly.
"Hyung he's too hot," I said worriedly to Beomgyu. My heart was pounding and I was definitely panicking, Soobin did not look good at all.
"Guys, someone call an ambulance," Beomgyu called out, startling me a little.
"Seriously Beomgyu you're buying it too," Yeonjun said and I tensed. How dare he, this all their fault! I was fully prepared to turn around and let him have it but surprisingly, I was beaten to it.
"Yeonjun just shut up and call a bloody ambulance and Taehyun don't you dare say a word," Beomgyu yelled, anger blazing in his eyes. Damn, remind me never to get him angry, and he dropped the honorifics as well. Good on him.
"I-It's Yeonjun Hyung Beomy." I looked down at Soobin as he spoke and my heart dropped as his eyes slipped closed and he fell forwards. I was not prepared and I lost my footing falling backwards.
"SOOBIN," Yeonjun screamed and mere seconds later, arms were wrapped around both Soobin and I, stopping us from hitting the ground hard.
"I've got you, I've got you. Easy does it," Yeonjun said gently as he placed us down and quickly placed Soobin's head on my lap.
"Don't move Kai," he told me quickly. I was really pissed with Yeonjun but I'm panicking right now, he's good at keeping a level head and he's the eldest so I'm glad he's telling me what to do.
"Hyung, I'm scared. I don't know what to do," I said as tears welled up in my eyes.
"It's ok Ningning, just take a deep breath and stay calm. I've messed up ok but you haven't. You need to keep a level head and be here right now cos Binnie needs you," he told me softly. I took a deep breath and nodded, running my fingers through Soobin's hair.
"I've called an ambulance," Chaewon said and Yeonjun nodded.
"Is there anything cold we can put on his forehead," Yeonjun asked Chaewon quickly. He nodded and rushed off, coming back quite quickly with a wet cloth that he placed on Soobin's head.
"I've got you Hyung, you just rest alright," I whispered softly into Soobin's hair before placing a kiss on his scorching head. A hand was placed on my shoulder and squeezed gently. I looked up to see Yeonjun giving me a sad smile as silent tears fell down his face.
"You've done good Kai, really good," he said sadly. I just nodded and slipped my hand into his gently to give him some comfort. I can wait until Soobin is ok to yell at him and give him grief about how rude he was and not believing Soobin. Right now though, I can tell he's beating himself up about it. I heard a sudden bang and Beomgyu cried out. I turned my head and my eyes went wide as I saw Taehyun unconscious in Beomgyu's arms.
"It's ok Hyung, he's fine. He's not sick or anything, just got a bit overwhelmed and guilty I think," Beomgyu said quickly as Yeonjun went to get up.
"Ambulance is here," Chaewon said just as the door opened and two paramedics walked in with a stretcher.
"He's just over here," Chaewon said, directing them over to us.
"What about him, is he ok," one asked, gesturing to Taehyung who was now being held sitting sideways in Beomgyu's lap as Beomgyu gently held his head on his shoulder.
"He's fine, it's Soobin that isn't," I replied. They nodded and lowered the stretcher close to the floor.
"So what's his full name, age and what's his symptoms," they asked as they checked him over.
"His name is Choi Soo-bin and he's 20 years old. He got sick about two days ago. It started off as just a fever the first night but then the next day he got an even worse fever and actually almost collapsed. He's been throwing up a bit the past few days. He collapsed about 10 minutes ago and he's burning up," I told them quickly.
"He's definitely got a very high fever and that can be dangerous so we need to take him now," one of the paramedics said quickly. They quickly and efficiently transferred Soobin from my lap and onto the stretcher.
"If someone would like to come, we allow for one person to travel in the ambulance, everyone else has to drive," the paramedic said. I really wanted to be the one to go but Chaewon quickly stepped forwards.
