TXT Beomgyu (Aquaphobia)
Beomgyu's POV
"Alright boys listen up. Today is going to be a very busy day with a lot of filming. You guys will each be travelling around with a staff member to the different places you'll need to film at and spend anywhere between an hour to three hours at each location. It will be very exhausting but I promise we'll let you go out for dinner tonight and we'll give you a week of very soon," Manager-nim said.
"How many different locations are there," Taehyun asked.
"There are four. One in is a park, one is in a construction site, one is in an abandoned building and one is in a water tank," he replied. I froze when I heard him mention the water tank. Like an actual water tank? My heart was racing just at the thought. I've had a fear of water since I was a child after I fell into a swimming pool and almost drowned when I was younger. It's not of everything that's water, just water that's deep like pools, lakes, the ocean and other stuff like that. I'm not scared of drinking water or things like showers, unless I've recently panicked over the water. I have never mentioned this fear to any of the boys or staff members because it's not something I like to talk about and so far I've been able to avoid any situations that might cause me panic. I usually just say I'm not feeling well or having something else to do whenever the boys want to go swimming. I considered mentioning it now but I'm and Idol, I have to be professional. As idols we have to learn to face our fears and get the job done even if it may be hard, that's what everyone expects of us. I can get through an hour of filming, even if it scares me a bit.
"Alright, so who goes where first," I asked.
"The park filming won't take as long as the other so to start of with we'll have both Soobin and Yeonjun go there, Yeonjun can film first and after he's finished, he'll go to the tank. Kai, you'll start off at the abandoned building, Taehyun will be at the construction site and Beomgyu will go to the water tank," he told us. I was a little nervous hearing that the first place I'd be going to is the place I'm the most anxious about going to.
"Are you all good with that," he asked us. Everyone nodded so I quickly followed along and nodded as I fiddled around with my fingers nervously.
"Great. The cars are waiting outside, if you have any questions or concerns I'll be looking after Soobin so just contact one of us," Manager-nim said. We all said goodbye to each other before we dispersed and went over to the vehicles we were instructed to. The drive to wherever we were going took around 40 minutes so I just sat there and listened to my music to pass the time while I stared out the window.
"We're here Beomgyu-ssi," the driver said. I thanked him before getting out of the car. It appears the water tank is inside a building so I walked inside to see a bunch of stylists, camera crew, camera's and a massive tank in the middle of the room. It was basically the size of an average house swimming pool except is was above the ground, not in it and the sides were see through. I immediately paused as my eyes ran over the massive tank full of water. It would be so easy to drown in that if something goes wrong, so easy to get hurt. I quickly pushed the worry to the back of my mind before walking over the staff member that will be looking out for me today, along with some of the camera crew and our main stylist.
"Beomgyu, good to see you here. We'll get straight into your makeup and costume change," Taeyang, my staff member said. I nodded and followed my stylist Noona over to the table where she got to work on my makeup. I don't really understand why I need the makeup when I'm going in the water anyway but oh well. It took around 15 minutes for me to have my makeup done and my costume on.
"So what we're aiming to show in this shoot is you're sad, you scared and upset and the water represents that fear and sadness. You're going to be in the water and swimming around while we film you and take photos. We'll instruct you on what to do, like when to dive down, when to make different poses and hopefully it won't take to long. The water is heated so it won't get cold and you can stay in there as long as we need for the shoot to finish," Taeyang told me.
"How long do you think it will take," I asked nervously.
"If all goes well, no longer than half an hour," he replied.
"Will I get breaks in between," I asked him.
"We want to have it done all at once so no," he told me.
"Ok," I nodded.
"Alright, go climb up now while we get set up," he said. I nodded and walked over to the stairs leading up to the tank. I paused as soon my foot was placed on the first step.. My breathing was shaky but I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before placing my other foot on the next step and beginning to walk up. Each step up just increased my anxiety but I tried my best to not focus on it. Once I got to the top, I stood on the platform and waited for further instructions. I tried not to look too much at the water before I needed to, not wanting for my imagination to get carried away so I instead focused on other things like what the camera crew were doing or the different outfits hanging on the racks. Once they were prepared, Taeyang climbed up the stairs and stood next to me on the platform.
