Stray Kids Jeongin (Fear of Manager)
Jeongin's POV
"Hey Hyung, can I stay back for a bit to practice please, I just want to work on some things," I asked Chan as we got ready to leave practice.
"For how long," he asked slowly.
"Just an hour or two, I promise. It won't be too long," I said.
"If there's a manager to stay here watch you to make sure you don't get hurt then yes but if not, you need to come back with us alright. I don't want to risk you getting hurt," he said. I nodded and quickly went over to our manager who was on his phone.
"Manager-nim, is there any chance you can stay back for an hour or two while I practice," I asked him. He looked up at me and frowned.
"Why? You're an adult, why do you need to have supervision," he asked me.
"Oh, Channie Hyung just wants me to have someone around in case. He always babies me because I'm the maknae," I said with a chuckle as I shrugged.
"Ugh, whatever but only and hour or two," he said with a sigh as he rolled his eyes. I was a bit surprised by his attitude so I just gave an awkward nod before walking back over to Chan and Minho.
"Manager-nim said he'll stay back and watch over me," I told them.
"Good, don't overwork yourself though alright," Minho said.
"Yeah, don't pull a Minho," Chan said nudging the younger. Minho Hyung blushed and rubbed his neck in embarrassment as he remembered the time he ended out collapsing from exhaustion.
"It was once," he groaned.
"Still one time too many," Chan said rolling his eyes as they walked off and continued to bicker.
"Hey Innie, you ready to go," Hyunjin asked as he walked up to me.
"I'm actually staying here for a little bit longer," I told him.
"Oh, do you want me to stay with you," he asked.
"Nah, manager-nim is staying," I replied shaking my head.
"Alright. Well give me a call if you need me for anything like to get you some food or pick you up or something," he said as he pulled me into a brief hug. I grinned and nodded quickly.
"Will do Hyungie," I replied. He chuckled and ruffled my hair before he turned around and walked off. I said goodbye to everyone before they left and I went back to the speakers to set up my phone. I started the music and begun to dance as Manager-nim watched me. I had been going for about an hour but I felt weird. Manager-nim usually watches our practices but for some reason it felt odd this time. He looked angry and bored and it made me nervous and I constantly found myself looking over at him to see his reactions as I danced. I got so distracted that I tripped and fell to the floor with a bang, my ankle twisting slightly. I gasped and grabbed my ankle quickly.
"What was that," he asked suddenly.
"I tripped and I think I may have tweaked my ankle slightly," I said with a groan.
"Get up," he told me stiffly. I blinked in confusion and lifted my head to look at him.
"P-Pardon," I asked tilting my head to the side slightly.
"I said get up and get dancing," he said as he walked over and grabbed my wrist, yanking me up onto my feet. My ankle hurt slightly but not as much as my wrist did with how tight he was holding it.
"Ow, that hurts," I said, wincing as he tightened his grip.
"I'm sick of you idols thinking you can just get your managers to do whatever you want them too. Making them stay back later and then being a baby when you get too tired. I told my family I was going to stay here for two hours which means I'm going to stay here for two hours and you're going to dance," he said angrily.
"P-Please Manager-nim, that really hurts," I whimpered as I tried to squirm our of his grip but all he did was tightened it and even twist my arm slightly.
"Hyung," I cried out, just as I heard a phone ring. He flung me away from him, making me stumble and fall on my back as my ankle gave out. He walked over to his phone and grabbed it, looking at the name.
"It's my wife, I better find you dancing when I get back," he growled before he answered and left the room. I was left curled up on the floor with tears falling down my face, frozen in shock. I have no idea what just happened but I'm pretty sure Managers aren't supposed to do anything like that. I sniffled and looked down at my wrist, already seeing a slight bruise forming. Is he going to do that again? That really hurt and was scary, I don't want it to happen again. Whenever he is on a call with his wife, he usually takes around 10 minutes before he comes back, which means I have time to do something if I don't want to stay. A small sob left my lips and I quickly got to my feet, limping over to my phone. I unplugged my phone from the speaker and quickly called the one person who I knew would come with no questions asked.
"Hey Innie, what's up."
"Hyungie, Hyungie please come get me," I begged.
"Are you ok, you sound upset," he said slowly.
"I d-don't. I don't feel safe Hyung, I'm scared. Please come and get me," I said as I let out a whimper.
"Hey, Jeongin are you crying? What happened," he asked quickly.
"Hyung, can you please just come. Just don't say anything except that you guys need me home, please," I begged, wiping my eyes quickly.
"Jeongin what's going on? Did something happen? Did Manager-nim do something to you."
"Hyunjin, please. I-I'll tell you later I promise. Just please come get me," I begged, beginning to slightly lose hope.
