TXT Kai (Ombrophobia)
Kai's POV
The dorm is quite, for once. Yeonjun and Beomgyu are currently at the company doing a VLive together and Taehyun decided that he wanted to stay back and do some extra practice. Soobinnie Hyung was supposed to be staying with me but he got called into a meeting so I'm now alone. It's actually nice and peaceful to not have everyone bugging me and for once I get to eat my Ramen in silence. It was great and relaxing, but then something had to come and ruin it. I didn't notice at first, the light pitter-patter against the windows and roof. I was too busy basking in my happiness and eating my Ramen. I did however, notice when it begun to pour and my heart stopped, my entire body freezing. Within seconds it begun to pound heavily on the roof making me whimper as fear crept up inside me. It's so loud and I all I can now hear is the pounding on the roof and it's scary. There was a loud bang from something and it made me jump, knocking my Ramen off the bench and onto the floor. I jumped down and tried to scoop it back up but my hands were shaking and I was too scared. I curled in on myself and covered my ears with my hands, trying to block out the sound but it didn't work. It was far too loud. I ran to my room and quickly jumped onto my bed, diving under the covers and pulling them over my head and holding them tightly. It didn't help, it didn't help at all. All I could hear now was the constant sound of the rain beating down on the windows and the roof. It was so loud and so scary. I whimpered again and begun crying, full on sobs leaving my lips as my whole body shook in fear. It wasn't enough, the blankets weren't enough. I tried to focus on my thoughts, so I could think of something that could help, somewhere I could go to block out the noise. That's when I remembered something. Back when we first got to the dorm, when used to play hide and seek for fun and there was a closet, Taehyun's closet that I hid in and it turned out to be soundproof both ways. I had been hiding in it and got scared when the door was suddenly swung open when I never even heard anyone enter the room. It might be able to block out the rain. I leapt out of bed and ran out of my room, dashing to Taehyun's and almost knocking into the wall due to my vision being blurry from the tears. I stumbled over to his closet and swung the door open, a small smile breaking through my tears as I saw all of blankets piled up in the closet. It was short lived as the rain seemed to get louder and I jumped in fright, quickly dashing into the closet. I maneuverered myself so I was buried under a pile of blankets with just my face poking out and managed to close the door. I could still slightly hear the rain but it was muffled so it wasn't as bad. I was still scared though, so I just sat in the small dark closet, crying and hoping that someone would come home, someone would get here to protect me...
Taehyun's POV
I was going to stay back for a while practicing but once it started to rain, I packed up and got manager-nim to take me back home before it rained to hard. It didn't make much difference though as it was already pouring rain by the time I got home. I thanked manager-nim about for dropping me off and bolted to the front door, unlocking it and slipping inside. I shook my hair slightly and ran my fingers through it. I frowned as I looked around the dimly lit room. It's oddly quiet, usually Kai comes to say hello when people get home. In fact he bolts to us and tries to jump into our eyes, giggling and cuddling up to us.
"Kai, you here," I called out, not getting a reply.
"Hyuka? NINGNING," I called once again but still got no reply. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but just shrugged it off and dropped my bag off to the side before walking over to the kitchen, pausing when I noticed something on the floor. I walked over and knelt down, looking at the bowl and ramen on the floor.
"Kai, aegi? Why's there ramen on the floor. Kamal," I yelled out. I was starting to get suspicious and slightly worried. Kai's shoes were at the front door which means he should be inside the house but I don't understand why he isn't replying. Maybe he's asleep? Or he might be angry with me or something? Neither of those make sense though because it's too early and Kai never ever get's angry at people, let alone for no reason. I sighed and cleaned up the ramen, putting it in the bin and the bowl in the sink before heading upstairs.
"Kai where are you? It's Hyunnie," I called out. I went to his room and opened his door, turning on the light in hopes of finding him in there but he was nowhere to be seen. His bedsheets were all over the place, as if he had just thrown them around in a rush or something. I was a little nervous now, this is so unlike Kai. I quickly left his room and started throwing the doors open to everyone's rooms, including mine, turning the lights on to see if Kai maybe got lonely and decided to lie down in one of our beds. Once again though, he was nowhere to be seen. I groaned in frustration and closed all of the doors once again, going into my room. I flopped onto my bed and ran my fingers through my hair before realising it was slightly damp still. I should probably get changed before I keep looking for Kai. If I can't find him soon then I'll call one of the Hyungs. I opened my closet to grab some clothes out of it, jumping back when I notice a small face popping out from my stack of blankets.
"Kai," I questioned in confusion before taking a good look at him. I gasped in shock as I noticed the steady streams falling down his face and a small whimper came out from him.