"Alright Beomgyu, whenever you're ready," he told me. I turned to the water and slowly stepped closer before stopping right by the edge of it. My breathing quickened and I felt panic bubble up inside of me as I looked down at the seemingly endless abyss of water.
"H-Hyung, I can't do it," I said shaking my head quickly as I turned to face him. He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, an annoyed look on his chest that made me slightly nervous.
"What do you mean you can't do it," he asked.
"The water, I can do the water. I can't do this shoot," I told him quickly, finding it slightly suffocating to breathe. I went to walk back towards the stairs but Taeyang suddenly grabbed my arm harshly. What's he doing?
"Where do you think you're going," he asked me.
"What do you mean? I just told you I can't do the shoot with the water," I said with a small frown.
"You can't just not do the shoot, get in the water," he told me. What the hell?
"Hyung, I'm not comfortable doing the shoot so I'm not going to do it. I'm really sorry but I'll talk to Manager-nim and explain it to him. You won't get in trouble for it, I'm the one who pulled out," I assured him.
"You're not skipping this shoot, you're doing it. So like I said, get in there," he said with a frown.
"But Hyung," I said quietly, my eyes welling up slightly. He's not actually going to make me do it when it scares me right? He wouldn't do that, he's my Hyung. I yelped when he suddenly yanked me and I went flying backwards. I didn't even register I was in the water until I went under and felt it enclosing around me. He really just threw me in. I didn't even get a chance to be mad at him because I was too focused on the water. I quickly resurfaced and grabbed onto the edge, pulling myself up as I begun to sob and shake in fear. I thought I might be able to do a little of the shoot but the minute I felt the water, I knew I was screwed. I tried to pull myself up but a foot was suddenly on my shoulder and I was kicked back in. I screamed as I went under and I quickly swam to a different edge away from the platform and held on tightly. I began to sob and cry as I couldn't get out of the water. I could remember the feeling of not being able to breathe and I was beginning to find it hard despite not being under water.
"H-Hyungie, I want to get out," I sobbed.
"No Beomgyu. You're going to stay in that water until we get enough photos and videos. Just continue to cry, it looks good," he said.
"Hyung, I'm scared. I don't want to be in here, I can't do this," I cried.
"Beomgyu, just shut up and get under the water," he said angrily. What? What's wrong with Taeyang? Why isn't he listening? Can't he tell that I'm petrified and don't want to be in the water?
"Hyung, please," I begged through my cries.
"Did I not just tell you to shut up Beomgyu," he told me. I sobbed and gave up, holding onto the edge in a death grip, my knuckled going white and numb.
"That's amazing Beomgyu, we're getting some really good photos. Try going under the water now," the director called out from below. It was then that I realised they couldn't hear us and didn't even realise I wasn't acting. I shook my head quickly and continued to sob.
"Beomgyu, I swear to god if you don't get under the water, I'm going to jump in there and pull you under myself," Taeyang said. I started to sob harder as I looked over at him, hoping he was lying but something in his eyes told me he wasn't joking. I was struggling to breathe but I knew I needed to do what he said otherwise he really would pull me under and that would be so much worse. I slowly let go of the edge and let myself go under for about 10 seconds before I resurfaced and started crying again. I was finding it so hard to breathe and I wanted out. I needed to get out of that water, I needed someone to come and get me out of the water. I can't do it, I really can't...
Yeonjun's POV
"That's perfect Yeonjun, well done," Donghyun said as I finished my shoot in the park. Donghyun is my staff member looking after me today and he's a really great guy.
"Thanks Hyung, I'm sorry for not doing the flip," I said with a sigh. We had planned on me doing a small flip for one of the videos but I got too nervous and was worried I'd get hurt so I pulled out.
"Don't be sorry Yeonjunnie. If you're not comfortable with it then we don't do it, it's not a problem. Your health is more important than a video," he said ruffling my hair. I grinned and nodded as we walked out towards the car that was waiting for me.