"I'm his manager so I am responsible for him. You boys get packed up and make sure Taehyun is ok before following alright," he said. I just nodded because there's nothing I could say to change anything and it's best to listen our manager especially because he's right. They left really quickly which left me and Yeonjun on the floor, Beomgyu leaning against the wall with Taehyun still out in his lap.
"So what do we do now," Beomgyu asked.
"We're going to the hospital obviously," I said as I stood up.
"But Hyung said to clean up the room and look after Taehyun first," Beomgyu replied as Yeonjun raised an eyebrow up at me.
"I know but who cares about whether the rooms clean right now. We need to be there for Soobin Hyung. I'll look after Tae," I said as I scooped Taehyun from Beomgyu's lap and carried him bridle style, resting his head on my shoulder.
"I agree with Kai, let's go. I'm driving," Yeonjun said he walked to the door. We all quickly left the room and went out to the car park before getting into the car. Yeonjun driving, Beomgyu in the passenger and Tae and I in the back. I decided to keep Taehyun in my lap because even though I'm seriously tempted to throw him out the car because he was the worst earlier, I still would never want him to possible get hurt.
"We're lucky to have you as our Maknae you know, you're a good kid," Beomgyu said suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts.
"What do you mean, that was pretty random," I said slightly confused.
"Maybe, but he's not wrong. You looked after Soobin and stuck up for him when we said we didn't believe you, minus Beomgyu. Before, even though you were mad at me and still are, you still held my hand to comfort me and now you're still being gentle Tae and looking after him even though it's seems like you're probably planning his murder right now," Yeonjun said with a small chuckle.
"Oh, right. I'm just waiting until we know that Soobin Hyung is fine to blow up at you two," I admitted.
"Yeah I know," Yeonjun replied before we all went silent.
When we got to the hospital, we walked in through the backdoor as that's the way to the private waiting room and we don't want people to see us and start some rumours. I kept Taehyun in my arms because, well just because. We were waiting in the waiting room for half an hour with no news about Soobin, just staying quiet when I felt Taehyun moving in my arms.
"Tae's awake," I told everyone. Yeonjun walked over and gently coaxed Taehyun off my lap and brought him over to the other side of the room.
"This is your fault, I hope you know that," I said quietly.
"I know," Taehyun replied softly as tears started running down his face. Usually I'd comfort him, but not today, he deserves to cry a little bit. Yeonjun just tugged him onto his lap and let the younger cry.
"Why'd you pass out," I asked suddenly, realising that there might actually be something wrong with him and I'd never want that.
"I'm fine. It just got a bit much realising what I did," he replied.
We waited in silence for the next hour, just waiting for any news about Soobin when the doctor finally came out. We all stood up quickly and rushed over to him.
"Choi Soobin am I right," he asked, to which we all nodded.
"He will be fine, but he was very lucky. His fever was running at 40.2* and that's very dangerous, especially because he was also severely dehydrated. We cooled him down and got his temperature back down to where it needs to be and gave him some stomach relaxers. He's got a cold but given the fact that he's and Idol and probably hardly get's a break, it's worse than an average common cold. We've put him on an IV drip to keep hydrated but I suggest giving him a week off, no dancing, singing or anything else that might be strenuous," the doctor told us.
"Is he awake yet," Yeonjun asked quickly.
"He is awake and you guys can go see him but try to keep the noise down and don't stress him out," he nodded.
"Room 18," he added before walking off. I quickly started walking off with the other's but stopped when I hear Yeonjun.
"Are you coming Tae." I turned around to see that Taehyun hadn't moved from where he was standing and was instead looking at the ground.
"I think I'm gonna just wait here," he replied and I turned to Beomgyu, frowning slightly as he mirrored my reaction.
"Why," Beomgyu asked.
"Doctors orders," Taehyun shrugged. Damn this boy is confusing.
"What are you talking about Tae, come on," Yeonjun said.