"Aegi," I whispered gently as I knelt down in front of him. I don't know how but he had managed to squeeze his body under my stack of blankets, them wrapped around him so only his head was showing. His eyes were wide and I saw a hint of fear in them. This was not what I was expecting when I was going to find Kai, not at all.
"Hey Ningning, what's wrong," I asked him softly. He whimpered and shook his head quickly, his eyes darting around quickly as he shrunk down even more.
"It's ok aegi, I'm not going to hurt you. Why don't we get you out of this small closet," I asked him.
"NO. NO, PLEASE DON'T," he yelled, backing up as far as possible in the closet. The fear in his voice shocked me and I felt a pang in my heart.
"Ok, ok Kai. You're ok, we can stay in here," I said quickly. He whimpered and a hand slipped out of the blanket, desperately reaching out for me. I slipped my hand into his and held it tight, moving closer.
"What do you need Ning, tell me what you need," I said quickly. He just shook his head and begun to sob. Stuff this. I stood up quickly, slipping my hand out of his and standing up. I grabbed a bunch of boxes and threw them out of the closet, not caring where they were ending up. I did it a few times until I had made enough space for me to fit. I sat down and squeezed in next to him, wrapping my arms around him and the blankets tightly. He continued to sob but slipped slightly out of the blankets to be closer to me, burying his head in my shoulder. I gently rubbed his arm in comfort, holding him softly and placing a small kiss to his temple. His body was slightly shaking in my arms but thankfully he didn't seem to be panicking or anything, he was just scared and crying. I don't know what it is that he's crying about but he needs someone to hold him so I'll stay with him as long as he needs. I don't know how long we were sitting there for but Kai had begun calmed down quite a bit. He was no longer crying, just sniffling slightly but his body was now leaning heavily against me and no longer shaking. I heard the front door open and close and there was some talking downstairs but it was muffled.
"Kai! Hyunnie! Where are you guys," Soobin called out. I wanted to let them know where I was but that would require yelling and probably scare Kai. I hope they don't get too wet but thankfully the rain has quietened a bit.
"Huening Kai, Taehyun." Kai shifted slightly so I tightened my grip and ran my hand through his hair.
"Shh, it's ok Kai. Just stay here," I whispered. He mumbled something I couldn't pick up and snuggled closer to me with a sniffle.
"That's good aegi, you're alright," I whispered softly. There was some movement downstairs and then I heard people coming up the stairs. A door opened which I assume was Kai's before footsteps got closer and my door opened. I couldn't see what was happening because of the closet door being open but I could hear everyone.
Yeonjun's POV
Once Beomgyu and I finished our VLive, we met up with Soobin after his meeting before going home.
"How was the Live," he asked as he slipped his hand into Beomgyu's, the younger smiling happily.
"It was really good. It's been pouring though so I think it might have been a bit loud," I replied.
"How was the meeting," I added.
"Yeah all good. It was pretty much the same old things, just checking up on us. I did bring up that one security hard though," he said.
"The one that shoved you and made you smash your head on the top of the car," I asked him with a frown.
"And made you hold the umbrella for him, yeah," he nodded, his hand tightening in Beomgyu's grip.
"You ok," he asked Soobin quickly.
"What? Oh, yeah. Sorry," he said, loosening his grip.
"It's still raining," Beomgyu said with a pout as we got to the door to the building. I looked over at him and noticed that he was only in a thin white top which means it's going to get soaked and he'll get cold. I grabbed his arm before he could go out the door, making him pause. I quickly pulled off my leather jacket and draped it over his shoulders.
"Come on," I said. Soobin and I both pulled him quickly through the rain, Soobin using his jacket to cover Beomgyu's head before we all slipped into the back seats of the car, closing the door quickly. Beomgyu was in the middle but I was glad to see he looked mostly dry. The trip home didn't take too long and pretty soon we were there. Soobin once again covered Beomgyu's head as we rushed over to the front door. We all laughed as we rushed inside the door and closed it quickly.
"You guys are so wet," Beomgyu giggled.
"That's because we kept you dry," I said, rolling my eyes as he hugged my jacket closer to him.
"Hey, where's Hyuka and Tae," Beomgyu asked as he looked around.
"Kai! Hyunnie! Where are you guys," Soobin yelled out. We were silent for a few seconds but got no reply. That's weird and it's weird that Kai wasn't down here giving us hugs the minute we walked in the door.
"Huening Kai, Taehyun," I called out as we walked further inside. I looked to Soobin when no one replied once again but he just shrugged.
"Maybe they went to bed early," he said.
"I guess, let's go check up on them though," I said. He nodded and we all went upstairs, heading over to Kai's room first. Soobin opened the door and turned on the light. Kai's bed was empty but the sheets were all over the place, meaning he had been in them.