"So where were we supposed to be going next," I asked him.
"We're going to the tank. It's only about a 15 minute drive from here so you'll be able to see the end of Beomgyu's shoot," he told me. Ooo, I always love watching the boys do their shoots.
"Let's hurry then so I can so more of it," I said, running off to the car. He chuckled and followed, getting in beside me and telling the driver where to go. Sure enough 15 minutes later, we arrived at the next building.
"Let's go Hyung, I wanna see Bamgyu," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along inside. When we got inside, my heart stopped hearing sobs. Why was Beomgyu crying. I immediately turned to face Donghyun, making him chuckle. I was confused but he quickly explained.
"The theme for this shoot is sadness and fear. He's supposed to be crying," he chuckled.
"Oh," I replied with a nod. I looked up at Beomgyu and saw him crying and holding to the edge of the tank. He's always been good at acting but for some reason I had a bad feeling in pit of my stomach.
"He's doing exceptionally well," one of the camera crew told us. I nodded slowly, keeping a close eye on Beomgyu. It still felt really off.
"I. I don't think that's acting," I whispered, gaining the attention of both of them.
"GYU, HOW'S IT GOING," I yelled out, gaining the attention of the younger. He lifted his head up and the minute his eyes met mine, I knew something was terribly wrong.
"Yeonjunnie Hyung," he sobbed. He was acting, he was terrified. I immediately sprinted, taking the steps two at the time. I was wearing a very expensive outfit but that didn't stop me from immediately diving into the water. Nothing comes before keeping my Dongsaeng's safe. I dived straight in and swam over to Beomgyu, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the edge. He screamed when I moved him and begun to sob harder, making my heart shatter.
"It Yeonjun Hyung Beomgyu, I'm not going to hurt you," I said gently. When he realised it was me, he quickly latched on and I swam him back over to the platform, I climbed out and pulled him up with me, pausing to embrace him tightly.
"What're you doing? He hasn't finished his shoot," Taeyang said. God what an idiot, he should've realised that Beomgyu wasn't acting but I can't blame him, he doesn't know Beomgyu as well as I do.
"He wasn't acting then Taeyang, he's actually scared. He's not doing the rest of the shoot," I said before picking Beomgyu up bridle style and carried him down the stairs. I walked over to an empty space and sat down quickly, rocking Beomgyu in my lap to try and calms down his sobs. His whole body was shaking and if I hadn't felt the water, I would've thought he was shivering from the cold but I could tell it was the fear that made him shake.
"It's ok Gyu, Hyungs here. You're safe," I said gently. Taeyang Donghyun and a few other staff tried to come over but I gave them a warning look. Right now, Beomgyu just needs me to assure him that he's safe right now. I held him tight and continued to rock him side to side as he gripped my shirt tightly and kept his head hidden in my shoulder.
"Aegi, it's ok," I whispered.
"I don't wanna go back in there. Please don't make me go back in there," he begged. My heart broke hearing him beg for me to not do something that would cause him pain. Why would I ever make him go back in there knowing all would do it make him panic.
"Of course I won't. No one is going to make you do something you don't want to, I promise," I said softly.
"Liar, you're a liar," he sobbed, trying to get out of my embrace. I was shocked at his reaction and quickly tightened my hold on him.
"Beomgyu, Beomgyu, hey calm down," I said quickly.
"You lied Hyung," he cried out.
"Hey, hey, I never lied aegi, when did I lie," I asked him.
"You're lying again," he sobbed.
"Beomgyu, I don't understand," I said worriedly. He seemed to be getting more worked up and I had no idea what was going on.
"I don't like big bits of water Hyung," he whispered, calming down slightly.
"I never realised and I know that now Gyu but how does that make me a liar," I asked him gently as I ran my fingers through his damp hair gently.
"You said no one would make me do what I don't want to do," he said, making me tense. What does he mean I lied about that? Did someone force him to do something.
"Aegi, Gyu look at me," I said, pulling back slightly so I could look him in the eye.
