Stray Kids Minho (Athazagoraphobia)
Minho's POV
All my life I've been scared of one thing and one thing alone. And that is forgetting something. I always worry that I may forget something important, some important moment that's very special and I'll lose it forever. So ever since I was a little kid, I've written memories down on stick notes. At the end of everyday, I grab a pen and write down the important things so I have them written down in case I forget. The walls of my bedroom are covered with sticky notes, some even overlapping each other with the amount I have. As far as I know, I haven't actually ever forgotten anything but the fear is still there, I need to write everything down at the end of each day or else I'll panic in terror that something may get lost from my memory. It's not very fun, not fun at all...
We have the day off today and everyone went out except for Jisung. He said his anxiety wasn't very good at the moment and he wanted to stay home just to relax while the rest of us went out and did stuff. Jeongin, Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin went bowling together, Changbin and Chan went to the studio because they're workaholics and I went for a walk around town for a few hours just to relax and see the scenery before going out with some of my friend from other groups. I was out for about 6 hours before I went back to the dorm. I called out to Jisung telling him I was home before grabbing a quick drink of water from the kitchen. I stretched my arms as I walked on the hall towards my room. I tapped on Jisung's door three times as I passed, to further let him know I was there. When I got into my room something felt off but I just shrugged the feeling off and flopped down onto my bed, pulling out my phone and flicking through social media for a minute or two before I decided to get a head start on my post it note writing. I grabbed my stack of notes and a pen and looked up to check the wall and find a place I could place the post it note but froze when I saw my wall. They were gone? Everything was gone, not a single post it note was on the wall. The pad and pen slipped from my hand and clattered to floor, the sound echoing in my head. My breathing slowly began to pick up until I was standing there and hyperventilating, my hands shaking. How? How were they gone? I quickly left my room and ran over to Jisung's room, swinging the door open as I begun to sob. He was laying down on his bed but he looked up when I opened the door and his eyes went wide. I continued to sob and rushed over to Jisung, collapsing on his bed and quickly huddling close to him. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me close to his chest. I was having trouble breathing and my whole body was trembling.
"Hyung, Hyung what's wrong? Why're you crying," he asked softly as he rubbed my back softly.
"I c-can't, b-breathe," I gasped out before letting out another sob.
"It's ok, you're ok. You're having a panic attack Minho, we know how to stop this. You've helped me through plenty of panic attacks," he told me. He's right, I've helped him through quite a few panic attacks but this is different. This time it's me having one.
"Sungie, please," I sobbed.
"Ok Hyung, just try and match my breathing alright," he said softly. He placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head up softly so I could look into his eyes. I sniffled as he gave me a small smile and brought my hand to his chest. I could immediately feel his steady heartbeat beneath my palm and it was actually quite comforting. I closed my eyes and placed my head on his shoulder still having trouble breathing but he began to breathe louder to help me follow along and try to help me calm down my breathing.
"Just breathe along with me, in, and out," he said gently. His voice was smooth and calm and it helped me to relax more. It took about 10 minutes for me to finally calm down my breathing so I was no longer hyperventilating and my shaking died down.
"You're ok Minho Hyung, I'm here," he said quietly as he placed a gently kiss on the top of my head.
"Thanks Sung," I whispered as I loosened my grip so it was just a gentle and comforting embrace. He rubbed my back slowly and gently rocked me side to side.
"You wanna talk about it," he asked me. As I thought about it, my heartbeat once again begun to speed up.
"Hey, hey Hyung you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said quickly.
"No it's, it's just that they're. They're gone," I sobbed.
"What do you mean," he asked in confusion.
"M-My notes, they're gone," I cried.
"Your post it notes," he asked me slowly.
"Y-Yeah," I replied.
"Oh. Wait here for a second," he said as he slipped off the bed and walks over to his desk. I was confused as he walked back with what seemed like a diary.
"What's that," I asked as I wiped my eyes slowly.
"I'm sorry, I should've asked first or at least let you know but I didn't realise you would freak out. I just wanted to do something nice," he said sadly as he held out the book to me. I grabbed it from his hands and opened it, slowly going through the pages, my eyes widening in surprise.
"I-Is this? Is this what I think it is," I asked as I placed my hand over my mouth in shock.