"Ok, ok I'll be there soon just stay safe Innie. Hyung's coming, I promise," he said gently before he hung up. I let out a breath of relief before quickly plugging my phone back in and starting the music, just managing to get back into dancing as Manager-nim walked inside. As I danced, I pulled down the cuff of my sleeve to cover the bruise that was steadily growing. Now all I need to do is just wait for Hyunjin to come...
Hyunjin's POV
I was sitting on my bed and listening to music peacefully when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and quickly answered after seeing it was Jeongin calling me.
"Hey Innie, what's up," I asked him.
"Hyungie, Hyungie please come get me." I froze, hearing the sound of his voice. He sounded like he'd been crying, but why would he be crying?
"Are you ok, you sound upset," I said slowly.
"I d-don't. I don't feel safe Hyung, I'm scared. Please come and get me," he whimpered. I shot up in bed. What does he mean he doesn't feel safe? He should always feel safe and he should never be crying like I can tell he is.
"Hey, Jeongin are you crying? What happened," I asked him quickly.
"Hyung, can you please just come. Just don't say anything except that you guys need me home, please," he said quickly. Oh my god, why doesn't he want me to say anything? Is it something to do with Manager-nim? Did he hurt him?
"Jeongin what's going on? Did something happen? Did Manager-nim do something to you," I asked him quickly, feeling fear flow through my veins. Jeongin is like my little brother, I'd do absolutely anything I possibly could to protect him.
"Hyunjin, please. I-I'll tell you later I promise. Just please come get me," he pleaded. Hearing the plea in the voice and how scared he really sounded made me quickly get out of bed and rush to put my shoes down.
"Ok, ok I'll be there soon just stay safe Innie. Hyung's coming, I promise," I told him softly before I hung up. I rushed out of my room and sprinted downstairs.
"Wear are you going," Chan asked as he looked up from where he was watching TV.
"Out, be back soon," I yelled before running out the door. I quickly got into the car and drove off towards the company. I rushed into the building and ran straight to the practice room before pausing outside the door to it. Jeongin didn't want me to make a fuss, he wanted me to just say we needed him home so I'm going to do that. Anything that'll make him feel safe. I took a deep breath before opening the door with a smile on my face. I was surprised to see that nothing looked wrong. Jeongin was dancing and Manager-nim was watching him, just like they should be.
"Oh yeah sorry. Jeongin is needed back at the dorm, so I'm here to pick him up. I did message but you guys must not have seen it," I said.
"Oh, alright. Well I'll be off then," Manager-nim said before he walked off. Well that was easy. The minute the door close behind him, Jeongin bolted and ran straight into my arms as he begun to sob. I embraced him tightly and my heart broke as I heard his sobs.
"You're safe Innie, you're safe. I promise you, Hyungs here," I whispered gently as I wrapped my arms around him and gently ran my fingers through his hair.
"W-Wanna go home," he whispered.
"Alright, we'll go home. Come on," I said gently as I stepped away from him and gently grabbed his hand. I went to pull him towards the door but he gasped and shook his head quickly with a whimper, making me stop immediately.
"Are you ok, what happened," I asked quickly as I ran my eyes over him.
"I hurt my ankle slightly," he said with a sniffle.
"What. Why were you dancing then," I asked him quickly.
"Because Manager-nim wouldn't let me stop," he said sadly. What the hell? I'll definitely be talking to Channie Hyung about this.
"That's ok, I'll carry you," I said gently. He looked up at me, his eyes still full of tears and nodded quickly so I bent down and scooped him up gently. He whimpered yet again at the jolt but wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. I walked over to the speakers and grabbed his phone, slipping it into my pocket before I left the practice room. I walked slowly so I wouldn't accidentally jolt his ankle and hurt him more. When I got to the car, I gently placed him down and opened the door for him. He got into the passenger seat and I got into the drivers seat. I grabbed his hand in mine and held it for the whole drive, wanting to give him some comfort. I could still see the silent tears that were streaming down his face and it pained me to see him like this. What happened in that hour that upset him so much. I picked him up the same way when we got home and carried him into the dorm. He started to sob the minute we got inside and it caught the attention of the other members.
"Jeongin? Innie what's wrong," Chan asked as he rushed over. I brushed past him though and gently placed Jeongin down on the couch.
"Someone get him some ice please, he hurt his ankle," I said as the other's all started milling around. Changbin immediately rushed off and returned quickly.
"Which ankle is it," I asked him gently. He didn't say anything, just lifted his left leg up slightly. Chan quickly lifted up Jeongin's pant leg and took off his shoe and sock. It wasn't too bad but it was definitely slightly swollen and bruised.
"I think it's just a sprain but you'll be ok," Minho said gently. Jeongin nodded but his eyes welled up again and he looked up towards me. I quickly moved and knelt down by the side of the couch in front of me.