"He said not to stress him out. If Huening Kai can't even look at me without glaring and wanting to kill me, how do you think Soobin Hyung is going to react. I was horrible and I don't even know why. I was just so tired and frustrated and I took it out on him because he was an easy target. I'm horrible Hyung, please just tell me I'm ho-." I rushed over and cut his words off with a tight hug. He began sobbing into my shirt and I'm not gonna lie, I felt bad. Sure he was horrible and could've gotten Soobin seriously hurt but it's not up to me to decide whether he get's forgiven or not. Plus, we began Idols before we were even 18 so we haven't quite learnt how we should react in different situations.
"Why don't we go and see him and see what he thinks about it," I said as I awkwardly pat his head.
"Ok," Taehyun sniffled. I sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling him along towards the room. When we got there, we all walked in slowly to see Soobin sitting up in bed, smiling tiredly at us.
"Hey guys," he said tiredly as he gave us a small wave. My hand suddenly felt like it was getting crushed and I felt Taehyun move behind me.
"It's good to see you're ok Hyung. Beomgyu, Yeonjun and I were just about to go get some snacks so we'll be back in a bit," I said, quickly moving my hand from Taehyun's grip and going to the door. Yeonjun and Beomgyu followed me quickly as they realised what I was trying to do, leaving Taehyun and Soobin alone to sort everything out.
Soobin's POV
I was happy when I heard the door open and in walked the rest of the members. I was quite tired but I still managed a smile as they walked in.
"Hey guys," I said, giving them a small wave. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly as I noticed a teary eyed Tae, move behind Kai as if he was using him as a shield, to hide from me. Is he scared I'm gonna be mad at him because of everything he said? I mean sure I'm hurt but I could never be mad at him.
"It's good to see you're ok Hyung. Beomgyu, Yeonjun and I were just about to go get some snacks so we'll be back in a bit," Kai said quickly as he basically sprinted to the door, Beomgyu and Yeonjun quickly following before slamming the door shut and leaving Taehyun and I alone. The minute the door closed Tae seemed panicked, like a trapped animal and I could hear his breathing pick up as he back up closer to the wall and looked anywhere but me.
"I'm not angry at you Aegi, if that's what you're worried about," I said gently, making him finally look over at me, his eyes wide.
"You aren't," he asked slowly.
"No, I'm not. I'm a little hurt but angry? I could never be angry with you Tae," I said honestly.
"Come here and sit down," I said pointing to the edge of my bed. He looked a little apprehensive but he slowly walked over and sat down on the very edge of the bed, as far away from me as possible.
"I'm really sorry Hyung, I don't know what got into me," he said really quickly.
"I know you are Tae and I know that's not like you but I'm not gonna lie what you said really hurt me," I said with a sigh. His eyes started to water and I wanted to comfort him but he needed this and so did I. Not to see him upset, but to give him a chance to let out the guilt that he's probably feeling. The tears started falling down and he sniffled before wiping his eyes and continuing.
"I know I did Hyung, god I know. At the time I was just so fed up with everything and tired but that's no excuse for how I treated you, and I even made you collapse and have to go to hospital," he said sadly.
"To be fair, I could've stepped up and say that I needed the break rather than lying and saying I would be fine," I said with a shrug.
"Still doesn't give me the right to say what I said," he shrugged. I didn't really have anything to say so I just stayed quiet.
"You aren't a burden and it isn't a mental problem. It's just a condition you have that can't be helped but we love you anyway. I was just being stupid and to make matters worse, you actually were sick. God you're never going to forgive me," he said weakly as he dropped his head into his hands. I sighed softly as I watched my Dongsaeng break down slightly. As much as his words hurt, I know he's had a lot on his plate and he's been thrown into this Idol life at such a young age so it's about time that he's reached his limit on things. Having Beomgyu sick and then me saying I was sick, especially with my track record of sicknesses, it would've been a lot to handle. I gently reached forward will my right arm which didn't have the IV in it and grabbed Tae's, making him look up at me sadly.
"I forgive you Tae, it's ok," I said softly.