"I wanted to do something nice for you because you're always helping me out with my anxiety and panic attacks so I wrote all of the notes from the post it's on your wall into this book so it's easier for you to find. They're all in chronological order and now they won't just be covering your wall," he said and I could tell he was nervous. I could see the slight shake in his hands and the way he was having trouble looking me in the eyes, two signs that's I've gotten good at looking for as they usual show when he's anxious. I grabbed his hands and gently pulled him back onto the bed, embracing him tightly and nuzzling my nose into his neck gently.
"I love you so much, you know that right," I said as tears begun to fall down my face. I felt him relax in my grip and he chuckled slightly.
"Are you crying Hyungie," he giggled.
"Shut up. That was so sweet though Jisungie," I said, sniffling pathetically.
"I'm sorry for making you have a panic attack Hyung," he said quietly.
"Don't be. This more than makes up for it. What did I do to deserve you huh," I asked gently as I leaned back and softly nuzzled my nose back and forth against his. He giggled and did it back before I placed a quick kiss on his cheek and leant back, laying down and bringing him with me so he was laying on my chest, still giggling.
Jisung's POV
I told the boys I was going to stay home because my anxiety was off a bit but I actually just wanted to try and do something nice for Minho. Minho Hyung has been looking after me since before we debuted, always helping to calm me down whenever I'm anxious or having a panic attack so I thought I could do something for him. Everyone knows that for some reason Minho has a habit of writing stuff down on post it note and places it on his walls. His walls are basically completely covered by now and it's a wonder how he ever finds space to put other's. So I've decided to help him out. I've gone out and bought a notebook and I'm going to write all of the notes from the walls into the notebook so it's easier for him to be able to find and keep track of everything. The minute everyone left, I pulled all of the notes off the wall and started sorting them into chronological order as they thankfully had the dates written on them. That took me about half an hour and after that I got to work writing them into the notebook. It took me about four hours to finish writing them all into the book but I usually spend hours in the studio writing with Channie Hyung and Binnie Hyung so it wasn't too bad. After that, I just lay down on my bed and flicked through my phone. I don't know how long I was laying there but I heard the door open and Minho Hyung called out to let me know that he was home. Not long after, I heard three knocks on my door and I grinned happily to myself. Minho likes to say he does that to let us know he's home but if he does do that, he'd only need to knock once or twice but he does it three times. In our group, doing stuff in lots of three such as knocking, holding up three fingers, tapping someone three times, etc means I love you. So basically he's saying I love you as he walks past the sap. I went back to looking at my phone for a while before I paused, hearing rushed footsteps. I sat up quickly as my door swung open and I heard sobbing. My eyes were wide with shock when I saw Minho Hyung standing by my door with tears streaming down his face. Minho never cries, he hardly even cried when he was eliminated. I didn't get to think much more as he suddenly ran over and flung himself onto the bed and into my arms, cuddling up to me as he sobbed. I sat up quickly and hugged him close. I listened intently and took a deep breath when I heard his heavy breathing. He was having a panic attack, something I've had plenty of times but never had to help someone else with. Good thing Minho has helped me enough times for me to know what to do.
"Hyung, Hyung what's wrong? Why're you crying," I asked gently, rubbing his back.
"I c-can't, b-breathe," he sobbed.
"It's ok, you're ok. You're having a panic attack Minho, we know how to stop this. You've helped me through plenty of panic attacks," I said, trying to reassure him.
"Sungie, please," he sobbed and my heart clench. I never, ever want to hear Minho Hyung cry again.
"Ok Hyung, just try and match my breathing alright," I said gently as I lifted his chin up so I could look at him. I smiled gently and moved his hand up, placing it above my heart so he'd be able to feel my heartbeat. He closed his eyes before resting his head on my shoulder. I kept my breathing at it's steady pace but made sure that it was louder so he'd be able to follow along.
"Just breathe along with me, in, and out," I told him. I continued to coach him into breathing for around 10 minutes until he finally calmed down.
"You're ok Minho Hyung, I'm here," I told him softly and kissed the top of his head gently.
"Thanks Sung," he said quietly, loosening his death grip on me so it was just a gentle hug. I rubbed his back and rocked from side to side, hoping that it was comforting for him.
"You wanna talk about it," I asked him gently but quickly backtracked when I felt his heartbeat quicken and his breathing hitch.
"Hey, hey Hyung you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I told him quickly, not wanting him to panic again.
"No it's, it's just that they're. They're gone," he cried. Huh? What could he possibly be talking about?
"What do you mean," I asked him.
"M-My notes, they're gone," he said. Oh god, am I the reason he just had a panic attack?