"Jeongin I need you to be honest with me now ok. You said you'd tell me later and now it's later. Why didn't you feel safe aegi," I asked gently. The other's heads all snapped down to him but thankfully they all stayed silent.
"I-I'm sorry Hyungie. I didn't know what to do. Everything was fine and then I fell and hurt my ankle. I wanted to stop but he got angry and said I just think I can boss him around and that he's staying back for two hours because of me so I need to dance. I tried to t-tell him that it was hurting but he didn't listen," Innie sobbed.
"What was hurting aegi," Chan said gently as he placed a hand on the Maknae's leg. Jeongin paused and looked around at us before he sniffled and slowly lifted up his sleeve. There were a series of gasps and then everything went silent as we took in the massive bruise that was circling his wrist. Minho moved forwards and gently grabbed Jeongin's arm and inspected the bruise.
"This isn't just from him grabbing your arm, what happened," he asked softly. It's weird seeing Minho Hyung being soft because he's usually quite sassy but when it's needed, he knows to be serious and comforting.
"He grabbed it and pulled me up and then he held it and kept squeezing it harder. It really hurt Hyung," he cried. Minho immediately moved forward and pulled Jeongin up into a hug.
"Shh, you're ok Innie. Hyungs are here and you're safe. Manager-nim won't ever touch you again," he whispered. I watched as Chan stood up and said something to Changbin before they both left the room. Not long after, I heard the front door close and I had a pretty good idea about what they're going to be doing. Minho moved away and I quickly scooped Jeongin up and sat down, placing him in my lap. Felix came around and also sat down, placing the Maknae's legs into his lap.
"Sung, can you get some of the cream we use for bruises," Minho asked him. Jisung nodded and left the room.
"I'll make some hot chocolate," Seungmin said before leaving quickly.
"How are you feeling now Innie? Are you still scared," I asked softly as he rested his head on my chest.
"I felt safe the minute you walked in the door Hyung."
Jeongin's POV
The minute the door opened and Hyunjin walked inside, I felt relief course through my veins. I was safe, nothing bad would happen with my Hyunjin Hyung here.
"Can we help you Hyunjin," Manager-nim asked.
"Oh yeah sorry. Jeongin is needed back at the dorm, so I'm here to pick him up. I did message but you guys must not have seen it," he said, sticking to what I asked him to do.
"Oh, alright. Well I'll be off then," Manager-nim said, walking straight off. As soon as the door was closed behind him I ran straight into Hyunjin's arms, wanting to have any kind of comfort. Sobs wracked through my body as I felt even more relief. I had been so scared before Hyunjin Hyung got here, so scared.
"You're safe Innie, you're safe. I promise you, Hyungs here," he whispered as he hugged me tightly and played with my hair.
"W-Wanna go home," I said quietly.
"Alright, we'll go home. Come on," he said as he pulled away. He grabbed my hand and went to pull me with him but the minute I put pressure back on my ankle, I cried out and shook my head.
"Are you ok, what happened," Hyunjin asked me quickly as he stopped.
"I hurt me ankle," I admitted with a small sniff.
"What. Why were you dancing then," he asked me. I was worried that he'd be disappointed in me but I have to tell him now.
"Because Manager-nim wouldn't let me stop," I said quietly. I saw a flash of emotion pass through his eyes so I bit my lip nervously.
"That's ok, I'll carry you," he said gently. I looked up at him quickly, seeing a gentle look in his eyes and I nodded quickly. He easily lifted me up, grabbed my phone and carried me out of the building. When we got to the car, he gently put me down by the passenger and opened it for me. I got inside and he slipped into the drivers seat. I began to cry again silently but he slipped his hand into mine and held it for the whole trip, giving me some comfort. He carried my inside when we got to the dorm and I felt overwhelmed at finally being back home so I started to sob.
"Jeongin? Innie what's wrong," Chan Hyung asked as he moved towards me but Hyunjin just went past him and over to the couch, placing me down gently.
"Someone get him some ice please, he hurt his ankle," Hyunjin said and Changbin left quickly.
"Which ankle is it," Hyunjin asked. I was still slightly worked up so I just lifted my left leg up a little bit, catching their attention. Chan pulled the bottom of my pants up to show my ankle that was slightly bruised and swollen.
"I think it's just a sprain but you'll be ok," Minho told me. I nodded, thankful that it wasn't too bad but my eyes begun to well up again. I quickly looked up at Hyunjin to try and gauge how he was feeling and if he was going to be mad at me but he quickly knelt down beside me.
"Jeongin I need you to be honest with me now ok. You said you'd tell me later and now it's later. Why didn't you feel safe aegi," he asked me gently. I could see out of the corner of my eye as everyone turned to me quickly but I focused on Hyunjin as he was looking at me with such love and worry in his eyes that I almost started tearing up again.