"W-what," he whimpered.
"I forgive you. Now come cuddle with me, I've missed your hugs," I said giving him a small smile.
"A-are you sure? I was horrible to you Hyung. You can't just forgive me that easily," he stuttered out.
"I can, I will and I just did," I said sternly.
"Now come here and give me a hug please," I said. He looked hesitant but came over and snuggled down to my side gently.
"Do you understand that what you did was wrong," I asked him quietly. He nodded quickly.
"And you know that you shouldn't do something like that again." Another nod.
"Then that's all I need to know, we can leave this behind us. Just remember that words can really hurt people and you should put some thought into it before you do and if you ever find yourself unnecessarily angry at someone, just walk away to avoid saying you don't mean alright aegi," I said gently as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"I know, and I promise I'll do that. I really am sorry," he said.
"I know you are and I forgive you," I replied just as the door opened and the other three walked in.
"Is everything ok in here," Yeonjun asked.
"Yeah, we're all good," I nodded.
"Good. First of all, I just wanted to apologise for the way I acted. As the eldest, it's my job to look after you younger one's but I didn't do my job. Instead I made the Maknae have to do it and have to argue about it as well. By the way Kai, I don't care that you dropped honorifics a few times, I kind of deserved it," Yeonjun said with a frustrated sigh as he ran a hand through his hair.
"It's ok Hyung, I forgive you," I said gently.
"If he forgives you, then I forgive you but do it again and you won't have a happy Maknae ever again," Kai said with a narrowing gaze and I chuckled lightly. Yeonjun just gave a small smile and nodded.
"By the way, if either of you ever pass out again, I think I'm going to die of a heart attack. So never do that again," Yeonjun said, grabbing his heart dramatically. Either of us?
"What do you mean either of us," I asked quickly, worried that someone else had gotten hurt.
"It's ok Hyung, I just passed out earlier. It's not a big deal," Taehyun replied with a shrug from next to me. I sat up quickly, while making sure not to accidentally rip out the IV.
"Are you kidding me. That's such a big deal Tae. Are you ok? Have you drunk lot's of water? Did we push you too ha-."
"Hyung, Hyung I'm fine. I was just a bit overwhelmed and guilty ok. It wasn't a hurt faint, it was a stressed faint I think," he replied, looking down. That's when I realised just how guilty he was and I was thankful that I wasn't too harsh, he is still young after all.
"But are you ok now," I asked gently. He just sighed and nodded in response.
"Alright, I need to talk to all of you so listen up," I said, gaining all of their attention.
"What's been happening the past few days hasn't been great and we've been slightly divided but we need to just put that behind us. Some things were said that weren't meant and there's been a high tension but everyone's been forgiven alright. From now on there's no bad blood and we're back to being a close-knit family. I have completely forgiven everyone and I am very thankful to Kai for everything he's done to look after me, and I totally won't be favouring him for a bit, so let's just move forward," I said. As the leader, it's my responsibility to solve conflicts and make sure we get along.
"Deal," I asked.
"Deal," the all repeated.
"Good. Now everyone shut up and come cuddle me. I need lots of sleep and rest for the next week, doctors orders," I said with a grin.
"You'll definitely be getting lot's of cuddles," Yeonjun replied as he crawled onto the bed with me. I don't know how but everyone managed to fit onto the small hospital bed and I was wrapped up by all of them. Taehyun was next to me, Beomgyu was basically on top of me, Kai was rested behind Beomgyu and was holding my hand gently while Yeonjun was by my feet and giving my calves a light massage. This was nice and comfortable, I'm glad I've got my family by my side again, (literally).
Here is part 2, I hope you all enjoyed it. There was a bit of angst but in the end it all worked out :)
Thank you so much for reading and I'd appreciate any feedback you might want to leave.
I hope everyone's staying happy and healthy and if you aren't then please accept a virtual hug from me and I hope everything get's better for you :)
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