"You post it notes," I asked slowly, hoping I wasn't right.
"Y-Yeah," he replied to me.
"Oh. Wait here for a second," I told him quickly. I quickly got off the bed and went over to my desk, grabbing the notebook. I walked back to him slowly, worried about what his reaction would be.
"What's that," he asked me.
"I'm sorry, I should've asked first or at least let you know but I didn't realise you would freak out. I just wanted to do something nice," I said with a sigh. I felt horrible. I thought I was doing something nice but I was actually just upsetting him, he'll probably hate me now. I watched as he grabbed it and looked through the pages slowly. My heart was racing and I was fiddling with my hands nervously. If he doesn't like it then all I've just done is hurt him.
"I-Is this? Is this what I think it is," he asked, covering his mouth with his hand.
"I wanted to do something nice for you because you're always helping me out with my anxiety and panic attacks so I wrote all of the notes from the post it's on your wall into this book so it's easier for you to find. They're all in chronological order and now they won't just be covering your wall," I said looking down. I was surprised when he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bed. He hugged me tightly and buried his head in my neck.
"I love you so much, you know that right," he said and I could feel something wet against my neck. I relaxed and chuckled, realising he wasn't mad at me.
"Are you crying Hyungie," I giggled.
"Shut up. That was so sweet though Jisungie," he said with a sniff. I smiled brightly, happy to know that he liked it. But then I remembered what happened earlier and my smile vanished.
"I'm sorry for making you have a panic attack Hyung," I said quietly.
"Don't be. This more than makes up for it. What did I do to deserve you huh," he said as he pulled back to look at me. He leant forwards and rubbed his nose against mine gently. I giggled at the ticklish feeling but did it back because it felt nice. He kissed my cheek softly before moving us so we were both laying down, with me laying on his check chuckling.
"Don't tell the other's but you're my favourite Dongsaeng. You're Hyungs favourite," he said gently. I smiled happily and nodded my head.
"How was your day? I hope you weren't doing that for too long," he said with a small frown.
"I wasn't, and my day was quite good. It was nice to just had a quiet, relaxing day," I said with a nod.
"What about you," I added.
"Yeah mine was good, but it's better now," he said, giving me a soft smile. See, he may act like a heartless sassy person but he's an absolute sap.
"Softie," I giggled.
"Only for you," he grinned. I could tell I was blushing in embarrassment as he praised me but he didn't mention it.
"Can I ask you something Hyungie," I asked seriously as I looked away from him.
"Of course, what's up," he asked as he gently turned my head to face him again.
"Um, how come. How cone you freaked out so much when I got rid of the notes. Like what's so special about them if I can ask," I asked quietly.
"It's ok Sung, you're allowed to ask questions," he said softly before he sighed and paused.
"I just, I'm scared of forgetting stuff. I write all my special memories of each day down so if I ever forgetting anything, I can just go back to the notes. I was just worried they were gone and I wouldn't have something to fall back on if I forget something," he admitted. It made sense what he was saying, we've always wondered why he used the notes but I get it now. Sure, it's very unlikely he's going to forget anything but if it's a legitimate fear, I can respect that.
"Thanks for telling me Hyung," I said.
"No problem, thanks for asking so nicely my little Squirrel," he chuckled.
"Hyung," I whined with a pout.
"I'm sorry but you're always going to be my little Squirrel," he said with a shrug. I went to say something back but I was cut off with a yawn.
"Wow, that was a big one. Is someone tired," he said softly as he ruffled my head gently. I blinked slowly and nodded my head, yawning yet again.
"Why don't we get some rest then huh Sung," he asked gently.
"Ok Lee Know," I nodded. He chuckled and delicately pulled my head down so it was resting on his chest before he wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed gently.
"Goodnight Rhino," I said, giggling as I knew he would let me get away with it. When we're around the other's Minho Hyung likes to pull me up on things because otherwise it would seem unfair for the others but when we're alone, he let's me get away with saying pretty much anything.
"Goodnight troublemaker," he replied with a fond chuckle. It didn't take me long to drift off, what with Minho's now steady heartbeat lulling me to sleep.
This was requested by @3shinjirarenai3
I hope you guys enjoyed this one, even though it was a little shorter and a bit more on the softer side in terms of what I usually do.
We've gone back into lockdown for a bit so hopefully I'll be able to update at least once a day but we'll see how I go.
Please stay safe everyone and look after yourselves <3
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