"He probably went to sleep next to Taehyun when he got home," Beomgyu said. Yeah, probably. We went to Taehyun's room next and opened the door, freezing in confusion. The light was already on and his closet door was open. On the bed and ground were boxes and junk all around over the place, like someone just threw them around and didn't care.
"Um, since when has Taehyun been this messy," Beomgyu asked slowly.
"I dunno, but I'll clean it up for him. Where the hell are they though," I asked with a frown as I walked over to the bed. I grabbed a few boxes before turning around, pausing in surprise when I looked in the closet and saw Kai and Taehyun cuddled up in the bottom of it with a heap of blankets around them. Taehyun slowly shook his head at me, as if trying to warn me something was wrong. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Kai who after closer inspection, I noticed had been crying, by the tear tracks running down his face. Something has happened but I don't know what it is, all I know is that he's upset and it's best to be gentle.
"Hey Ningning, it Yeonjunnie Hyung," I said softly as I knelt down. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to face me, with a small sniffle.
"Hi aegi, you doing ok," I asked him. He shook his head and his eyes welled up slightly.
"Yeonjun, what're you d-." Soobin stopped as he came up behind me and noticed the Maknae's huddled up in the cupboard. Beomgyu also came over but stayed quiet.
"I dunno what happened. I just came home and I found him hiding under my blankets in here," Taehyun said quietly. That's definitely weird.
"You feel up to telling us what's wrong," I asked him. He sniffled and shook his head. I was a bit unsure what to do because he wouldn't tell us what's wrong and to make matters worse, the rain started pouring so it got really loud. Kai suddenly screamed and started to cry, throwing himself into my arms, covering his ears with his hands.
"The rain. It's the rain that's scaring him," Soobin said as he ran off quickly.
"Kamal, Kamal shh. Hyung's here. You're safe, it won't hurt you," I whispered but he seemed to be getting slightly worked up in my hold.
"Bamgyu, Hyunnie," I said quickly. They both immediately understood and came over, joining the hug and encasing Kai in our arms. Soobin came back not long after and had a pair his soundproof headphones. I leant back slightly and let Soobin slip them on over his ears before joining the hug. We were all sitting there like that for about 5 minutes before Kai had finally calmed down and was quiet in our arms and gripping onto my shoulders tightly.
"We'll clean this room up tomorrow but for now we'll take Kai to Beomgyu's room. You ok with that Gyu," I asked him.
"Of course," he nodded. The three of them stood up and then helped me stand up, with Kai still in my arms so I was holding him up. I gently carried him over to Beomgyu's room. Beomgyu jumped into his bed and opened his arms where I softly plopped Kai down. At first Kai didn't let go but when he felt Beomgyu's arms around him, he let go and cuddled up to Gyu quickly. Beomgyu shuffled over and pulled Kai with him as Taehyun quickly slipped onto the bed as well and cuddled up to Kai. Soobin and I gently pulled the covers up over them and tucked them in as the two older ones cuddled up to the Maknae tightly.
"You two look after him ok. We'll discuss everything more in the morning but for now make sure he's comfortable and feels safe alright," I whispered.
"Of course Hyung," Taehyun said with a nod, running his fingers through Kai's hair. Soobin and I stayed for a while, just making sure the kids were comfortable and waited until they all finally drifted off to sleep cuddled up together.
"They all out," Soobin asked quietly as he continued to rub Taehyun's back gently. I nodded and motioned to the door. We both quickly left, turning the light off and closing the door behind us. We walked to my room and sat down on my bed.
"Did you have any idea that he was scared of rain," Soobin asked me.
"Nope, no clue. How do you know it was the rain though and not the noise," I asked.
"Because we're around loud noises all the time and thinking about it, Kai has always been a little anxious around rain, we just never realised," he replied. That is true. Now that I think about it, he has done some questionable thing whenever it's raining, always finding excuses to not go out when it is. There was that one time the fainted after practice before we left but that might still because he overworked himself a little. How could we miss something as big as our Maknae being scared of something.
"Junnie." I blinked and looked over at Soobin as he called my name.
"Why don't we get some rest. We can work everything out tomorrow. The main thing is that Kai is ok, and he'll be fine. We can help him now that we know," he said gently. I sighed but nodded, he was right after all.
"You wanna stay here," I asked him.
"Sure," he nodded. I went over and turned off my light while Soobin slipped under the blanket and I went over next to him, scooting over to wrap him up in my arms. We were both slightly damp still from the rain but we were too tired to care. We can deal with that tomorrow as well.
"Taehyun did a good job," he whispered.
"He loves Kai. He's always going to do what's best for him."
This was requested by @NotYourBae and I hope you liked it
Thank you so much everyone for reading and I hope you're all doing well
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