"I-I'm sorry Hyungie. I didn't know what to do. Everything was fine and then I fell and hurt my ankle. I wanted to stop but he got angry and said I just think I can boss him around and that he's staying back for two hours because of me so I need to dance. I tried to t-tell him that it was hurting but he didn't listen," I said before breaking out into more sobs as I remembered what happened.
"What was hurting aegi," Chan asked me softly and I felt a gentle squeeze on my leg. I didn't reply straight away but looked around at the other's nervously, I didn't want anyone to be made at me. I sniffled slightly before I lifted up the sleeve of my shirt and revealed the bruise that covered my wrist all the way around, clearly from someone grabbing it.
"This isn't just from him grabbing your arm, what happened," Minho asked as he gently grabbed my arm and looked at the bruise.
"He grabbed it and pulled me up and then he held it and kept squeezing it harder. It really hurt Hyung," I cried. He quickly moved forwards and pulled me into his arms.
"Shh, you're ok Innie. Hyungs are here and you're safe. Manager-nim won't ever touch you again," he whispered, making me calm down slightly. I know he won't be able to hurt me with my Hyungs around. I'm the Maknae of the group and they all are very protective of me. We were hugging for a while but I heard the front door close so I looked up in surprise. Changbinnie Hyung and Channie were both gone which confused me but then I realised they must be heading over to the company. Minho moved away and Hyunjin quickly moved me so I was sitting on his lap as he sat on the couch. Felix also came over and sat down with my legs in his lap, rubbing my feet gently.
"Sung, can you get some of the cream we use for bruises," Minho asked and Jisung left quickly.
"I'll make some hot chocolate," Seungmin said before following Jisung out.
"How are you feeling now Innie? Are you still scared," Hyunjin asked as I rested my head on his chest to feel his heartbeat.
"I felt safe the minute you walked in the door Hyung," I said truthfully. I looked up at his face and he looked down at me. I could see the shock on his face and it looked a bit like his eyes were watery.
"Do you really mean that," he asked quietly.
"Of course I do. You always make me feel safe," I said, snuggling closer to him.
"That feels nice by the way Lixie Hyung," I said, looking over at him as he continued to rub my foot. He looked at me and chuckled slightly.
"It's supposed to," he said just as Jisung walked back in with the cream.
"Can I have your wrist please," Minho Hyung asked me. I nodded and held out my arm. Minho was very gentle as he rubbed the cream on my wrist, clearly trying to make sure he wouldn't hurt me.
"It's ok Hyung," I whispered to him, seeing how tense he was. He looked up at me and chuckled as he relaxed slightly.
"You're a tough kid you know that," he said with a fond sigh.
"I'm not really a kid Hyung," I said shaking my head.
"Yeah you are, you always will be to us," Seungmin said as he walked in with a mug.
"I'm not that much younger than you," I whined.
"Still are though," he chuckled as he held out the mug. I grabbed it and took a sip, feeling the warmth spread through my body. The boys continued to joke around with me as I drunk the hot chocolate and pretty soon my tears were gone and I was completely relaxed. The boys are always so good at making me feel happy and safe whenever I'm upset and it means a lot that they look out for me. We ended up cuddling up together and watching a movie for a few hours before we heard the front door open and Changbin Hyung walked in with Chan Hyung. Minho quickly paused the movie and we all waited for them to say something.
"Manager-nim is fired, he won't be allowed near any of us again and we get the week off," Chan said as he walked over. Hyunjin moved and let Chan take his place with me in his lap.
"So what're we watching," Changbin asked as he sat down on the floor and pulled Jisung onto his lap.
"'The Lord Of the Rings, Two Towers'," Seungmin replied.
"Alright, let's play. We can stay up late because we don't have to wake up early tomorrow," Chan said and Minho complied, pressing play. As the movie played, Channie Hyung kept a tight grip around my waist.
"Thankyou Hyung," I whispered, resting my head on his shoulder gently.
"Anytime Jeongin. Hyung will always be here to protect you ok. You're my baby Innie, our Maknae and we never want to see you sad. I'm so sorry for what happened. It was my idea to have him stay with you," he said gently.
"Its ok Hyung. I know you'd never want me hurt," I replied quietly. He grinned and placed a kiss on my cheek softly.
"I love you Innie," he whispered.
"Love you too Hyung," I replied before closing my eyes in content and relaxing completely in his hold. Earlier may have been quite scary but all of my Hyungs are always going to be there to protect me and brighten my mood when I need them and I'm thankful for that!
This was requested by @Sashabyte so I hope you liked it.
Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you're all doing well and having fun.
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