"What do you mean by that? Did someone force you to do something you didn't want you? Did someone make you go in the water after you said no," I asked him quietly. I didn't need him to tell me, the look in his eyes were enough to tell me it was true and I was furious. How dare someone force my little brother to do something he doesn't want to.
"I-I told him I couldn't do it. I said I couldn't do the water shoot but he wouldn't let me back out. When I went to leave, he grabbed my arm and through me in. I tried to climb out but he kicked me back in and yelled at me," he said quietly with a sniffle. I clenched my fist and jaw tightly, trying not to get angry in front of Beomgyu in order not scare him more.
"Who forced you Beomgyu," I asked tightly. He didn't say anything, just sniffled before turning to look in the direction of both our staff members. I was confused but then my eyes fell on Taeyang. He was up there with Beomgyu already and didn't even flinch when I mentioned Beomgyu was scared, he even tried to get me to make him continue the shoot.
"Taeyang made you do it," I asked him in horror. How could anyone do that? How could they willingly force him to do that, and watch this innocent kid in so much distress. He nodded slowly and I pulled him into a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry Beomgyu, Hyung is so sorry. I didn't mean to lie to you. I just, I never thought anyone would ever make you do something you didn't want to. Taeyang never should have done that, it's against his contract and he'll be punished accordingly ok," I whispered.
"I swear I would never lie to you," I said sadly, sniffling as a few tears fell down my face.
"I know Hyung, I was just panicking. I'm sorry for ever saying that," he said sadly.
"It's ok Gyu, I understand. Let's get you out of here alright. We won't be shooting for the rest of the day, I'll text the other's later," I said as I leant back again. He nodded sadly and sniffled as he wiped his eyes.
"Do you want me to carry you," I asked him, receiving another nod. I quickly stood and scooped him up into my arms as he wrapped his legs around my waist, his arms around my neck and rested his head on my chest like a koala.
"Donghyun," I called out. He quickly came over to me with a worried look.
"Is everything ok," he asked quickly.
"Taeyang forced Beomgyu into the water, like physically forced him even after Beomgyu said he wasn't comfortable doing it. I'm sorry but I'm not letting Beomgyu film anything else today, nor will I be doing it. I want to take him back to the dorm and cheer him up, he was terrified," I told him. His eyes went wide with shock when I told him before narrowing in anger.
"Of course, you take him home right away and I'll let your manager know about what happened. Taeyang won't get away with misusing his authority here, I promise. You two get some rest and relax alright, I'll deal with everything here," he said as gently ruffled Beomgyu's hair.
"Thank you Hyung," I said with a nod. He just frowned and nodded before walking back to where he previously was and calling all of the crew over to him. I quickly carried Beomgyu out of the building and over to the car that was sitting outside. I put him down and he crawled into the car, me following behind.
"Take us back to our dorm please," I told him.
"Don't you have more filming," the driver asked.
"It's cancelled, we're heading back to the dorm," I replied. He just nodded and drove off. I moved to the middle seat so Beomgyu could cuddle up against me and slipped my hand into his. I held him close to me the entire trip, not wanting him to get scared again. It took us about 45 minutes to get home because there was a lot of traffic so by the time we got there, the other's had already arrived. I gently pulled Beomgyu into the house where we immediately had three set of eyes on us.
"Gyu, why don't you go upstairs and get ready for a shower, I'll come check on you in a few minutes," I said softly.
"Ok Hyung," he said quietly before slowly walking away. The minute he was gone, the other's rushed over to me.
"What happened Yeonjun? Why was shooting cancelled and why do you both look like you've been crying? Manager-nim just said we need to head back to the dorm," Soobin said anxiously.
"When I got to the shoot he was in the water sobbing. I originally thought that he was acting as no one was doing anything, they all thought he was just getting into character but when I saw him properly, I could tell he wasn't faking. I got him out of the water and calmed him down and that's when he told me that Taeyang forced him into the water. Like physically forced him after he said he didn't want to go in," I said, my eyebrows furrowing in anger.
"He did what," Soobin said angrily as the other two frowned.
"Don't worry, Donghyun said he's going to talk to Manager-nim and they'll deal with it," I said with a sigh.
"Is he ok though," Kai asked worriedly.
"Yeah, he'll be ok. He's probably still a little shaken though, so I'm gonna keep an eye on him tonight," I told them.
"Of course, let us know if either of you need anything alright," Soobin said. I nodded before quickly going upstairs. I went to Beomgyu's room but he wasn't there so I went to the bathroom. I was confused when I couldn't hear the sound of the shower running, yet the door was locked.
"Beomgyu," I asked as I knocked gently. The door unlocked and I was suddenly yanked inside and embraced tightly.
"Hyung. Hyung I'm scared," he whispered into my chest. I was worried that he was going to have another panic attack but thankfully he was only shaking slightly.
"Why are you scared Gyu," I asked gently as I rubbed his back.
"T-The shower. I'm not usually scared of the w-water but after I, after I-."
"I understand, you don't need to keep talking," I told him.
"C-Can you stay with me," he asked quietly.
"Of course. Do you want me to seat out here or do you want to shower together," I asked him.
"T-Together," he replied.
"Alright, you sit on top of the toilet and I'll get it ready," I told him as I gently moved him and placed him down. I went over and got the shower ready, waiting until it was the right temperature before I undressed Beomgyu down to his boxers and did the same for me. I slowly stepped into the shower and held my hand out to him. His hands were shaking as they slipped into mine so I squeezed them gently. I just held his hands, not pulling them, just waiting for him to slowly step into the shower. When the first drops of water touched his skin, he flinched and backed up a bit.
"It's alright Beomgyu. I'm here, you can't be hurt," I told him softly. He looked up at me and I could see the slight fear in his eyes but he managed to give me a small smile. It took him around 5 minutes to fully get in the water and even then, he was hugging me tightly and whimpering slightly. I just held him tightly and whispered reassuring words to him.
"I almost drowned when I was 5 years old," he whispered suddenly. I froze before I recovered and continued to comfort him, humming in acknowledgement.
"I was running around by the pool and I slipped and fell into the pool. It was the deep end and I couldn't swim very well so I sunk. I ended up in hospital but I survived. It was so scary though and I've hated things like pools and lakes and stuff since then," he told me. I was sad to hear that he went through something so traumatic but I was glad he trusted me enough to tell me.
"I'm sorry you went through that aegi but I'm here for you now. I'll protect you ok," I whispered.
"I know you will," he said, pulling away slightly. I could tell that he was still slightly shaking but he seemed more relaxed.
"You want me to wash your hair," I asked him. His eyes lit up and he nodded quickly making me chuckle fondly. That much more like it. I gently shampooed his hair as he relaxed even more and even ended up giggling as I did it. I massaged his scalp for a while, wanting to give him some more comfort after what he's been through today. After washing his hair, I let him much around and wash mine as well as it seemed to make him happier. Once we finished, I turned the water and stepped out, quickly wrapping a towel around Beomgyu as he stepped out.
"How're you feeling Bamgyu," I asked softly as I hugged him with his towel and tickled his side gently.
"Much better Hyungie," he giggled.
"I'm glad, sweethearts like you don't deserve to be sad," I told him. He looked up at me before smiling and turning around and embracing me tightly once again.
"Why don't we dry off and get dressed so we can watch a movie and relax," I told him. He nodded enthusiastically so we both got dressed and quickly went downstairs where the other's were already seated on the couch. I squeezed Beomgyu's hand before walking over and sitting next to Soobin. I watched carefully as Beomgyu walked over and sat between the two Maknae's, immediately being cuddled from either side.
"He'll be ok," Soobin whispered to me gently as he cuddled up to my side.
"I know. But I'll still worry about him forever, I'll worry about all of them," I said with a small sigh.
"Yeah, but it's worth it," he replied.
"It is."
This was requested by @kpop.girl and I hope you like it.
I just realised, I've never really asked you guys much so let me know in a comment who your bias/s is from TXT, Enhypen, Seventeen, Ateez, Stray Kids or NCT (and their subunits) are. I'm interested to hear.
Stay happy and healthy everyone!!!
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